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  • he did it into the history books.

  • Step by step.

  • Nik Wallenda walked over the Masaya volcano in Nicaragua.

  • Absolutely spectacular.

  • Look at the sheer Majesty.

  • They call it the mouth of Hell, and you can see why.

  • Well, Linda had to wear a gas mask because of the toxic fumes emanating from below.

  • Is there any moment where you said I don't know if I'm gonna make it?

  • I can tell you that there was one point where my mind said, Am I gonna have to go down and hold onto this wire and wait for help?

  • Very strong draft right there.

  • He practiced in 90 mile an hour winds.

  • And boy, did he need it.

  • It was like being in the middle of a hurricane.

  • It was cold at times.

  • It was hot at times, but the wind was just so wild.

  • There was one point where I tried to take a step forward and hit me so hard that it actually pushed me backwards.

  • This is easily the most difficult.

  • Dangerous.

  • His wife errand era also braved the volcano.

  • She even hung over the lava lake by her teeth.

  • An active volcano by nothing but her teeth.

  • you could see Nick really sweating those last few yards.

  • So, Nick, how are you gonna top this?

  • What's next?

  • Can't top that.

  • No one in the world, in my opinion, in the wire walking world could ever top what I did off the wire into the history books.

he did it into the history books.


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B1 中級

高空鋼絲敢死隊尼克-瓦倫達在穿越火山的過程中倖存下來 (High Wire Daredevil Nik Wallenda Survives Volcano Crossing)

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