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  • Hi Bob the Canadian here.


  • Sometimes you're just not having a great day.

    有時候,你只是沒有一個偉大的 一天。

  • You're having a bad day.


  • And in this video I'll help you learn some English words and phrases to describe to someone

    在這段視頻中,我將幫助你學習一些。 英語單詞和短語向某人描述

  • that you're having a bad day.


  • Hi Bob the Canadian here.


  • If this is one of your first times here don't forget to click the subscribe button below,

    如果這是你第一次來這裡,不要。 忘記點擊下面的訂閱按鈕。

  • it's the red button down there with the bell icon.

    就是下面那個紅色按鈕,上面有 鈴鐺圖標。

  • And if at some point during this video you feel like it's a good video please give

    如果在某些時候,在這個視頻中,你 感覺這是一個很好的視頻,請給予

  • me a thumbs up.


  • I really appreciate it.


  • It is so awesome to have a good day.


  • It is so great to have a day where everything's just going well.

    它是如此偉大的一天,一切都在那裡的 只是進展順利。

  • But every once in a while you have a bad day.


  • So let's take a look at some ways that you can describe having a bad day.

    是以,讓我們來看看你的一些方法。 可以形容有一個糟糕的一天。

  • But before we get started I should mention that when you share with someone that you're

    但在我們開始之前,我應該提到 當你和別人分享你的想法時

  • having a bad day, it's usually someone that you trust.

    今天不順,通常是有人 你信任的。

  • It's usually your spouse, maybe one of your children, or a really close friend.

    這通常是你的配偶,也許是你的一個 子女,或真正的親密朋友。

  • I think in other languages as well as in English, we don't usually share with someone that

    我想在其他語言以及英語中。 我們通常不與人分享

  • we're having a bad day unless we know them really, really well.

    不認識他們,我們的日子就不好過了 真的,真的很好。

  • So how would you share with them that you're having a bad day.

    那麼,你將如何與他們分享,你是。 有一個糟糕的一天。

  • Well one of the first ways you could share that you're having a bad day is to just

    那麼,你可以分享的第一個方法之一 你有一個糟糕的一天,是剛剛

  • say, “I'm having a bad day today.”


  • And you'll need to describe a little bit more.

    而你需要描述一下。 更多。

  • You'll need to describe why you're having a bad day.

    你需要描述為什麼你有 糟糕的一天。

  • So for example you could say, “I'm having a bad day today because I'm not feeling

    所以,比如你可以說:"我有。 今天是個糟糕的日子,因為我不覺得。

  • well.”


  • Or, “I'm having a bad day today, because I just found out that someone in my family

    或者,"我今天心情不好,是因為 我剛剛發現我家裡有人

  • is sick.”


  • Or, “I'm having a bad day today because I just got some bad news from someone.”

    或者,"我今天心情不好,是因為 我剛剛接到某人的壞消息。"

  • So, simplest thing to do, is just say, “I'm having a bad day today.”

    所以,最簡單的事情,就是說,"我... 有一個糟糕的一天今天。"

  • You could also describe other things.


  • You could say, “I'm just feeling down.”


  • And in English when we say we're feeling down, it's the opposite of happy.

    而在英語中,當我們說我們感到 下,這與快樂相反。

  • So if you were to say, “I'm just feeling a little bit down today.”

    所以,如果你說,"我只是覺得 今天有點低迷。"

  • It basically means the same thing as saying, “I feel a little bit sad.”

    基本上和說的意思是一樣的。 "我覺得有點難過。"

  • Or, “I am feeling unhappy.”


  • “I'm feeling a little bit down today.”


  • So those are things that you would use to describe something that's happened, but

    所以,這些都是你會用的東西 雖說是發生了什麼事,但

  • sometimes you're having a bad day because of something in the future, because of something

    有時你有一個糟糕的一天,因為 未來的事情,因為一些

  • that's going to happen.


  • So you could be nervous.


  • You could be having a bad day because you're nervous.

    你可能會有一個糟糕的一天,因為你是。 緊張。

  • So you could say, “I'm having a bad day today because I'm nervous about the test

    所以你可以說,"我今天心情不好 今天因為考試緊張

  • I have to write tomorrow.”


  • Maybe you've signed up to write an English language test, and you're just nervous,

    也許你已經報名寫了一篇英文文章 語言測試,你只是緊張。

  • you're you're... all you can do is think about the test.

    你是你是... ... 所有你能做的就是思考。 關於測試。

  • You can't stop thinking about the test.


  • So you could say to someone, “I'm having a bad day today, I'm so nervous I can't

    所以你可以對別人說:"我有。 今天很糟糕,我緊張得不能再緊張了

  • stop thinking about my test tomorrow.”


  • In addition, you could say that you're feeling anxious.

    此外,你還可以說你覺得 憂心忡忡。

  • When you feel anxious it's similar to feeling nervous.

    當你感到焦慮時,它類似於感到 緊張。

  • You can't stop thinking about that thing so you could say, “I'm feeling anxious

    你不能停止思考那個東西 所以你可以說,"我感到焦慮

  • today because I have a test tomorrow.”


  • Sometimes you're having a bad day because you're really, really angry about something.

    有時候,你有一個糟糕的一天,因為 你真的,真的生氣的東西。

  • We describe this in a couple of ways, you could say that you're having a bad day because

    我們從幾個方面來描述,你的。 可以說,你有一個糟糕的一天,因為。

  • you're feeling agitated.


  • So agitated is a mood where if people make too much noise around you, or if people ask

    所以,激動的是一種心情,如果人們使 周圍有太多的噪音,或者如果人們問起

  • you too many questions, you respond harshly.


  • Because you're not feeling calm, so the opposite of feeling calm and peaceful is to

    因為你感覺不平靜,所以...。 與心平氣和相反的是

  • feel agitated.


  • So you could say, and maybe you don't even know why, that you're having a bad day because

    所以,你可以說,也許你甚至不 知道為什麼,你有一個糟糕的一天,因為。

  • you're feeling agitated.


  • The other reason you could have a bad day is maybe you're feeling anxiety.

    另一個原因,你可能有一個糟糕的一天 是也許你感到焦慮。

  • So anxiety is when you.. you're worrying about something too much, so maybe you don't

    所以,焦慮是當你... ... 你在擔心 太多的東西,所以,也許你並不

  • have enough food for tomorrow to feed your family, maybe you don't have enough money

    明日有飯吃 家裡,可能你的錢不夠用了

  • to pay the rent, and you would be feeling anxiety, so that's a high level of what

    支付租金,你會覺得。 焦慮,所以這是一個高水平的什麼。

  • we callstressin English.

    我們在英語中稱之為 "壓力"。

  • You're feeling anxiety, you're feeling stress about your situation.

    你覺得焦慮,你覺得 緊張你的處境。

  • And then the last thing that I want to talk about, maybe you're having a bad day because

    最後我想說的是 左右,也許你有一個糟糕的一天,因為。

  • you're depressed.


  • And feeling depressed, we have mild depression, we describe it in English, but we also have

    而感覺到抑鬱的,我們有輕度的抑鬱症。 我們用英文描述它,但我們也有

  • real depression.


  • Mild depression sometimes can be solved with just some exercise and some time outdoors,

    輕度抑鬱症有時可以通過以下方法解決 只是一些運動和一些時間在戶外。

  • that can help you make.. make you feel better.

    這可以幫助你讓... 讓你感覺更好。

  • But if you have real depression.


  • If you're really, really feeling down in a serious way, that's when we usually recommend

    如果你真的,真的感覺很沮喪,在 這時,我們通常會推薦

  • that you see a doctor.


  • Because a doctor might be able to help you with your depression.

    因為醫生可能會幫助你 與你的抑鬱症。

  • Depression is a very serious, serious thing.


  • So if you're feeling, you're feeling down, you're feeling glum, and you're feeling

    所以,如果你有感覺,你就會感到沮喪。 你感到憂鬱,你感到。

  • that for a number of days in a row, we might just describe that as depression.

    一連幾天,我們可能會 只是形容為抑鬱症。

  • And I'm not an expert, so don't use me as your, as your person to get advice from,

    而且我不是專家,所以不要用我的名義 作為你的,作為你的諮詢對象。

  • but certainly sometimes people have a bad day because they're feeling depressed.

    但當然,有時人們也會有不好的想法 天,因為他們感到沮喪。

  • Well that was a number of descriptions of a bad day, as you can see, it's quite possible

    嗯,這是一個數量的描述 日子不好過,你也看到了,很有可能

  • that I'm not having a great day.


  • Normally I would of had a video up Friday or Saturday, and I don't.

    通常情況下,我將有一個視頻了週五。 或週六,我不。

  • I'm just having a couple of bad days in a row.

    我只是有一對夫婦的壞日子,在 一排。

  • I'm sure things will pick up.


  • It's super sunny right now behind me.


  • I'm outdoors so I think that it will be a great day, but I just had a few days where

    我是在戶外,所以我認為這將是。 一個偉大的日子,但我只是有幾天,其中

  • I was really, really busy at work, and really, really busy at home.

    我工作真的很忙,真的。 在家真的很忙。

  • And I would describe it as, I didn't have time to relax.

    我會形容它為,我沒有。 時間放鬆。

  • And when I don't have time to relax I have a bad day.

    而當我沒有時間放鬆的時候,我有 糟糕的一天。

  • Well hopefully that helps you talk about your bad day.

    好吧,希望這能幫助你談談你的。 糟糕的一天。

  • Remember if you do talk about a bad day you should always share that information with

    記住,如果你說到了糟糕的一天,你就會 應始終與該資訊共享

  • someone you trust.


  • We don't generally respond to people with, “I'm having a bad day.”

    我們一般不迴應人與。 "我今天心情不好。"

  • when they say, “How are you doing today?”


  • Usually we just say, “Good!” even if it's not good.

    通常我們只是說,"好!",即使它是 不好。

  • But if it's someone you trust, a spouse, a family member, good friend, you can share

    但如果是你信任的人,配偶。 親人、好友,你可以共享

  • with them why you're having the bad day.


  • Bob the Canadian here.


  • Learn English with Bob the Canadian.


  • Sorry this video was late!


  • If enjoyed the video, please give me a thumbs up.

    如果喜歡這個視頻,請給我豎起大拇指。 了。

  • Don't forget to subscribe below, and I'll see you in the next video.

    不要忘了在下面訂閱,我將會 看到你在下一個視頻。

Hi Bob the Canadian here.


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