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  • Hey Reggie! We got a letter from our friend Mr. Toodledoodle.


  • He went on a trip and as usual he couldn't stop drawing!


  • He draws like crazy !


  • Dear Zachary and Reginald.


  • I took a big airplane all nightlong and when I woke up I was in Germany!


  • Specifically, the small town of Hamelin.


  • Hey I've heard of Hamelin!


  • You've probably heard of Hamelin. It's famous for its rats.


  • Ew, rats!


  • Not all rats in Hamelin are bad


  • I went to a bakery and ate a rat shaped piece of bread


  • imagine the tail here. The eyes. The ears. Oh, and of course it's tiny rat nose.


  • It was super yummy, I must say!


  • Hamelin is also famous for the old, old story of the Pied Piper!


  • He still lives here and he wears really weird shoes!


  • Mr.Toodledoodle went traveling to the town of Hamelin.


  • Famous for it’s tale about rats. They couldn’t get rid of them with cats.


  • So the Pied Piper played his magic tune! Toodle-doodle-toodle-doodle-do!

    So the Pied Piper played his magic tune! Toodle-doodle-toodle-doodle-do!

  • Guess what! There's a river running right through Hamelin.

    Guess what! There's a river running right through Hamelin.

  • I floated on it In a most most magnificent boat.

    I floated on it In a most most magnificent boat.

  • Everyone was so friendly. I was waving so hard that I hardly had time to draw!

    Everyone was so friendly. I was waving so hard that I hardly had time to draw!

  • That means "good day."

    That means "good day."

  • My next stop was the Hamelin museum.

    My next stop was the Hamelin museum.

  • There were quite a lot of rat things inside.

    There were quite a lot of rat things inside.

  • Board games, stuffed rats, real rats.

    Board games, stuffed rats, real rats.

  • I saw many Pied Piper books in different languages. And robots!

    I saw many Pied Piper books in different languages. And robots!

  • Mr.Toodledoodle went traveling to the town of Hamelin.

    Mr.Toodledoodle went traveling to the town of Hamelin.

  • Famous for it’s tale about rats. They couldn’t get rid of them with cats.

    Famous for it’s tale about rats. They couldn’t get rid of them with cats.

  • So the Pied Piper played his magic tune. Toodle-doodle-toodle-doodle-do!

    So the Pied Piper played his magic tune. Toodle-doodle-toodle-doodle-do!

  • Only in Hamelin can a person get a rat ice-cream treat!

    Only in Hamelin can a person get a rat ice-cream treat!

  • Rats like to steal treats!

    Rats like to steal treats!

  • I was so scared!

    I was so scared!

  • But, it was just the Pied Piper playing a trick on me!

    But, it was just the Pied Piper playing a trick on me!

  • Good one, Piper! But I have a trick for him, too. Love, your friend, Mr. Toodledoodle.


  • So funny! Kids, what do you think Mr. Toodledoodle's trick was? Leave a comment below!


  • Parents - visit our site to learn more about family travel in Hamelin.

    家长们 - 请访问我们的网站,了解更多关于哈梅林家庭旅游。

  • Get your little one their own Pied Piper book.


Hey Reggie! We got a letter from our friend Mr. Toodledoodle.



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