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  • bag.

  • A man's means a lot.

  • So human be like there's a bagman.

  • DS of people.

  • Hey, Vanity Fair, This is Amory.

  • And I'm gonna teach you some British slang skies off.

  • This means, like skipping school on the sly Tosh Tosh means like rubbish or like nonsense.

  • So it was that while I did tosh kerfuffle.

  • This is like when your dislike up in the end, you don't really know what's going on.

  • Your lower What a kerfuffle.

  • You know, I don't really know Walker far for It's like mess.

  • Basically, Barney Who?

  • The name of my ex ha Bonnie.

  • Like you're having a fight.

  • So let's have a Barney then.

  • They're having a proper Barney over there.

  • Chanda is vomit.

  • You know, that person over there is just done A massive thunder.

  • I am going to chundo up my breakfast Up mingle means like ugly, basically so evil at all.

  • They're fit, but a bit of a meaner bag.

  • Ze bag.

  • See, you can kind of use if someone's given out cakes and you want the chocolate one.

  • So is may.

  • And you say bags either took that one chin wag.

  • This is like a lice little chat with your best friend on the phone, said a chin wag with clear for like five hours.

  • Dawdle means like when something's easy, like it was easy to d'oh!

  • Oh, that was a proper battle, like all I had to do was down five drinks in one minute.

  • It was total.

  • Spend a penny.

  • So this is a polite way of saying I'm going to use, you know, you want to go to toilet and you're out of your friends on you.

  • There are some people that you don't know You wanna go and spend a penny instead of the other way.

  • Pop, your clog means dying.

  • Basically, yeah, they've been talking about year olds.

  • Great Grandma.

  • She's popped her clogs.

  • Sounds better than dying.

  • Now.

  • Jim Jams is your pajamas company.

  • Jim Jams on his time forbids Kip.

  • You can use that for anything.

  • If you're saying you want to go to sleep now, if you want to take a little nap or anything like that, I'll grab a little kip.

  • Sure, I use it in a way that someone's being a bit like dodgy.

  • I feel like moving a bit mad.

  • I say they have been a bit showy those guys, I would run away Yanks.

  • So this is a long period of time.

  • So if you say Oh, what my friend Nick Love loner for Young's Uncle Ned.

  • Copy new Rheiman slang.

  • One of my most favorite things ever.

  • If you ever get a chance, go on Google and search Cocky rhyming slang.

  • This means bets.

  • So I'm gonna go to Uncle Ned, which actually sounds really weird.

  • Tough means a posh person.

  • So the opposite of May, if you're like speaking about someone, is quite poor.

  • She say all there right off gobsmacked when you're super surprised by something or you're shocked by someone and you just say I am totally gobsmacked while there these off cheese knees up is when you revel, right old drink with your friends and you just have a great time.

  • Let's have a good old knees up.

  • Not are A lot of my friends know me as this.

  • This is basically just a crazy person and just here completely not crazy.

  • Nutter.

  • You are right, Nutter blinding.

  • One of my dad's favorite words ever is when something is absolutely amazing and great, and he just says, What a blinding day What a great day you are, Blinding day.

  • Have a butchers in love.

  • One of my dad's favorite quotes seizes.

  • So this is tow.

  • Have a look at something.

  • You can have a little butcher's at that little butchers of that book over there having a butcher's that cake that made earlier.

  • It's a good word rinsed.

  • So this is when you've used something a lot.

  • If I wear this suit 50 times, which I'm going t you can say she is absolutely rinsed that suit given air.

  • This means when you just mug a personal basically.

  • So if someone's trying to talk to you and you're like I don't want to talk to you, you give them a and you just walk away Tune This means like, really, really, really fit, like really good looking person.

  • So you're our club and you see someone you go.

  • You are true.

  • Read it.

  • Er, another word for like, et cetera.

  • So you say, Oh, they do that.

  • They do that.

  • Read it here.

  • I mean, that Fuck.

  • Don't hold me to that.

  • Okay.

  • A bunch of fires say someone gets in a fight and he absolutely ruins the other person.

  • You could be like he gave him a right bunch of fires like he absolutely done them over.

  • Coach, this is a lovely word.

  • I love this way.

  • This is like when you're chilling with your friends and you go to their house and you just have a little Koch a little night in with your friends.

  • Let's do you wantto Do we just go coach tonight?

  • Why I took this is a stupid or annoying person.

  • So if you say are their proper way, Isaac, they just annoy me so much.

  • I could use this word a lot in my bed.

  • Okay, that's it.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • I hope you learned something, You absolute nutters.

  • That's one of my favorite words from what we learned today under have a good old knees up player.



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安妮-瑪麗教你英國俚語|《名利場》雜誌社 (Anne-Marie Teaches You British Slang | Vanity Fair)

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