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  • DA-CHENG JUAN: Welcome to the fourth episode of Neural

  • Structure Learning series.

  • In this video, we are going to talk

  • about learning with implicit structured signals constructed

  • from adversarial learning.

  • I'm Da-Cheng, and I'm going to be your guide.

  • You do not need to know a lot about adversarial learning

  • to get started.

  • And we will learn the concept along the way.

  • Let's first quickly refresh the concept

  • of neural structure learning.

  • This is the example we mentioned in the first episode,

  • building a neural net to classify

  • an image into a cat or a dog.

  • In reality, there are usually other similar images

  • related to that input image, forming

  • a structure that represents the similarity among all

  • these images.

  • And a neural unstructured learning framework jointly

  • optimizes the sample features and the structured signals

  • existing among the samples to learn a better neural net.

  • You may want to ask, what if there's no explicit structure

  • we can use to train a neural net?

  • One approach is to construct the structure dynamically

  • by creating adversarial neighbors.

  • You may have another question, what

  • is an adversarial neighbor?

  • An adversarial neighbor is a modified version

  • of the original sample, which targets

  • at misleading the neural net to make it output

  • incorrect classification.

  • And the next straight-line question

  • is, how to generate such adversarial neighbors?

  • We craft a small amount of carefully designed

  • perturbation, usually based on the reverse gradient direction,

  • and apply that perturbation to the original sample.

  • Let's look at an example.

  • Say the sample is a panda image.

  • The constructed adversarial neighbor

  • also looks like a panda image.

  • Usually, human eyes cannot tell the difference between the two.

  • However, the neural net is confused

  • by the adversarial neighbor and classifies it incorrectly

  • into a gibbon.

  • This is because the small perturbation applied

  • on the sample successfully confuses the model,

  • even that we human cannot detect it.

  • After the adversarial neighbor is generated,

  • we add an edge to connect the sample

  • with its adversarial neighbor to dynamically construct

  • the structure.

  • Then this structure can be used in the neural structure

  • learning framework.

  • Let's pause for a bit and ask ourselves,

  • why do we want to have a structure connecting the sample

  • with its adversarial neighbor?

  • In a neural structure learning framework,

  • the neural net learns to maintain a structure

  • by keeping the similarity between a sample

  • and its neighbor.

  • So essentially, this is telling the neural net

  • the sample and its adversarial neighbor

  • are actually pretty similar.

  • So please keep their similarity, and don't be confused

  • by the small perturbation.

  • In a neural structure learning framework,

  • there are TensorFlow library and functions

  • that you can use to generate adversarial neighbors.

  • We also provide Keras APIs that you

  • can use to enable easy-to-use end-to-end training

  • with adversarial learning.

  • If you are interested in the details

  • of this library and APIs, please visit our website.

  • Let's use a task in computer vision

  • to see how the adversarial learning works.

  • Say we want to train a neural net to recognize

  • these handwritten digits.

  • In the next slide, we are going to write some Python

  • code to design this neural net and train it

  • with the adversarial learning.

  • Are you ready?

  • In this code example, we are going

  • to train a neural net to recognize

  • the handwritten digits using adversarial learning.

  • First, we load the mnist data set

  • that contains the image of the handwritten digits

  • and their corresponding labels.

  • The features of each image are pixels,

  • with values ranging from 0 to 255.

  • So here we normalize these features

  • so that they will stay in the range from 0 to 1.

  • Next, we build a neural net by using Keras APIs.

  • You can use Keras sequential APIs, functional APIs,

  • or build your model via subclassing.

  • The neural structure learning framework

  • supports all three types of Keras APIs,

  • so feel free to use your favorite one.

  • Here we invoke the Keras APIs from the neural structure

  • learning framework to enable adversarial learning.

  • There are several hyper-parameters

  • we need to configure.

  • For example, we need to specify the multiplier applied

  • on the adversarial regularization.

  • For each hyper-parameter, we also

  • provide different values that empirically we

  • know they work pretty well.

  • Then we invoke adversarial regularization

  • from the neural structure learning framework

  • to wrap around the neural net we just constructed.

  • After that, the rest of the workflow

  • follows the standard Keras workflow--

  • compile, fit, and eval.

  • That's it.

  • With the APIs from the neural structure learning framework,

  • we are able to enable adversarial learning

  • within three lines of code.

  • Let's take a look at the comparisons

  • between the neural nets with and without adversarial learning.

  • The true label of this image is a six.

  • Both the baseline model and the model with adversarial learning

  • correctly recognize this image as a six.

  • The next image is a nine.

  • Again, both models correctly recognize this image as a nine.

  • Let's see the third image.

  • This image is actually an adversarial image.

  • The baseline model is confused and recognizes it incorrectly

  • as a five, whereas the model with adversarial learning

  • successfully recognizes it as a six.

  • Let's look at one more image.

  • This image is again an adversarial image.

  • The baseline misclassifies it as an eight,

  • whereas the model with adversarial learning

  • correctly classifies it as a three.

  • So yes, adversarial learning indeed

  • makes a neural net more robust against this small but

  • misleading perturbation.

  • To summarize, in this video, we introduced

  • how to construct the structure by generating

  • adversarial neighbors.

  • We also guided you through a code example using the API

  • from the neural structure learning framework

  • to enable adversarial learning.

  • Here's more information in the video description below,

  • along with the link to a collab tutorial

  • covering the example we discussed.

  • Don't forget to subscribe to this channel.

  • Thank you.




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B2 中高級

神經結構化學習--第四部分:影像分類的對抗性學習 (Neural Structured Learning - Part 4: Adversarial learning for image classification)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日