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  • you gotta spend money to make money and sometimes lose money.

  • Hey, guys, it's Phoebe with watch Mojo.

  • Today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 biggest movie flops of the last decade, and they've requested your assistance with a giant problem.

  • Well, we're fucked.

  • Giants.

  • Ah, we're taking a look at movies released between 2010 and 2019 that failed spectacularly at the box office.

  • We're ranking our picks based on how high financial expectations were and how much money they lost the studios.

  • Let's get to it.

  • If you like what you're hearing, be sure to check out the full song at the link below Number 10 Dark Phoenix.

  • While the previous X Men movies had been critically hitting this, all of them were financially successful.

  • So when Fox gave dark Phoenix the go ahead, it seemed like another guaranteed blockbuster.

  • Please stop.

  • Not until I know you're gonna be okay.

  • Unfortunately, the film was a storm of unforeseen obstacles.

  • What was originally supposed to be a two part movie suddenly had to be squeezed into one.

  • If you break something, anything, I can fix it.

  • Not anything reshoots were ordered due to negative test screenings and tweaks for allegedly also made tow avoid comparison to an emcee you movie.

  • Meanwhile, Disney was in the midst of acquiring Fox, which was partially blamed for the film's poor marketing.

  • Horrible reviews were the final nail in the coffin for Dark Phoenix, which made roughly $250 million on a $200 million budget, reportedly losing $100 million.

  • It's currently the lowest grossing X Men movie to date.

  • We're not leaving anyone behind.

  • I am not putting this team in more danger.

  • Number nine Green Lantern Coming out the same years, Thor and Captain America, the first Avenger green lantern was seen as a potential launching point for a D.

  • C.

  • Cinematic universe.

  • Beware my Power lanterns life.

  • Given the films of Bismol box office returns, it's not surprising that D.

  • C decided to start fresh with Men of Steel.

  • Two years later, plans for a Green Lantern trilogy were also quickly scrapped.

  • With a $200 million production budget and another $100 million going towards marketing, the film reportedly needed to bring in $500 million to be deemed a worthwhile investment.

  • The ring never makes mistakes.

  • Unfortunately for the studio, Green Lantern made just under $220 million worldwide, losing more than what it costs to produce Deadpool.

  • How ironic that a film about a superhero draped in green couldn't bring in the green.

  • Number eight.

  • Fantastic four.

  • A couple years before Disney came along with $71 billion to burn, Fox made a last ditch effort to prove that they could make a watchable Fantastic Four movie Trying.

  • Did audiences embrace Fox's gritty take on the colorful superhero team well.

  • By the end of its opening weekend, the film came in second at the domestic box office to Mission Impossible Rogue Nation, which had already been out for over a week in North America.

  • Fantastic four grossed $56.1 million which is about how much it's 2005 Predecessor made in its opening weekend alone.

  • Guys say it's fantastic.

  • With an overall intake of $167.9 billion the film lost nearly 100 million on a budget of no less than 120 million.

  • We guess their loss was the emcee use gain enough when your world is destroyed and I'm all that's left.

  • Then it will be enough.

  • Number seven Monster Trucks, a film about monster trucks that are literally monsters living inside trucks, doesn't exactly scream bona fide hit.

  • Nevertheless, we guess the idea offers a few possibilities for tie in merchandise.

  • There's something going on here, something crazy, and I don't even know how to begin to explain.

  • Maybe this could have actually turned a respectable profit.

  • With a modest budget of $25 million the studio unwisely decided to throw $125 million at Monster Trucks.

  • However, that thing is in trouble.

  • We can only assume one of the studio heads thought this was going to be the next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or a Ninja.

  • Turtles built a fan base with comics, toys and a cartoon, though Monster trucks went blindly charging into the fast lane without any driving experience grossing $64.5 million worldwide.

  • What was intended to jump start a franchise instead lost an estimated $123.1 million for a family.

  • Hey, I was looking for his parents number six John Carter.

  • Disney's broken one box office record after another in recent years, but the company has also produced some of the decade's biggest bombs.

  • OSU A World on the Brink.

  • Denker.

  • New Power Threatens to Destroy Our city Mouse House seemingly had high hopes that this adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs classic SciFi novel would be another Pirates of the Caribbean.

  • Why else would they have invested $350 million into its production and marketing?

  • You could take a trip to outer space for just a fraction of the film's budget.

  • You called me?

  • Is that what she is?

  • No.

  • Sons are holy messengers of the goddess.

  • All that money couldn't pack theaters, though, as John Carter only made $73 million domestically and 284.1 million overall.

  • Although John Carter led to a $200 million right down, Disney bought Lucasfilm only a few months later, so it wasn't the end of the world for them by the ancient rite of moons and water.

  • Are you bound together?

  • Husband, wife number five, the B F G.

  • On paper, the B F G appeared to be too big to fail.

  • Where am I?

  • Jordan country?

  • It was being distributed by Disney.

  • It was based on the cherished book by literary legend Roald Dahl, and it marked director Steven Spielberg's returned to family friendly entertainment.

  • Unlike some of the other films on this list, the B F G also had mostly positive reviews on its side.

  • For whatever reason, though, more people wanted to see the purge, Election Year and the Legend of Tarzan over the Fourth of July weekend, we'll be like that.

  • We'll stop.

  • The Giants will make them go away forever.

  • Making just over $55 million in North America and $183.3 million in total, the B F G had much smaller returns than expected.

  • Like Willy Wonka, B F G could become a cult classic someday, but it likely won't recoup its $140 million budget anytime soon.

  • There's only one word for that.

  • Magister scrum.

  • Diddly answer.

  • Number four.

  • Mars needs moms.

  • Motion capture animation can really rack up a film's budget, but with the right source material I e.

  • The Polar Express or a Christmas Carol, it can result in high financial rewards.

  • My life would be so much better if I didn't have to be a nagging mom.

  • Yeah, my life is so much better if I didn't have a moment.

  • All a Corgi Children's book like Mars Needs Moms wasn't especially well suited for such uncanny Valley technology.

  • However, A project like this should have gone for a bright, cartoony look with a budget no bigger than $30 million.

  • Allah, Jimmy Neutron No time.

  • Instead, somebody wrote a $150 million check for an inevitable bomb.

  • Mars needs.

  • Moms made $39 million.

  • And yes, that was the film's worldwide gross.

  • I know it's not there.

  • Not only was this Disney's biggest dud to date, but it's spelled the end for image movers.

  • Digital between John Carter and this Disney should just stay away from Mars.

  • Number 3 47 Ronin were so happy Chiana Reeves made it come back in the late 20 tens because 47 ronin looked like a certified career killer.

  • They say only demons have the power to see past a witch's disguise.

  • Are you a demon?

  • This'd action samurai fantasy was apparently a production nightmare as first time director Carl Wrench received a $175 million budget and following reshoots was excluded from the editing process.

  • Until justice is done, will not sleep until our muscle eyes in peace and will not trey unless it is to ask the heavens forgiveness.

  • One source claimed that the film's budget rose to $225 million meaning it would have to bring in $500 million just to break even.

  • While the Universal executive contested those numbers.

  • 47 Ronan still needed to make much more than $38 million domestically.

  • No, we are 47.

  • It didn't do much better in Japan, where the film opened with $1.3 million US with a final gross of just $151.8 million.

  • Reeves is lucky that John Wick was less than a year away.

  • Number two cats, the stage version of Cats, made almost $4 billion worldwide, breathing new life into the Broadway musical I Haven't Seen You before.

  • The cinematic version of Cats was such a catastrophic flop that it probably would have killed the movie musical if frozen to hadn't come out a month earlier.

  • That said, Katz was completely overshadowed by the frozen sequel, not to mention rise of Skywalker.

  • Cats is already developing a so bad.

  • It's good reputation, not unlike the room where the room costs just $6 million to make.

  • However, Cats had a $95 million budget, right?

  • Well, that's not going to work, is it?

  • That's what I say to you.

  • So it's gonna take a lot of late night screenings and home media sales for this thing to ever show a profit.

  • At the beginning of 2020 Universal is looking at an estimated loss somewhere between 71 $100 million.

  • Me?

  • Ouch!

  • I want to say cats was robbed.

  • But no, no, it was just really, really bad.

  • Before we unveil our number one pick, here are some honorable mentions.

  • What will be will be you stand up strong.

  • Would you head up?

  • Don't cry.

  • Don't let them have the satisfaction.

  • We've made a breakthrough with the nanotechnology.

  • We can rebuild any material faster than before.

  • Synthetic stem cells, tissue regeneration, medical applications.

  • How much Laura, I said, How much?

  • $83.

  • $83.

  • Are you crazy?

  • Why, That's practically our food budget for two whole months.

  • I don't even know why I kept it.

  • It's destroying.

  • I was just trying to keep it safe.

  • Was to Cape.

  • Okay, So how does it work?

  • You get Ben to say the data, they run it?

  • No, they have a remote login.

  • We run it.

  • You're not thinking.

  • Come on.

  • They got the keys to the Kingdom.

  • Before we continue.

  • Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about her latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one Mortal Engines With the production budget somewhere between 101 $150 million Mortal Engines was a risky venture for Universal.

  • Everything you have.

  • When Peter Jackson is attached as a screenwriter and producer, though, a risk can start to seem like a sure thing.

  • I've had that before.

  • Just need a little more time.

  • Always assure yourself.

  • Plus, the film was based on a beloved y a novel by Philip Reeves inviting plenty of franchise potential.

  • The studio knew it was in big trouble when mortal engines only brought in $7.5 million over its opening weekend.

  • Your heart is broken.

  • I will take away no pay.

  • Things went downhill from there as the film plummeted 77% during its second weekend, grossing just $83.7 million worldwide.

  • Mortal engines crashed and burned, thanks to unenthusiastic reviews and a crowded holiday season.

  • High post production costs further contributed to the studios.

  • Monumental loss of $174.8 million.

  • You failed.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

  • Let us know in the comments.

  • And, hey, if you're a fan of the song playing right now, be sure to check out the music video for it, right here, staring.

you gotta spend money to make money and sometimes lose money.


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過去十年的十大電影失敗案例 (Top 10 Movie Flops of the Last Decade)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日