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  • America, the greatest country on earth

  • a narrative packed and sold to tiny patriots

  • reinforced by every cartoon, movie, cheeseburger

  • and mattress sale. Guaranteed.

  • A mythology is so entrenched,

  • our most beloved personalities urge us never to question it.

  • Don't let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great.

  • This, right now,

  • is the greatest country on earth.

  • Greatest country God ever gave man.

  • Were the greatest country in the world.

  • America is the greatest country in the world.

  • But, what if we did question it?

  • Now, hold on patriots,

  • I know what youre thinking.

  • America’s done some pretty great stuff. And youre right.

  • We built a kickass democracy, walked on the moon,

  • and we built universities

  • so prestigious that even Taliban warlords

  • send their kids.

  • And we are still very patient.

  • By the time the Cold War was waning

  • and baby boomers were booming out their own babies,

  • it truly felt like we were the greatest country on earth.

  • Now, listen.

  • Of course, there’s no single way to measure greatness.

  • But one good test is how we rank

  • in the O.E.C.D., which is basically

  • a golf club of 36 countries, predominantly wealthy,

  • Western and democratic.

  • And unlike most golf clubs, this one’s

  • got some diversity too.

  • America is the richest country in this club.

  • But were also the poorest with a whopping 18 percent

  • poverty rate, closer to Mexico than Western Europe.

  • And speaking of kids,

  • turns out at the level of high school science

  • were 19th of 36. Reading, 20th, and math a dismal 30th.

  • Now, I’m not that good at math

  • not America’s faultbut that does not add up well.

  • And neither does this:

  • We spend more on health care than any other country

  • in the golf club, especially out

  • of our own private little pockets.

  • But we live sicker and shorter lives.

  • Were fatter. And globally,

  • were more likely to see newborns die. We are even

  • behind Bosnia.

  • But we have freedom in America.

  • And everyone’s jealous or something.

  • The enemies of freedom.

  • Pursuing the enemies of freedom.

  • The enemies of freedom.

  • And other enemies of freedom.

  • Turns out, a lot of countries have freedoms.

  • And while we boast about them, using our rights

  • is a different story.

  • Only 56 percent of Americans turn out to vote.

  • While it’s closer to 80 percent in countries

  • like Denmark and Australia.

  • And it’s getting worse. This year

  • America slid on global rankings of corruption

  • and freedom, and dropped from a functional

  • to a flawed democracy.

  • So what besides our economy and military

  • are we actually No. 1 in? It turns out,

  • a lot of things! Civilian gun ownership, mass

  • shootings, TV watching, prescription drug abuse,

  • prison population.

  • Oh, and almost No. 1 on environmental damage,

  • edged out by China.

  • It’s gotten to a point where I think

  • there are specific times and places where you can confuse

  • America for a developing country

  • as elections are tampered with, water

  • can’t be drunk from taps.

  • Citizens don’t trust uniformed officers.

  • Infrastructure is crumbling and where

  • a dual system is emerging when public services are for sale

  • for the highest bidder.

  • You see this in countries like Pakistan or Nigeria,

  • where the rich don’t worry about the sad state

  • of electricity or police because, well, they have

  • generators and private security.

  • Or in America, where the Kardashians

  • rent their own firefighting force.

  • We were fortunate enough and blessed enough,

  • and I know that not everyone has this luxury

  • available to them.

  • But we were able to get private firefighters. When

  • health education and safety are increasingly privatized

  • or driven by privilege,

  • the truth is how great America is really

  • depends on how rich you are.

  • Now, I’m not saying were Pakistan or Nigeria

  • or any number of what we like to call developing countries.

  • But were not perched as high above them

  • as we’d like to think. We got so

  • caught up in the rhetoric about America

  • being the greatest country on earth

  • that weve long ignored the cracks in our system.

  • And while a bit of patriotism is great, jingoism

  • is dangerous, especially when it’s

  • built on old or fake news.

  • So as we gear up for another election season

  • where politicians tell us America is great

  • or that it isn’t, and then proceed to make it worse

  • let’s try a more truthful approach.

  • America may once have been the greatest, but today America,

  • were just O.K.

America, the greatest country on earth


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為什麼美國就是好|紐約時報評論 (Why America Is Just Okay | NYT Opinion)

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