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  • Who hasn't heard of Brexit?


  • The U.K.'s decision to leave the European Union has dominated debates here in Parliament,


  • discussions at work, dinners with friends, and much of the media coverage.


  • The Brexit vote has shaken modern politics forever, with the U.K. set to be the first country to leave the Union.


  • But after more than 40 years of membership, how did we get here?

    但有著超過 40 年以上的會員資格,我們是怎麼走到這一步的?

  • We need to rewind back to 1961 when the U.K. applied to be a member of the European Union for the first time.

    我們得回到 1961 年,當時英國首次申請加入歐盟會員國。

  • Back then, the block was called the European Economic Community, otherwise known as the common market.


  • Its aim was to bring about economic integration.


  • But the U.K.'s inclusion in the common market faced some opposition from within the group, mainly from the French.


  • President Charles de Gaulle vetoed the U.K.'s application in 1963 and again in 1967.

    夏爾.戴高樂總統在 1963 年否決英國的申請,在 1967 年又再一次反對。

  • He doubted Britain's commitment to the union's political objectives


  • and believed its economy wasn't compatible with those of its six existing members.


  • The U.K.'s “special relationshipwith the U.S. was also a concern for him,


  • worrying the partnership would get in the way of building a strong Europe.


  • But in 1969 France elected a new president and the U.K. succeeded in joining the group in 1973.

    不過法國在 1969 年選出了新總統,而英國也在 1973 年成功加入組織。

  • But just two years after joining, the U.K. held a referendum on whether it should remain in the European Economic Community.


  • Back then, 67% of voters favored continued membership.

    當時有 67 % 的人支持維持會員資格

  • In the years that followed, the European Union transformed from a trade arrangement to more of a political alliance, giving Brussels increasing influence over other areas of policy.


  • But the U.K. was still able to negotiate with the European Union on the terms of its ongoing membership.


  • In 1984 Margaret Thatcher managed to broker a deal, commonly referred to as the rebate,


  • which reduced the U.K.'s financial contribution to the European budget by billions.


  • This arrangement was exclusive to the U.K. and is still in place today.


  • The U.K. has also benefited from so-called opt-outs,


  • which essentially means the U.K. does not have to participate in certain European policies.


  • For example, the U.K. didn't join the Schengen Area in 1985, maintaining a border that has passport controls.

    舉例來說,英國在 1985 年沒有加入申根區,維持在有護照管制的邊境。

  • The U.K. also opted out of a monetary union in 1992, keeping its currency, the pound sterling, instead of the euro.

    英國也在 1992 年選擇退出貨幣聯盟,維持其貨幣英鎊,而不是歐元。

  • The introduction of the euro was part of a wide-ranging agreement called the Maastricht Treaty.


  • Signed by the U.K. along with 11 other member states, it expanded the EU's remit as an economic community to include foreign affairs, justice and policing.

    由英國和其他 11 個成員國簽署,擴大了歐盟作為經濟共同體的職權範圍,包括外交、司法和警務。

  • Ultimately it was the framework for the modern EU, but for Eurosceptics,


  • it was an unacceptable transfer of powers from the U.K. parliament to Brussels and threatened further divisions in the Conservative government.


  • However, a long period of economic growth under pro-European Prime Ministers maintained enough support for the EU and the single market,


  • meaning that calls for another EU referendum were put on the backburner for nearly 20 years.

    意思就是,要求進行另一次歐盟公投已被擱置將近 20 年的時間。

  • Nonetheless, there was growing dissatisfaction with the level of bureaucracy in Europe.


  • In 2004, the entry of 10 new countries into the EU also led to more questions in the U.K. about the country's level of immigration.

    有 10 個新國家在 2004 年加入歐盟,對英國移民水平也引發更多的問題。

  • In the 10 years that followed, the number of EU migrants living in the U.K. almost doubled.


  • This, along with the fall in household incomes after the 2008 financial crash, has been seen by some as contributing to a groundswell of resentment toward European migrants,

    這一點,加上 2008 年金融危機後,家庭收入的下降,部分人認為這加助於引起對歐洲移民的不滿,

  • something that the major political parties were slow to recognize and respond to.


  • As a result, support for the anti-European party UKIP and its leader Nigel Farage started to grow rapidly.


  • By 2014 some surveys suggested that the party was being supported by up to 16% of the electorate.

    在 2014 年,有些調查指出該黨獲得多達 16 % 選民的支持。

  • Many Conservative party candidates were concerned about their supporters switching allegiance to UKIP


  • and pleaded with Prime Minister David Cameron to promise an EU referendum in his campaign manifesto.


  • To avoid the risk of defections from within his own party,


  • he did and the Conservatives won the election with an overall majority.


  • As divisions within the party started to become more evident, Cameron promised a referendum by the end of 2017.

    隨著黨內的分歧開始日漸明顯,卡麥隆承諾會在 2017 年底前舉行公投。

  • But first, he tried re-negotiating with the EU some of the terms of Britain's membership.


  • He emerged from the talks with a deal, but that wasn't enough to convince Eurosceptics.


  • For many, the process gave the impression that Brussels was inflexible and unwilling to make big concessions to keep Britain in the union.


  • So Prime Minister David Cameron had to deliver on his manifesto promise and set a date for a referendum,


  • the 23rd June 2016 with a simple question, whether to remain in or leave the European Union.

    2016 年 6 月 23 日,英國去留歐盟,就這個簡單的問題。

  • And I will go to Parliament and propose that the British people decide our future in Europe.


  • Hi guys, thank you so much for watching.


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  • And do let us know your thoughts on Brexit by commenting below the video.


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Who hasn't heard of Brexit?



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