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  • If you're thinking about flying to Israel or starting to plan your trip to Israel then

    如果您正考慮飛往以色列 或開始計劃您的以色列之旅,那麼

  • you are at the right place.


  • Hi guys, my name is Oren and I'm a professional tour guide.

    嗨,我的名字是奧倫,我是一個專業的。 導遊。

  • Now my whole internet site and channel is dedicated to Israel, I've written about the

    現在我的整個互聯網網站和管道是 獻給以色列,我曾寫過關於以色列的文章。

  • sites, the Israeli society, the best hotels and hostels, but I wanted to do one video,

    景點、以色列社會、最好的酒店 和旅館,但我想做一個視頻。

  • this video, with all the most important stuff.


  • So, let's get started and I will start by saying that Israel is a safe destination,

    那麼,讓我們開始吧,我先說一下 說,以色列是一個安全的目的地。

  • if you're not afraid flying to New York or Berlin then you shouldn't be afraid flying

    如果你不怕飛到紐約或。 柏林,那麼你就不應該害怕飛行

  • to Israel.


  • Before people come to Israel they are concerned with safety issues, once they arrive they

    在人們來到以色列之前,他們關心的是 有安全問題,一旦他們到達,他們

  • are concerned with how expensive things are and I will talk about it in a minute.

    物以稀為貴 我待會再談。

  • Now you will probably land in Natbag, this is the name the Israelis call the airport,

    現在你可能會在納特巴格登陸,這個。 是以色列人對機場的稱呼。

  • but it is also called Ben Gurion Airport, or TLV.

    但它也被稱為本古裡安機場。 或TLV。

  • It has the perfect location right in the middle of Israel, between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

    它有完美的位置,就在中間 以色列的耶路撒冷和特拉維夫之間。

  • It takes about 40 minutes to get from the airport to the middle of Tel Aviv and a little

    從上海出發,大約需要40分鐘的時間。 特拉維夫機場到特拉維夫市中心和一個小的

  • bit longer to Jerusalem.


  • Now to Jerusalem you can take the train; the line will be open in the middle of 2018.

    現在,你可以乘火車去耶路撒冷,火車上的人都會說:"我是個好人。 線將於2018年中開放。

  • Until then you need to or take a bus: there is a bus 485 that goes every hour to Jerusalem,

    在那之前,你需要或乘坐公共汽車:有 是485路公車,每小時到耶路撒冷。

  • or there are shared taxis: these are taxis of ten people that you can take to Jerusalem,

    或有共享計程車:這些都是計程車。 你可以帶十個人去耶路撒冷。

  • or of course take a cab.


  • To Tel Aviv there is the train and I will say that the first station in Tel Aviv is

    去特拉維夫有火車,我將會 說特拉維夫的第一站是。

  • HaHagana and it is also very close to the Tel Aviv central bus station, but that is

    HaHagana,而且它也非常靠近 特拉維夫中央公共汽車站,但那是。

  • not a good area, you don't want to hang around that area, especially not at night.

    不是什麼好地方,你不要在這裡混了 那一帶,尤其是在晚上。

  • It is much better to take the train to Savidor Center or Arlozorov, these stations located

    坐火車去薩維多會好很多。 中心或阿羅佐羅夫,這些車站位於。

  • in the middle of Tel Aviv and from there you have many buses, you can take a taxi, you

    在特拉維夫的中間,從那裡你可以 有很多公車,你可以打車,你可以...

  • can also email your hotel or hostel what is the best way to get there.

    也可以給你的酒店或旅館發郵件,什麼是 最好的方式去那裡。

  • But south of Tel Aviv, your first night in Israel: it's not a good idea.

    但在特拉維夫南部,你的第一晚是在 以色列:這不是一個好主意。

  • Now as I said Israel is expensive.


  • If money is not an issue then go for the best: sleep in Jerusalem at the Mamilla Hotel or

    如果錢不是問題,那就選擇最好的。 睡在耶路撒冷的馬米拉酒店或者...

  • the King David Hotel, and in Tel Aviv in The Norman hotel.

    大衛王酒店和特拉維夫的大衛王酒店。 諾曼酒店。

  • Take a private guide with a car every day.


  • But if money is an issue then there are things you can do about it.

    但是,如果錢是一個問題,那麼有的東西 你可以做的。

  • The biggest expense is accommodation and hotels in Israel are expensive.

    最大的開支是住宿和酒店 在以色列是昂貴的。

  • The average night is more than 200 dollars in hotels but you can also take hostels.

    平均一晚上要200多塊錢 在酒店,但你也可以採取旅館。

  • In the last couple of years some great hostels opened in Israel and all of them also offer

    在過去的幾年裡,一些偉大的旅店。 在以色列開設的,所有這些機構還提供

  • private rooms.


  • So you basically sleep at a hostel, pay less, but have a room like a hotel.

    所以你基本上是睡在旅店,少付點錢。 但有一個像酒店一樣的房間。

  • So I can really recommend that.


  • Another thing is that Israel has great street food so you can have lunch for 7/8/9 euros/dollars

    另外就是以色列有很好的街 食物,所以你可以吃7/8/9歐元/美元的午餐。

  • and it will fill you up.


  • Now street food is never healthy but I will say that the Israeli street food is great

    街頭的食物從來不是健康的,但我會 說以色列的街頭小吃很好吃

  • and is way healthier than what they sell in Europe or in the US.

    而且比他們賣的東西更健康。 歐洲或在美國。

  • The best time to travel to Israel is March, the beginning of spring.

    去以色列旅遊的最佳時間是3月。 春天的開始。

  • It is still low season so the prices are lower, everything is beautiful and green, and the

    現在還是淡季,所以價格比較低。 一切都是美好的,綠色的,而

  • chances that it will rain are quite small.


  • Winter is also a great time to come to Israel, especially if you come from Europe where it

    冬天也是來以色列的好時機。 特別是如果你來自歐洲,在那裡

  • is cold.


  • And Israel has a safe friendly desert so if you are coming from October to March then

    而以色列有一個安全友好的沙漠,所以如果 你是10月到3月來的,那麼

  • plan as much time as you can in the desert.


  • Summer is very very hot.


  • You can expect more than 35 degrees every day.

    你可以期待超過35度,每 一天。

  • Great if you like the beaches or go to churches and museums but if you want to go for long

    如果你喜歡海灘或去教堂,那就太好了。 和博物館,但如果你想去長時間的

  • hikes then the summer (so June, July, August, even September) are a little bit too hot.

    徒步旅行,然後夏天(所以六月,七月,八月。 甚至9月)都有點太熱了。

  • Now when it comes to planning a trip in Israel I like to use three words: the heart, the

    現在說到在以色列的旅行計劃 我喜歡用三個字來形容:心、。

  • line, and the land.


  • The heart of every trip in Israel is Jerusalem.


  • The Old City of Jerusalem is a must-see.


  • If you haven't been there you simply haven't been to Israel.

    如果你沒有去過那裡,你根本就不知道。 到過以色列。

  • Jerusalem is one of the most important cities in the world.

    耶路撒冷是最重要的城市之一 在世界上。

  • If you have only one long weekend to spend in Israel, book a hotel or hostel in Jerusalem.

    如果你只有一個長長的週末來度過 在以色列,預訂耶路撒冷的酒店或旅館。

  • I've written a lot about the different sites in Jerusalem, but the most important ones

    我已經寫了很多關於不同網站的文章。 在耶路撒冷,但最重要的

  • are the Old City, where you will find the Wailing Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre,

    是老城,在那裡你會發現。 哭牆,聖墓教堂。

  • the Via Dolorosa.

    Via Dolorosa。

  • Outside the Old City you can head to the top of Mount Olives, visit the churches and the

    在老城外,你可以去頂層的地方。 橄欖山,參觀教堂和紀念館。

  • Jewish Cemetery.


  • In the New City be sure to visit Mahane Yehuda Market, the Israel Museum, and Yad Vashem.

    在新城一定要去Mahane Yehuda。 市場、以色列博物館和Yad Vashem。

  • Two days are the absolute minimum you will need.

    兩天的時間絕對是最短的時間,你將 需要。

  • And from Jerusalem you can always take a one-day tour to the Judaean Desert or Tel Aviv.

    而從耶路撒冷出發,你可以隨時乘坐一天的 到猶大沙漠或特拉維夫旅遊。

  • The line is Highway number 1, connecting Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and the Judaean Desert.

    這條線路是1號公路,連接Tel 阿維夫、耶路撒冷和猶大沙漠。

  • In Tel Aviv you will find the ancient port of Jaffa (Yafo in Hebrew), the Carmel Market,

    在特拉維夫,你會發現古老的港口。 雅法(希伯來語為Yafo)的卡梅爾市場。

  • Tel Aviv Art Museum, the Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot, many Bauhaus buildings,

    特拉維夫藝術博物館、猶太教博物館 人們在Beit Hatfutsot,許多包豪斯建築。

  • and, of course, the beaches.


  • Although there is a lot to see, Tel Aviv doesn't have the important sites that Jerusalem does.

    雖然有很多可看的地方,但特拉維夫並不 擁有耶路撒冷那樣的重要遺址。

  • And many of the buildings look rather neglected.


  • But the charm of Tel Aviv doesn't lie in the importance of the sites or the buildings,

    但是,特拉維夫的魅力並不在於它有多大的魅力。 遺址或建築物的重要性。

  • but in the atmosphere.


  • You can walk in the middle of the night in Tel Aviv, 2am, and cafés and restaurants

    你可以在半夜裡走在。 特拉維夫,凌晨2點,以及咖啡館和餐館。

  • are open and people sitting there as if it is the middle of the day.

    敞開著,人們坐在那裡,彷彿它 是日中天。

  • The Judaean Desert, about an hour away from Jerusalem and two hours from Tel Aviv is the

    猶太沙漠,距今約一個小時的路程。 耶路撒冷和特拉維夫兩小時車程的地方,是 "耶路撒冷"。

  • nearest and most accessible desert.


  • The main sites are the Dead Sea, Masada, and the Ein Gedi nature reserve.

    主要景點有死海、馬薩達、。 艾因蓋迪自然保護區;

  • If you plan to spend five days traveling in Israel, then these places are more than enough.

    如果你計劃花五天時間在 以色列,那麼這些地方就足夠了。

  • I would recommend staying two or three nights in Jerusalem, one night in the Judaean Desert

    我建議住兩三晚 在耶路撒冷,在猶大沙漠的一個晚上。

  • and another one/two nights in Tel Aviv.


  • If you like the desert and plan on coming in winter, then maybe spend two nights in

    如果你喜歡沙漠,並計劃來 冬天的時候,也許會在

  • the Judaean Desert, and if you prefer the beaches and nightlife then stay a little longer

    猶太沙漠,如果你喜歡的是 海灘和夜生活,然後再多呆一會兒。

  • in Tel Aviv.


  • The land is basically all the rest and there is a lot to see.

    土地基本上都是其餘的,而且有 是有很多看點的。

  • The Negev Desert, Nazareth, Haifa, the Sea of Galilee, the Golan Heights, Acre, Caesarea,

    內蓋夫沙漠、拿撒勒、海法、海。 加利利、戈蘭高地、阿卡、凱撒利亞。

  • and much more.


  • Here I can't really summarize it all into a few sentences, since it really depends where

    在這裡,我真的無法將其總結為 幾句,因為這真的要看

  • you are coming from, when you're coming and what are your interests.

    你從哪裡來,什麼時候來,以及 你有什麼興趣。

  • I will just say that if you come in wintertime then spend more time in the desert Negev.

    我只想說,如果你在冬天來的話 然後花更多的時間在沙漠內蓋夫。

  • And if you're a practising Christian, then a tour to Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee

    如果你是一個信奉基督教的人,那麼... 遊覽拿撒勒和加利利海。

  • is a must.


  • Now there is a lot to see in Israel but many of the sites are not impressive.

    現在,以色列有很多值得看的東西,但許多 的網站並不令人印象深刻。

  • Unlike Egypt where you go and see the Pyramids and they are just impressive, no matter how

    不像埃及,你去看金字塔。 他們只是令人印象深刻,無論如何

  • much you know about them.


  • In Israel if you want to understand the sites, you need to know what you are looking at,

    在以色列,如果你想了解這些遺址。 你需要知道你在看什麼。

  • you need to know the history.


  • Most of the most important places, like the Wailing Wall, or the Church of the Holy Sepulchre,

    最重要的地方,如 哭牆,或聖墓教堂。

  • are not impressive in themselves.


  • You need to know what you're looking at.


  • The best option is to take a private guide, you can always join a tour or purchase my

    最好的選擇是請私人導遊。 你可以隨時參加一個旅遊團或購買我的

  • booklets.


  • I have a booklet about Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, the Judaean Desert, that I talk about the

    我有一本關於特拉維夫、耶路撒冷的小冊子。 猶太沙漠,我說的是...

  • history of the important sites.


  • Another thing you need to take in consideration is the Jewish calendar.

    你需要考慮的另一件事 是猶太曆。

  • Now in Israel we have two calendars: the Gregorian calendar (the one that you know starting at

    在以色列,我們有兩種曆法:格里高利曆、格里高利曆、格里高利曆。 日曆(你知道從

  • January) and the Jewish calendar.


  • And you need to know this because the holidays in Israel are mostly by the Jewish calendar.

    你需要知道這一點,因為假期 在以色列,主要是按猶太曆。

  • Now it's great being here on a holiday, on Sukkot, Pesach, Hanukkah, but there is no

    現在,它是偉大的在這裡度假,在。 Sukkot, Pesach, Hanukkah, but there is no

  • public transportation, and the prices of flights and hotels will be higher.

    公共交通,以及班機價格 和酒店會更高。

  • And I've written a long post about the Jewish holidays: what they are about, when they are,

    我寫了一篇關於猶太人的長文 假期:它們是什麼,什麼時候是。

  • and what you can expect.


  • About transportation, I will say that when you're in the big cities you don't need a

    關於交通,我想說的是,當 你在大城市,你不需要一個

  • car but if you want to go to the Golan Heights or to the Negev Desert, it is much easier

    但如果你想去戈蘭高地的話 或者去內蓋夫沙漠,這就容易多了。

  • hiring a car.


  • You can also go there with public transportation, but it is way more convenient with your own

    你也可以乘坐公共交通去那裡。 但它是更方便的方式與自己的

  • car.


  • Now there is something very important you need to remember: that in Israel there is

    現在有一些非常重要的事情,你 需要記住:在以色列,有

  • no public transportation between Friday afternoon and Saturday night.

    週五下午至週日沒有公車 和星期六晚上。

  • So if you land in Natbag on Saturday or Friday night then there are no buses, no trains,

    所以,如果你週六或週五在納塔格登陸 夜晚則沒有公車,沒有火車。

  • and you have to take a taxi, and on Saturdays the taxis are more expensive.

    你必須乘坐計程車,而在星期六。 計程車比較貴。

  • Now one last word about the land and the people.


  • Israel is basically a corridor, a corridor where Africa, Asia, and Europe meet, where

    以色列基本上是一條走廊,一條走廊。 非洲、亞洲和歐洲的交匯處,這裡是

  • great empires went through, where Judaism, Christianity and Islam met.

    偉大的帝國所經歷的,其中猶太教。 基督教和伊斯蘭教相遇。

  • And like the land and the history, so are the people: restless, something interesting

    就像這塊土地和歷史一樣,也是 人:不安分,有趣的事

  • is always going on, people here are always hurrying.

    總是發生,這裡的人總是 匆匆。

  • I think that Israel is the most interesting piece of land that exists on this planet.

    我認為以色列是最有趣的 一塊存在於這個星球上的土地。

  • Come and see for yourself.


  • That's it, guys, I hope you enjoyed this video.


  • If you did then please help me grow my new channel by subscribing.

    如果你做了,那就請你幫我發展我的新的。 頻道,通過訂閱。

  • Now these videos are for you so please write me down here what you want my next videos

    現在這些視頻是給你的,所以請寫 我在這裡,你想要什麼我的下一個視頻

  • to be about: the desert, Jewish sites, churches, how to plan your trip.

    將是關於:沙漠,猶太遺址,教堂。 如何計劃您的旅行。

  • That's it, guys, see you in the next video, and bye for now.

    就這樣,夥計們,下一個視頻裡見。 暫時告別

If you're thinking about flying to Israel or starting to plan your trip to Israel then

如果您正考慮飛往以色列 或開始計劃您的以色列之旅,那麼

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