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  • Science is really the ability to predict the next, most probable.

    科學的確有能力 預測接下來最有可能發生的事

  • That's what the real meaning of science is.


  • Gaining the ability to predict the next, most probable.


  • When we talk about science, we're talking about a method of looking at a situation,

    當我們談論科學時 我們是在談論觀察狀況的一種方法

  • a method of evaluation that differs from the opinionated system.

    一種評估的方法 與根據意見的系統不同

  • "If you ask me, I'll tell you!"

    "如果你問我 我才會告訴你!"

  • The scientific method has no special connection to truth.

    若是這樣 科學方法就與事實沒有特殊關連

  • It really has a better way


  • of looking at things than the earlier systems,


  • which everything was attributed to gods or demons.


  • This is where we get into applying the scientific method to society?


  • Yes.


  • Now, this is not in the book yet.


  • The scientific method applied to society is something people don't think about much,

    將科學方法應用至社會上 不是人們會去深思的東西

  • but if you want to know where the answers may lie. It is in the application

    但如果你想知道答案可能在哪裡 那會是應用一種

  • of the methods of science with human concern and environmental concern.


  • The Future by Design refers to the application of the methods of science, not scientists,

    "設計未來"提到的是科學方法的應用 而不是科學家

  • the methods of science for the social system.


  • Naturally, even the methods of science undergo change,

    自然而言 即使是科學方法也會經歷改變

  • and as they change, so would the future.

    當方法改變時 未來也會改變

  • If we use the scientific method throughout the world, the probability of war drops to zero,

    如果我們在全世界運用科學方法 戰爭的可能性會降低至零

  • the probability of human suffering disappears.


  • Deprivation, poverty, crime, all those things tend to disappear, because there's no basis for it.

    剝奪 貧窮 犯罪 所有這些東西有可能消失 因為它們失去了存在的基礎

  • Jacque spent a lot of time, before studying people,

    在研究人類之前 雅克花了大量時間

  • he started studying how animals behaved,


  • and how to change the behavior of animals, or predict the behavior of animals,

    以及如何改變動物行為 或預測動物行為

  • and came to the conclusion that it's really the environment

    並達成結論 即環境確實

  • that changes behavior, and enables us to behave the way we do.

    改變了行為 讓我們能夠以自己的方式去行為

  • We're not born with prejudice and bigotry and anger and greed.

    我們並不是生來就帶有偏見 偏執 憤怒 貪婪

  • It's really generated and nurtured by the environment that we live in.


  • That's why we feel that unless you change your environment and change the experiences,

    這就是為何我們覺得 除非改變環境和經驗

  • we'll get the same aberrant behavior within people. Unless the environment is changed.

    否則這些異常行為將一直伴隨人類 除非改變環境

  • Any culture in the world today


  • tries to educate people so they'll serve a function in that particular culture.

    試圖去教育人們 讓人們為該特定文化的運作服務

  • In other words, if you're brought up in a Nazi culture,

    換句話說 如果你在納粹文化中長大的

  • the flag waving and the swastika are the kind of things they put forth.


  • If you're brought up in a primitive tribe, handling the javelin, the bow and arrow

    如果你在原始部落中長大 操作標槍和弓箭

  • would be the kind of thing that you're exposed to.


  • So people are conditioned to serve the interest of an established culture.


  • Who does that to us? The owners of the institutions.

    誰對我們做這些? 是體制的擁有者

  • The establishment.


  • So, they give us a value system that will support existing structures.

    這些人給我們一套價值系統 去支持現存的結構

  • Whether it be religious, non-religious, industrial, military.

    無論是宗教 非宗教 企業 或軍事的

  • When children say, "You know, daddy, what's the greatest country in the world?"

    當孩子們說:"爸爸 世界上最偉大的國家是哪個?"

  • "Of course our country is the greatest country in the world."


  • "Which god is the right god, daddy?"

    "爸爸 哪一位神是正確的?"

  • "Our god. All the other gods are false gods."

    "我們的神正確 所有其它神都是錯的"

  • So picture this: A roman family taking it's kids to see the Christians being fed to the lions.

    所以想像一下: 一個羅馬家庭帶孩子去觀看基督徒被餵給獅子

  • And the kids are watching; "Dad, can we come next week to see Christians being fed to lions?"

    然後孩子們邊看邊問:"爸爸 我們下禮拜能再看基督徒餵獅秀嗎?"

  • Are these kids sick? No. Their value system is distorted.

    這些孩子們喪心病狂? 不 他們的價值系統是扭曲的

  • So, I'm strictly concerned with the environment that people are reared in, raised in.


  • And, if that environment is altered, so will behavior be altered.

    如果環境改變了 行為也會隨之改變

  • You re-orient the environment, and that in turn re-orients people.

    你重新定位環境 這也會相對重新定位人們

  • But if you re-orient people, without touching the environment, it'll slip back.

    但如果你只是重新定位人們 而未觸及環境 仍然會後退不前

  • So, when you try to think about the future, remember this:

    所以當你試著思考未來時 記住這點:

  • the process with which you think about things is based upon indoctrination,


  • which you're given by your society. So your range of thought

    是由你的社會所賦予 所以你的思考範圍

  • is limited by the dominant values of your society.


  • So, learning to be flexible in values takes a long time.


  • And in talking to kids, when I was very young, I had to be very patient with them

    當我非常年輕 去和孩子們談話時 如果我想取得任何進展

  • if I were to make any progress. I talked about the concept of God.

    我就必須非常有耐心 例如我談論關於神的概念

  • Your concept of God, my concept of God and his concept of God. So different.


  • I wonder what God is really like, or if there is a god for that matter.

    我對神的樣子感到好奇 如果真有神的話

  • And why would God permit war and disease if he's all-loving?

    如果神愛世人 祂為何會允許戰爭和疾病的發生?

  • It didn't make sense to me. Too many clashes. So, I questioned that.

    有神論有太多的矛盾 對我來說不合理 所以我質疑這點

  • Of course I felt a little uncomfortable during questioning the concept of God.

    當然 在質疑神的概念這段期間 我感到有點不舒服

  • But then reading about the history and evolution of gods... There were many different gods.

    但我讀了關於神的歷史和演進... 有太多不同的神

  • The god of war, the god of peace, the god of love,

    戰爭之神 和平之神 愛之神等

  • which was more like the people that invented them.


  • They behaved, they got angry, they made sacrifices,

    神有行為 會生氣 需要祭品

  • they created floods when they didn't like the way things were going,

    當神明們不喜歡事物進行的方式時 祂們創造洪水

  • and this did not come through a superior intelligence.


  • Primitive people, going back in time, when they saw lightning,


  • they thought that the deity was angry.


  • Why else would that occur?


  • When a hurricane swept the land, they got rid of certain people in their tribe

    當颶風橫掃陸地時 他們把部落中的某些人

  • as a sacrifice, hoping that the gods would not produce a second hurricane.

    作為祭品 希望神明不會帶來第二次的颶風

  • However, if it did occur again, then they'd sacrifice some of the younger people.

    然而如果還是再發生 那麼他們就會犧牲一些更年輕的人

  • Rarely would the chief sacrifice himself.


  • But he's always got a whole line of people ready to sacrifice.


  • So, you have that problem with human beings.


  • Anything that occurs beyond their comprehension,


  • they have to invent an excuse for. They have to create gods and demons

    人類必須創造一個藉口 必須創造神和魔鬼

  • to account for things, because people come to the leadership of that community.

    來解釋事物 因為人們會訴諸於該社群的領導者

  • No matter how primitive the tribe, they say:

    不論部落有多原始 他們會說:

  • "How come bad wind blow people off island?"


  • And say*: "You not behave good. You not make not 'nough contribution to volcano.

    然後也會說:"你行為不檢點 你未對火山獻上足夠的進貢

  • Throw your brother-in-law into volcano. Maybe it doesn't erupt then."

    把你的妹夫丟進火山裡 或許就不會再噴發了"

  • So if you throw your brother-in-law into the volcano and it still erupts,

    所以如果你把妹夫丟進火山裡 但仍繼續噴發時

  • you have to throw your sister-in-law in. So you get metaphysics.

    你就必須再把你的弟媳丟進火山裡 這就是形而上學

  • You get religion. You get superstition. "Knock wood!"

    你會有宗教 迷信 "敲木頭"(在西方代表祈求好運)

  • Or you wear a rabbits foot. Just remember that the rabbit had four of them...

    或你穿戴兔腳(代表幸運符號) 只是不要忘了兔子有四隻腳...

  • Didn't do him any good.


  • So, on down the line, superstition prevails wherever ignorance prevails.

    所以一句話 迷信盛行之處也是無知瀰漫之處

  • Myth is a way of saying to the little guy working out there in the field


  • when he says: "What is all this about? I never seem to be getting anywhere."

    當他說:"這一切是怎樣? 我似乎從未有頭緒"

  • "When you kick the bucket, everything is there for you.

    "當你死亡時 每樣東西就會在那裡等你用

  • If you don't get it in this life, you'll get it in the next, if you remain good."

    如果你未在今世得到它 你會在來世得到 如果你保持善良的話"

  • The amount of superstition that a culture can absorb would be directly proportionate

    一種文明能在多大程度上消除迷信 將會直接

  • to the amount of information people have.


  • So, in the future, with adequate supply of information,

    所以 隨著未來資訊的充份提供

  • more than that which is given today, considerably more,


  • you don't have "Knock wood. Today is my lucky day. When your number is up, it's up."

    你就不會再 "敲木頭吧 今天是我的幸運日 當你的數目上升時 運氣也會上升"

  • All that will disappear in the future.


Science is really the ability to predict the next, most probable.

科學的確有能力 預測接下來最有可能發生的事


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