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  • If you install The Venus Project throughout the world


  • declare all the Earth's resources as the common heritage of all the world's people.

    宣告所有地球上的資源 為全人類的共同遺產傳承

  • See, Mark Twain said, "There's not an acre of land on Earth

    例如 馬克·吐溫說過:"世界上沒有一寸土地

  • that belongs to its rightful owners."


  • So, over the years, powerful nations took land from others.


  • This includes the United States, Germany, France; they're all corrupt.

    包括美國 德國 法國 它們都是腐敗的

  • I'm sorry about that, but all nations are corrupt.

    我對此感到遺憾 但所有的國家都是腐敗的

  • As long as you use money, you can pay off senators

    只要你使用金錢 你就可以賄賂參議員

  • the drug company can buy time


  • so you can't have decency and ethics in a corrupt world.

    因此在一個腐敗的世界中 不可能有正當行為和倫理

  • "But are you talking about a utopia?"


  • No. There's no such thing.

    不 沒有這回事

  • The reason there is no such thing as utopia is because


  • if you design the best building you know how to design


  • that's the best you know up to now.


  • With the advent of a new material, the city'll keep changing.

    隨著新材質的到來 城市將會持續改變

  • There's no best laptop. Next year there'll be smaller, lighter, wider range.

    沒有最好的筆記本電腦 下一年將會有更小 更輕 種類會更多

  • Cameras no longer use film.


  • So you can't design the best camera, you can only design the best that you know of up to now.

    因此你無法設計最佳的相機 你只能設計到目前為止你所知最佳的東西

  • No utopias, no final frontiers.

    沒有烏托邦 沒有最終極限

  • "But for you, your vision of the future"

    "但對你來說 你對於未來的願景"

  • is always changing.


  • "But it's dependent on technology?"


  • Yes. Technology and knowledge in all fields.

    是的 所有領域的科技和知識

  • Today, scientists are specialized in optics, another guy rockets

    現今 一些科學家們研究光學 另一些則研究火箭

  • so the nation can use them anyway they want to.


  • In the future, people will be educated to be generalists, so no one can use you

    在未來人們將會受教育成為通才 這樣沒有人可以利用你

  • to make weapons of destruction.


  • "But you look at some of your designs


  • some of your visions for the future and people say

    和對未來的設想 人們會說:

  • "Yeah, look, it's like you might have seen in Popular Mechanics in the 50s.

    '看吶 這就像50年代的《大眾機械》描述的那樣'

  • You know, "This is what's going to be like in 1999."

    你懂的 像是'這將是1999年那樣子'"

  • No. It's nothing like that.

    不 完全不是

  • Hollywood shows you spaceships and people using laser weapons.


  • They take the same cowboys and Indians and put 'em in spaceships.


  • That is not the future, that's man's concept of this limited society

    這不是未來 這是人們在受限的社會裡做出的預設

  • that doesn't teach you how to think and look ahead.


  • They teach you how to be a cameraman, auto mechanic, chemist, or a structural engineer

    人們教導你如何成為攝影師 汽車技師 化學家 或建築工程師

  • but they don't give you an overview of society.


  • "For people to embrace what you're talking about..."


  • Well, it's not my system really.

    嗯 這不是我獨創的體系

  • If we don't live in accordance with the nature of the Earth


  • if we don't live in accordance with the natural resources, we can't live.

    如果我們未能與自然資源達成和諧 我們就無法生存

  • You can't designate a population of 10 million without doing a study of the resources you have.

    在未調查所擁用的資源狀況下 你不能斷定人口容量就為一千萬人

  • After you study, we have enough resources to support so many billions of people

    在你調查研究之後 我們才明白是否有足夠的資源 來維持好幾十億人的生活

  • and if you exceed that, you're going to have starvation, malnutrition, territorial disputes.

    如果超過資源的用量 將會出現饑荒 營養不良 領土紛爭

  • If you maintain a population in accordance with the carrying capacity of the Earth


  • no opinions of senators.


  • Politics was great, a hundred years ago.


  • Today, it's all obsolete.


  • "But aren't you really, you're talking revolution, because you're saying..."

    "但你真的不是在談論革命? 因為你在說..."

  • No.


  • "When society breaks down..."


  • Technical revolution.


  • "Yeah, but when society breaks down, then they'll want to do it a different way."

    "對 但當社會崩潰時 人們將會想用不同的方式去做事"

  • I'm sorry about that, but it seems that conditions were so abusive, in some lands

    我對此感到遺憾 但在某些國家中的狀況非常暴虐

  • that they put in socialism, communism, whatever, or fascism

    以致於人們加入社會主義 共產主義 法西斯主義

  • that fits the conditions that people live under.


  • None of them are the solution.


  • All governments, all through history, have been corrupt.

    有史以來 所有的政府一直都是腐敗的

  • "So, in that case, the rise of the Nazis in Germany was perfectly logical."

    "也就是說 在那種情況下 德國納粹的堀起是完全合邏輯的"

  • Was logical within their conditioning.


  • In other words, Hitler did not lead Germany that way

    換句話說 希特勒並未那樣領導德國

  • but what he spoke of was acceptable to the German people, obviously.


  • He was put there by German big business and industry


  • and the working man had no voice.


  • He thought he was a communist, a socialist.

    他認為他是共產主義者 社會主義者

  • Hitler's system would not have worked even if they'd won the war.

    即使德國當時贏得了戰爭 希特勒的系統也不會成功運作

  • "You must know that people look at your concepts."


  • Yes, I heard.

    是的 我聽說過

  • "And with utmost respect Jacque, they will say, "You're a crazy old man."'

    "雅克 容我致上最高敬意 但人們會說'你這個瘋老頭'"

  • I understand that. This is not unusual.

    我瞭解這些反應 這很正常

  • Every move from women's rights to child labor, were fought with battles, all the time.

    從女權運動到童工權益 一直以來 人類的每一步都充滿著鬥爭

  • No new system ever came in smoothly.


  • Even in the army, the cavalry fought the war tanks.

    即使在軍隊中 當坦克車開進來時 騎兵仍會試著

  • When the war tanks came in, they fought the guided missile.

    對抗坦克車 他們還會對抗導彈

  • Now the guided missile people are fighting lasers from weapons in the sky.

    而現在使用導彈的人們 正在對抗天上的雷射武器

  • Then they have a bomb called a "flicker bomb", so bright light goes on and off

    接著他們有一種叫作"閃光彈"的炸彈 亮光會不斷閃爍

  • it gives you an epileptic seizure and doesn't destroy the environment.

    它給你一種癲癇發作的效果 而且不會摧毀環境

  • Now they're in control, but there's no limit to what man can do.

    人類現在已掌控了(這些科技) 但人們能夠做出什麼事則沒有受限

  • Man is the dumbest animal.


  • He pollutes the ocean, the air, the rivers, the atmosphere, and people.

    污染海洋 空氣 河川 大氣以及人類本身

  • Man, they put themselves on a pedestal, say "We're the highest form of life."

    人類視自己為完人 認為自己是"萬物之靈"

  • That's an ego trip. They're not. We're not civilized yet.

    這是自我滿足 人們不是萬物之靈 我們尚未文明

  • As long as you have prisons, police, armies, navies; we are not civilized.

    只要有監獄 警察 軍隊 海軍 那我們就稱不上文明

  • Until the world learns to live together, constructively


  • that'll be the beginning of the scientific age.


  • We're not there yet.


  • During the time of the Wright Brothers


  • the scientists of the time were writing books as to why man can't fly


  • and the Wright Brothers didn't read those books


  • so they went right on and built the flying machine.


  • Goddard couldn't speak about rocketry in the scientific fields


  • 'cause he'd be looked at as a quack.


  • So all through history, the scientists of the times, were saying how things could not progress.

    因此有史以來 每個時代的科學家們都在說事情如何不會進步

  • "But, how do you convince people?"


  • I'm going to try to explain that.


  • "How do you convince them?"


  • First of all, no one has an opinion.

    首先 人們不應有主觀意見

  • See, they bring you up where everyone should have a right to their own opinion.

    例如 人們教導你相信 人們應該有權表達自己意見的權利

  • If your sister lived across the way from me


  • and I see 10 guys coming out of her apartment


  • I can have all kinds of opinions.


  • The most difficult thing for people to say is "I don't know."

    對人們來說 最困難的事是說:"我不知道"

  • "Do you think a man'll ever get to the moon?"


  • "I don't know enough about rockets, or the prop.... I don't know."

    "我對火箭或推進器技術瞭解不夠深 我不懂"

  • But today, when people say, "Well, if you ask me, not in a thousand years."

    但如今人們則會說:"嗯 如果你問我的話 我想幾千年內是不會上月球的"

  • I'm not interested in that.


  • What do you know about space travel? Machinery, rocketry? Nothing.

    你懂得太空旅行嗎? 機械? 火箭? 完全不懂

  • Then, I don't want to hear from you.

    那麼 我就不想聽你胡扯了

  • Do you understand? People just yack on about anything

    你明白嗎? 如果給所有人表達自己意見的權利

  • if you give them all a right to their own opinion.


  • In the future, here's the way they'll talk

    在未來 人們會這樣談論事物

  • If they see an airplane without wings, in the future, they'll say

    如果他們看見一架沒有機翼的飛機 在未來他們會說:

  • "How do you propose to lift off the ground without wings?"


  • Today they say, "It'll never fly, it doesn't have wings."

    但今日人們只會說:"不可能會飛的啦 飛機又沒有機翼"

  • They have an opinion about everything, and that's dangerous.

    他們對任何事情就會有主觀意見 而這是危險的

  • That's why nations don't move forward.


  • "But, you look at you now, and you're touring around, you're talking to people."

    "但看看你 你正在四處環遊與人們交流"

  • Yes.


  • "What, for the next seven months you're gonna travel the world."

    "在接下來的七個月中 你將環遊世界"

  • Yes.


  • "And you're 94 years old."


  • Yes.


  • "You haven't got anything better to do?"


  • No. Not now, I'm afraid of the direction that Man is taking.

    沒有 不是現在 我擔心人類正在前進的方向

  • We have bombs now that are like a thousand times greater than the one dropped on Hiroshima.


  • How stupid can you be? What can you accomplish with that?

    人類能蠢到何種地步? 你用炸彈可以成就什麼呢?

  • The United States has 300 submarines, and according to the Navy

    美國有300艘潛水艇 而且據海軍的說法

  • each one has more destructive power than all the wars in history.

    每一艘的武力 都比歷史上所有戰爭的總武力還更具毀滅性

  • What are you going to accomplish with that? A burnt-out radioactive planet?

    你用這個將能成就什麼呢? 一個燃燒殆盡 充滿輻射物質的星球?

  • You won the war?


  • What do you win?


  • It's much easier to bring the nations of the world together


  • not kill those that don't agree with you, bring them together.

    而不是殺了那些不同意你的人 把人類團結起來

  • If I took every soldier, I would educate them to be problem solvers, not killing machines.

    如果我帶領士兵 我會把他們教育成問題的解決者 而不是殺人機器

  • If they draft you to serve, to put up your life for your country

    如果政府徵召你從軍 要你為國家付出生命

  • they should conscript all the war industries


  • so no one makes a buck out of war. Then it's real.

    這樣沒有人會從戰爭中賺取一毛錢 這樣政府才是玩真的

  • You don't have that.


  • "What can one man do though?"


  • Talk to other people. If you like what The Venus Project stands for, talk to others.

    與其它人對話 如果你喜歡金星計劃所代表的 就去與人對話吧

  • If you do nothing, nothing will happen. I can assure you that.

    我可以肯定 如果你不做事 事情就不會發生

  • I have no power, Roxanne has no power.

    我沒有權力 羅克珊沒有權力

  • It's merely a presentation of a world without war, hunger, poverty, or job loss.

    這個計劃只是呈現出一個沒有戰爭 飢餓 貧困 或失業的世界

  • It's always been one person who comes up with new ideas


  • and when other people hear about it


  • then they work towards it and do what they can to make it happen.

    他們就會努力朝向目標 盡其所能使之成真

  • But it's usually one person that's come up with different ideas.


  • "Do you see him as a genius?"


  • No, I see him as someone who's gone through certain things during his lifetime

    不 我認為他是在生命中經歷過特定事物狀況的人

  • and arrived at different conclusions.


  • His background was very different.


  • He worked in technology, he was a futurist

    他在科技領域內工作 他是未來學家

  • but most futurists don't talk about the future in terms of technology

    但大部份的未來學家 並未以科技的眼光談論未來

  • they have wishes and aspirations, and hopes and dreams.

    他們有渴望和抱負 有希望和夢想

  • He can build these things technically.


  • He's worked with drug addicts, alcoholics, changed them.

    他與毒品藥物成癮者 酗酒者共事過並改變了他們

  • He even joined the Klan, he wanted to see if he could put his ideas to test.

    他甚至加入了3K黨 他想看看是否能測試他的想法

  • He joined the Ku Klux Klan in the United States, and changed them within a month and a half.

    他在美國加入了3K黨 並在一半個月內改變了他們

  • Then join the White Citizens Council and changed them.


  • It's not just coming out of his head saying, "I would like a different world."


  • He worked at it, and worked at people to change them.

    他為此努力工作 與人們共事以改變他們

  • "You joined the Klan?"


  • - Ku Klux Klan, years ago, and it was about 32 members.

    對 在多年以前入過3K黨 大約有32名成員

  • So, I joined them by talking with...

    也就是說 我加入他們藉由談論...

  • First, that leader said to me, "What do you think of the Ku Klux Klan?"

    首先 裡面的領導者對我說:"你認為3K黨如何?"

  • I said, "It's a great idea, but it doesn't go far enough."

    我說:"是個很棒的主意 但還不夠有力"

  • Then they listen. But if you down it, they don't listen. You understand?

    然後他們會聽我說 但如果你批評他們 他們就不聽我說了 你明白嗎?

  • You have to learn different people's values and speak in their terms, not your terms.

    你必須學習不同人的價值觀 並以他們的語言來對話 而不是你的語言

  • If you speak ahead of the terms of people, they don't know what you're talking about.

    如果你說話的用語 超越了人們的認知 他們就不瞭解你在講什麼

  • So, in New York, I asked a question

    所以在紐約 我問了一個問題

  • "What are the most undeveloped people in the area?"


  • I got one consensus, they said, "The Arabs that live in Atlantic Avenue."

    我得到了一個共識 他們說:"住在亞特蘭大大道上的阿拉伯人"

  • I said, "What makes you think they're backward?"


  • "They still believe the Earth is flat."


  • So I said, "I better try to turn them around because if I can't turn them around

    接著我對自己說:"那我最好改變他們 因為如果我不能改變他們

  • how am I going to change the world?"


  • That's why I join the Klan and the White Citizens Council.


  • So, I call the leader of the Arabs in that area and I said, "I would like to speak with you."

    因此 我打通電話給該區域內阿拉伯人的老大 接著我說:"我想和你談談"

  • He said, "You are Arab?" That's all he can say.

    他說:"你是阿拉伯人嗎?" 這是他的全話

  • I said, "Yes." - I'm not Arab.

    我說:"是的" 但其實我不是

  • So he said, "Where your father he born?"


  • I said, "Lebanon."


  • He said, "Very good, come and saw me;" means "Come and see me."

    他說:"非常好 過來見我吧"

  • So I came to see him and I said, "Do you believe the world is round?"


  • "No."


  • So he said to me, "Do you believe...?"


  • I said, "No." He... "tut tut tut"

    我說:"不信" 然後他口中發出噠噠噠的聲音

  • That means "It can't be."


  • Then he pointed to his head


  • he says, "If the world be round, man fall me down, all the water he fall me down."

    他說:"如果地球是圓的 人就會掉下來 所有的水都會流出來"

  • Kept doing that.


  • So I said, "Boy, I got to get to this guy."

    因此 我想:"老天吶 我要想辦法讓他瞭解"

  • So I gave him a balloon which I brought with me and I rubbed it with fur.

    所以我給他隨身帶著的汽球 然後我用汗毛磨擦汽球

  • I put cornflakes in his hand and told him to hold his hand away from the balloon.

    我在他手裡放了玉米片 然後告訴他把手離開汽球

  • You know what happens if you rub it?


  • All the cornflakes go up to the balloon.


  • And his jaw hit the pavement.


  • He said, "World he magnet?"


  • "Eeehh..."


  • "Aaaaahhh..."


  • And he explained that to all the other Arabs.


  • Took an hour and a half to turn them around by demonstration.


  • But if you use language, scientific centrifugal force, geomagnetic fields

    但如果你使用語言 科學上的離力心 地磁場等概念

  • they don't know what the hell you're talking about.


  • "Did you turn around the Klan though?"


  • Oh yes. Do you want me to tell you how?

    喔 是的 你想要知道我如何做到的嗎?

  • "Yeah."


  • Okay. It was a longer process.

    好的 這個過程比較長

  • What I did is I spoke to the leader only.


  • Took him to my lab, showed him a lot of interesting things

    帶他到我的實驗室 展現許多有趣的東西給他看

  • and he said in his southern accent


  • "Will you come on down to the Klan meeting and talk to our boys?"

    "你會參加3K黨的會議 並說給我們年輕的小伙子們聽嗎?"

  • I said, "They wouldn't listen to me, Lou."

    我說:"喔 但他們不會聽我說的 盧兄"

  • He said, "I'll get 'em to listen to you, 'cause what you say makes sense."

    他說:"我會讓他們聽你的 因為你說的有道理"

  • I showed him a lot of things he never knew existed.


  • So he silenced them and I spoke to them a little bit.

    所以 他讓裡面的人安靜下來 接著我對他們說了一些話

  • Then I said, "Lou, you can look at a person and tell us all about him."

    我說:"盧兄 你可以看著一個人 然後告訴我們關於他的事"

  • "How do you do that?"


  • He said, "Well, I didn't think I can teach you anything."

    他說:"嗯 我不認為我可以教你任何東西"

  • I said, "Well, if you can do that, tell me how it's done."

    我說:"那麼如果你可以教我東西 就告訴我怎麼做吧"

  • So, I brought some pictures down at the Klan meeting and projected them on the wall.

    所以 我在3K黨的會議上帶來一些照片 並投影在牆壁上

  • And Lou said, "He looks like a good man, a God fearing man, American veteran"

    接著盧兄說:"他看起來像位好人 連神都畏懼的美國老兵"

  • projecting his own values.


  • On the end of the picture, I pull down the bottom, it says

    在照片的結尾 我按下按鈕 照片上寫著:

  • "Wanted by the FBI for subversive action against the United States."

    "此人因企圖顛覆美國的行動 而遭到FBI通緝"

  • When he used to speak, he just said anything

    他以前說話時 只要是他所說的

  • and the others, not knowing anything, shook their head.


  • This is the first time what he said didn't make sense, so his group started to laugh at him.

    這是他第一次說的話沒道理 所以他的同夥們開始笑他

  • So I said to the guys, "Shut your mouth, 'cause Lou knows more about people than we do."

    然後我對這些人說:"閉嘴 盧兄評斷人的見識比我們好"

  • I had to defend him till the next film.

    在下一個影片之前 我必須為他辯護

  • The next film was a record of a man talking in an oxford accent about aviation.

    下一個影片記錄了一位男人 以牛津的口音談論航空學

  • He said, "I see a skinny Englishman with a bald head and eyeglasses."

    盧兄說:"我看到一個骨瘦如柴 戴著眼鏡的禿頭英國佬"

  • He's projecting his own values. Now then, 10 minutes later, the image comes on

    他也是在投射自己的價值觀 接著10分鐘過後 圖像出現了

  • it's a black guy, raised in England.


  • "It's a goddammed nigger talking like an Englishman!"


  • This is Lou's reaction, not my words.

    這是盧兄的反應 不是我說的

  • And I said, "Lou, that guy was raised in a different environment."

    然後我說:"盧兄 那個人是在不同的環境中受到教養的"

  • If you took a black man and raised him in France

    如果你帶一位黑人回來 並在法國養育他

  • he'd speak like a Frenchman, if he was a baby.

    如果他是嬰孩 他講話會像一位法國人

  • If you raised him in Germany, he'd speak with a German accent.

    如果你在德國養育他 他說話就帶有德國的口音

  • He says, "You mean to say that a black man speaks that way because he's raised?"

    他說:"你意思是一位黑人講話是那樣 因為他是那樣被養育的?"

  • Yes.


  • I said "Lou, if I took your kid and raised it in a Jewish family, he'd be a nice Jewish boy.

    我說:"盧兄 如果我把你的孩子帶到一個猶太家庭中養育 他就會是一個好的猶太男孩

  • In a Nazi family, a nice Nazi."


  • People are not taught how to think, they reflect their culture.

    人們並未被教導如何去思考 他們只是反映了他們的文化

  • Proof, that in Italy you talk with the hands.

    給你個證據 在意大利你用手勢幫助溝通

  • "Mannaggia d'americano!," see?

    "該死的美國!" 懂嗎?

  • You say, "Come ona, eat, it's a gooda food."

    你說:"來吧 這是個好食物"

  • That's not you, that's the environment impinging upon you.

    這不是你本身 這是環境在妨礙你

  • We don't teach children how to think.


  • "So, it's nurture versus nature, the grand debate?" Yeah.

    "因此是後天性和先天性的龐大辯論?" 是的

  • Nature.


  • Environment shapes values, facial expressions.

    環境塑造價值觀 臉部表情

  • If you were brought up in the deep South, you'll speak with a southern accent.

    如果你成長於遙遠的南方 就會有南部的口音

  • And if all you hear is "The dammed niggers are lazy, they don't do..."

    如果你全部聽到的是 "該死的懶惰黑鬼 他們不做任何工作"

  • If that's all you hear, that's what you reflect.

    近朱者赤 近墨者黑

  • So you might say, "I'm goin' get me a nigger an' I goin' kick his ass."

    你可能會說:"我要去找一個黑鬼 踹他的屁股"

  • Is that you, or a reflection of your culture? Think about it.

    那是你本性嗎? 亦或是你文化的反映? 想想看吧

  • Always...


  • "If I was a serial killer..."


  • Oh, here's what makes a serial killer.

    喔 這就是造成連環殺手的東西

  • There was a guy named, in the early days

    在早期 有一個人

  • this guy, they believed, ate 45 children.


  • The public wanted to tear him to pieces


  • 'cos the public looks at him as free will.


  • I look at it as indoctrination.


  • Now, what kind of indoctrination makes a serial killer?


  • So a psychiatrist named Wertham wrote a book called "Show of violence".

    一位名為沃瑟姆的精神科醫生 寫了一本叫作"暴力秀"的書

  • Most people never read it.


  • Essentially, here's the guts of it

    實際上 這本書的核心是這樣子的

  • When he was about eight years old, he was touching his private parts

    當兇手大約8歲時 他碰觸了他的私處

  • and his mother was an old time Baptist.


  • She said, "You're gonna burn in Hell touching that part of your body!

    她說:"你在地獄裡將會受焚 因為你摸了你的私處!

  • You will burn eternally!"


  • She scared the hell out of the kid


  • and that evening the mother said, "He stuck needles into his genitals."


  • He didn't want to go to Hell, can you understand that?

    因為他不想下地獄 你能理解嗎?

  • So he used to go into the woods with minority children and try to cut their genitals off.

    所以他過去時常與少數的孩童們一起跑去森林裡 並試著切掉他們的生殖器官

  • To save them from Hell.


  • What do you think a soldier is?


  • A guy that's shown motion pictures of a Japanese guy raping an American woman, pregnant.


  • And so the enlistment goes up.


  • So, people are taught to hate.


  • Before the war, remember, it was, "Pretty parasol and fan in far off Japan."

    記住 在戰爭前是說"漂亮的洋傘和扇子在遙遠的日本"

  • Now, "Slanty-eyed bastards."


  • The Germans are not people, they're "krauts".

    德國人不是人類 他們是"德國鬼子"

  • All nations are corrupt, they all teach their people to hate; hatred and to be patriotic.

    所有的國家都是腐敗的 它們教導人民憎恨 怨恨 愛國

  • Einstein said, "Patriotism is a disease." It separates people.

    愛因斯坦說:"愛國主義是一種疾病" 它隔離了人們

  • -You're not born with bigotry, prejudice, anger or envy

    你生來並非偏執 偏見 憤怒 嫉妒

  • that's nurtured, you experience that through your environment.

    這是後天造成的 你經由環境影響得到經驗

  • If you approached a head hunter in the Amazon and said


  • "Oh my God, don't you feel terrible? You have ten shrunken heads!"

    "我的老天 你不覺得恐怖嗎? 你有十顆乾扁的人頭!"

  • He may say "Yes, my brother has twenty."

    他可能會說:"對阿 我的兄弟有二十顆"

  • -Is he bad? No.

    他是壞人嗎? 不是

  • -So how, if we know what is...

    所以如果我們知道是什麼 要如何...

  • I mean we can look at all the influences on society that are needed.

    我意思是我們可以看看 所有社會上所需要的影響

  • -They don't know how to do that today.


  • -And we come to what, we look at this vision that you have.


  • How, again, how do we get there?

    再問一次 我們如何達成?

  • Because a lot of people have no vested interest -I know.

    因為我知道許多人沒有既得利益 我知道

  • -in abandoning the way things are done now.


  • -We want to make a major motion picture showing how we get from here to there.

    我們想要製作一部電影 展現我們如何從現在過渡到未來

  • It's not going to be smooth, there's going to be a lot of problems, a lot of assasinations.

    這不會是一帆風順的 將會有許多問題 許多突發狀況

  • This is normal to that much of a change if you want to bring.

    如果你想帶來許多改變 這樣是正常的

  • But if you want to try to patch up the old system


  • it'll take many years and many wars. We don't have the time

    這將會花上許多年和引發許多戰爭 我們沒有時間了

  • if all nations are building nuclear weapons now, 'cos they don't trust each other.

    因為如果所有國家都不信任彼此 就會建造核子武器

  • -Is your life in danger?


  • -What's that? -"If you come up with something that's so radically..."

    你說什麼? "如果你想出如此..."

  • My life is always in danger. It's always been in danger.

    我的生命總是受到威脅 一直如此

  • I developed the first flying wing aircraft, I had nothing but trouble.

    我開發了第一架飛翼式飛行器 後來我得到的只有麻煩

  • I worked on long hours of children working in factories and tried to stop that.


  • I'm 94 now. I do all I can do rather than fear death. I don't fear death.

    我現在94歲 我盡我所能而不是害怕死亡 我不畏懼死亡

  • I fear where man is going. The hell they can produce is unbelievable.

    我害怕人類的去向 人類能製造的狗屁問題是難以置信的

  • Because of human, not really human stupidity, they're not educated in our schools.

    因為人們沒有受到我們想法的熏陶 而不是人們真的愚蠢

  • Our universities are better equipped than ever, and the wars are getting worse.

    我們的大學比以往擁有更佳的設備 但戰爭仍然變得更糟

  • So, how can we be sane if the weapons are getting worse?

    如果武器變得更具威力 我們如何才能夠變得健全?

  • -"Roxanne, he doesn't worry about himself, but do you worry about him?

    "羅克珊 他不擔心他自己 但你擔心他嗎?

  • Because, the things he is talking about


  • breaking the natural order, don't they? The established order."

    打破了自然的秩序 不是嗎? 既建的秩序"

  • -We both are very afraid of where things are going out there


  • and if you sit back and do nothing, nothing will happen.

    如果你往後一坐而不做事 事情就不會改變

  • So, he's been working on a new approach all his life that nobody else is dealing with.

    所以他一直努力嘗試一種 沒有其它人在應對的新方法

  • They're all trying to patch up this system


  • and it's this monetary system that creates the aberrant behavior

    而正是這個金融貨幣體系 製造了異常行為

  • that creates the pollution


  • that creates the terrible situation between people and the environment.


  • So, if we sit back and do nothing, this'll continue to go right down into the ground.

    所以如果我們什麼都不做 這種情況將會持續根深蒂固

  • And what it takes is introducing these new ideas.


  • People think in terms of socialism, communism, free-enterprise system, or fascism

    人們以社會主義 共產主義 自由企業體系 法西斯主義的觀點

  • nothing has been introduced.


  • So we want to show it in film to show people really just what type of future they can have

    因此我們想要在影片中展示出 人們能夠有怎樣的未來

  • if they work together and create and make all the natural resources

    如果人們一起努力 創造 並宣告所有的自然資源

  • as the common heritage of all the Earth's people.


  • This is the only way we'll go beyond what we are doing today.


  • Otherwise, there'll be more and more suffering

    否則 將會有越來越多的苦難

  • if we don't use the scientific method applied to the way we live.


  • "You will never stop, will you? You will never stop."

    "你將永不放棄 對嗎? 你將永不止息"

  • -The language we use today was designed hundreds of years ago.

    當今我們使用的語言 是在好幾百年前所設計的古董

  • That makes it impossible to talk to one another.


  • When you read the Bible, it's subject to interpretation.

    當你讀聖經時 它受到人為的詮釋

  • People say, "Jesus meant this," "No, he meant that!"

    人們說:"耶穌意思是這樣" "不 他說那樣!"

  • So you got the Lutherans, Seventh-Day Adventists, Catholic.

    所以會出現路德派 安息日派 天主教派

  • So, we need a language that's not subject to interpretation; mathematics, chemistry.

    我們需要一種不受到主觀詮釋的語言 比如數學或化學

  • When chemists talk to each other, it's not "I think you mean this."

    當化學家們彼此談話時 不是說:"我認為你意思是這樣"

  • When structural engineers build a bridge, they talk to each other and they understand exactly.

    當建築工程師建造橋樑時 他們彼此有效地溝通並互相瞭解

  • We need that in the common language, otherwise

    我們在日常語言中需要這一點 否則

  • when you talk to a person, I don't care if it's your wife or children

    當你跟一個人說話時 不管是你的老婆或小孩

  • it goes through their head, comes out different as they think you mean it.

    經過大腦思考的話語 說出口就會不一樣 因為他們認為你的意思就是那樣

  • That's the danger of the world today.


  • So people say to you, "Have a nice weekend."


  • Why don't they say, "Have a nice life." Why just the weekend? 'Cause that's the normal.

    但他們為何不說:"生命愉快"? 愉快為何只能用週末? 因為這是慣常用語

  • See, they don't know what they are talking about, most people.

    因此 大部份人不知道自己在講些什麼

  • Now, how do I get up and turn them around?


  • By identifying with their values and gradually


  • as fast as I can, I'll take them into the new world.


  • -"You're sneaky."


  • -See, here's where people get mad at me.

    瞧 這裡就是人們對我不滿的地方

  • They say, "You want to give people things for nothing."


  • I say, "If you're born in America and England and France

    我說:"如果你生在美國 英國 法國

  • you got the airplane, the automobile, the telephone, the electric light.

    你就有機會獲得飛機 汽車 電話 電燈

  • You didn't work on any of that. You got it for nothing. Does it hurt you? No!"

    但你並沒有參與設計這些東西 你就是不勞而獲 這些東西害了你嗎? 沒有!"

  • There's nothing wrong with having people access whatever they need without money.

    讓人們取得他們所需要的東西而不用金錢 這一點並沒有錯

  • We can turn out volumes of goods today with automation

    我們今日可以用自動化 生產出數量龐大的物品

  • and make it available to everybody.


  • That's the end of most crime. Most crime.


  • -"Could you ever see yourself stopping?"


  • "Stopping thinking, stopping advocating."

    "停止思考 停止提倡"

  • -Well, a brain disease, or aging maybe

    嗯 腦部的疾病 或可能是病痛

  • might have a stroke and not be able to do it.


  • That's possible in this world.


  • But in the future I talk about, everyone is cared for, from babies to old age

    但在我所說的未來中 人人受到照顧 從嬰兒到老人

  • and no one is in authority. We don't tell people how to live.

    沒人擁有特權 我們不用告訴人們如何活下去

  • All the machines do is make goods available, transport it, they do not control people.

    因為機器全部所做的就是製造 運輸物品 機器不控制人類

  • -"And that's possible?"


  • -Yes. It was posible in 1927.

    是的 在1927年就有可能了

  • -At the beginning of automation in fabrication.


  • -"But we're terrified of the machines taking over."


  • -That's because they take your job away.


  • See, in the future when a new machine comes in, we call the help in

    在未來當有新機器出現時 我們讓它幫忙

  • say, "You used to work 8 hours a day, now it's 4.

    比如 你過去一天工作8小時 現在只要4小時

  • You used to have a week-two weeks vacation a year.


  • Now it's six weeks to be with your family and all."


  • So machines are no longer used to aggrandize the powerful.


  • They can't lay you off. The machines are now operated for the benefit of all humanity.

    掌權者無法解雇你了 因為機器現在是為了全人類的福祉而運作

  • There's no more separate nations with artificial boundaries.


  • If single nations control most of the resources, there's going to be trouble.

    如果單一的國家控制了大部份的資源 那就會有不斷的麻煩

  • Has to be, continuously.


  • There'll always be war and rumors of war if you keep it this way.

    如果依照現有方式 將總是出現戰爭和戰爭謠言

  • It's only when the Earth is declared the common heritage of all the world's people


  • that's the end of territorial invasion.


  • If you don't understand that, I'm sorry, I'll give you all examples you want.

    如果你不瞭解這點 我很遺憾 我將給你所有你想到的例子

  • I know what makes those troubles. Some people do and say, "Oh, what can I do?

    我瞭解那些麻煩的根源 有一些人說:"我能做什麼?"

  • Do what you can. If you do nothing, nothing will happen.

    做你能力所及的事 如果你什麼都不做 事情就不會改變

  • Everybody that brought liberation to women's right, black rights, polish rights

    每一個解放婦女權利 黑人權利 波蘭人權利的人

  • it is not, that isn't what you want. All the people need the same things

    這是人類想要的 所有的人們需要相同的東西

  • Free access to the necessities of life. Otherwise, they suffer.

    即對於生活必需品的自由取得 否則人們就會受苦

  • Now, what's so difficult about that?


  • -It's the movies that make people fearful of technology.


  • They really project the free-enterprise system into the future

    這些電影只是把自由企業體系的概念 投射至未來

  • and all these robots and technology are working against people.


  • That's what they do today.


  • So they are afraid of technology today with the bombs and the missiles and the war

    也就是人們害怕當今有著炸彈 導彈 和戰爭的科技

  • and the technology that displaces people and they have no purchasing power

    而且科技取代了人們 因此人們沒有了購買力

  • but that's not what a resource-based economy would do.


  • They'd use technology for the benefit of people and the environment.


  • -All over the world.


  • -"Finally, how achievable is this? If, if everything went according to plan..."

    "最後一點 達成的可能性多高? 如果每件事照著計劃走..."

  • -According to Peter Joseph, who started The Zeitgeist Movement

    根據時代精神運動的發起人 彼德·約瑟夫所說

  • he told me two months ago that 50 million people now know about The Venus Project

    他兩個月前告訴我 現在有5千萬人知道金星計劃

  • and are all working towards it.


  • So I have a whole pile of magazines, from all over the world


  • each one talks about The Venus Project positively.


  • -The Zeitgeist Movement is the activist arm of The Venus Project.


  • After Peter Joseph did the film Zeitgeist Addendum, it became well-known all over the world.

    在彼德·約瑟夫製作了電影"時代精神:附錄"後 金星計劃揚名全球

  • And now there are chapters in almost every city in the U.S. and every country all over the world.

    而且現在幾乎美國的每一個城市 以及全球的每一個國家都有分部

  • And they're working towards these ends.


  • They are talking to people, they are introducing it in their media

    他們與大眾交流 以自己的媒體渠道進行宣傳

  • in their TV, in any way that they can.

    例如在電視上 或任何他們能做到的方式

  • It really depends on what people do to make this come about.

    這件事的確取決於人們做了什麼 來使其實現

  • -We don't want to hurt anybody, or kill anybody

    我們不想傷害任何人 或殺害任何人

  • 'cause we don't look down on anybody.


  • We look at them as victims of culture. It's not their fault.

    我們視人們為文化的犧牲者 而這不是他們的錯

If you install The Venus Project throughout the world



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