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  • can you not plain.

  • Hello.

  • That's a little loud.

  • That's a little loud, bro.

  • You're not allowed.

  • It's currently 10.

  • 50 in the morning.

  • I haven't been up this early in so long.

  • I think my eyes are swollen.

  • I think I need to go to a doctor.

  • What?

  • What if I What if we're gonna die?

  • I normally get up at 3 p.m. which is bad, but I'm going to work right now.

  • I'm working from 11 to 6, so I got a long day ahead of me.

  • Let's go.

  • Just got out of work.

  • I'm gonna drive home now.

  • Fun shift.

  • All done for the day.

  • But it's already six PM so I don't know how this blog's gonna work, but was love all right?

  • I'm all change clothes.

  • That was a very weird angle, but I'm changed.

  • I got clothes on now so that I'm not, you know, wearing pants and stuff.

  • But no idea what I'm gonna do today.

  • I gotta figure that out.

  • Chocolate milk is the best drink ever made.

  • Sunsets very soon.

  • Sunsets in about 20 minutes.

  • I have about five minutes to figure out where I'm going, and I'm just gonna drive in a random direction?

  • Yeah, road trip.

  • And I'm ready.

  • You after five steps, Full bicep.

  • Follow my steps.

  • You want your ball?

  • Get exhausting collapse.

  • Cool.

  • Um, okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Perfect.

  • So here's my car.

  • I parked on this random row.

  • My original plan.

  • It's probably very windy right now.

  • My original plan was to do a sunset time lapse, but the sunset is kind of disappointing, so Oh, um, I our focus.

  • That's awkward.

  • Basically, I drove out to a random location, but I really like the clouds right here.

  • So I'm going to do something.

  • I don't know what that something is, but I'm gonna do something.

  • This road is so new that no one knows it exists.

  • I don't even know this road exists.

  • I'm so confused about where I am right now.

  • I have an idea.

  • I have an idea.

  • Don't you worry, guys.

  • I have an idea.

  • All right?

  • I was originally gonna go on the sidewalk because that's safe.

  • But look at this, right.

  • This is the middle of the road, but there's a giant blocked off spot, so I'm gonna do a hyper laps in this middle spot of the road.

  • I can't get hit by a car here.

  • It's the middle of the road and it's blocked off.

  • So and there's no cars on this road.

  • But there's probably gonna be a couple cars.

  • I'm gonna do a hyper, okay?

  • I don't know what I'm doing.

  • It's gonna look good.

  • Don't worry about it.

  • The only problem is I did not bring my tripod.

  • I'm going to try something.

  • I'm gonna attempt something that is pretty crazy.

  • Normally when you do a time lapse, you put your camera down because it's got to be in the same spot.

  • But I'm gonna be walking with it in my hands.

  • Will it work?

  • Probably not.

  • It will probably look bad.

  • What?

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • Let's go.

  • I want to talk about something real quick.

  • My mic on, Get my info levels on here.

  • Basically, I want to talk about summer board nous.

  • So here's the situation, right?

  • I wouldn't say that I'm, like, really bored.

  • It's just I feel like in my town right now.

  • I'm pretty bored because I'm working a lot, which is good.

  • But, um, that doesn't leave me with any time.

  • Thio do my big plans.

  • I had a couple big plans for the summer.

  • I haven't been able to do them because they require a lot of planning.

  • And I need a couple days off work like I would need maybe, like, 34 days off work.

  • And it's hard because a lot of my good friends or away on trips.

  • So I'm kind of stuck here, and I'm just like, What do I do?

  • And I remember saying, I'm gonna sit down, Okay?

  • I'm gonna sit down here sitting against my car here.

  • I remember thinking that, like, how can you be bored?

  • Because as long as you're working on something, you can't be bored.

  • But the thing is, is that I want to become a better filmmaker, and I have really cool ideas in film and stuff.

  • And I have Aw, I want to keep it a surprise.

  • Okay, But I have some really cool ideas, but it requires me to not be in my town, But I have to stay in my town.

  • That's a very loud plane.

  • I have to stay in my town right now because I'm working like every single day, which is good.

  • I need money for university, but at the same time, like I want to do some so much of in the summer.

  • But I'm probably not going to be able to do it.

  • So it's not really that I'm bored, Walt.

  • Technically, I'm bored in my town, and I'm sure a lot of people feel this in the summer they go, Oh, I'm bored.

  • You know, like you have two months off, You start feeling bored for me.

  • I'm always working on programming or I'm working on, you know, photography, videography.

  • You do videos, random things that I'm interested in.

  • I'm always working on something so I don't really get bored.

  • The only reason I'm kind of feeling bored lately is because I'm not able to do what I want to do.

  • So I'm kind of like stuck in my town and I'm like, Well, I've done everything I want to in my town.

  • You know, I've lived here for 17 years.

  • I feel like I've gone everywhere.

  • So that's why I'm driving to the middle of nowhere.

  • I'm trying to make myself less bored with my town.

  • Like I'm not bored with summer.

  • I'm just annoyed that I can't do what I want to do.

  • You know, it's a little frustrating, but that's why today's vlog I got back from work and I just decided I'm just going to drive in a random direction.

  • Can you not plain Hello?

  • That's a little loud.

  • That's a little loud.

  • Grow you a little loud.

  • That's why today I just decided I'm gonna get in my car and drive to somewhere I've never been before and it's getting annoying because I want to make really I want to make the best videos, but I can't because I'm stuck here.

  • You know, his cars over there watching me.

  • So many people just stare at me as they do.

  • Time lapse is so funny.

  • I don't know if I'm even good at talking in these videos.

  • I have no idea.

  • I kind of just ramble.

  • All I want is I want to be able to say, Hey, I wantto I want to drive here today and just drive there and explore it, you know?

  • So that's that's what I'm gonna do.

  • All right, let's get up.

  • Let's go.

  • I'm just gonna drive down this road and go somewhere who?

  • I don't know what I'm saying.

  • Should I mount my camera on my roof.

  • That might be dangerous.

  • But you know what?

  • We'll see if it can be done.

  • Basically, tonight is just gonna be filled with loud planes.

  • That's what tonight is just gonna be filled with me exploring random country roads?

  • Because I don't know what I don't understand, guys.

  • I got big plans somewhere else, but I can't do them.

  • E drove to the most random location.

  • I'm gonna turn my car on real quick.

  • Look at this, all right?

  • You can't see much, but I'm in the most random location, and I think it's gonna be pretty cool.

  • I don't know.

  • I'm gonna try and take some night pictures, even though we don't really have stars here.

  • But I'm going to do something, okay?

  • Trust me.

  • I'll do something.

  • I don't know.

  • We'll figure it out.

  • You guys cannot see much.

  • I'll take some pictures for you guys because you can't see anything on video.

  • But it's interesting.

  • Interesting location.

  • All right, guys, you can't see me, but that's a rob.

  • I took as many pictures as I could in that short period of time.

  • You can see quite a few stars, but definitely not enough.

  • Like I try to take some star pictures here, but it really, really does not work where I live.

  • You cannot take star pictures.

  • Let's turn on my car here.

  • Lights.

  • Fascinating.

  • But yeah, let's Ah, drive back home now.

  • Figure out how to get back home too, right?

  • That was interesting.

  • I don't even know to make it on.

  • Somehow I survived.

  • Made it back home alive, which is fantastic.

  • And we just give myself an applause like, never do that again.

  • Devon, that was really stupid.

  • Um, yeah, I got chocolate milk here.

  • Chocolate looks so good.

  • I think this is my second leader of chocolate milk.

  • Um, these chips, which are so good I thought, basically sweet chili chips made out of rice.

  • Oh, Cliff bars.

  • Get in my mouth.

can you not plain.


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