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  • Hey how's it going? My bros and sisters my name is PewDiePie!


  • Today I'm going to make video on how to get started on YouTube. I've been asked to make this video.

    今天我要來拍關於「怎麼開始經營 YouTube」的影片,我總是被問能不能做這支影片

  • I don't know how many times. I get this question all the time.


  • 'How.. can you give me some tips on how to get started?'

    「那個.... 可以跟我說一些開始經營的訣竅嗎?」

  • I think what I always just say is 'keep- keep working hard, and I'm sure you will succeed...'


  • But I thought not today. I w-wanted to actually give something more constructive and


  • some... some more help than just that


  • Um, I've been doing a lot of streams lately and everyone just keep asking me "how do I get started?"


  • "What kind of tips do you have?" and I thought okay fine, I'll make it okay


  • I thought about making this video before, many times, but I just feel like who am I to tell you how to--


  • It's not like I know all the answers.


  • And I really think everyone has a different answer to the question on how to grow on YouTube.

    我也真心覺得大家對「怎麼在 YouTube 成功」有各種不同的答案

  • So just take this as.. from my own perspective

    所以就把這個當作... 我個人的看法吧

  • Also know that I don't know everything and just because I say something doesn't mean it's the rule of thumb.


  • You know tha-that is it that's not the case, couldn't be further from it and I started YouTube seven years ago.

    那樣就大錯特錯了,而且我本人是 7 年前就開始經營 YouTube 了

  • So obviously things are different now. This video probably won't be relevant for most people watching.


  • But maybe it will be interesting. I don't know. (laughs)

    但也可能會滿有趣的啦,我不知道 (笑)

  • Here we go! First of all I wanted to start on the equipment


  • Because I think it's- this is where most people fail right away, I see so many people get really angry


  • about this one because they bought all this expensive equipment and they- they come to me like 'Where are the subscribers??'


  • 'Where are all the views- I've got- I spent all this money on all this equipment...'


  • I always say don't spend money on equipment


  • It doesn't have to be expensive at all


  • And I think a lot of people wait with starting videos because they don't have all the equipment


  • I think it takes practice to make videos, and I think it doesn't hurt to get started with what you have.


  • I didn't have a webcam when I started. I had a fucking...


  • I legit use this microphone?


  • which I actually


  • accidentally broke. That's my first microphone on the Razer headphones, and it was fine-

    不小心把它弄壞了,這就是我第一個用的在 Razer 耳機上的麥克風,它滿不錯的啦

  • (laughing) It really was. It definitely doesn't hurt to have nice quality.

    (笑) 真的滿不錯的,「擁有好品質」絕對不是壞事

  • Don't get me wrong, but it's not automatically going to make you get subscribers.


  • I'm going to link what I think is a good sort of budget start-up in case you're curious

    我會放一些我覺得 CP 值滿高的入門品,如果你好奇

  • of-of what ki-sort of equipment-


  • I would recommend. Uh...


  • If you want to start making my type of videos, and I will-I'll also link my equipment in case you're curious


  • what exactly it is I use.


  • Stand out. (laughs) Personally I'm very much drawn to-to different things that people do.

    追求「突出」(笑) 我個人很容易被那些與眾不同的東西吸引

  • If I notice the channel doing something I haven't seen before, I'm automatically more drawn to that...thing.


  • And I think it was the same thing for me when I started making videos


  • I did what everyone else was doing. I-I did Call of Duty videos because that's what was- euhhh...

    我就做那些大家都會做的事,拍一些玩 Call of Duty(註:一款遊戲)啊

  • popular at the time, but that's what


  • made me want to start making YouTube videos cause I loved watching it on YouTube.

    我之所以想開始拍 YouTube 影片的原因,因為我很愛在 YouTube 上面看

  • And it was really popular back then and I enjoyed making those type of videos.


  • But my channel didn't grow from it at all


  • I had like what a couple hundred people watching me, and I remember when other YouTubers refer themselves to as

    大概有幾百個觀眾在看,我記得當有其他 YouTuber 很愛講

  • 'Oh hey-yeah, I only had a couple hundred back then...' I'm like nibba a hundred


  • I'm so fucking proud of these hundred people that I have. (laughs)


  • Shut the fuck up. And I also remember


  • watching all these bigger YouTubers doing the same call of duty videos, and I'm like these guys are fucking terrible.

    我那時看那些比較大的 YouTuber 在做同一種遊戲影片時,我就覺得,這些傢伙爛爆了

  • I'm way better than these guys. Why is my channel not growing more?


  • But that's the thing -- the big ones have already settled in. You know y-you're not going to- It's going to be hard as hell.

    但那就是重點,比較大的頻道已經穩穩進場了,你不管怎樣就是... 超難

  • You have... you have an uphill battle and it wasn't until I started doing something


  • different, something that hadn't been done before, like the horror videos,


  • that's when I started to get an audience that really cared


  • about the content that I was making it and it was so clear, and I really see it myself


  • Uh, when- when I


  • discovered new YouTubers it's always something different. They have something different. What was it- what was it...

    發現到新的 YouTuber 時,絕對都是在做新東西,他們做了些不一樣的事,就像那個...

  • Dr. Dre said it's easy to make it to the top, but it's twice as hard to stay there


  • You see people on YouTube come and go all the time. I-I don't want to throw any names out there, but

    人在 YouTube 上面總是來來去去,我沒有想要指名

  • You-you know what I mean, like there's a ton of YouTubers that everyone used to watch and every-

    但你懂我的意思,有超多那種大家以前會看的 YouTuber

  • i-it got so many- so much attention, but they just didn't have what it takes


  • Uh... to keep their audience. A lot of people


  • sort of get boosted from the algorithm of YouTube.

    依靠 YouTube 演算法推廣自己

  • Basically, YouTube recommend certain type of videos that fit what they want to... promote

    基本上,YouTube 會推薦那些符合他們想宣傳的影片類型

  • Maybe it's really long videos


  • Maybe it's videos they get a lot of likes and a lot of 'this and that' and there's always people that abuse their algorithm.


  • It's been since I started on YouTube, an-and it's still going on. I-is- this isn't a thing that will-

    從我剛開始做 YouTube 時就是這樣了,現在也還持續著,我不覺得它會有

  • I don't think will ever end. And it's really unfair because a lot of big- a lot- a lot of youtubers

    結束的一天,它其實真的很不公平,因為有很多的 YouTuber

  • get really big really fast because of it, but basically...


  • they go away equally fast. If you don't have


  • something to maintain your audience with, something more than your shtick eh-of making algorithm happy,


  • then you-your lifespan on YouTube is going to be short.

    那你在 YouTube 上的壽命就會滿短的

  • That's just how it is so I'm not really too bothered by- about any of it


  • I just don't want you, if you want to grow your channel,

    我只是不想要... 如果你有打算要經營你的頻道的話啦

  • to be obsessed about the algorithm because that shouldn't be the number one priority


  • Uh, I personally never try to abuse the algorithm, or some shit like that. Honestly I had no idea what I was doing.


  • Literally, I discovered that ten minute videos like a year ago- it's been (laughs)

    不誇張,我大概在一年前吧,發現那種 10 分鐘長的影片... 那個時候 (笑)

  • Remember the reply girls, y'know? They were so fucking popular. They-they got so many views because they- the algorithm

    記得 The Reply Girls 嗎?她們那時紅到靠北,她們觀看數超級多,因為演算法

  • promoted their videos in the sidebar all the time. But it's not like anyone is still watching them, like, 'oh


  • I wonder what this algor... what th- (laughs) what this boob girl is saying now about this...'

    「我想知道這個演... 我想知道這個大奶妹現在會對這件事情講些什麼」

  • Y'know? What I'm getting with this is you needed personality. People- people will find your video.


  • But th-they're not going to stay and like they care about you as a person


  • I think YouTube is all about personality at least that's how I see it. An-and anyone I watch on YouTube,

    我覺得 YouTube 就是關乎「個性」,至少我個人是這麼想啦,任何我想在 YouTube 上面看的人

  • I watch because I care about their personality, I care about them more than just their content


  • but also who they are as a person, and uh, that's why I enjoy watching them and that's why I enjoy YouTube.

    還有他們的人,然後,這也是我愛看他們的影片和 YouTube 的原因

  • I enjoy it because it's different than television. You're not just watching this, uh...


  • product behind a bunch of producers and writers, you-you're watching just a person speak directly into a camera


  • And I think that's the beauty of it.


  • I also think that's why so many youtubers come and go -- they forget about this part. A-and that's fine.

    我想這也是這麼多 YouTuber 來來去去的原因,他們忘了這點,但其實這也沒有關係

  • Y'know, it's not like everything has to be super personal and everything has to be so,


  • 'Oh, I love you guys so much. You're my family.'


  • YouTube... is... a hobby and a job

    YouTube 既是一個興趣,同時也是一份職業

  • at the same time, which can be really hard to balance.


  • I think a lot of people don't realize this, but, you get to set your own hours, you get to set your own pace.


  • But it basically means you'll be working 24/7 like it's really hard to turn off YouTube in your brain. I'm always checking videos

    但基本上這表示你 24 小時都在工作,你很難把你腦中的 YouTube 關掉,我總是在檢查影片

  • How are they doing? I'm always checking stats. I'm always checking comments


  • What are people saying? What are people thinking? And it's really hard to turn off


  • It's not like a nine-to-five job you go in you do your job, okay, now I'm done. Phew, I can relax.


  • I-I really struggle a lot with this, an-and just trying to shut my brain off and 'Okay now I'm doing this, now


  • I'm doing that.' And that's why I really enjoy having an office, because I-I can do my work here


  • And then once I'm back home, I can just relax.


  • Eh-I-It's... I-I guess my advice here is to try and separate it. I treat YouTube with a- with a lot of respect.

    我猜我要給的建議是,試著把他們分開,我給予 YouTube 非常多的尊重

  • Because I feel so lucky to be in the situation that I am. I think a lot of YouTubers take- take uh...

    因為能處在現在這個狀態我感到非常幸運,我覺得滿多 YouTuber 都把

  • YouTube very...

    YouTube 看得非常....

  • Casually. I'll just upload a video. I need some money. I'll upload a video


  • May-maybe I'm a little naive for saying that but, I-I always get the question


  • 'What happens if you miss a day, Felix? What's the big deal? Who's gonna care?'


  • Wh-who-It's okay. You don't have to upload all the time, but it's like I set the schedule for me.


  • I know I can do it, it is my job to do it still. I have to do it, okay? I-I see YouTube as a...

    我知道我做得到,要把它做到也是我的工作,所以我必須做,好嗎?我是把 YouTube 當作...

  • It's not going to last forever, but I might as well make the most of it...meanwhile.


  • Every YouTuber has-has a-has a life span.

    所有的 YouTuber 都是有生命週期的

  • Market yourself. Most YouTubers that you are watching got a helping hand to get where they are. Maybe they don't admit it.

    行銷自己!大多數你看的 YouTuber 都有人助他們一臂之力才能達成目前狀態,他們也許不會承認

  • Maybe I'm just wrong. Most YouTubers had some helping hand. Maybe th- maybe they uh...

    也許只是我錯了,大多數的 YouTuber 都有人助攻

  • Maybe their videos were posted on a website y'know? That prom- that thought okay, 'This is a cool video...'


  • Maybe you got trending on reddit, y'know? Maybe your family member was the YouTuber or maybe a friend of you-o-of

    也許你是在 reddit 上爆紅,也許你的親戚啊或者朋友之類的

  • of that person was a YouTuber they helped them. Getting that helping hand on YouTube

    是 YouTuber 所以可以幫你,獲得這些助力對於經營 YouTube 來說

  • is not essential.


  • But it's- it


  • makes YouTube easy mode pretty much. To already... the hardest part of YouTube is to establish your very first audience. If you can get

    讓經營 YouTube 簡單一些,最難的部分其實是建立起你最初期的觀眾

  • that for free from someone else, hell, yeah!


  • Hell yeah, that's the best! But a lot- I see a lot of

    好極啦,那樣真的最好,但是很多... 我也看到很多

  • misunderstanding of this as well, because, for example, I did the shout out competition in the past and, uh...


  • For example Jack was one of them, Ken was one of them. And a lot of people look at them and be like, 'Oh

    比如說,Jack 是其中一個,然後 Ken 也是其中之一,很多人就會對他們說

  • Oh, you got a shout out from Pewdiepie. Aww, aww that's so bullshit. If I had one, I would be big.' Fuck you.

    「喔,你被 Pewdiepie 宣傳了,根本狗屁,如果我也有的話我也有辦法成功」吃屎吧!

  • No, i-that's not how it works. A shout out can only get you so far.


  • I-I-It gets you that-that base audience, maybe, but they're not going to stay unless you're worthwhile staying to - they're not going to care about


  • watching any more videos, unless you upload videos - unless you upload videos that people care about.


  • You don't need a shout out, and a shout out isn't necessarily going to help you,


  • Unless your content is interesting. That's just how it is.


  • You see people all the time in my comment section marketing their own YouTube channel. I find it...

    你常會看到很多人在我影片的留言區塊宣傳他們自己的 YouTube 頻道,我是覺得

  • very disrespectful to do that. It annoys the hell out of me. 'Cuz it's basically just ignoring what I worked on...


  • and basically just saying, 'Hey look at me!'


  • I do think you should market yourself somehow if you really care about growing your channel.


  • Now, I don't know what the best method is, but everyone has a secret


  • I'm sure of how they try to get their channel out there. Maybe something they're ashamed of that they wouldn't admit.


  • I-I think most YouTubers have it. I, for example, used to find commenters on-on videos similar to mine and uh...


  • I would write a private message to them being like, 'Hey! I see that you enjoyed this channel. Maybe you will enjoy mine!'


  • I know. Extremely embarrassing, extremely pathetic, but I used to do it.


  • At least it's not intrusive on someone else's work, okay? So, I-if y...


  • I recommend marketing yourself somehow, I just d-don't- a-and it's nothing shameful about doing it,


  • But don't be fucking obnoxious and disrespectful doing it,


  • That-tha-that's my point with that.


  • Next up is don't fucking trust anyone.


  • Growing my channel on YouTube

    在經營 YouTube 頻道的時候

  • I've come across so many toxic people, people that just want your s-audience your subscribers


  • Uh...

  • They don't give a shit about you. They'll lie to you.


  • Uhm....

  • They'll try and manipulate you.


  • I think I'm- one of my best skills as a human being, is to cut out toxic people.


  • I have very little tolerance for people in general, and if I find them to be abusive or disrespectful,


  • I have no problem with cutting out these people in my life.


  • I know some people really struggle with this


  • And I think as a YouTuber you're just really gonna have to be cut and dry with people. It's just how it is.

    而我覺得身為一個 YouTuber,你對人得更乾脆一點,事情就是這樣

  • Networks.

    多頻道聯播網 (MCN)

  • You may have heard of networks a lot


  • I'm- I'm technically signed up with the network still, but I'm not planning to stay with the network. YouTube wouldn't sign

    技術上而言我還是有簽聯播網,但我沒有打算繼續,YouTube 不會

  • with gaming channels. You could not monetize your videos if you were a gaming channel, back in the day


  • It was the worst thing


  • I think that could possibly happen to the gaming community on YouTube because essentially networks got so much power,

    能發生在 YouTube 遊戲社群中最慘之事,因為聯播網在本質上有非常大的影響力

  • Because we were obligated,


  • to sign with them.


  • So basically, as a gamer, you would get these insanely bad deals with networks where they would give you half of your revenue

    所以基本上,身為遊戲實況主,你跟聯播網只能拿到超誇張的爛分潤,他們只給你 50%

  • and


  • Give you, essentially,


  • nothing back. Networks still take a...


  • huge portion of your revenue if you're a small YouTuber. I still get a lot of people asking me, 'Hey, I'm a youtuber,

    還是會抽走很多 % 的利潤,如果你是比較小的 YouTuber,我被超多人問說「嘿,我在當YouTuber

  • I-should I sign up to the network?'


  • 'I don't know blah blah blah,' or 'do they increase my CPM blah blah blah...' Most likely they don't


  • Uh...

  • From my experience, they don't sell ads on your videos


  • Think about most networks they have- like what, thousands of channels in them. Why would they care about your channel?


  • Y'know?


  • How are they going to focus on all these channels? It just doesn't make any sense.


  • I would not recommend signing with the network if I was a smaller YouTuber these days. That being said,


  • Networks definitely helped me,


  • to a certain degree,


  • But I think as a smaller channel, it's completely useless.


  • They're just going to take a portion of your revenue and give you nothing back


  • You're not obligated to sign with a network anymore


  • So, I would recommend against if you're a smaller channel. Which brings me to my next point:


  • Get a lawyer.


  • Don't sign anything


  • without professional, over-a-a


  • A professional overlooking what you're doing.


  • I signed contract that were- that led me into month-long processes of trying to get out of those contracts.


  • I-It's a lot cheaper to have a lawyer look over the contract and knowing exactly what you're getting yourself, into than


  • Afterwards, gettin' a lawyer to try and get you out of this situation.


  • Get a lawyer and get an accountant if you're-s- if you're making money off YouTube, and do it early.

    找個律師、找個會計師,如果你真的想用 YouTube 來賺錢,而且早點做

  • I think setting those two things up earlier is better than later.


  • I realize this is a lot of information, but I think I saw this as a sort of...


  • Me talking to myself in the past,


  • Uh...

  • And the sort of stuff that I learned through these uh,

    這也是我經歷過這麼多年做 YouTube 影片

  • years of making videos on YouTube. And I try to keep it as, uh, actual advice and constructive as possible,


  • But


  • I would like to finish with...


  • Make YouTube with the right intention.

    用好的初衷做 YouTube 影片

  • I see so many people wanting to make Y-YouTube videos because they want to get famous, they want to make money

    我看到很多人做 YouTube 影片是...因為想紅、因為想賺錢

  • Uh...

  • which is all great stuff. And YouTube really is an amazing place for it- for that, but,

    都是好事啦,而 YouTube 的確也是很適合做這些事的平台,但是

  • make YouTube videos,

    要做 YouTube 影片

  • because you enjoy making them. If you don't enjoy making them, you're not going to keep making them


  • You're g- just going to fall off at some point


  • And


  • you're going to get frustrated that, uh, it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to be. If you make videos


  • that you enjoy making 'em, then you can't lose.


  • It doesn't matter if you don't get a lot of subscribers. If- like I was equally happy, when I had a couple hundred subscribers.


  • I thought that was the equally fun just to have some people watching them. If you make videos that you enjoy making,


  • other people will enjoy watching them.


  • I really, really strongly believe in that. So if you're not enjoying making videos, then don't make videos.


  • (laughs)


  • I hope this was helpful.


  • I'm not-I'm not sure, to be honest, if it was.


  • Uh...

  • But I hope i-it was interesting at least, I don't know, I don't know, here you go.


  • I did the video finally.


  • Leave a like my sister fisters...


  • and stay, sfisterin'!


Hey how's it going? My bros and sisters my name is PewDiePie!


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