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  • Dipper: Good night Mabel. Mabel: Good night dipper

    晚安美寶 晚安弟寶

  • [Evil Laughter]


  • Bill: Oh, Gravity Falls, it is good to be back!

    你好網際網路!歡迎來到論理戲遊 一個接著一個摧毀你最愛節目的完美結局

  • [Film Theory theme plays]


  • Hello Internet! Welcome to yroehT mliF.

    一部份的原因是我一點也不想神秘小鎮完結 但更多是因為當你仔細觀察這節目節目如何"完結"

  • Destroying your favorite show's perfect endings one by one.


  • And today is gonna be no exception.


  • Partly because Gravity Falls is a show that I never want to end,

    家人之間的芥蒂化解 珍視之人被拯救以及邪惡最終被擊敗

  • but mostly because when you look at how this show

    但在重看這完結時 有件事就是不對勁

  • actually ended, the evidence points to there being much more to this story

    在完結中,比爾●賽佛神秘小鎮中的邪惡多力多滋 穿越到這邊的世界為了製造他所謂"weirdmageddon"末日

  • than we saw play out on screen. Now the show's final

    然而,他到達地球後才發現 他被困在神秘小鎮,因為小鎮的...

  • trilogy of episodes at first glance

    怪誕磁場的自然法則 為了逃脫,同時擴張領土到達世界其餘的角落

  • does pretty much everything that a great series finale is supposed to:

    比爾必須進入一個人的腦子裡 潘.史坦福

  • Family grudges are forgiven, loved ones are saved and evil is finally defeated.


  • But rewatching the finale, there was one thing that just didn't quite sit right with me.


  • In the finale, Bill Cipher, Evil Dorito of Gravity Falls,

    為了擊敗比爾永除後患 史坦福與它的攣生兄弟史坦利調換身分

  • travels to our world to create the apocalypse he calls "Weirdmageddon".


  • However once here on earth he realizes that he's trapped in Gravity Falls due to the town's

    協議達成,比爾被困在史坦利的腦子裡 史坦福對史坦利使用一把可以消除記憶的槍

  • Ford: "Natural law of weirdness magnetism"


  • in order to escape and spread his reign of Weirdness to the rest of the world, Bill has to get inside the mind of one man:


  • Ford Pines; resident genius,


  • paranormal investigator and great-uncle to our heroes Dipper and Mabel.


  • However, this requires that Bill make a deal with Ford by shaking his hand.


  • To defeat Bill once and for all

    那實在算不上麼犧牲 尤其是他只花了不到製作一整杯的美寶汁的時間來恢復記憶

  • Ford and his twin brother Stanley switched clothes to trick Bill


  • into making the deal with the much less able minded Stan.


  • With the deal made and Bill now


  • trapped inside Stan's head, Ford uses a gun that can erase memories on Stanley,

    引言:「原來記憶射線的影響可以被消除 藉由體驗過去重要的印象以及人們

  • wiping out everything in his mind,


  • including Bill Cipher himself.

    此時你大概已經知道我想說甚麼了 如果史坦叔公的記憶並非永久性的被消除

  • Stan, in a moment of pure heroism, makes the ultimate sacrifice;


  • losing himself,


  • losing his identity, and losing all memories of the loved ones he left behind...


  • ...for about three minutes.

    而我今日在此要告訴你 "沒有"

  • Yeah, it's not all that much of a sacrifice as it turns out,

    比爾●賽佛還活著而且過的滿好的 而且正在巴黎 跟雅克·布雷爾在一起

  • as Stan's memories come back in less time than it takes to mix up a blender full of Mabel Juice.

    抱歉抱歉 別在意最後那一段

  • So what's going on here?

    那是一個非常難懂的音樂劇場梗 沒有人,我是說真的沒有人會懂

  • Well,


  • Thankfully Journal No. 3 gives us a little more context on how all this happened:


  • Quote: "It turns out that the memory rays effects can be undone


  • through exposure to important images and people from your past.

    而且不只是活得好好的 今天我們所挖掘出的真相不只會使你對 這結局的想法改觀

  • The reason Stan recovered so much faster


  • is that we began recovery while the eraser was still fresh-less than an hour or after contact." end quote.

    氣氛達到高潮 爪溝槍發射!

  • But at this point you've probably figured out where I'm going with all this.

    首先 我們可以完全確定比爾沒有死

  • If all of grunkle Stan's memories weren't permanently wiped out,

    在最後幾幕,當比爾被困在史坦利的腦中 他決定發出以下這奇怪的噪音

  • would that also mean that Bill Cipher wasn't permanently wiped out?


  • It's a question that fans have been asking for the past two years. Is Bill Cipher, the main


  • antagonist of Gravity Falls, really dead?!

    自然你想他應當對用字更加小心 或者妳知道的用"字"

  • And I am here today to tell you NO!

    但這就是重點 他的確非常特地的使用了這些字

  • Bill Cipher is alive and well and living in

    對於為甚麼這聽起來像是一堆胡言亂語完全是因為 他是倒著講話,將影片倒轉過來你就換聽到

  • Paris...


  • with Jacques Brel.

    好喔 這很清楚的表明他短期之內可還沒打算離開人世

  • Sorry! Sorry, never mind that last bit,


  • it's a really obscure musical theater reference


  • that no one and I mean no one will get.


  • In all seriousness though looking at all the evidence


  • from the end of the show, as well as content


  • that's been released after the series ended,

    並且兩人各被贈與的一個提問的權力 弟寶問了一個非常負責任也非常符合邏輯的問題

  • points to Bill Cipher still kicking around.

    你對比爾●賽佛知道多少? 美西螈回答:

  • And not just kicking around!


  • What we unearthed today will not only change your thoughts about the end of the series,


  • but also everything you thought you knew about one of your favorite characters.


  • Intrigued?

    它將必須呼喚我名。 擺脫罪名唯一方法。

  • Excellent! Grappling hook away!

    一個不同的形象。一個不同的時間。」 超喜歡這種經典的押韻詩。

  • First, we can absolutely prove that Bill isn't dead.

    首先 我們可以完全確定比爾沒有死

  • During the finale, when Bill was trapped inside Stan's mind,


  • Bill decides to make these strange noises:

    然後可以料想的美西螈完成了它的願望 將它以不同的形式以及時間保存下來

  • !nruter yam i taht rewop tneicna eht ekovni I !nrub ot emoc sah emit yM !L-T-O-L-O-X-A


  • These are his last words of the series,

    但如果這是真實情況 那又產生另個問題:比爾的新形象究竟是誰?

  • so you'd think he would have chosen his words a little more carefully. Or, you know, just chosen words.

    為何不是那位它已經被困在裡面的:史坦利叔公 而且這並不只是猜測

  • But here's the thing, he actually did choose those words very specifically,

    大部分的劇後推出的內容中 相信我

  • the only reason why it sounds like gibberish to us

    對於一個已經完結兩年的節目來說太多了 強烈的暗示比爾●賽佛沒有死

  • is because he's talking backwards.


  • Just reverse the clip and you get this:

    舉例:賽佛雕像尋寶 就在神秘小鎮完結後阿歷克斯·赫希非常清楚的表明

  • "Invoke the ancient power that I may return".


  • Okay.

  • That makes it pretty clear that he ain't planning on leaving this mortal coil anytime soon,

    這真是超級無敵酷 然而最有趣的地方是

  • but what's all this about an axolotl?


  • Well, it turns out that the answer is given to us in a book


  • titled "Dipper and Mabel And the Curse of the Time Pirates' Treasure!".


  • Now, this book was confirmed to be non-canon,

    當下你便能辨別出史坦利叔公的聲音 但其中有些蹊蹺的是:他是倒著說話

  • except Alex Hirsch, the creator of the show, tweeted that it does contain "one ENORMOUS *canon* secret". So in the book Dipper and Mabel end up face-to-face with this all powerful cosmic axolotl,


  • and are each granted one question.

    但值得注意的是 每次有個角色在節目中倒著說話時都是因為比爾

  • Dipper asks the very responsible and very logical question of

    在竊取記憶(Dreamscaperers)一集中 小吉登在講出一段用來召喚比爾的頌文後開始倒著講話

  • "What do you know about Bill Cipher?"


  • To which the axolotl replies


  • quote: "Sixty degrees that come in threes.


  • Watches from within birch trees.


  • Saw his own dimension burn.


  • Misses home and can't return.


  • Says he's happy. He's a liar.

    但證據並不止於此 所有在這尋寶中所發現的物品都傾向與比爾或史坦有關

  • Blame the arson for the fire.


  • If he wants to shirk the blame,

    這兩個角色不斷的在賽佛尋寶賽中出現 一個詭異的選擇

  • He'll have to invoke my name.

    當你考慮到有那麼多的角色大家會希望聽到他們的聲音 你知道的像是弟寶與美寶

  • One way to absolve his crime.

    或是阿蘇、或是溫蒂 或是這系列中的任何一個人

  • A different form, a different time."

    就彷彿製作人在暗示著這兩個角色的關聯性 比爾以及史坦

  • End quote.

    最終,粉絲們發現了比爾●賽佛的雕像 在它旁邊是一個箱子充滿著有趣的東西

  • Gotta love those classic rhyming couplets. Now look at those last few lines:


  • "Invoke my name, to absolve the crimes as a different form in a different time."


  • Yeah, this is pretty obvious why Bill was chanting in Reverse

    你就會發現比爾●賽佛被用隱形墨水就畫在史坦的頭旁邊 在一次暗示著它活得好好的

  • right before he was literally brainwashed away,


  • and presumably the axolotl granted his wish,

    但那還有別的東西引起我的注意 當我在研究這個理論時

  • preserving him in a different form and a different time.

    在箱子中有個USB裝著史坦叔公唱著 Vera Lynn的we'll meet again

  • That's a pretty strong case for Bill still being alive,

    這是手非常重要的選歌 因為這正是在神秘小鎮完結中比爾●賽佛唱給史坦福的歌

  • but if that's truly the case, then that begs the question of what new form could he possibly be in?

    巧合?在這這裡?當然 史坦利接著恭喜你找到了他的雕像

  • Well, why not the form that he was already trapped in?


  • Grunkle Stan!


  • And that isn't just speculation! Most of the post-show content


  • that's come out, and believe me,

    神秘寶藏 一個非常有趣的用字 並且接著建議你握握雕像的手

  • there's been a lot for a show that's been gone for two years, has signaled pretty heavily that Bill Cipher


  • continues to exist within Stan's mind.

    我們已經知道比爾●賽佛透過握手與人達成協議 史坦就像其他人一樣知道這件事

  • Case in point: the Cipher Statue Hunt.


  • Shortly after Gravity Falls ended, Alex Hirsch made it very clear that there was a

    除非 這並不是事史坦利在說話

  • real-life Bill Cipher statue hidden somewhere in the US,

    是比爾 比爾透過史坦利引誘人們透過在現實世界中與他握手

  • and that in order to find it, fans would have to solve a worldwide


  • treasure hunt. And while that is

    試著透過雕像與別人達成協議 聽起來太過牽強?

  • absolutely cool in and of itself, the most


  • interesting part of this whole thing was that it appeared to be led by


  • Grunkle Stan. One of the very first clues to the hunt was a phone number. When you called it,


  • you would be greeted by this answering machine message:


  • Immediately you can recognize Stan's voice, but something's a bit off. It's in Reverse!


  • Now, this definitely could just be some attempt to make the quest slightly harder,

    但是我知道 這樣又有個大問題大多數的人會在留言中詢問

  • but it's worth noting that every time a character has ever spoken in Reverse during the series, it was because of Bill.


  • In the episode "Dreamscapers", Gideon speaks in Reverse after reading a chant that summons Bill:


  • Egassem sdrawkcab. egassem sdrawkcab. Egassem sdrawkcab! Egassem sdrawkcab!


  • In "A Tale of Two Stan's", Ford (It's McGucket MatPat -_-) speaks backwards after falling into a dimensional portal and seeing Bill:

    那是因為 比爾只在史坦利睡著時控制他的身體


    在你跑去留言中嘴砲我說這在邏輯上超沒有關連性之前 先聽我細細說明

  • Not to mention that every


  • single opening theme ends with whispers in reverse, before we're greeted with a flash of the Cipher Wheel.

    準確來說 對史坦利的兄弟 在官方的第三手記中

  • Every time someone speaks in reverse on the show, it seems to be an association with Bill Cipher.


  • So the fact that we catch Stan Pines speaking in reverse over the phone is already incredibly suspicious,


  • but the evidence doesn't just end there.

    但在協議中 比爾只能控制他的身體在他睡著的時候

  • All objects found throughout this treasure hunt tended to be related to either Bill or Grunkle Stan.


  • There were Stanbucks, a jigsaw puzzle of Bill Cipher,


  • a golden Stan head, and a few other recordings of Stan giving out clues.


  • It was always these two characters that the Cipher Hunt kept coming back to.


  • An odd choice when considering that there were so many other


  • characters that fans would have loved to hear from.

    然後開始採取行動保持清醒 唯恐比爾會在他睡著時繼續控制他的身體

  • You know, like the heroes of the show Dipper and Mabel, or Soos,


  • or Wendy or literally anyone else associated in this series!

    「我在我的床上睡著,但卻在桌子前醒來 盯著奇怪的符號。他在我睡著的時候占我的便宜」

  • It's almost as if the creators were hinting towards a connection between Bill and Stan.


  • Eventually the fans found the Bill Cipher statue,

    注意到我們從未在賽佛尋寶賽中看見史坦利的臉 只有一堆預先錄製的語音檔案

  • and beside it was a chest filled with some pretty interesting things.


  • There was a Journal No. 3 book that had a drawing of Stan, Ford, and Soos,

    這就是了 一個比爾●賽佛還活著被困在史坦裡腦袋裡的理論

  • but if you hover a black light on this page,

    我認為這有許多證據支持 但是你知道嗎 當我在研究這理論時發現

  • you'll find Bill Cipher drawn in with invisible ink directly next to Stan's head,


  • once again indicating that he's alive and well and


  • suspiciously close to Grunkle Stan,

    我是說 他們是唯二的角色叫史坦福Sixer

  • but there was something else in there that definitely caught my attention.

    這真是個滿詭異的巧合 他們也都叫人們在末日之前要買些黃金

  • When I was researching this theory, in the chest there was a


  • USB Drive of Grunkle Stan singing "We'll meet again" by Vera Lynn. Don't know when


  • We'll meet again. Don't know where. Don't know wheeeeen

    在麻煩事一集中 美寶有個幻覺裡面有隻巨大的倒著講畫的狗跟她講話

  • It's an important song choice to make note of since it's the exact same song that Bill Cipher sang to Ford Pines

    我們已經知道倒著講話往往跟比爾有關 然後現在有人倒著講話

  • in the Gravity Falls finale.


  • We'll meet again, Don't know where, Don't know when

    我知道他在節目中有些秘密 但都不是嚴重到需要真的不相信他

  • Coincidence? In this show?! Yeah, right! Stan goes on to congratulate you on finding his statue:


  • Stan: Hey guys,


  • congratulations on finding my

    但要是那從最一開始就是在說某件完全不同的事呢? 真的有可能這兩個角色其實是希望一樣的東西嗎

  • mysterious treasure of the

    那是別些日子的理論了 與此同時!記住!

  • statue in the forest!

    現實不是真的 宇宙只是個投影 然後,這只是個理論

  • A very interesting choice of words to be sure.


  • Then shortly after he recommends that you shake the statues hand!

  • Stan: Shake his hand, that's kind of like a prize.

  • We've already gone over how Bill Cipher is notorious for making deals

  • that require shaking his hand and Stan knows this as much as anyone else!

  • So why would he be encouraging us to shake Bill Ciphers hand as if that's some sort of prize?!

  • Unless of course, this isn't Stanley talking,

  • It's Bill!

  • Bill talking through Stanley, encouraging people to shake his statues hand in the real world,

  • potentially as a means of trying to escape from the body

  • he's already trapped in. Trying to make a deal through the statue.

  • Seem like too much of a stretch?

  • Honestly, I thought so too at first.

  • But we already know that Bill can mimic someone else's voice

  • when he's in their body, because we've seen the exact same thing happen before on the show.

  • Specifically when he was controlling Blendin Blandin the time-traveling agent

  • in the episode "Mabel and Dipper VS The Future"

  • So it's definitely plausible that the person we're listening to isn't Stanley at all.

  • But I know, I know, there's still one big problem that I'm sure a lot of you'll be asking in the comments.

  • If Bill is still alive, and is somehow controlling

  • Stanley, then why in the finale aren't his eyes yellow with an

  • elongated pupil? The signature look of someone who's under Bill Cipher's control.

  • Well, it's because Bill only controls

  • Stan when he sleeps. Now, before you run down to the comments to tell me that that's a huge leap in logic,

  • hear me out here. It is canonically something Bill has done in the past,

  • specifically with Stan's brother Ford.

  • In the Official Journal No. 3 book, Ford describes a deal that he made with Bill

  • thirty years before the events of the show, a deal where he let Bill

  • enter his mind and control his body,

  • but during the terms of the deal, Bill could only control

  • Stanford's body when was sleeping.

  • Page 118 of the journal, quote:

  • "I awoke this morning to find that my muse was true to his word!

  • There in my notebook were 6 hours worth of beautifully written

  • calculations, perfectly sufficient to keep me on schedule."

  • End quote.

  • What starts as a mutually beneficial relationship though

  • quickly deteriorates as Ford starts to fear Bill's influence, and actively tries to stay awake

  • for fear that Bill will continue taking control of his body again when he falls asleep.

  • Page 142, quote again:

  • "I fell asleep on my cot only to awake sitting at my desk

  • staring at the strange symbols inscribed below...

  • he is taking advantage while I sleep."

  • End quote.

  • This tells us that it is very possible Bill is only

  • controlling Stan at night! Notice how in the Cipher hunt, we never actually see Stan's face,

  • only a bunch of pre-recorded audio files.

  • Audio files that could have been set up in the middle of the night.

  • So there you have it! A theory on Bill Cipher being alive, and trapped inside Stanley's mind.

  • I think there's a lot of evidence for it, but you know,

  • while I was researching this theory it struck me:

  • It's pretty crazy how close these two characters are with each other.

  • It's almost as if they've been connected on a deeper level since the very beginning.

  • I mean, they're the only two characters who both refer to Ford as "sixer".

  • Stan: Hey, what's the word 'sixer'?

  • Bill: A deal's a deal 'sixer'!

  • That's a pretty weird coincidence. They both tell people to buy gold before the impending apocalypse.

  • Bill: Buy gold!

  • Stan: You've been buying gold, right?

  • They even do that whole "Einie, Meanie, Minie, You" thing.

  • Stan: Einie, Meanie, Minie... you.

  • Bill: Einie, Meanie, Minie... YOU!

  • "One way to absolve his crime.

  • A different form, A different time."

  • In the episode "The Inconveniencing",

  • Mabel has a hallucination where a giant dog talks backwards.

  • He tells her to:

  • We've already established how backwards talk tends to relate to Bill,

  • and now we have someone speaking backwards

  • telling us not to trust Grunkle Stan?

  • I know he had a couple secrets within the show,

  • but none of them were so serious that it was caused to really distrust him.

  • This even puts a whole new meaning on the cryptogram found in the title sequence: "Stan is not what he seems."

  • All the Gravity Falls theorists just kind of brush that one off as a reference to him having this secret twin,

  • but what if it was referring to something else the entire time? Could it really be possible that these two

  • characters are actually one and the same?

  • Guess that's a theory for another day...

  • In the meantime remember!

  • Reality isn't real, the universe is a hologram, and that's just a theory...


Dipper: Good night Mabel. Mabel: Good night dipper

晚安美寶 晚安弟寶


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