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  • Hello! Welcome back on my channel.

    你好! 欢迎回到我的频道。

  • I'm Charlotte and for today's video I'm going to try out four Taiwanese snacks


  • that look a little bit strange to me and that I never tried before.


  • I just bought them randomly. I didn't ask for the most popular ones in Taiwan or anything

    我只是随机买的。 我没有问台湾最受欢迎的东西

  • I just went to the store and I looked at what looked interesting to me


  • And those are the ones I chose.


  • The first one I want to try is the sliced tofu, because honestly to me, this one looks the least good.


  • I want to get it over with first, so that I can still have some tasty things afterwards.


  • Let's see!


  • This has a really strong smell. I don't know what it smells like. I can't really compare it to anything I know.

    闻起来很香。 我不知道它的气味。 我无法将它与我所知道的任何东西进行比较。

  • Cheers!


  • It's much harder than I expected


  • No. This one I don't like at all. Oh my God.

    不,我一点都不喜欢。 哦,我的上帝。

  • I'm going to have to ask my flatmates to help me and finish this


  • Now for the second oneThis is the crispy seaweed, but it's a spicy version.


  • Look at this little man suffering. That will be me in a minute maybe.

    看着这个小男人受苦。 也许一会儿就是我。

  • You know what's really funny? Sometimes, on packaging or commercials here

    你知道什么真的很有趣吗? 有时,在包装或广告上

  • When they write something in English it doesn't really make sense.


  • Like here, the description of this isDelicious with good from the sea”.


  • There's a lot inside. When I see it, at first, it just looks like a normal seaweed snack.

    里面有很多东西。 首先,当我看到它时,它看起来就像是普通的海藻小吃。

  • But there's a different smell to it. Something more.

    但是有一种不同的味道。 还有更多。

  • Okay, let's try it!


  • It's super crispy. I like it.

    超级酥脆 我喜欢。

  • There's nothing spicy yet but sometimes it sneaks up to you later.


  • Usually I can't handle spicy at all, but this oneIt's bearable.


  • It's really delicious!


  • We don't have seaweed snacks in Belgium, only when you go to a special Asian store


  • But I really love them and I also think they're more healthy than many other snacks.


  • I really like this one!


  • Maybe it's even better than the not spicy one. Cause you have a little bit more taste.

    也许比不辣的更好。 因为你有更多的口味。

  • I can definitely feel the spiciness building up after each bite,


  • so maybe after you eat a few of these you can't have any more.


  • On to our next snack!


  • This one, the jackfruit, is probably the one I have the highest expectations for cause I'm such a jackfruit lover


  • And I only had a few opportunities in my life to try it.


  • I never tried the dried jackfruit and I'm very very curious. Let's see.

    我从未尝试过菠萝蜜干,我很好奇。 让我们来看看。

  • It has a different colour than I expected. Jackfruit is very fresh yellow.

    它的颜色与我预期的颜色不同。 菠萝蜜是非常新鲜的黄色。

  • The dried one, not as much. It's kind of brownish.

    干的,没有那么多。 有点褐色。

  • The taste is all that matters, right? Let's give it a try.

    味道很重要,对不对? 试一试吧。

  • Not bad.


  • It's not bad but not as good and heavenly as I expected.


  • The fresh jackfruit, I just love the texture it has. And here, after it's dried this texture is kind of lost.

    新鲜的菠萝蜜,我只是喜欢它的质地。 在这里,干燥后,这种质地会丢失。

  • Now it's very similar to the dried mango for example. But it's good.

    现在,它与芒果干非常相似。 但这很好。

  • I'll definitely finish this easily.


  • I really wish I can eat jackfruit again. The real deal.

    我真的希望我能再吃菠萝蜜。 真正的交易。

  • The very last one we have here is the Boba chocolates.


  • I'm really excited about this. I like bubble milk tea and I suppose this has to do with it?

    我对此感到非常兴奋。 我喜欢泡泡奶茶,我想这和它有关吗?

  • Since there's a picture of bubble milk tea on the cover. So let's see.

    因为封面上有一张泡泡奶茶的照片。 让我们来看看。

  • They are each packed separately. Like this.

    它们分别包装。 像这样。

  • Not super eco-friendly, they could have used another material to pack them. Let's try!

    不是超级环保,他们本可以使用其他材料包装它们。 我们试试吧!

  • The colour is different than I expected. It looks like

    颜色与我预期的不同。 看起来像…

  • Not white chocolate but something in between milk chocolate and white chocolate.


  • I'm not sure if you can see it well


  • Oh yeah, I can taste it. There's a pearl from the bubble milk tea inside of it.

    哦,是的,我可以品尝。 里面的气泡奶茶里有一颗珍珠。

  • I love the chewy texture.


  • This one is really good. Maybe I'm biased cause I'm in love with all sweet things

    这个真的很好。 也许我有偏见,因为我爱上了所有美好的事物

  • It's a very good idea, I think.


  • I'm not sure if the chocolate though, is the best one I've tried.


  • Especially cause my country, Belgium, produces such good chocolate


  • But I love the idea of this bubble inside so this one


  • Approved by me!


  • If I had to choose the best one and rank them, I would say


  • In the last place, that's really easy, definitely this one. The sliced tofu was nothing for me.

    最后,这确实很容易,肯定是这个。 切好的豆腐对我来说什么都没有。

  • I don't like the smell, I don't like the texture, I don't like anything about it. So that's not really my thing.

    我不喜欢它的气味,我不喜欢它的质地,我不喜欢它的任何东西。 所以那不是我真正的事。

  • Then, in the third place comes jackfruit, I would say.


  • Even though it was not bad, it just doesn't do the real fruit justice, so I was disappointed.


  • Then it's kind of hard, cause both of these snacks were really nice, but it depends what mood you're in, you know?


  • Sometimes I just have a craving for salty, sometimes sweet.


  • If I just can pick one, I probably would say Boba chocolates on the second place


  • And the crispy seaweed on the first one. Cause this is just a super nice snack that I will definitely buy again many times.

    还有第一个脆海藻。 因为这只是超级好吃的零食,我肯定会再次多次购买。

  • I really like it. That's my ranking.

    我很喜欢。 那是我的排名

  • That's it for today's video. I hope you enjoyed!

    今天的视频就是这样。 希望您喜欢!

  • I definitely am happy that I discovered this new seaweed snack. It's a new favourite of mine.

    我发现这种新的海藻小吃绝对令我感到高兴。 这是我的新宠。

  • I'm curious to know which one is your favourite snack in this list, if you have tried them before.


  • I'm also wonderingIs there anyone on this planet who really likes the sliced tofu one?


  • I hope to see you again in the next video really soon!


  • Don't forget to like and subscribe. Bye bye!

    不要忘记喜欢和订阅。 再见!

Hello! Welcome back on my channel.

你好! 欢迎回到我的频道。


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