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  • In September 2019, Elon Musk unveiled the first iteration of his next-generation vehicle Starship.

  • SpaceX continues to push the limits and this next endeavour may be its most ambitious yet.

  • The company was founded with the intention of one day creating a human colony on Mars,

  • and Elon Musk hopes that Starship and the Super Heavy rocket will be the way to get

  • there. So how are they going to do it?

  • First things first, let’s clear up the names. Over the years, the transportation system

  • has had multiple name changes starting with Interplanetary Transport System to BFR a.k.a.

  • Big Falcon Rocket, although allegedly Elon uses the "F" in a very different way, and finally, Starship.

  • Built to carry 100 passengers, Starship will

  • serve as the spacecraft to shuttle both people and cargo to Earth’s orbit and beyond.

  • At 50 meters, Starship was initially supposed to be built with carbon fiber, but in January

  • 2019, the team made the switch to stainless steel. The material is denser and has greater

  • thermal properties allowing it to better withstand the heat during re-entry. It’s also cheaper,

  • and of course, it looks awesome. The spacecraft is powered by six Raptor engines,

  • three for its time in the atmosphere, and the rest for propulsion in space. Each Raptor

  • engine is fueled with cryogenic methane and liquid oxygen.

  • While Starship has its six raptors, the real

  • power behind this transportation system comes from the Super Heavy rocket. Standing at 68

  • meters high and with 72 meganewtons of thrust at liftoff, the Super Heavy can carry more

  • than 100 metric tons. That’s because this rocket has thirty-seven Raptor engines.

  • In its final iteration, the combined Starship and Super Heavy will be the world’s most

  • powerful launch vehicle ever developed. Once it reaches Earth’s orbit, the booster and

  • spacecraft will detach. Starship will continue on its way to its destination, while Super

  • Heavy will return to Earth, landing vertically like previous Falcons. As for Starship, when

  • it returns from its galactic voyages, this behemoth of a spacecraft will re-orientate

  • itself and re-enter the upper atmosphere at around at a 60-degree angle. Then, as it nears

  • just a few hundred meters from the ground, the ship will turn its engines on to adjust

  • itself for a swift vertical landing. Needless to say, this will make for a nail-biting,

  • edge-of-your-seat, viewing party.

  • And SpaceX is working fast to bring this project to life. In the spirit of healthy intra-company

  • competition, the company is building multiple Starship prototypes at different locations:

  • The Mark 1 in Boca Chica, Texas and Mark 2 in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Other versions

  • are planned, however the lucky version that will flywill most likely be a later iteration

  • of Starship.

  • At this point, you may be wondering, how on Earth is SpaceX going to pay for all this?

  • Well, by building one ship and one booster, SpaceX envisions that this system will allow

  • it to pool its resources to focus on just one fully reusable system instead funding

  • multiple like the Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, and Dragon capsule. Starship would continue

  • to run re-supply missions to the ISS, with the added bonus of being able to shuttle both

  • crewmembers and cargo at a relatively lower cost than the Falcon vehicles.

  • SpaceX would continue to launch satellites, and thanks to Starship’s massive 9m diameter

  • forward payload section, it would be capable of delivering payloads even larger than the

  • James Webb Space Telescope into Earth’s orbit. Finally, there’s also the lofty idea

  • of using Starship as a new, high speed way of commercial travel, transforming the 14

  • hour plane ride from New York to Tokyo to just under an hour.

  • But it might be awhile before we take those types of flights. As for the final Starship,

  • Musk envisions its uncrewed orbital test flight could happen by spring of 2020. So until then,

  • it seems that Musk may be one step closer to his vision of getting humans to the red

  • planet.

  • If you liked this episode, make sure to subscribe and check out our Countdown to Launch playlist

  • where you can catch up on your rocket launch news. Are there any other rocket launches

  • you’d like us to cover? Let us know down in the comments. Thanks for watching.

In September 2019, Elon Musk unveiled the first iteration of his next-generation vehicle Starship.


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