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  • Hey, what's going on?

  • The Church of Almighty God must be abolished!

  • I ought to teach you a lesson.

  • Keep pouring!

  • She just miscarried!

  • We'll give her an injection that will make her start to hallucinate.

  • Mom, I'm right here!

  • What if they actually end up torturing me to death?

  • Godlovesman.

  • Godlovesman.

  • ManlovesGod.

  • ManlovesGod.

  • AllpraiseGod.

  • AllpraiseGod.

  • Good. Now let me recite one more passage of God's word, all right? (Yeah.)

  • Almighty God's word makes me see this world clearly,

  • understand the meaning of human life,

  • and step onto the right way of human life.

  • Almighty God is indeed the truth, the way, and the life.

  • Li Yan, what are you doing?

  • I … I … think

  • What are you thinking of?

  • WepraiseGod, readHisword.

  • Mm. And what else?

  • Try to remember. Anything else?

  • Then let me continue to recite God's word.

  • Come and eat.

  • It's almost eight. You really should eat quickly! (Mm.)

  • Aren't you going somewhere today?

  • Right. Yesterday our church brought in seven new believers.

  • Oh, seven people? Wow!

  • So what did you talk to them about?

  • Well, at first, they thought Jesus and Almighty God were actually

  • two separate Gods and refused to accept.

  • So I had fellowship with them

  • that the Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom

  • are all the work of one God. (Mm.)

  • Every time God does a new stage of work, the place, the way He works,

  • even His own name will change accordingly.

  • If people try to know God through just one stage of His work,

  • then they will easily define God in their conceptions.

  • In the end, they would just be eliminated by God's work like the Pharisees.

  • Then, what happened?

  • Later on,

  • I spoke about God's work of judgment and chastisement in the last days.

  • And then, they readily accepted it.

  • Oh, that's great! (Mm.)

  • Now that you're responsible for the church.

  • You should form a plan on how to help them grow in their faith.

  • With the seven new people,

  • along with the over twenty believers we brought in from some time ago,

  • we'll have over 30 new members at our meetings.

  • That's right!

  • By the way, I made a list of their names.

  • You see, I tried to divide them all into groups.

  • I've planned to talk about it with my other co-workers.

  • Hmm. Take it. Keep it safe.

  • I'm out of time. I really need to go now.

  • We can talk about this more when I get back tonight. (Okay!)

  • Hey, who's going to pick up our daughter tonight, you or me? (Hmm?)

  • Mm … I have a lot to do tonight. Do you think that you could do it?

  • Cause I don't know when I'll be back. (Mm.)

  • Okay. Take care!

  • Hey, what's going on?

  • Is your name Li Yan?

  • We're from the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.

  • You're a believer in Almighty God.

  • We've been following you for a while.

  • Get in the car!

  • Let's go! (Let's go!)

  • Hey, what are you doing? What law did I break?

  • Come on! Get in!

  • You believers in Almighty God

  • we know everything about you.

  • We've watched your every move.

  • Come on!

  • You behave yourself!

  • God! I'm so scared now and I don't know what to do.

  • God! Give me the strength to not betray You or sell out my brothers and sisters.

  • God! Please be with me.

  • Get out!

  • Eyes up! Go!

  • What's the charge?

  • Believing in Almighty God.

  • Oh, another two!

  • Good! Well done!

  • Go! Move it!

  • The Central Committee has ruled:

  • The core of the Church of Almighty God must be brought in.

  • The United Front Work Department and the Religious Affairs Bureau

  • have made a decision: The Church of Almighty God must be abolished! (Yes!)

  • Director Chen,

  • we've been investigating some believers in Almighty God very thoroughly.

  • We're hunting them down now.

  • In fact, we've already caught several.

  • The hard core won't be able to hide from us much longer. (Mm.)

  • We must be relentless on all of them, show no mercy.

  • We have to get rid of them all.

  • Only then will our mission be half completed. (Yes!)

  • Come in.

  • Director, we've captured Li Yan.

  • Good! Take her back! Detain her! (Sir!)

  • The time has come to crack down on them.

  • We've caught another believer in Almighty God.

  • You can search her.

  • Give me your arms!

  • Take off your clothes!

  • Stop struggling!

  • This is all the evidence we need to arrest you.

  • You'll have a lot to answer for!

  • This is all the money I could find on her.

  • Are you kidding me?

  • What did you expect?

  • What a whiner!

  • Come on, such little money!

  • I can't even buy a cup of tea with this.

  • Now stand back!

  • This is a list of names I found in the pocket of her coat.

  • It could be pretty important.

  • Ah, yes! She's written down so many names.

  • Looks like she's not just anybody.

  • She must be a leader in the church.

  • We've caught ourself a pretty big fish. Director's going to love this.

  • This is bad. What do I do?

  • That list has the names of all those new believers on it.

  • If they get arrested

  • What do I do? What do I do?

  • So you're a believer in Almighty God?

  • Well, if He's so powerful, ask for His help!

  • Oh, could God be using her words to remind me to rely on Him?

  • God is all-powerful!

  • O God! What should I do?

  • The names on that list are now in the hands of the police.

  • I'm very afraid and don't know what to do.

  • The men and women on that list are all new believers.

  • What will happen if they're all arrested by the police?

  • O God! Please make a way out for me.

  • That's right! God is the Ruler of all things.

  • Everything that's happening right now is part of His plan.

  • These new believers are all in His hands.

  • Without God's will, there's no way the police can catch them.

  • Director Chen, when we searched this woman earlier, we found a list of names.

  • And believe me: I mean a lot of names.

  • That's why I don't think she's just some ordinary woman.

  • Answer me!

  • Who are the people on this list?

  • What are they up to?

  • Where do they live? Eh?

  • What's your position in the church?

  • Who do you answer to? Talk!

  • Talk!

  • Damn you!

  • Answer us! Answer us!

  • Why are you beating me?

  • How is this the law?

  • So do you beat the murderers and the robbers too?

  • Why do you arrest us believers?

  • Because here we make the laws. That's life!

  • Don't play dumb.

  • You believe in Almighty God. It's forbidden by the state.

  • In China, murder and arsony are nothing,

  • but believing in God is a serious crime.

  • But the state grants us the freedom to believe.

  • Why do you arrest us?

  • Freedom to believe?

  • What kind of freedom is that?

  • It's the freedom of a bird trapped in a cage.

  • Though its wings are not bound,

  • when it flies, it's still in the cage.

  • You wanna scold me about freedom?

  • Then you're asking for trouble.

  • Now you'll tell us the truth or you'll pay for your silence.

  • But aren't the state laws betraying the people?

  • That's enough!

  • Let me make it clear.

  • The state has decreed that we won't be held accountable

  • if we beat you to death. Got it?

  • You'd better tell us what we want to know.

  • Talk! …

  • Who are those people on that list?

  • Where do they live?

  • Come on, why do you believe in God? Where is He now?

  • All right. It's past 5 o'clock.

  • By the end of the day, I want there to be some results.

  • I have to go now.

  • Yes, sir. We can handle it.

  • How dare you try to sleep! Wake up!

  • Talk! Who is on that list?

  • Tell me! Who are the upper leaders of your church?

  • And the church's money? Where is that?

  • Huh? Talk! What's the matter with you?

  • Answer me! Why don't you talk? Talk! …

  • Stand up!

  • Oh, still quiet? Then don't you expect to get out alive.

  • Talk! …

  • Get out!

  • Move!

  • You stay here.

  • Tell me! Where is all the church's money?

  • Because of this, we can sentence you to three or five years.

  • Are you finished?

  • We are, sir. There's nothing else.

  • You see, you've done nothing but waste our time.

  • Take her away!

  • Move!

  • Keep interrogating her.

  • And get her to start talking. (Yes, sir.)

  • Good morning, Director Chen.

  • Director Chen.

  • How was it? Any progress? (No.)

  • I have seen others who are just like you.

  • Stay silent and you'll suffer.

  • If you talk, I can help you.

  • You'll suffer much less.

  • Raise your head.

  • You're praying, right?

  • No praying!

  • Raise your head!

  • You two haven't slept in a while.

  • Go get some rest. I'll deal with her. (Yes, sir.)

  • A woman of your age must have a child, right?

  • Aren't you missing your child?

  • And how old are your parents?

  • If you won't save yourself,

  • then you should think about your parents and your child.

  • See your fellow believers. They're all safe and free outside,

  • but you sit in here suffering for them like a scapegoat.

  • Is this worth it?

  • Why suffer for this?

  • You're a wise young woman.

  • If you can cooperate, I know we can work together.

  • If you can work with my team and tell us everything you know about the church,

  • then I'll make sure you're released and that you're safe.

  • Hmm. Don't be so stubborn.

  • You should consider being more flexible.

  • If you're too stubborn, then you'll suffer. Can't you see that?

  • I've heard you play the piano. Now that's quite the skill.

  • Hmmyou're so beautiful.

  • You know I like music, too.

  • I like meeting people who understand it.

  • Li Yan, I'm 45 years old.

  • I'm still young.

  • I have everything. Well, except a friend that I can trust.

  • You could be that friend.

  • What do you think?

  • Maybe we could be more than that.

  • If you'll be my lover, there's nothing else you'll need.

  • How's that sound?

  • Don't worry. Everyone listens to me.

  • Keep your faith, alright?

  • If you want, I can let you be a pastor in the Three-Self Church.

  • What do you think?

  • Don't touch me!

  • You don't appreciate my kindness.

  • I'm your only way out of here!

  • If you're that ungrateful, I'll make your torture more severe.

  • Then it will be too late to be saved.

  • So tell me the truth.

  • If you try to go on like this, you know you won't last.

  • O God! If I didn't see it with my own two eyes,

  • I never would have thought that any of the high-ranking officials of the CCP

  • could be so base and obscene.

  • They're no better than a gang of thugs on the street.

  • O God!

  • They continue to torture me in order to get me to betray You and Your followers,

  • so that they can go and destroy Your work.

  • I can see it clearly now.

  • They're not really humans, but vile demons in disguise.

  • O God! I will never bow to them. And I will never betray You as long as I live.

  • Please give me strength so that I can keep going,

  • so that I can stand firm in Your name.

  • Fine!

  • Director, how was it? Did she speak?

  • She's just another godized woman.

  • It's impossible to reform her. (Right.)

  • We should stop wasting our time. (Hmm. Right.)

  • Send her to the detention center tomorrow.

  • Maybe some of the prisoners can break her for us. (Mm.)

  • And I want you to tell Chief Zhu, "make sure that she's 'taken care of.'"

  • Yes, sir.

  • Look who it is! Chief Zhu!

  • Hey, Xiao Cui. (It's been a while!)

  • Tell me what brings you out here today?

  • Ah, sorry, my friend. I'm not here to visit.

  • I've come here to handle some important business.

  • What business?

  • She believes in Almighty God. (Oh.)

  • She is something.

  • She's tough. She won't answer our questions. (Oh.)

  • Sounds like another godized woman. (Mm.)

  • Well, you've arrested a lot of these lately.

  • Yes, and this time we're trying to capture them all.

  • We want to completely abolish the Church of Almighty God.

  • So you see, we have to crack down on these godized people just like her.

  • Director Chen told me he wants you to make sure she's "all taken care of."

  • Mm. Got it.

  • I know just how to deal with these people.

  • You must control them with a firm hand. (Mm.)

  • Take her!

  • Move.

  • Get in!

  • She believes in God. They want her "taken care of."

  • Yes, m'am. We will.

  • So where are you from? What's your name?

  • Beat her up!

  • Keep at it!

  • Li Yan, get up. Follow me outside.

  • Doctor, tell me what's wrong with her.

  • He says you're fine. There's nothing wrong.

  • You'll be alright. Come on!

  • Come in!

  • Chief. (Yes?)

  • We took the newcomer for an examination yesterday. (Mm.)

  • Afterwards, the doctor told us she was two months pregnant. (Oh?)

  • The rules say we can't force her to work.

  • We're asking how should we deal with this.

  • I see. What should we do?

  • Chief, she's a believer in Almighty God.

  • And because of that, we can't release her.

  • A believer in Almighty God, eh?

  • Right. When it comes to these believers in Almighty God,

  • we have special instructions from the Central Committee. Let me check them.

  • Mm, here.

  • Believers in Almighty God are political criminals. (Mm.)

  • And if any of them decide to become too stubborn or hard to reform,

  • we must be hard on them. (Mm.)

  • I think you know what I'm suggesting. Understand?

  • We know what we need to do.

  • Mm. Make the arrangements. Go!

  • Yes, we'll get right on that. (Good.)

  • Wu Fang, come here! (Yeah?)

  • What do you need, m'am?

  • Got an important job for you. (Sure.)

  • Why do you want us to hit her in the belly?

  • Are you talking back to me? Don't question my orders.

  • Yes, m'am. Sorry.

  • Now go back. (I'll go.)

  • Got it.

  • Hey, Li Yan, get on your feet.

  • Hey, you listen to me when I'm talking to you.

  • I ought to teach you a lesson.

  • What's going on in there?

  • Hurry, hurry! Come on! Get up. Get up.

  • Who started all of this?

  • Officer, Li Yan started hitting us. We wanted to stop.

  • She's right, Officer.

  • She's right, Officer. You should stand up for us. Oh, it hurts.

  • You! What's wrong with you?

  • Do you think you're in charge around here?

  • O Almighty God! I'm in such pain. I can't stand it.

  • I can't stay here. I can't stay in this place for one more minute.

  • God! Please help me.

  • Please protect me.

  • I can't survive this by myself.

  • God!

  • Yes. Any suffering I may endure for gaining the truth God will remember it.

  • It's important and it means something.

  • All of the suffering they bring

  • will just bring me closer to God's blessings and promises.

  • In this vast sea of people,

  • how many of them will endure such hardship just to gain the truth?

  • How many will suffer for believing in God?

  • Today, I'm suffering for experiencing God's work.

  • Isn't this my honor and God's favor?

  • God, I understand Your will.

  • I can't let myself be timid anymore.

  • I'm willing to be one who puts Your mind at ease.

  • All right. It's dinner time.

  • Line up!

  • Number 2. (Here.)

  • Number 7. (Here.)

  • Number 8. (Here.)

  • Li Yan, this is for your stomachache.

  • The doctor prescribed it for your gastritis. It'll make you better.

  • Take it. It's very effective.

  • Go on. Take it.

  • How dare you be so ungrateful! You need to be punished.

  • Bring her over here!

  • Over here!

  • Hold her down. Hold her.

  • Open up!

  • Hold her down! Drink it!

  • That's it! If we tell you to drink, you drink it!

  • Open her mouth. Do it now!

  • God! What did they just force me to drink?

  • Help me.

  • God! I think they might be trying to kill me.

  • I feel I'm dying.

  • O God!

  • What's going on with her?

  • Leave her alone.

  • The room smells like blood. Did something die in here?

  • What? She just miscarried!

  • What?

  • So that stuff we forced her to drink made her lose the baby. (Yes, yes.)

  • That's right. It all makes sense.

  • That's why the officer told us all to kick her in the belly that day. (Right!)

  • Yes! That's awful.

  • GodGod, how could this happen?

  • God, how could this happen?

  • I hate them all.

  • I hate them so much! Oh, God.

  • God!

  • I never thought that the CCP would be capable of doing something this terrible.

  • They took my baby from me.

  • God

  • Why do they think they can play with human's lives like this?

  • Oh God! I'm in such misery.

  • I can barely stand it anymore.

  • God.

  • God! What is Your will?

  • Please enlighten me.

  • O God

  • Yes! When we face trials in this world, God intends to perfect our faith.

  • God always blesses and has mercy on those

  • who can maintain their faith in Him for all things,

  • no matter what may become of them.

  • In the story of Job, when he was tempted by Satan,

  • after his flocks were carried away by robbers and he lost all of his wealth,

  • and he suffered from terrible illness,

  • although he was miserable and growing very weak,

  • and didn't understand God's will,

  • he never complained against God,

  • nor did he misunderstand that God had abandoned him,

  • instead he, relying on his faith, prayed to God and sought out God's will.

  • Not once did he renounce God's name.

  • In the end, he stood by his testimony

  • and received God's blessings a hundred times over.

  • And now, in this prison, Satan is trying to torment me in the exact same way

  • by taking the baby from my womb, trying to make me reject God.

  • But isn't this the time where I need to have faith in God more than ever?

  • How can I misunderstand His will?

  • Although I might not be able to understand it now,

  • I'll have to be like Job and rely on God with my faith,

  • stand testimony for God, and never yield to Satan.

  • I believe that God will lead me through all of these difficulties.

  • Li Yan, come out!

  • Move it!

  • Walk!

  • Move it!

  • Now take off her clothes.

  • Hey, wait. What are you doing?

  • Didn't she miscarry a week ago? There's a chance this could kill her.

  • Don't you worry. It's fine.

  • They're believers in God.

  • Don't they die just like a dog dies?

  • Keep pouring!

  • God, they might actually kill me.

  • Please protect me and give me the will to suffer,

  • so that I won't betray You, no matter what happens.

  • O God! O God!

  • May You give me strength, give me faith.

  • Let's stop. It's been almost an hour. Take her back!

  • Hey, this is so strange.

  • We poured water on her for a really long time.

  • How come she's totally fine?

  • Could it be that there's really a God protecting her?

  • Come on! Are you a believer now?

  • God! I know that You're still with me.

  • I truly believe that.

  • When I was afflicted by Satan, You were there with me.

  • I'm so weak and so tired. I couldn't have survived on my own.

  • O God! Today You've shown me how mighty You are,

  • and You've shown these demons Your wondrous deeds.

  • They see that Your life force can exceed any force.

  • O God! You're so almighty!

  • You are indeed my support, the one true God who controls all things.

  • I thank You and praise You!

  • Come in.

  • Yes, sir.

  • Sit. (Thanks.)

  • The believer in Almighty God, how is she doing?

  • Oh, that's all right. This is Director Chen. (Oh, hello, sir!) (Yes, sir.)

  • The baby's aborted. (Hmm.)

  • So now, what would you like us to do?

  • I see.

  • Well, according to the Director's wishes,

  • we'll give her an injection that will make her start to hallucinate.

  • This will make her go insane.

  • Even after she gets out, she'll lose her belief in God.

  • She won't be a problem, at least, not ours.

  • Besides, who's going to listen to what a lunatic says?

  • But listen, if we do this, then it has to be done in secrecy. No one can know.

  • Understand? (Yes, sir!)

  • Don't give a whole dose. A little at a time. (Mm.)

  • Make her go mad slowly.

  • When she starts to lose control of her mind, she might say some things. (Right.)

  • That's when you should pay attention.

  • Mm. Yes, sir. We know exactly what to do.

  • Good. You can make the arrangements. Dismissed. (Sure.)

  • Thank you, Director. Thank you, Chief. Good day!

  • Li Yan, come out! Move!

  • Please, nurse, what is it that I'm sick with?

  • Don't question the treatment.

  • Now hold out your arm.

  • You'll need to be injected regularly. Come here every day.

  • Move!

  • Number 8. (Here.)

  • What's wrong with me?

  • My head feels swollen. I just can't think straight,

  • and it feels like there's something inside it.

  • I can't remember as much. What's going on with me?

  • Get up! Get up!

  • Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Run! Run! Hurry!

  • Li Yan, where are you? (Mom.)

  • Where are you?

  • Mom! It's my Mom!

  • Mom! Mom, I'm right here!

  • Mom! Mom, I'm right here! MomMom

  • Answer us! Time to start talking! Start talking!

  • Hit her!

  • No! No! No!

  • Hey, do you still believe in your God?

  • If you still believe, I'll beat you to death. I'll do it.

  • What do you think? Is she going crazy?

  • Has she ever talked to herself like that?

  • One minute she cries and she laughs.

  • She hasn't been acting like herself lately. But what's going on? (Mm.)

  • You're right.

  • Yeah.

  • Hey, hey! I've heard you believe in God.

  • I understand. My in-laws are believers. It's true.

  • Hey, how many people out there you suppose believe in God?

  • Tell us where your church is. Who preached the gospel to you?

  • Hey, we just wanna talk.

  • Hey, don't be like that.

  • Hey, don't go. You can talk to us. Say something!

  • What's going on with me? Why can't I control myself?

  • If I can't control myself,

  • what if I tell them the names of brothers and sisters?

  • God! Please guard my mouth and keep me from selling out brothers and sisters.

  • Uh? You idiot, why are you sitting there? Move it! Move!

  • You get a hold of yourself, you lunatic! I'm sick of looking at you.

  • God! I can't be in here with them.

  • I'm scared that I might lose control of my mind,

  • and accidentally reveal all the secrets about the church.

  • God! Help me keep my mouth closed so that I won't tell them anything.

  • Sister Li, hurry!

  • Hey, who is this Sister Li?

  • She works with me sometimes.

  • Tell us what your name is.

  • My name's Li Yan.

  • And is it true you believe in Almighty God? (Mm.)

  • Are there many believers in Almighty God out there? (Yes.)

  • So, Li Yan, could you tell us where your church is?

  • What is the name of your leader?

  • Hey, what are you doing?

  • Nothing, nothing at all.

  • No, it's fine.

  • She's nuts.

  • God! I can't sleep. I can't control myself in my sleep.

  • God! I can't sleep. I can't sleep. I can't sleep.

  • God! Help me watch my mouth,

  • so that I won't say the names of brothers and sisters.

  • I don't want them to suffer like this. I can't let that happen.

  • God! Please help me. Please help me.

  • Li Yan seems insane, but I know she's pretending.

  • If she keeps at it, you teach her a lesson.

  • Are you so lazy that you can't fold a quilt?

  • Today I'm going to get you straightened up.

  • Now I have become insane.

  • I barely feel like I'm alive.

  • If I have to be beaten and cursed like this, I would rather be dead.

  • Li Yan, get up!

  • Get up quickly! Get up!

  • Oh no, you don't!

  • Let go! Let go!

  • You lunatic! You wanna die. That's fine.

  • But not while I'm on duty.

  • You hear me?

  • The show's over. Lie down!

  • God! I can't take it anymore.

  • All I want to do is die.

  • Please, God, or else I'll just keep getting tortured.

  • I'm begging you to let me die.

  • O God! I'm already losing my mind.

  • What's the point of living like this?

  • Please just let me die.

  • It's strange.

  • Why doesn't it hurt? It's still a solid wall.

  • But how come it feels like it's cotton?

  • Why can't I feel any pain?

  • O God! Now I see.

  • It's Your will for me to keep living and to live with a strong will.

  • No matter what happens, I must live by the strength of my faith.

  • I have to be a living testimony to comfort You.

  • But my faith is too weak and I had no trust in You.

  • Before, when everything in my life was easier,

  • I pledged my life to You

  • and said I would be loyal to You in everything I do to repay Your love.

  • But when Satan tempted me,

  • and I needed to suffer in order to prove that loyalty to You,

  • I chose to be disappointed in You

  • and I even lost my courage to live on.

  • O God! I can see now

  • that the way I was living was treating You carelessly and deceptively.

  • I was wrong!

  • I never gave my true heart to You.

  • O God! I know now I shouldn't have lost faith in You,

  • and I shouldn't try to escape my suffering.

  • Now I've come to understand Your will.

  • Now when I have to face this suffering,

  • that's the time when You'll strengthen my faith and my love for You.

  • And it's also the time when You'll expect me to live by faith.

  • I don't want to live through my way anymore,

  • and I don't want to disobey You or upset You.

  • O God! I'm putting my destiny in Your hands.

  • I'm willing to commit my entire life completely to You.

  • When Satan tempts me in times of hardship,

  • I'll be just like Job and endure the suffering

  • by holding on to my loyalty and faith in You,

  • submitting to whatever Your plan may be,

  • and taking action that is pleasing to You.

  • Li Yan, pick up your things and come with me.

  • According to Article 10, Item 4 and Article 13

  • in The Trial Procedures for Education Through Labor,

  • Li Yan, who was charged and found guilty of disturbing the social order,

  • is sentenced to education through labor for one year and six months.

  • What is this place they've brought me to?

  • Are they just going to torture me all over again?

  • God! I'm a little scared.

  • Yes, what can a tiny creature like me ever do for God?

  • Peter obeyed God until death and was crucified upside down for God,

  • leaving behind a resounding testimony.

  • What have I done for God?

  • Haven't I made a promise to Him

  • that I would remain faithful in all aspects of my life?

  • But when I stand in the face of a real challenge today, why do I want to run?

  • God! I'm willing to stay true to You, and keep that promise.

  • No matter how Satan may attack me,

  • I'm willing to obey Your guidance and stand by my loyalty to You.

  • But God, sometimes I can think clearly and sometimes I can't.

  • My memory is failing.

  • I'm scared that I'll lose control of myself and betray You and become a Judas.

  • O God! Please be here in my mind and my spirit and help me guard my mouth.

  • I'd rather die or be a mute than do anything that would betray You.

  • God, please help me find a way out of this.

  • This woman's a believer in Almighty God.

  • She can be very difficult and stubborn, too.

  • She has medicine. She must take every day. Don't stop her medicine at all.

  • I understand. I'll make sure she's "taken care of."

  • Mm, very well then. I'll leave. You're busy!

  • Sure. Good day.

  • What's your full name?

  • Uhuh

  • Answer her. What is your name? Where are you from?

  • Uh

  • Why won't you speak? Name your family members. (Uh …)

  • So they sent us a mute?

  • Why didn't they tell us that?

  • God! I know You must have answered my prayer, and You must be protecting me.

  • I'm really unable to talk.

  • O God! Now I understand

  • that in this prison, no matter how much I'm tortured by them,

  • You've been with me the entire time and haven't left me once.

  • Move.

  • Hey you, come here.

  • Clean up this mess and throw it away. (Okay.)

  • Hey, I've received word for us

  • to increase the dosage for that prisoner's medicine.

  • They want it done quick, so she'll go mad and won't be a problem.

  • Or we'll have to keep injecting her. (Okay.)

  • Li Yan! Come on!

  • Move!

  • Now drink this. This will help restore your health.

  • You're getting much too weak.

  • Hey mute, why are you standing there? Go and get in the shower!

  • What's the matter with you?

  • Why are you pasting bags together? You idiot! That's wasteful!

  • Enough childishness! Get back to your work!

  • If not, we'll put you in solitary.

  • And you won't get out of there alive.

  • We know how to punish you.

  • W-work!

  • God, my memory is getting worse and worse.

  • I'm in a daze all the time,

  • but I know I'm still a believer in God.

  • I can still remember Your words.

  • God, You are the almighty God Himself. Everything is in Your hands.

  • I know that as long as I give everything to You and rely on my faith in You,

  • I can overcome Satan's siege.

  • God! No matter how much Satan tortures me, I won't make complaints.

  • Even if I breathe my last breath,

  • I'll obey You and follow whatever You've planned.

  • God! I've become something I don't recognize. I'm not myself anymore.

  • I can't even take care of myself. What if I'm stuck like this?

  • God! What if they actually end up torturing me to death?

  • God! Right now I feel so weak.

  • I wish I could talk to the sisters about my feelings.

  • God

  • God! You're with me. You're always with me. I'm never alone.

  • I'm willing to trust You.

  • Li Yan, get up!

  • You're moving to Team Two.

  • Li Yan, get up!

  • Move.

  • This is Li Yan. She's a mute. She will stay here.

  • So is she a prostitute or a thief?

  • She believes in Almighty God, a political criminal.

  • Sister, don't be scared. I'm here for you.

  • I'm Zhang Juan and I believe in Almighty God.

  • Why can't you speak, sister?

  • Why don't you just let me sing a song for you?

  • Sister, I was also arrested by the police while I was performing duty.

  • They put me through such torture,

  • hanging me on the iron bars while they questioned me.

  • That sister is Dai Rong. She's sentenced to three years.

  • She has a baby waiting for her at home.

  • That old woman over there is called Auntie Wang. She is over 70 years old.

  • The cops used to leave marks on her face.

  • And her wrists were covered with cuts from the handcuff teeth.

  • Even now, those wounds haven't fully healed.

  • The woman beside her is Auntie Lu.

  • She's the one who's been beaten the most severely.

  • It's been many days but many wounds still haven't healed yet.

  • Why are you so close to her? Eh?

  • We're just chatting. Just a few words.

  • No more whispering!

  • If you say anything about God, it's solitary! Got it? (Yes!)

  • Go!

  • Li Yan, there's something important I have to tell you.

  • Listen: Your illness is coming from the injections they've been giving you.

  • One day I passed by the clinic and I heard them say that.

  • They all just want to make you crazy,

  • so that you can't believe in God and lose the salvation.

  • Li Yan, now you know about their lies.

  • When they give you the medicine, you shouldn't take it anymore.

  • You can't let them keep hurting you.

  • This is evil! These people are just beasts.

  • Now I know what's happened.

  • My mental state was caused by the medicine these demons have been giving me.

  • What did I do wrong?

  • All I want to do is worship God and walk the right way,

  • but these horrible people have tried to destroy my mind.

  • Not only did they kill my baby but they turned me into a lunatic.

  • And all the while they tried to kill me!

  • O God! They are so heartless!

  • Are they still human?

  • Or are they demons that devour men's souls?

  • Get in!

  • Li Yan, stay calm. It's Zhang Juan.

  • They forced me to tell them who the church leaders are

  • and also where we always went to have our meetings.

  • Oh, they truly are God's enemies. They're demons.

  • But no matter what, God is always with us, and He won't allow them to succeed.

  • These are dirty.

  • Take them off. I'll wash them.

  • Hey, Li Yan, what's going on?

  • It's not good for you to laugh and cry like this.

  • You're giving the evil spirit an opportunity to try and influence you.

  • You must see through Satan's scheme.

  • The next time you want to cry, pray to God instead

  • and He'll help you overcome it.

  • Remember?

  • Li Yan, let me recite some more of God's word.

  • See, Li Yan, when you start to have these awful feelings, remember those words.

  • God's word explains that they're just the work of Satan.

  • Those are the times when Satan disturbs you.

  • So pray to God first. You will see through Satan's schemes. Understand?

  • Li Yan, when they try to give you the medicine again,

  • just say, "I won't take it!" Remember that! Never ever take it!

  • Li Yan, take the drink.

  • I … I won't take it. Stopstop hurting me!

  • Once they saw that I began to resist them,

  • they stopped giving me the injections.

  • From that point on,

  • they stopped drugging me the way they had been for the past five months.

  • No. God! I can't control myself.

  • Satan wants to take my mind. May You curse Satan and bring me peace

  • so that I can quiet my heart before You, quiet my heart before You.

  • Stop slacking off, or we'll put you in solitary.

  • And you won't get out of there alive!

  • God! Satan continues to attack me.

  • Please save me and curse Satan.

  • Li Yan, Li Yan, what are you thinking about?

  • Li Yan?

  • I … canremember! I … canremember!

  • What is it that you remember?

  • I … I …

  • Li Yan, we'll talk later.

  • Let me recite some more of God's word to you. Listen and remember it.

  • Li Yan, it's just like God's word says.

  • It means though we're suffering under Satan's influence,

  • facing our most difficult times,

  • God's there, and He will help us find our own way

  • to break out of that terrible darkness,

  • and He will make us into overcomers.

  • As long as we put our faith in God, He will definitely make us complete.

  • You see, Li Yan, although we are stuck in prison,

  • He's been there Himself,

  • not just to help us see through Satan's devilish substance,

  • but to also bless us with faith and strength

  • during all those times we endured such torture,

  • so that we wouldn't lose hope and give in to Satan.

  • And that's enough to prove that God is more powerful than Satan.

  • I didn't yield to Satan. I need to stand testimony.

  • Great! Yes, Li Yan. You do have your memory back,

  • and pretty soon, I know you'll be able to speak again. Uh-huh?

  • Let me do it, Sister Zhang.

  • O God!

  • The officers of the CCP injected me with that drug for a total of five months

  • to a point where I had trouble eating, drinking, even using the bathroom.

  • Without You being there to protect and care for me,

  • I would have been dead for some time now.

  • Today, I, who thought she was going insane a few months ago,

  • am finally returning to normal.

  • Thanks to Your great power,

  • through which I now know that all miracles are possible,

  • a power that is proof that You control all things.

  • O God! During my time in this place,

  • I've learned what kind of obedience is a true testimony,

  • and through that way I've learned how to live a more meaningful life.

  • O God! I offer up my thanks and highest praises as I live to worship You.

  • How is it possible?

  • We've been injecting her for the past five months to drive her crazy.

  • She took the medicine. So why hasn't she gone insane?

  • Why is she well? How is she normal?

  • I can't believe it. I've never seen anything like it.

  • Maybe it was God?

  • Maybe her God saved her?

  • On that day, when she stopped taking the medicine,

  • when she said she wouldn't take it and to stop hurting her,

  • I had a very sudden fear in my heart.

  • My hands were trembling at the time.

  • I never understood it.

  • I've injected so many other prisoners, but I've never felt that way.

  • Stop it! That's enough!

  • While I faced cruel persecution as a prisoner of the government,

  • although I experienced all kinds of painful torture,

  • God helped me

  • and made me clearly see the evil and reactionary nature of the CCP government,

  • that all suffering is the work of Satan

  • who is rebellious and hostile towards God.

  • And I experienced God's mightiness, sovereignty,

  • and wonderful deeds in all surroundings.

  • And God's love is so deep and so great.

  • The CCP displayed their cruelty persecuting me and attacking me

  • as brutally as they could.

  • Not only did they get rid of the baby in my womb,

  • but they also poisoned me in an effort to make me lose my mind.

  • But God was there and guided me through His words,

  • so that I could overcome Satan's torture step by step,

  • and so I could regain my sense and fix my broken mind.

  • I've realized the true power and authority of God's word,

  • as well as the transcendence and greatness of God's life power.

  • Almighty God is indeed the unique God Himself.

  • His life is unending,

  • and He will never be overwhelmed or under attack

  • by any enemy or force of darkness.

  • Just as God's word says,

  • Thank You, God!

  • In the face of persecution,

  • You personally saved me from death, brought me hope, and gave me a new life.

  • May all the glory, honor, and praise be given to You,

  • the only true God of the entire universe!

  • Amen!

Hey, what's going on?


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A2 初級 美國腔

神的愛永不止息|福音電影《從苦難中重生》----------。 (God's Love Never Fails | Gospel Film "A New Life Out of Tortures")

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    William Sue 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日