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  • Welcome to 2016, welcome to your new accent.


  • How long have you been studying English? How happy are you with your pronunciation? It's

    你學英語多久了?多久 你對自己的發音滿意嗎?是的

  • a new year, and it's a new opportunity to get fluency in spoken American English. The

    新的一年,這是一個新的機會,以 獲得流利的美式英語口語。的

  • Sounds of American English, and how they relate to stress, are the building blocks of American

    美式英語的聲音,以及它們之間的關係。 要強調的是,是美國的基石。

  • English. So I've made a new set of 36 videos, totaling nearly 3 hours, that is truly special

    英文。所以我做了一套新的36個視頻。 總共近3個小時,是真正意義上的特別的

  • for the way integrates understanding stress into learning sounds.

    因為這種方式整合了對壓力的理解 成學習聲音。

  • Most of the materials you'll find elsewhere just teach the sounds on their own, in isolation.

    你在其他地方能找到的大部分材料。 只是教他們自己的聲音,孤立地。

  • It's a mistake to learn this way -- we learn sounds to speak words and sentences, not just

    這樣學習是錯誤的--我們學的是。 音來說話的單詞和句子,而不僅僅是。

  • sounds! For beginners, you can focus on the different sounds, and how they're made.

    聲音!對於初學者,你可以專注於 不同的聲音,以及它們是如何產生的。

  • More advanced learners can focus on the subtleties of how sounds are affected by stress to put

    更高級的學習者可以專注於細微之處。 聲音是如何受到壓力影響的

  • the finishing touches on their American accent. Every vowel and diphthong video teaches the

    在他們的美式口音上做最後的修飾。 每一個元音和雙元音視頻都會教給學生

  • sounds in the context of stress, so you're working on the overall character of American

    聽起來是在壓力的背景下,所以你是。 在美國的整體特徵上下功夫

  • English, which is so important.


  • These videos have a mix of explanations, images, and slow motion speech study. I recommend

    這些視頻有解釋、圖片的組合。 和慢動作語音學習。我建議

  • watching all of the videos at once, several times. It's a lot of information. Give your

    一次看完所有視頻,幾 次。這是一個很大的資訊。給你的

  • mind the time to take it all in and get the bigger picture. Then go back and study individual

    介意時間來接受這一切,並得到了。 大局觀。然後回去研究個別

  • sounds. Imitate and practice the example words out loud.

    音。模仿和練習例詞 大聲說。

  • Today's the day. This set of videos is now available. You can buy the download for just

    今天是個好日子。這套視頻現在是 可用。您可以購買下載,價格僅為

  • $27. That's less than a dollar per video. You can download the videos to your device

    27美元,每個視頻不到一美元。 你可以下載視頻到你的設備

  • or simply stream them. Go to


  • to purchase, and you'll get instant access


  • to all of the videos. If a DVD is more your style, I've got you covered. The set is

    到所有的視頻。如果DVD更適合你 風格,我已經為你準備好了。這一套是

  • available as a DVD as well.


  • If you can't afford to purchase, you'll still get access to the videos. The videos

    如果你沒有能力購買,你會。 仍然可以訪問視頻。視頻

  • in this collection will be released on YouTube twice a month, every first and third Thursday

    在這個系列中,將在YouTube上發佈 每月兩次,第一和第三個星期四

  • until May 2017. But why wait? Get the whole set now, study the sounds as a unit, and get

    直到2017年5月。但為什麼要等待呢?獲取整個 集現在,以聲音為組織、部門進行研究,並得到

  • fluency in your spoken English. Make 2016 YOUR year. Welcome to 2016, welcome to your

    流利的英語口語。讓2016年 你的一年歡迎來到2016年,歡迎來到你的

  • new accent.


  • Here's a sneak peak: the video on the AA as in BAT vowel.

    以下是偷拍:AA上的視頻。 如BAT元音。

  • In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to learn how to pronounce the

    在這個美式英語發音視頻中。 我們將學習如何發音的

  • AA as in BAT vowel.


  • This is a sound that changes depending on the following sound. So, it can either be

    這是一種根據以下情況而改變的聲音 下面的聲音。所以,它既可以是

  • a pure vowel or a modified vowel. We'll go over both in this video.

    純元音或修飾元音。我們將 在這段視頻中去這兩個。

  • To make the pure AA vowel, the jaw drops quite a bit, AA.

    為了使純AA元音,下巴下垂得很厲害 有點,AA。

  • The tip of the tongue stays forward; it's touching the back of the bottom front teeth,

    舌尖保持前傾,它是。 觸及下前牙的後方。

  • AA. The back part of the tongue stretches up.

    AA.舌頭的後半部分伸展 了。

  • The tongue is wide, AA. Because the tongue is high in the back and low in the front,

    舌頭很寬,AA。因為舌頭 是後高前低。

  • you can see a lot of it. This is different from the 'ah' as in 'father' vowel, for example,

    你可以看到很多。這是不一樣的 例如,從 "啊 "的 "父親 "元音。

  • where the tongue presses down in the back and you see more dark space in the mouth.

    舌尖上的中國 而你看到的更多的是口中的黑暗空間。

  • AA, AH.


  • You can also see the corners of the mouth pull back and up a little bit. AA.

    你也可以看到嘴角的痕跡 往後拉,再往上一點。AA.

  • Let's take a look at the pure AA vowel up close and in slow motion.

    讓我們來看看純AA元音的漲幅 近,而且是慢動作的。

  • The tongue tip is down and the back of the tongue lifts. Here's the word 'sat'.

    舌尖向下,後方的 舌頭抬起來。這裡的 "坐 "字。

  • The tongue position is easy to see because of the jaw drop needed for this vowel.

    舌頭的位置很容易看到,因為 這個元音所需的下巴落差的。

  • When AA is in a stressed syllable, the vowel will go up and come down in pitch, AA. Sat,

    當AA出現在一個重音節中時,元音為 將在投擲中上升和下降,AA。星期六

  • AA. In an unstressed syllable, the vowel is flatter and lower in pitch, quieter, aa. This

    AA.在未受力的音節中,元音是在一個不受力的音節中,元音是...。 更平坦,音調更低,更安靜,aa。這個

  • vowel is unstressed in the second syllable of 'backtrack'. Let's look up close

    韻母 的'背道而馳'。讓我們近距離觀察

  • and in slow motion.


  • In the first, stressed syllable, the jaw drops, and we see the corners of the lips pull back

    在第一個,強調的音節中,下巴下垂。 我們看到脣角向後拉開

  • and up for the stressed AA. In the unstressed syllable, the jaw drops less. Let's compare

    和上的壓力AA。在無壓力的情況下 音節,下巴掉得少。我們來比較一下

  • them.


  • On top is the stressed AA. You can see the jaw drops more. For the unstressed AA, the

    上面是強調的AA。你可以看到 下巴掉的比較多。對於未受力的AA,。

  • corners of the lips are a little more relaxed than in the stressed version, where they pull

    脣角微微一鬆 比在強調的版本,他們拉

  • slightly back and up.


  • Generally, the unstressed version of a vowel or diphthong is more relaxed and doesn't

    一般來說,元音的非受力版本。 或雙音比較輕鬆,不

  • take the full mouth position, in this case, a little less jaw drop, and relaxed lips.

    採取全口位,在這種情況下。 少了一點下巴,嘴脣也放鬆了。

  • This is because unstressed syllables are shorter, so we don't take the time to make the full

    這是因為未受力的音節較短。 所以我們沒有花時間去做完整的。

  • position.


  • At the beginning of this video, I said the AA vowel is not always a pure AA. This vowel

    在這段視頻的開頭,我說的是 AA元音不一定是純AA。這個元音

  • changes when it's followed by a nasal consonant. When it's followed by the M or N sounds,

    當它後面跟著一個鼻輔音時,就會發生變化。 當它後面跟著m或n音時。

  • the tongue relaxes in the back, making an UH sound after AA. AA-UH. It's not a pure

    舌頭在後面放鬆,使 AA後的UH音。AA-UH。這不是一個純粹的

  • AA sound. Unfortunately, this change is not represented in the International Phonetic

    AA的聲音。遺憾的是,這種變化並不是 國際音標中的代表

  • Alphabet. It's still written with the same AA symbol. So, you just have to know when

    字母表。它的書寫方式仍然是 AA符號。所以,你只要知道什麼時候

  • it's followed by [m] or [n], it's different.


  • We don't say 'man', aa, 'man', with a pure AA. We say 'man', aa-uh, aa-uh,

    我們不說 "人",aa,"人",與。 一個純粹的AA。我們說 "人",啊,啊,啊,啊。

  • relaxing the tongue and corners of the lips before the consonant. You can think of this

    舌尖脣角放鬆 在輔音之前。你可以這樣想

  • UH relaxation as the 'uh' as in 'butter' sound or schwa sound. Let's look up close

    UH放鬆作為'呃'的'呃'如'黃油'。 音或分音。讓我們近距離觀察

  • and in slow motion at the word 'exam'.


  • First we see the familiar shape of the mouth, when the AA is in a stressed syllable. Watch

    首先我們看到熟悉的嘴形。 當AA在重音節中時。觀察

  • how the relaxation that happens: the corners of the lips relax in. The tongue will relax

    如何發生的放鬆: 角落 的嘴脣放鬆在。舌頭會放鬆

  • down in the back. And the lips close for the M consonant.

    後面的下來。而嘴脣閉合的 M輔音。

  • This relaxation of the corner of the lips and back of the tongue happens when the AA

    脣角的放鬆 和舌背發生時,AA

  • vowel is followed by the N consonant as well. For example, the word 'hand'. Haa-uhnd.

    元音後面也是N輔音。 例如,"手 "字。Haa-uhnd。

  • Hand.


  • So, when you see this symbol followed by this symbol or this symbol, it's no longer a

    所以,當你看到這個符號後面跟著這個。 符號或這個符號,它不再是一個

  • pure AA. Think of relaxing out of the vowel, AA-UH.

    純AA。認為放鬆出元音。 AA -UH。

  • If the next sound is the NG consonant, it's a little different. Rather than 'aa-uh',

    如果下一個音是NG輔音,那就是 有一點不同。而不是'aa -uh'。

  • the vowel changes into AY. It's really like the AY as in SAY diphthong. First, the middle

    元音變成了AY。這真的就像 AY如SAY雙音。首先,中間的

  • part of the tongue lifts towards the roof of the mouth, then the front part of the tongue.

    舌尖 的口腔,然後是舌頭的前部。

  • Let's watch 'gang' up close and in slow motion.

    讓我們近距離觀看 "幫派",並以慢速進行 動議。

  • The position for the first sound looks a lot like AA, but the part of the tongue lifting

    第一個聲音的位置看起來很 像AA制,但提舌的部分。

  • up is more forward. Gaaaang. Then the front part of the tongue arches up towards the roof

    起來是比較靠前的。Gaaaang。那麼前面 舌尖上翹

  • of the mouth, while the tongue tip remains down.

    而舌尖仍然 下。

  • When you see this symbol followed by this symbol, it's no longer a pure AA. It's

    當你看到這個符號後面跟著這個 符號,它已經不是一個純粹的AA。它是

  • more like AY. Gang. Thanks.


  • Pure stressed AA: Sat, aa Pure unstressed AA: backtrack, aa

    純壓力AA:Sat,aa 純粹的無應力AA:回溯,aa。

  • AA, aa, AA, aa.

    AA, aa, AA, aa.

  • AA vowel modified by M: exam, aa-uh AA vowel modified by N: man, aa-uh

    由M修飾的AA元音:考試,aa-uh。 由N修飾的AA元音:man,aa-uh。

  • AA vowel modified by NG: gang, ay


  • Example words. Repeat with me: Chapter, can, act, last, bank, bypass.

    例詞。跟我重複一下。 章,可以,行動,最後,銀行,繞過。

  • I hope this video helps you understand this sound. That's it, and thanks so much for

    希望這段視頻能幫助你瞭解這 聲音。這就是它,並感謝這麼多的

  • using Rachel's English.


Welcome to 2016, welcome to your new accent.


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