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  • Noma, it's a place people recognize for being named the best restaurant in the world four times.

    Noma 這間餐廳以 4 次獲得全球最佳餐廳的頭銜聞名。

  • The original Noma opened in Copenhagen 15 years ago, surprising guests with its inventive offerings like dishes disguised as herb pots,

    最初的 Noma 15 年前在哥本哈根開張,以創新的料理來驚豔來賓,像是偽裝成植栽的菜餚。

  • and careful displays of roasted bone marrow with edible flowers.


  • Chef Rene Redzepi built meals from nature using seasonal ingredients found in the Nordic region.

    主廚 Rene Redzepi 的菜單深受大自然啟發,運用北歐地區的季節性食材。

  • The style is now called New Nordic cuisine.


  • It has granted Noma two Michelin stars and has put Copenhagen's food scene on the map.

    這讓 Noma 獲得兩顆米其林星等,也使得哥本哈根的美食更加聞名於世。

  • In 2010, Noma was voted number one restaurant in the world by Restaurant Magazine.

    2010 年,Noma 被《餐廳》雜誌評為 Noma 為全球最佳餐廳。

  • And then again in 2011... and 2012... and 2014.

    2011、2012、2014 年也是。

  • Two other restaurants have taken the title in 2015 and 2016.

    另外兩間餐廳在 2015 和 2016 年獲得這個頭銜。

  • All the while, though, Noma has hovered near the top.

    雖然每一次 Noma 都名列前茅。

  • But not too long ago, Chef Rene Redzepi shut everything down.

    然而不久前主廚 Rene Redzepi 終止了所有的營運。

  • And this latest move could give them back the title.

    而最新的計畫可能使 Noma 重回冠軍寶座。

  • Noma closed at the end of 2016 before opening its new space in February 2018, roughly a mile from the original location.

    Noma 2016 年底關閉;2018 年二月才在新地點重新開幕,距離原地點約一英里遠。

  • It's received visits from foodies around the world and A-list celebrities like Justin Timberlake.

    全球各地的美食家都來朝聖,包括第一線明星,像是 Justin Timberlake。

  • It's different 15 years in.

    15 年來事情改變了。

  • People expect more.


  • I mean, they expect to have maybe the meal of a lifetime and an experience as well, on top of that.


  • But why would a chef risk his profitable business to start all over?


  • I was getting a bit annoyed with how we were working.


  • I felt the routine has... was sort of stifling us, and we should probably be looking for a new place to see if that could give us something.


  • The new location seats 42 people, each seat costing 2,250 Kroner or about $340 U.S. dollars.

    新餐廳可容納 42 人,一位要價 2250 丹麥克朗,換算成美金約為 340 塊。

  • But the biggest change is in what everyone comes to taste, the restaurant's three seasonal menus.


  • Vegetable-based in the summer, seafood-based in the winter, and meat-based in the fall.


  • Each dish is thought out carefully and focused on local ingredients found in the Nordic region.


  • In the very beginning, we just sort of have a brainstorm:


  • "Okay, what could be fun to have on this menu?"


  • And then we just started tagging it.


  • So we always have at least a couple of weeks where we're not actually putting things on a plate and trying to make dishes but where we just sort of investigate all these creative ideas that we have.


  • Some of those ideas include the celeriac and truffle shawarma and rose-scented cake resembling a small herb pot.


  • The team hopes the seasonal menus will encourage guests to visit Noma more often.

    我們的團隊希望季節性菜單會吸引客人更常造訪 Noma。

  • But they'll have to wait another year to see if they will make the best restaurant list again.


  • In a restaurant like this, it's about the everyday.


  • It's about finding the balance between creativity and production and your team and hard work, low pay, family, ingredients, suppliers.


  • It's a network of a lot of things happening, and sometimes people recognize it in an extraordinary way.


  • And you get to be changed forever, like our restaurant did when we first became number one.


  • But I still truly, wholeheartedly believe if you go to work with only that thing in mind, you won't last long in this trade.


  • As for whether starting over was worth it despite taking some pretty big risks along the way?


  • Of the 15 years we've been open, this is the moment where we have the most requests.

    我們經營的 15 年來,現在接到的訂位最多。

  • I stopped counting actually but probably in the thousands every day of people waiting for a table.


  • So it's been good for business, but it's done even more to motivate Rene and his team.

    所以這對生意來說是件好事,不過對 Rene 和他的工作團隊來說激勵作用更大。

  • I don't know how I can explain except that it's like a hunger.


  • I feel like I just can't stand still, you know that when you...


  • Sometimes you see, or you hear a song, or you see a movie, or you...something that makes you wanna do something and change your life or do something.


  • I feel like that. Almost all the time.


Noma, it's a place people recognize for being named the best restaurant in the world four times.

Noma 這間餐廳以 4 次獲得全球最佳餐廳的頭銜聞名。

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