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  • In 1997, Google introduced their first logo and it looked like this. Yikes.

    1997 年,Google 採用了他們的第一個商標,長這樣。矮額。

  • But after a few redesigns at the turn of the century, they landed on this 3D logo.

    但在 20 世紀末時,他們經過了數次重新設計之後,最後訂定了 3D 立體的商標。

  • 3D logos were all the rage in the early 2000s.

    3D 立體商標在 21 世紀初十分盛行。

  • But fast forward 10 years, and logos started to look like this.

    但經過 10 年之後,商標開始變成這樣。

  • Everybody was changing to 2D design, and before we knew it, 3D logos were a thing of the past.

    每一個都變成了 2D 平面的設計。在我們不知不覺中,3D 商標已成為了過去式。

  • But, did you ever wonder why we had the sudden change to flat design?


  • When you're searching the Internet today, you'll scroll past a lot of the same logos over and over again.


  • Head to Google and you see this guy. Open Instagram and you have to click this. YouTube, Netflix.

    打開 Google 你會看見這玩意。打開 Instagram 你要按這個。還有 YouTube、Netflix。

  • The thing these logos all have in common? They're all 2D.


  • In the mid 1900s, the logos were for the most part all flat design.

    在 20 世紀中期,商標幾乎都設計為平面圖形。

  • They were simple, clean, and 2D.


  • Rather than just trying to get the names out there, companies realized how impactful symbols were.


  • They started to put a lot more thought into the design process.


  • With the 1970s came CGI, and from there, logo started to come to life.

    1970 年 CGI (電腦產出影像) 的出現,讓商標們如獲新生。

  • But the real change came at the turn of the century.


  • Adobe developed InDesign and Photoshop, and digital graphic design tools were at everybody's fingertips.

    Adobe 研發了 InDesign 與 Photoshop 軟體,而數位的平面設計工具人人都能輕易使用。

  • Logos were going 3D.


  • In the early days of the worldwide web, people started to use the Internet for every little thing.


  • And designers wanted to help people easily navigate these new devices.


  • They used what's called Skeuomorphism, which when we're talking about user interface design, means making digital features resemble real life objects.


  • The Save icon is skeuomorphic.


  • But after we stopped using the floppy disk in real life, it became less so.


  • People wanted technology, specifically touch screen technology to be intuitive and easy to use, and dragging a file to the trashcan on your screen felt instinctive.


  • Skeuomorphism was brought to life by using gradients, drop shadows, and fake textures to mimic depth.


  • The iPhone and iTouch were the first big time Capacitive Touch Screens.

    iPhone 和 iTouch 是世界上第一款熱銷的電容式觸控螢幕。

  • They had no buttons and no feedback, unlike the resistive touch screens you use at grocery stores or ATMs.

    他們沒有按鈕,按下後也不會有回應。這和超商或 ATM 所使用的電阻式觸控螢幕不一樣。

  • The 3D designs combined with vibrations and clicking sounds made users feel like they were pressing real buttons.

    3D 立體設計搭配震動和觸控聲音,讓使用者就像是在按真的按鍵一樣。

  • 3D logo designs were vital to make people feel comfortable in the new developing age.

    3D 商標設計對於讓人在新技術仍在發展的時代中,逐漸適應新科技來說非常重要。

  • As the world got more comfortable using these technologies, skeuomorphism and 3D design became less important, and designers started to shift back towards 2D.

    而當人們越來越適應這些科技時,擬真技術和 3D 設計便開始變得不再那麼重要,讓設計者再度把焦點轉回 2D 平面設計。

  • Critics of skeuomorphism argued that it was cluttered and harder to use because of the excessive gradients, beveled edges, and reflections.

    評論擬真技術的人們覺得因為它過度使用了梯度、 斜邊以及反射的效果,使得畫面混亂又不好使用。

  • Flat design conserved space in a limited user interface, and provided a cleaner feel.


  • Skeuomorphism can also constrain design.


  • When you go flat, you are no longer tied to the physical world, and ideas and interfaces can take on a more abstract form.


  • Take the hamburger menu scene a lot in flat design.


  • It is the opposite of skeuomorphism because there are no hamburger menus in real life.


  • But the menu design was sleeker and incredibly easy to use while saving space on the screen.


  • People were teetering between flat and skeuomorphic designs for a little bit before the world changed overnight. Literally.


  • On September 18th, 2013, Apples iOS updated overnight to iOS 7, and we woke up to a flat world.

    2013 年的 9 月 18 日,Apples 在這天晚上間將系統更新至 iOS 7, 而當我們醒來之後,赫然發現自己進入一個平面的世界。

  • At first, people were not happy with the new operating system.


  • They didn't know what was clickable and what wasn't, and more than anything, who likes change?


  • The glossy textures from the operating systems before it were gone.


  • All the apps had 2D designed icons.


  • That meant logos needed to switch to 2D to keep up with the times.


  • And logos everywhere started to change from 3D to flat design over the next few years.


  • Not only was 2D perceived to be easier for users, but it was also a lot easier on the designers too.


  • They can create logos that are high quality but required less time to make, and a simple vector design can be expanded and shrunk for any device or medium easier than 3D logos ever could be.

    他們可以花較少的時間創造出高品質的商標,而簡單的向量設計能夠任意縮放,比 3D 商標更容易放到任何的裝置或媒體上。

  • Today, almost everything we see around the Internet has a flat design.


  • Like all branches of design, logos are cyclical.


  • 2D was in, then it was out, and now it's in again.


  • But don't count skeuomorphism out just yet.


  • With the rise of augmented and virtual reality, skeuomorphism has to stay alive so that we can touch and feel digital objects in a very real way.


  • What will these logos look like in the future?


  • It's hard to tell, but for now, I'm just hoping I don't wake up with a whole new interface on my phone.


  • Thank you for watching. Please be sure to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel, and ring the bell below.


  • That way, you're notified whenever we post a new video.


In 1997, Google introduced their first logo and it looked like this. Yikes.

1997 年,Google 採用了他們的第一個商標,長這樣。矮額。

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