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This is crazy.
Are you gonna put this all on video?
Doesn't really.
And this is my typical British day breakfast.
Any which way?
A Bix, A nutritious on breakfast cereal made from wheat and barley for a delicious.
I used to have this every day for breakfast.
Two with sugar on top and banana with milk.
Some people like them put in the microwave, which makes him particularly mushy.
I like them on the medium.
Too mushy side, I will say.
I think American cereals just chock a block with sugar.
We do pride ourselves or not.
So much sugar in a serious beans on toast.
Not only a breakfast staple, also a dinner staple.
I realize I'm not an adult, because last week the only thing I had for dinner was beans on toast, and I actually didn't know if I had any toast.
I had to check in the freezer.
That was a loaf, that I had frozen beans, nutritious and incredibly delicious grateful times of the day.
And I've never been into the organic stuff.
It has to be Hinds, because beans means Heinz, as the saying goes.
Supermarkets supermarkets range from a small Tesco Extra Toe.
A large hypermarket.
Pretty standard food.
Katri clothes, toiletries, books.
Probably one of the more populated, many many Tesco's all over London.
It's a bit fancy.
They tend to have everything you need, but they do dumb stuff in tiny plastic bags.
That sort of supermarket.
A little legend has it that little an algae was started by two brothers in Germany and algae was for the poorer, and little was for the rich or something like that.
Iceland is known for being incredibly stressful because, basically, once you go in, you can't get out unless you go through the checkout.
So it's hard to go back.
I still do a lot of frozen foods.
Prawn ring, which is frozen prawns in a rain magazines.
I would say Tanner is more high brown Mac, even here, highest society, but a pun because it's a try.
Ari fancy Julianne Moore looking absolutely radiant.
Hello, the queen's to like tends to beam or, I guess, lifestyle off celebra days.
I don't know if it is hello or OK.
That was that bought the Beckham's wedding.
There were like insane amounts of magazines that were born lunch or other countries.
There are amazing cuisine.
Britain probably offers pie, so they were different pies.
There is a pie with a crust.
Then there was a shepherd's pie or a cottage pie Shepherd's pie being with lamb cottage by being with beef, which is a meat and then a potato top.
Oh, I'd say this is a Greg sausage roll.
Greggs also just launched a vegan sausage roll on their profits.
This is a Scotch check.
These air can be really popular.
It's literally an egg inside pork, and apparently they're very difficult.
They do them on.
Master Chef oftentimes goes difficult to get the running young.
This is like a Cornish pastie.
Different pies for different areas have been good, I guess you could say it's like an empanada.
But the Cornish variety Oh, I was wondering what that was on either side.
So, like mold that is a chip butty.
You can actually get this in a shop.
It's not just people making them themselves by the ground source catch up.
It's good.
Oh, brown soles.
I don't really know what it is.
It's sort of like catch up, but with more than a.
It's a slightly different taste.
Is everyone learning so much?
Watch TV?
Because I went to boarding school.
We had classes until 6 30 every day and on at 6 30 it's Hollyoaks, which is set in a fictional place called Cheshire.
Then they'll be like an M.
Adele in Coronation Street.
And then the big one was often times EastEnders.
One famous line from EastEnders was there was this whole plot line about Cat, and I can't remember her daughter.
The audience knew that Cat was the mom, but the daughter didn't on the line from the daughter was You ain't my mother and cat win?
Yes, I am.
And it was a really big moment for audiences across the land.
Shopping Marks and Spencer Marston's Better isn't a 1,000,000 miles away from Waitrose, which we saw earlier, but it offers clothes Debenhams, one of the big ones.
It's like one of their bigger department stores that sort of like I guess the sacks or something here encompasses a lot of different brands.
Beatrice went past British home stores.
It's doubtful.
I'm pretty sure it went bust.
That wasn't Maybe it did.
I think it did, Max.
All right, we got twig blitz, which Marmite flavored crisps really good.
And they actually just brought out Marmite flavored cashews delivery.
They're in a more noble Lee stick like shape.
The taste is right.
Oh, no, this is the right.
To be honest, I actually don't know what this is.
Barbara is like a beef thing that you mixed with water.
I think people used to have it before bed.
I don't know about that.
This is pickle.
I wouldn't say this is a snack.
While I would say is a cheese and pickle sandwich.
Even a vegan cheese is amazing.
Well, Terry's chocolate orange Dawn French was the voice of it.
It was pretty fantastic.
It wasn't really a thing.
You've got it, my family.
Unless it was in your stocking.
Jaffa cakes This is not the packet for Jaffa cakes.
I don't know what's happening here, Jeff Case, usually in a blue packet Jaffa cakes of my ultimate favorite.
And there is also questions as to whether it's a biscuit or cake.
Apparently, it's a cake because it goes stale.
There's like a difference with two months a lion bar.
I'm pretty sure they used to.
Advertising is like for men because they got nuts and raisin very angry lion.
Pretty good.
It was never mind chocolate of choice.
My drug of choice would have been a Milky Way.
They used to eat all the chocolate off and then eat the Nuba Fantastic.
And this is a fruit pastoral.
It's like a fruit jelly covered in sugar.
They're hard initially than this offer for pool.
I did watch the women's game last week of England versus Japan.
First time we beat Japan about us on.
I did watch some of the World Cup games as what asked me What I really don't know anything about Our stunt coordinator on the Last Dolls is a massive fan like the biggest fan, and she used to seeing Bobby for me.
No, she's in literally not Mr Game.
She went to Madrid for the Champions League Final.
She sent me a video of when they wanted.
She's crying and she can't remember taking it like that's a proper fan dinner.
I'd say curry, because obviously in Britain were known for Curries, especially in Birmingham.
They're supposed to be amazing, so good peel our rice.
Delicious, different colors number Great Pizza Express is a little Peter Train.
They do delicious dough balls.
They have vegan options.
They have one of the King's Road with downstairs.
They do jazz performances.
Yeah, pizza heart is on the cheaper and I'd say, Pizza express a bit more fancy black cabs until I watched Luther season.
Whatever it was, I trusted black cabs wholeheartedly.
And then they had the guy that wasn't a black cab driver but people in his caps.
And then we don't trust.
But I would always say, Black caps relax.
While I don't know how often people say draw you a bath now, I feel like that was sort of ye Olde e in the draw Your bath.
It's nice to run someone of our maybe send 1/2 baths and they look happy.
Go to bed.
When I was watching Luther, it was giving me nightmares.
Then I had to watch something like afterwards.
Lighten my mood.
Otherwise, they ever read, currently reading little, which is about madam to sword.
It's like a fictionalized diary.