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  • Ling-Ling, what time do I pick you up? LING: I'­ll walk, no bigs.


  • MOM: Wei, no-la! The sun is coming down! LING: Mom, I'­m 16 years old. I think I can handle five blocks of dicey residential sidewalk.

    母:不要啦!太陽就快下山了 凌:媽,我都已經16歲了,距離五區的路還好,沒什麼好擔心的

  • (CANTONESE: At night, there are a lot of bad people!)LING: It'­s fine I'­ll see you at home.


  • (CANTONESE: And pull up your tank top!)


  • So,what do you wanna do today?


  • Hey, come on. Not yet.


  • I have to, Wes. WES: You really gonna make me go stag to Jeff's party tonight?

    我必須…韋斯! 韋斯:妳真的今晚要我一個人去傑夫的派對嗎?

  • What does that look like to you?


  • Your Mom's car? LING: Exactly. WES: Fuck, man. She'­s always home.

    妳媽的車? 凌:對啊 韋斯:去*的,妳媽「永遠」都在家

  • Yah, because she lives here. Well, you could ask.

    對啊,因為她住這 嗯,妳可以問她

  • Now there'­s an idea. Hey, Mom! Is it okay if I go hang out with Wes, my 19 year-old boyfriend you don'­t know about?


  • Were just gonna get sloppy-drunk and make-out a lot.


  • Why don't you just tell her youre sleeping over at some chick's house or something?


  • I'm not allowed to sleepover anywhere. Really?

    我媽不允許我在別人家過夜 真的嗎?

  • And besides, I've got a huge paper to bullshit since I didn'­t do any of it at the library earlier.


  • WES: Dude, fuck your paper. Go inside and tell your mom youre going to bed. I'­ll wait by your window and help you sneak out.


  • You can write your paper in the morning.


  • (SINGING)In the morning, it's the best time for writing papers on boring shit.


  • Come on, pretty girl. It's not gonna be a party without you.


  • I don't know. WES: I'­m gonna play a few songs.

    我不知道 韋斯:我會在派對唱幾首歌呢!

  • For a few hours then. WES: That'a girl.

    幾個小時後見 。韋斯:這才是我的好女孩

  • Now which one's your bedroom window?


  • Why didn't you call me? LING: Like I said, I was walking. MOM: What if something happen to you? Look! So dark!

    妳怎麼沒打給我? 凌:因為我說過我在走路 媽:如果有什麼壞事發生怎麼辦?妳看外面,天這麼暗

  • LING: Believe it or not, there were street lamps.


  • Is Dad home? No, Daddy has to work late tonight.

    爸回家了嗎? 還沒,妳爸今天會工作到很晚

  • LING: Mm, well listen, I am all library-ed out, so I'm gonna hit the sack early.


  • MOM: Wait a minute, meow. Come here. I have something to show you.


  • Did something happen? MOM: What do you mean?

    發生什麼事了嗎? 媽:什麼意思?

  • Mom, are you dying? MOM: No, Mommy is alive. LING: Well then what do you

    媽,妳身體出什麼狀況嗎? 媽:我沒事 凌:那妳為什麼

  • have all your jade out for. MOM: Yes, yes, when Mommy is gone, you can have all my jewelry.

    要把妳所有的珠寶拿出來? 媽:對,當媽媽離開人世的時候,妳就可以擁有它們

  • But for now, I think you'd like to have something of your own? LING: Really? Why? I mean, thanks,but-

    但現在,我覺得妳可以有屬於自己的 凌:真的嗎?噢,我是說,謝謝!但是…

  • MOM: I know your birthday is not until about three months time, but daddy is going to the city this weekend to buy some restaurant things.


  • So, I thought we would go? Do some shopping.


  • Oh my God, yes. Let's go! Yah? Okay, good. Here.


  • I'­ve always liked your bracelet a lot? MOM: Really? LING: Yah.

    我一直都很喜歡妳的手環 媽:真的嗎? 凌:對啊

  • Do you know who bought this for me? LING: Who? MOM: Myself. You know, meow, when Mommy was young,

    妳知道這是誰買給我的嗎? 凌:是誰? 媽:我自己,親愛的,媽媽還年輕的時候

  • I was very poor. So, I had to work in this paper-bag factory for like 10 cents US dollar a day.


  • I had to use my thumb and rice to seal the paper bag together. It was hard work,


  • but I save and I save and I save to come to the US. I always tell myself, someday I will have nice things.


  • This jade is the very first nice thing I bought for myself when I got here.


  • You must've been so proud of yourself.


  • Well, hmm, let'­s see. Is there something that you like? Oh, that's pretty.


  • LING: These are all so expensive. MOM: Youre my only daughter.

    凌:可是它們好貴 媽:妳是我唯一的心肝寶貝

  • You have to promise me though, you have to wear it and not just leave it one side.


  • Otherwise, it will turn white. LING: Okay. Wait, what? MOM: Yah, jade is a living thing. If you wear it everyday,

    不然它會變白 凌:好,啊?什麼? 媽:玉是有「生命」的,如果妳每天戴著它

  • it will start to like you. If you just leave it in a drawer and not take it out,


  • it's gonna turn white and die. LING: Depressing. MOM: Jade can keep you out of trouble. You know

    它會變白並死掉 凌:真令人沮喪 媽:玉可以趨吉避凶

  • let's say if you fall down, the jade breaks instead of you get hurt. LING: What?

    假如妳跌倒了,玉會碎,讓妳免於傷害 凌;真的假的?

  • MOM: Yah, all Chinese women know this about jade. Huh.


  • (PHONE BUZZ)Someone calling you? LING: Uh, no it's­ nothing. So we'll go this weekend then?

    (手機震動聲)有人打電話給妳嗎? 凌:額,沒什麼,所以我們這週一起去?

  • MOM: Mm. LING: I think maybe a bracelet like your's would be nice. Something simple?

    媽:嗯 凌:我想要一個像妳這樣的,簡單的款式就好

  • Well, you think about it. Just take your time. Thanks, Mommy.

    嗯,妳可以自己好好想想 謝謝媽

  • (PHONE BUZZ) Uh, so I'­ve got a paper to write.


  • I'll be in my room. MOM: Didn't you finish it at the library. LING: Uh, I meant I was gonna

    我會待在房間裡 媽:妳不是在圖書館就寫完了嗎? 凌:我的意思是

  • do some research for a paper. It's not due or anything. Oh, alright then. Goodnight.

    我要研究一些報告的背景資料,繳交期限還沒到 嗯,好,晚安

  • Goodnight!


  • Hey wait, did you eat anything?


  • Hey, what took you so long? LING: Were you just smoking those cancer sticks.

    是什麼花了妳這麼多時間? 凌:你可以停止吸那些致癌物嗎?

  • No. LING: Right, listen, I'm sorry but I'm not coming out tonight.

    不行 凌:隨便你,對了,我今晚不能出門了,我很抱歉

  • What? I've standing out here for like 15 minutes. LING: Shhh! Do you want my Mom to hear you?

    什麼?我在這裡枯等了15分鐘耶! 凌:你小聲一點!想要讓我媽聽見你的聲音嗎?

  • WES: Dude, fuck your mom. LING: There will be nothing of the sort. Look, I'm sorry okay?

    韋斯:拜託,去*的 凌:這跟她一點關係也沒有,我很抱歉,好嗎?

  • I just don'­t feel like going. Can we rain check? WES: Only if you let me in for a little bit.

    我就只是不想去,算我欠你一次,可以嗎? 韋斯:好,如果你讓我進妳房間一下就一筆勾銷

  • LING: What? No! What are you -


  • (THUMP)


  • What the- ? Are you mental? WES: Relax my little wonton!

    你瘋了嗎? 韋斯:放輕鬆,我的「小餛飩」(親密稱呼)

  • Ew, you taste like an ashtray. Gross! You're just so cute when youre pissy.

    噁,你聞起來就像菸灰缸一樣臭!噁爆了! 妳生起氣來也這麼可愛

  • LING: Wes, go home! Or go to the party, I don'­t care. Today was fun, but now I've got a three page


  • paper to write - not double-spaced - and youre really starting to stress me out.


  • I can fix that. LING: No, Wes! WES: Jesus, fine. Goodnight or whatever. LING: Wes, don't make it out to be

    我可以解決的 凌:不,韋斯! 韋斯:天啊,沒差,晚安,隨便妳 凌:韋斯,不要把情況

  • worse than it is. I just need some me-time okay? I'll see you tomorrow? WES: Okay.

    越弄越糟。我只是需要一些時間獨處,我們明天見好嗎? 韋斯:好

  • WES: Oh shit. Mrs. Ling'­s Mom. Hey. Cool house. MOM: Get out.

    韋斯:噢去!嗨,凌的媽媽,這房子真不錯 媽:給我滾出去

  • MOM: Hey! Front door!


  • (CANTONESE: Right.)


  • Hello.(CANTONESE: I'­m talking to you.)


  • (CANTONESE: What do you think you're doing?)


  • LING: What are you talking about?


  • What am I talking about? (CANTONESE: I want to throw up.)


  • I was just helping him with something for school.


  • You think I'm stupid huh? I have all your secrets in my pocket okay, Weng Ai-Ling.


  • I didn't know I couldn'­t have friends over in my room.


  • Your room? You pay for this house? Huh? That u3bed, did you? LING: No, but - MOM: No! And he is a boy

    妳房間?這房子是妳買的嗎?啊?這床是妳買的嗎? 凌:不,可是─ 媽:不是!而且他還是個男的!

  • you know, Ai-Ling? (CANTONESE: You don'­t know the meaning of shame do you?) LING: Mom, you think it'­s a big

    (廣東話:妳難道都不知羞恥嗎妳?) 凌:媽妳想太多了

  • deal, but it's not. Everyone I know is allowed to have boys over in their room. It'­s not


  • China okay. MOM: This is not China, but you are Chinese. No Chinese man want a girl like you - so cheap!


  • Have sex and get pregnant, is that what you want? LING: No, that's ridiculous!

    發生關係然後懷孕,這就是妳要的嗎? 凌:不是!妳太誇張了!

  • You ridiculous! Baba is coming back okay? You better think about what you're going to say to him later!


  • LING: Yah, whatever.


  • (CANTONESE: You have more to say?) Huh? (CANTONESE: You want to get slapped?)


  • You think you're too old now? (CANTONESE: You have wings now? Think you can fly?)


  • LING: This is so fucking stupid. MOM: Yah, right. Everything "F" here and "F" there.

    凌:這一切真是他*的蠢 媽:對啦,什麼都要罵髒話啦!

  • Who teach you how to talk to your Mother like that? So damn American. Look at you, look


  • at the way that you dress. Embarrass your mother and embarrass your father.


  • (CANTONESE) Now you want to hit me? Is that it? Go ahead, hit me then. Come on. Hit me!)


  • What the hell are you doing?


  • Stop! Mom, stop!


  • Go! Go and look for your American friend.


  • See if anyone of them want to take you. I don'­t want you anymore.


  • Fine! I'­ll go. I'll go and you'll be sorry.


  • you'll be sorry. MOM: (CANTONESE: Youre worse than a dog!) LING: Then get a dog! MOM: Shutup!

    妳一定會後悔 媽:(廣東話:妳連一隻狗都不如!) 凌:那妳去養條狗啊! 媽:給我閉嘴!

  • (CRYING)


  • WES ON PHONE: You hit her? LING: I didn'­t hit her, I just - I don't know. I was so mad, I don'­t

    和韋斯通話中:妳打了妳媽? 凌:我沒有打她,我只是…我不知道,我只是太生氣了,但我根本

  • know why I was so mad. (WES: Well, she called you a slut basically.) LING: And that'­s grounds for what I did to her?

    不知道為何要這麼生氣(韋斯:是因為她罵妳騷吧?) 凌:所以這就讓我對她這樣生氣了嗎?

  • (WES: But, you didn't do anything to her.) LING: You really, really don'­t get it.

    (韋斯:可是妳什麼都沒做啊) 凌:你真的什麼都不懂

  • (CRYING)


Ling-Ling, what time do I pick you up? LING: I'­ll walk, no bigs.


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