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  • Warren Buffett is the most successful investor in the world.


  • Not only has he posted record high returns, Buffet has also managed this over a time period of over 60 years.

    他不只創下高額的股票收益,他也在超過 60 年間不停創造收益

  • It's a testament to Buffett's ability to think long term.


  • But Buffett doesn't just spend his time thinking about securities either.


  • He spends a great deal of time thinking about how we can live better.


  • We see this in an anecdote from one of Buffett's employees. The story goes that Buffett one day approaches


  • his pilot, Mike Flint, after realising that Flint had worked for him for the past 10 years.

    上前與他的飛行員 Mike Flint 交談,在得知 Flint 已經為他工作了 10 年後,

  • He wants to discuss Flint's career goals and how he can help him achieve them.

    他想與 Flint 討論他的職涯目標以及如何幫助他完成目標

  • The fact that you're still working for me”, Buffett jokes, “tells me I'm not doing my job.”


  • To map out his goals, Flint was asked by his

    為了勾畫出他的目標,Flint 被他的

  • employer to conduct a simple exercise. It would change the way he viewed his priorities forever.


  • The first step in this exercise was to


  • list down 25 things that Flint wanted to accomplish in the foreseeable future. Nothing was off the table.

    列出 25 件 Flint 在可預見的未來想要完成的事情。任何事情都能考慮進去

  • Secondly, Flint was to rank these items in

    第二,Flint 要將這些事情

  • order of importance and circle the top five. Prioritising his goals was more undoubtedly


  • challenging than listing them, but Flint managed it.

    比僅僅列出目標來的有挑戰性,但 Flint 還是想辦法列出來了

  • Just when it appears as though the most challenging part of the exercise was over,


  • Buffett asks Flint a seemingly simple question: “what are you going to do with the remaining 20 items?”

    巴菲特問 Flint 一個看似簡單的問題:「剩下的這 20 項你要怎麼完成?」

  • Well the top five are my primary focus


  • but the other twenty come in at a close second”, Flint explained.

    而其他的 20 項緊接在後。」Flint 如此解釋,

  • He goes on, “They are still important so I'll work on those intermittently as I see fit as I'm getting through my top five.

    他繼續說道:「他們仍然很重要,所以我會在完成首要 5 項目標的適當時機間斷地完成它,

  • They are not as urgent but I still plan to give them dedicated effort.”


  • At this point, Buffett's expression changes a little. He responds sternly:


  • No. You've got it wrong. Everything you didn't circle just became your Avoid-At-All-Cost list.


  • No matter what, these things get no attention from you until you've succeeded


  • with your top 5.” Avoid at all cost?

    你的首要 5 項目標。」不計一切去避免?

  • Flint certainly wasn't expecting that. There's more competition for our attention than ever.

    Flint 肯定沒料到這個方式。我們的專注力始終有更多的競爭

  • Choices have never been more abundant than


  • at any other time in history and it's unlikely we'll be constrained anytime soon. In fact,


  • our options are likely only going to expand as we advance further into our careers.


  • It's the primary reason why most of us will never reach the level of competency needed


  • to reap the rewards of being a superstar. Each time we pursue a new course of action, we incur an opportunity cost.


  • It takes our time and attention away from the things that


  • are most important to us. Your odds of success improve when you direct


  • your focus into a singular pursuit. You have to double down on a few things and rack up


  • the hours trying to get really good at that. It's what Cal Newport calls the craftsman


  • mindset in So Good They Can't Ignore You. Craftsmen often start off as apprentices to


  • a master and spend years learning the basics. They then become journeymen, where they add


  • their own style and tastes to create work with little nuances. That's when they finally


  • attain mastery. They don't get distracted by the latest


  • fad or jump from one interest to another. Spending time on a singular focus helps them


  • get the important things done. Buffett spoke about the 5/25 rule in relation

    完成最重要的事情。巴菲特在談論職涯目標時提到 5/25 法則

  • to career goals, but I think it extends far beyond that. We can attain the same results

    但我認為 5/25 法則可以延伸運用到其他事物。當我們

  • if we apply it to our health, relationships, and personal goals.


  • The corollary seems to be that we're forced to lead boring lives without options,


  • but that's not true. The 5/25 rule's only requirement is that you finish the top five

    但並非如此。 5/25 法則的唯一規則是在你

  • items before moving on to item 6 and beyond. Think about all the things you have wanted to do.

    繼續完成第 6 項或更多目標時確保完成首要做的 5 項目標。想想看所有你想做的事。

  • You might want to master another language.


  • Play a musical instrument. Start your own business. Practise a new martial art.


  • Travel around the world. But for most of us, we never really make any progress.


  • It's a sign that these items on the list aren't really important to us.


  • Most of us pick these items because they provide some form of benefit.


  • And while they are nice, they don't sufficiently motivate us to follow through.


  • For example, it's cool to be able to speak

    舉例來說,能夠說 10 種不同語言是很酷的

  • 10 different languages, but spending your weekends learning the rules of grammar is not very exciting.


  • Because it's not too high on the list of our priorities  —  

    因為這件事並非是清單上需優先處理的事項  —  

  • work and family are more important than being a polyglot  —  we do this only in our spare time.

    工作與家庭比起成為一位精通多國語言的人來的重要  — 

  • That effectively means a single goal can take months, if not years, to ever accomplish.


  • The result is that we have a list of items that will almost never get completed.


  • This list only weighs on our mind, and fills us with stress, guilt and overwhelm.


  • It's a result of theany benefitmindset. Pareto's principle  —  better known

    這就是「任何好處」心態的結果。帕累托法則 — 更為人所知

  • as the 80/20 rule  —  tells us that the majority of outcomes are driven by a small number of things that we do.

    的是 80/20 法則  —  指出僅有少數的事情操縱著大部分的結果

  • Chances are that anything that falls outside your top five

    任何在首要 5 項目標之外的事情

  • will have little impact on your life. Rather than add on, take the time to eliminate.


  • The 5/25 rule is yet another example of how simplicity makes life better and easier.

    而 5/25 法則是另一項使人生變得更好更輕鬆的簡單例子

  • Time and attention are two of the most finite resources in the world.


  • There will be more good opportunities than we realistically have time for.


  • We shouldn't be quick to pounce on every one of them, because not all will be right for us.


  • It doesn't matter how good an opportunity is if all it does is advance goal number 25 for us.

    如果這個目標只是讓第 25 項目標再往上增加,那麼不管是再好的機會也不怎麼重要

  • If we force ourselves to eliminate our options, we quickly find that only a few things truly matter to us.


  • We would be best served if we ignore distractions and do more of what really matters.


Warren Buffett is the most successful investor in the world.


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