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  • Hi, I'm Jason Clinton, and I'm one of the hundreds who worked on GNOME 3.

  • GNOME 3 is better because when I have lots of windows open at the same time

  • I can add and remove workspaces as I need them.

  • In GNOME 3, when in the overview, you can manage your windows

  • and when manipulating a window, the user interface indicates

  • that you can drop the window on a new workspace.

  • Doing so creates a new empty workspace.

  • You can also use keyboard shortcuts to switch between applications

  • Or to switch between workspaces.

  • This is one the many ways that we've made GNOME 3 better.

  • (background music fades)



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B2 中高級

GNOME 3:創建工作空間 (GNOME 3: Creating a Workspace)

  • 65 3
    傅元罄 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日