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  • Currency, in its many forms, has been part of human civilisation for thousands of years.

    貨幣,以其多種形式,一直以來都在為我們的生活服務。 幾千年來人類文明的。

  • A natural evolution of trade from the the arduous process of bartering, where traders

    貿易的自然演化 艱辛的交易過程,在這裡,商人們

  • needed to find an equivalent exchange of goods to complete a transaction.

    等價交換所需 以完成交易。

  • The advent of metal coins, which had a known and reliable value, allowed trade to flourish.

    金屬錢幣的出現,它有一個已知的。 和可靠的價值,使貿易得以蓬勃發展。

  • It facilitated the diversification of jobs, and even invented a new one, the banker.

    它促進了就業的多樣化。 甚至還發明瞭一個新的,銀行家。

  • As trade flourished, and coins were minted, the wealthy needed a secure location to keep

    隨著貿易的繁榮,錢幣的鑄造。 富人需要一個安全的地方來保存

  • their money safe.


  • Banks became common place, where vasts amount of money was stored, and the responsibility

    銀行成為常見的地方,在那裡大量的 儲存的錢,並負責

  • of keeping track of it fell into the hands of these bankers.

    追蹤的責任落到了 這些銀行家的。

  • The banker could facilitate trades between people, without the physical coins, from which

    銀行家可以在以下情況下促進交易 人,而沒有實物錢幣,從這些錢幣中。

  • the currency gained its value, ever needing to be seen.

    貨幣增值,永遠需要 要看。

  • This evolved to the world we now know where electronic and paper money is commonplace,

    這就是我們現在所知道的世界,在這裡... 電子貨幣和紙質貨幣是很常見的。

  • a system based on trust.


  • Trust that this money has intrinsic value, trust that became tarnished by the global

    相信這筆錢有內在價值。 信任,但卻因全球

  • financial crisis where bankers created excessive amounts of another new form of currency debt,

    金融危機中,銀行家們製造了過度 另一種新形式的貨幣債務的數額。

  • a currency based on assumed future earnings.

    a 基於假設未來收益的貨幣。

  • When this system fell apart with the crash in property prices, many ran back to the tried

    當這個系統崩潰的時候 樓價上漲,很多人又回到了久經考驗的狀態。

  • and true method of using gold as a safe and reliable currency, resulting in the prices

    和真正的方法,把黃金作為一種安全和 幣,導致價格

  • peaking at the height of the crash, but one clever individual started to wonder is there

    在車禍的高峰期,但一 聰明的人開始懷疑是否有

  • are better way.


  • That person was allegedlySatoshi Nakamatothe mysterious founder of the first cyptocurrency,

    那個人據說是 "中和聰"。 第一個電子貨幣的神祕創始人。

  • Bitcoin.


  • Satoshi released this statement conveying his motivation for creating bitcoin:

    聰哥發表了這一聲明,傳達了 他創建比特幣的動機。

  • The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that's required to make it

    "傳統貨幣的根本問題 是所有的信任,需要使它。

  • work.


  • The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies

    必須相信中央銀行不會貶值。 幣,但貨幣史

  • is full of breaches of that trust.


  • Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend

    銀行必須被信任來持有我們的錢和 以電子方式傳輸,但他們借出了

  • it out in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve.

    信貸保麗龍一波接一波地湧現,幾乎沒有 儲備的一部分。

  • We have to trust them with our privacy, trust them not to let identity thieves drain our

    我們要相信他們,我們的隱私,相信他們 他們不要讓身份竊賊榨乾我們的

  • accounts.


  • Their massive overhead costs make micropayments impossible.

    他們龐大的管理成本使得小額支付。 不可能。

  • Cryptocurrencies were invented primarily to eliminate the banking system middle men from

    加密貨幣的發明主要是為了 清除銀行系統的中間人

  • this trust system.


  • To ensure the security of people's hard earned money and allow for cheap accessible transactions.

    為確保人民民眾的血汗錢安全。 錢,並允許廉價的無障礙交易。

  • A beautiful idea, that in practice has its flaws.

    一個美好的想法,在實踐中卻有其 缺陷。

  • In order to eliminate these middle men, we need to find a way of creating a trust system

    為了消除這些中間人,我們 要想辦法建立一個信任體系。

  • between individuals using the currency.


  • A way of ensuring that someone cannot simply write a transaction crediting their account

    一種確保某人不能簡單地 賒賬

  • with bitcoin, without permission.


  • This is where the blockchain comes in.


  • In its purest form, Bitcoin is a currency that uses a system of complicated keycodes

    在其最純粹的形式下,比特幣是一種貨幣 複雜的密碼系統

  • to verify transactions between individuals.


  • Batches of transactions are filed into something called a block every 10 minutes.

    分批的交易被歸檔到某項 每10分鐘叫一個區塊。

  • For bitcoin the max amount of transactions per block is around 2,400, so bitcoin has

    對於比特幣來說,最大交易量 每個區塊約為2400個,所以比特幣有

  • a max transaction speed of 4 transactions per second.

    最大交易速度為4次交易 每秒鐘。

  • Each of these blocks needs to be verified in order to verify the transaction history

    這些區塊中的每一個都需要驗證 為了核實交易記錄

  • and cryptocurrencies do this in a pretty surprising way.

    和加密貨幣以一種非常令人驚訝的方式實現了這一點 辦法。

  • By guesswork.


  • Bitcoin uses a system called a cryptographic hash function, in this case Sha-256. to verify

    比特幣使用的是一種名為 "密碼學 "的系統。 哈希函數,在這種情況下,Sha-256.以驗證

  • each block and it works like this.


  • SHA-256 simply outputs a string of 256 bits, that's a 256 long string of 1s and 0s, for

    SHA-256只是輸出一個256位的字符串。 那是一個256長的1和0的字符串,對於。

  • a given input.


  • The output seems random, but it's not.


  • SHA-256 will always give the same output for a given input, BUT, as far as we know, it's

    SHA-256總是會給相同的輸出。 但是,據我們所知,它是一個給定的輸入,但是,它是

  • impossible to take the output and figure out what the input was.

    無從下手 輸入的是什麼。

  • It's a one way street.


  • That means, in order to generate a specific desired output, the only way of doing it is

    這意味著,為了生成一個特定的 所需的輸出,唯一的辦法就是要做到

  • by trial and error.


  • Guessing inputs and checking the output.


  • And to do this quickly requires a significant amount of computational power.

    而要做到這一點,需要大量的 量的計算能力。

  • Essentially employing millions of little monkeys in your computer to type numbers until one

    基本上僱傭了幾百萬只小猴子 在電腦中輸入數字,直到有一個

  • manages to get it correctly.


  • So how does this apply to the blockchain verification of Bitcoin?

    那麼,如何應用於區塊鏈驗證呢? 的比特幣?

  • For a block to be added to the chain it needs to be signed with a SHA-256 input that will

    要將一個塊添加到鏈上,它需要 要用SHA-256輸入簽名,將

  • result in a predetermined string of zeros at the start.

    結果是一個預定的零串。 在開始的時候。

  • The number of zeros needed is determined by how much computational power is trying to

    所需的零數由以下因素決定 有多少計算能力是試圖

  • verify the blockchain.


  • The more zeros needed, the more computational power is needed.

    需要的零越多,計算量就越大。 權力是需要的。

  • We want the blockchain to be verified every 10 minutes, so in order to maintain that verification

    我們希望區塊鏈每一次都能得到驗證。 10分鐘,所以為了維持這種核查。

  • time, the number of zeros needed keeps rising as more computational power is dedicated to

    時間,所需的零數不斷增加。 隨著更多的計算能力被用於

  • the network.


  • It is through this huge dedication of computation power that ensures security of the blockchain.

    正是通過這種巨大的計算量的奉獻。 力,確保區塊鏈的安全性。

  • It would be unfeasible for an individual to rewrite the blockchain with false information,

    一個人要做到以下幾點是不可能的 用虛假資訊重寫區塊鏈。

  • as they would first need to dedicate enough power to sign previously written blocks, and

    因為他們首先需要投入足夠的資金 簽署以前書寫的區塊的權力,以及

  • manage to keep up with the blocks currently being written by the rest of the network.

    趕得上 正在被網絡的其他部分編寫。

  • A herculean task, as we are about to see.


  • There are more nuances to this system, and I highly recommend you watch 3blue1brown's

    這個系統有更多的細微差別,而且。 我強烈推薦你看3blue1brown的作品。

  • video on the subject if you want to learn more.

    視頻上的主題,如果你想學習 更多。

  • This blockchain technology is fascinating, and has a huge amount of potential outside

    這個區塊鏈技術很吸引人。 並具有巨大的潛力外

  • of just cryptocurrencies, but it has negative side effects, which have been exacerbated

    的只是加密貨幣,但它有負的 副作用,而這種作用又加重了。

  • by the hijacking of the bitcoin hype train.


  • The blockchain is verified by miners, these are people who guess the inputs for SHA-256

    區塊鏈是由礦工驗證的,這些 是猜測SHA-256輸入的人。

  • to generate the desired output, and they are rewarded for doing so with some bitcoin.

    以產生所需的輸出,並且它們是 用一些比特幣進行獎勵。

  • To increase your chances of being the first person to correctly guess an appropriate input,

    為了增加您成為第一個 人,以正確猜測一個合適的輸入。

  • you need to maximise your computational power, basically employ more monkeys, but obviously

    你需要最大化你的計算能力。 基本上僱傭了更多的猴子,但顯然

  • this has a breakeven point.


  • Computation requires expensive equipment, and equipment prices have only risen as the

    計算需要昂貴的設備。 和設備價格只漲不跌,因為

  • demand for blockchain verification tech increases, and it also requires electricity.

    對區塊鏈驗證技術的需求增加。 而且還需要電。

  • There are giant mining farms in the wastelands of Iceland that use the cheap geothermal energy

    荒原上有巨大的採礦場。 廉價的地熱能源的冰島人

  • and the abundance of cool air to minimise their electricity costs for this very reason.

    和豐富的冷空氣,以最大限度地減少。 他們的電費就是因為這個原因。

  • But the price of Bitcoin has inflated so dramatically that it's still profitable to dedicate a

    但是,比特幣的價格已經急劇膨脹了 獻身於此還是有利可圖的。

  • huge amount of computation power to mine, and it has risen to damaging levels.

    巨大的計算力來挖掘。 並且已經上升到破壞性的程度。

  • One Chinese mining facility was reportedly spending 80,000 dollars a month on electricity,

    據報道,中國的一個採礦設施被 每月花8萬元電費。

  • but was turning over 1.5 million per month.


  • With returns like that, it would make perfect sense to expand and increase your electricity

    有了這樣的回報,這將是完美的 擴充和增加你的電力的意義

  • demands, and this is exactly what we are seeing.


  • Digiconomist have constructed a Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index which has estimated that

    Digiconomist已經構建了一個比特幣的能量 據估計,消費指數

  • the network of computers that verify bitcoin transactions draw 3.4 Gigawatts (GW) That

    驗證網絡 交易額為3.4千兆瓦(GW)。

  • 3.4GW adds up to 30.1 terrawatt hours (TWh) of energy per year.

    3.4GW增加到30.1太瓦時(TWh)。 每年的能源。

  • That is on par with the energy use of the entire country of Serbia, or roughly 0.8 percent

    的能源使用量相當。 塞爾維亞全國,約佔0.8%。

  • of total energy demand in the United States, equal to 2.9 million US households.

    佔美國能源需求總量的。 相當於290萬美國家庭。

  • To put the energy consumed by the Bitcoin network into perspective, we can compare it

    要把比特幣所消耗的能量。 網絡的角度來看,我們可以將它

  • to another payment system like VISA.


  • According to VISA, the company consumed a total amount of 0.19 terrawatt hours of energy

    據VISA公司介紹,該公司消費了一個。 能源總量為0.19太瓦時。

  • globally for all its operations.


  • This means that VISA has an energy need equal to that of around 17,000 U.S. households.

    這意味著,VISA的能源需求等於 到約17000個美國家庭的。

  • We also know VISA processed 111.2 billion transactions in 2017.

    我們還知道,VISA處理了1112億個 2017年的交易。

  • Vastly more than the Bitcoin network's 100 million transactions, at a fraction of the

    遠遠超過比特幣網絡的100 百萬筆交易,而價格卻只佔到市場價格的一小部分。

  • cost.


  • Comparing to VISA may be unfair, as they require those pesky middle-men that we are striving

    與VISA相比可能有失公平,因為他們需要的是 那些討厭的中間人,我們正在努力。

  • to eliminate and move towards decentralisation.


  • You should however consider that the brunt of Bitcoin verification is not being performed

    然而,你應該考慮到,首當其衝的是 的比特幣驗證沒有進行

  • by individuals like you and me, we simply cannot compete with our consumer level technology,

    像你和我這樣的人,我們只是 無法與我們的消費級技術競爭。

  • but by a small group of large mining facilities.


  • Centralised facilities where the power is in the hands of a few.

    集中的設施,其中電力是 在少數人手中。

  • So is there any hope for Bitcoin?


  • We need consider that the system is not in equilibrium.

    我們需要考慮的是,這個系統並不是在 平衡。

  • The Bitcoin network is limited to a production of 21 million coins.

    比特幣網絡只限於產 的2100萬枚硬幣。

  • Over time there will be fewer bitcoins left to mine, a feature of the original plan by

    隨著時間的推移,剩下的比特幣會越來越少。 礦,這也是原計劃的一個特點。

  • bitcoin's mysterious founder Nakamoto.


  • Once the majority of bitcoins have been mined, the block reward will become an insignificant

    一旦大部分比特幣被開採出來。 區塊獎勵將變得微不足道

  • percentage of miners' overall earnings.


  • Instead, miners will get their reward from small transaction fees, which are already

    相反,礦工將從 小額交易費,這已經是

  • part of the network.


  • So in equilibrium, the energy demanded by the network will only be driven by these small

    所以在平衡狀態下,所需的能量為 網絡將只由這些小

  • transaction fees, which is currently significantly below coin-value.

    交易費用,目前已大幅 低於幣值。

  • Making it even less profitable to flood the market with computation power.

    使其更無利可圖,氾濫成災。 市場與計算能力。

  • This is where we come to our next point in why Bitcoin isn't working.

    這就是我們的下一個重點。 為什麼比特幣沒有用。

  • Cryptocurrencies have been hijacked by the hype.

    加密貨幣已經被劫持了。 炒作。

  • The vast majority of transactions occurring for bitcoin are not to buy goods and services,

    絕大多數交易發生在 為比特幣不是為了購買商品和服務。

  • as currency was invented for, but are simply trades of currency.

    作為貨幣被髮明的目的,但僅僅是 貨幣的交易。

  • Swapping traditional currency for a share of the bitcoins on the market.

    將傳統貨幣換成股票 市場上的比特幣的。

  • This may sound familiar to you, because it's exactly what gold is used for.

    這可能聽起來很熟悉,因為它是 究竟黃金是用來做什麼的。

  • This is not what Bitcoin was created for.


  • Bitcoin was created so that you would never have to use dollars again.

    比特幣的誕生是為了讓你永遠不會... 又要用美元了。

  • That you would trade your dollars for bitcoins, and never trade back.

    你會把你的美元換成比特幣, 並且永不退換。

  • But Bitcoin is too volatile for anyone to use it like that.

    但是,比特幣的波動性太大,誰都不可能 用它這樣。

  • Bitcoin has become an incredible volatile investment vehicle, with thousands of people

    比特幣已經成為一種不可思議的波動性 投資工具,有數千人

  • attempting to trade on speculation and achieve this dream of becoming a bitcoin millionaire.

    投機取巧 這個成為比特幣百萬富翁的夢想。

  • But in order for a currency to work in a society it needs stability, people need to trust that

    但為了讓貨幣在社會中發揮作用 它需要穩定,人們需要信任

  • the money the own today will be worth the same amount tomorrow, this is why the dollar

    今朝有財今朝醉 明天同樣的金額,這就是為什麼美元

  • is so successful.


  • Several countries around the world use the dollar because their own currency has become

    世界上有幾個國家使用 美元,因為他們自己的貨幣已經成為

  • so volatile no-one can put their trust in it.

    風雲變幻,莫衷一是 它。

  • How can we expect Bitcoin to become a useful currency when it's value jumps so dramatically

    我們如何才能期待比特幣成為一個有用的 幣值暴漲

  • between dates due to irrational speculation, and market manipulation.

    由於非理性的猜測,日期之間。 和市場操縱。

  • For now Bitcoin is largely a useless environment damaging investment vehicle, which was not

    目前來說,比特幣基本上是一個無用的環境 損壞的投資車輛,這不是

  • the vision Satoshi had for it.


  • Even if the bitcoin prices manage to stabilise as equilibrium is reached, it's limited

    即使比特幣價格能夠穩定下來 勢均力敵

  • transaction time of 4 transactions per second will likely prevent it from ever becoming

    交易時間為每秒4筆 將可能阻止它成為

  • a useful currency, and will more likely become a wealth storage method similar to gold.

    一種有用的貨幣,並將更有可能成為 一種類似於黃金的財富儲存方式。

  • Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are a fantastic idea in theory.

    區塊鏈技術和加密貨幣都是 理論上來說是個不錯的主意。

  • Just as paper money and debt are, but they're flawed for the same reason.

    就像紙幣和債務一樣,但它們是。 瑕不掩瑜,原因同上。

  • People.


  • If there are ways of exploiting a system for financial gain, people will find it.

    如果有辦法利用系統進行 經濟利益,人們會發現。

  • The only way stopping that is to set up systems to prevent exploitation, and this is what

    唯一能阻止這種情況的辦法就是建立制度。 以防止剝削,這就是

  • other currencies like Ethereum are trying to do, while building upon the foundation

    其他貨幣如Ethereum正在嘗試 要做的事,在此基礎上

  • Bitcoin laid, but if history has proven anything, if there are ways of exploiting a system for

    比特幣奠定,但如果歷史證明了什麼。 如果有辦法利用系統進行。

  • financial gain people will find it.


  • You can learn how to manipulate system for your personal gain by starting this course

    你可以學習如何作業系統,以 您的個人收益,開始這個課程

  • on the Math of Quantitative Finance on Brilliant.


  • Which will take from from an introduction to Quantitative Finance, through to probability,

    其中將從介紹 到數量金融學,再到概率。

  • statistics and finally Markov Chains.


  • Anyone who follows me on twitter will know that I enjoy tracking the stock market and

    關注我微博的人都會知道 我喜歡跟蹤股市和

  • understanding how it works.


  • Even though I've rarely talked about Finance on here, it is just as important for you to

    雖然我很少談金融 在這裡,對你來說同樣重要的是

  • know how to save through compound interest, determine the expected impact of opportunities

    知道如何通過複利來儲蓄。 確定機會的預期影響

  • like Bitcoin, and be confident that your retirement account will be sufficient.

    如比特幣,並對您的退休生活充滿信心。 賬戶就可以了。

  • And the best way to understand is by applying these concepts yourself, which is exactly

    而最好的理解方式就是應用 這些概念自己,這正是

  • what Brilliant allows you to achieve.


  • These may initially sound complicated and scary, but Brilliant guides you through problems

    這些可能最初聽起來很複雜,而且 嚇人,但Brilliant會指導你解決問題。

  • that are broken into digestible sections that bring you from knowing nothing to having a

    抽成可消化的部分。 讓你從一無所知到擁有

  • deep understanding of the physics and math that underlie everything in our lives.

    文理兼通 是我們生活中一切的基礎。

  • What's more, if you go to, you can do the entire course for free!

    更重要的是,如果你去。 你可以免費做整個課程!

  • And once you complete this course, you could land a fast-track interview with top finance

    一旦你完成這個課程,你可以 快速獲得頂級金融界的面試機會

  • companies!


  • To support Real Engineering and learn more about Brilliant, go to

    支持真實工程,瞭解更多 關於Brilliant,請訪問。

  • and sign up for free.


  • And also, the first 73 people that go to that link will get 20% off the annual Premium subscription.

    還有,前73名去的人。 鏈接將獲得年度高級訂閱8折優惠。

  • As always thanks for watching and thank you to all my Patreon supporters.

    一如既往的感謝你的觀看,謝謝你 向我所有的Patreon支持者致敬。

  • I just released a new reward in the form of early access to scripts, so if you would like

    我剛剛發佈了一個新的獎勵,形式是 腳本的早期訪問權,所以如果你想獲得

  • to see and influence the scripts to these videos over a week before they hit YouTube.

    來看待和影響這些腳本。 視頻上傳到YouTube前一週多。

  • Please consider supporting on Patreon.


Currency, in its many forms, has been part of human civilisation for thousands of years.

貨幣,以其多種形式,一直以來都在為我們的生活服務。 幾千年來人類文明的。

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