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  • I know what you're thinking.


  • This looks bad.


  • But I assure you,


  • I have everything under contr-UGH!


  • Okay, maybe not.


  • Ugh, such a dirty shoe.


  • First things first.


  • I'm not your average teenager.


  • I never get to grow up with a family with bikes and candy.


  • My family was an international network of killers.


  • I bike with a Falcon Recon 23X,


  • and the closest thing I ever got to candy was...


  • Well, I did get a lolipop once


  • but that's not the point!


  • As long as I remember, I've been trained to become an A.S.S.,

    從我記事開始,就已經在接受變成A.S.S.特工的訓練 (ASS英文縮寫意為“屁股”)

  • an Agent of Secret Stuff.

    A.S.S. “秘密東西特工”。(或者“屁股特工”)

  • For 17 years I trained alongside with one of the cruelest, boldest, most heartless killer of all the,


  • Tracy.


  • - It's a man's name...!

    - 這可是一個男子名!

  • 3 months ago, on the final day of my training,


  • Tracy brought me in front of a panel,


  • the highest ranked


  • I'm talking top quality A.S.S.

    我說的可是很棒的A.S.S. (屁股)

  • - Aden, for the past 17 years you have been like a son to me.

    - Aden,在過去的17年裏我一直把你當做兒子看待。

  • We've been on missions around the world,


  • prevented various global disasters and saved countless lives.


  • And now, it's time for you to become an official Agent of Secret Stuff.


  • But, before I give you your Honorary Operative License Entitlement,


  • your H.O.L.E.,


  • you have one more assignment you must complete.


  • - But... Sir! With all due respect, I devoted my life to training.

    - 可是…… 長官!我已經全心全力地在訓練了!

  • - You will follow orders!

    - 你必須聽從命令!

  • - But... But why?! I already did all the hard stuff!

    - 可是…… 為什麽?我已經完成過很多艱巨的任務了!

  • - We are!

    - 我們是A.S.S.特工!

  • We do not complain when things get too hard.


  • We push on through, and we take it.


  • - But you said...

    - 可是你以前說過……

  • - Enough!

    - 夠了!

  • Please, tell Aden his assignment.


  • - Aden, we need you for a special assignment that only you can execute!

    - Aden,我們有一個特殊的任務只有你可以完成!

  • The Society Involving Not-so-good Stuff, a.k.a. the S.I.N.S.,

    “社會上不太好東西的幫會”,通常簡稱S.I.N.S. (SINS縮寫意為罪惡)

  • they have been our mortal enemies for decades.


  • And now, they have found a new target,


  • Taylor Rentrol, a high school senior.


  • We need an agent on the inside.


  • We believe that the S.I.N.S. have already infiltrated the school with assassins of their own!


  • Your mission is to pose as a high school student and protect Taylor from impending threats!


  • - But... why are they after Taylor?

    - 但是…… 他們為什麽要對Taylor下手?

  • - That will be revealed at a later time,

    - 這個答案會在晚一點揭曉,

  • in like, 30 minutes?


  • We have already made preparations for your enrollment.


  • A spot has been made available in all of Taylor's classes.


  • She must not know that she is in danger!


  • This is a new world for you!


  • High school students are the most dangerous and misunderstood citizens that you will ever come across!


  • You must operate cautiously.


  • - I will not fail.

    - 我一定不會辜負眾望。

  • - Cool, peace out.

    - 很好,那麽我們就靜候佳音。

  • - Oh yea, come here.

    - 就是你吧,過來。

  • Guys, I need your attention just for one second.


  • Hey!


  • Shut up. We have a new student.


  • His name is um... Jose McDonald.

    他的名字是,嗯…… Jose Macdonald。(西班牙語名,多見於墨西哥裔)

  • Yea, obviously.


  • Why don't you say Hi, Jose.


  • Right on man, you're gonna fit in perfectly.


  • Why don't you take a seat in front of Bieber there?


  • You guys open up your Visions book to Chapter 14.


  • - Hey, I'm Taylor, Can I help you with something?

    - 嘿,我叫Taylor,你怎麽啦?

  • - Ho-lah, I'm "Joezy".

    - 你好,我叫…… “Joezy”。

  • - Isn't it pronounced as "Jose"?

    - 這個名字不是應該讀作“Jose”嗎?(正確的西班牙語發音)

  • - Is that what you want it to be?

    - 你想這樣叫我嗎?

  • So it's gonna be like our code word for "danger"?


  • - What are you talking about?...

    - 你在說什麽呢?……

  • - You know, I'll be "Hose A", you'll be "Hose B".

    - 你知道的,那麽我的代號就叫“Jose”,你呢,就叫“Jose-B”。

  • - Are you okay?

    - 你沒發燒吧?

  • - Taylor, zip it up and shut your face hole.

    - Taylor,上課時候專心點!

  • These kids are trying to learn.


  • - Thanks a lot.

    - 這下可好,太謝謝你了。

  • - You're welcome.

    - 不用客氣。

  • - Hey Taylor, can I borrow your pencil sharpener?

    - 嘿,Taylor,我可以借用一下你的卷筆刀嗎?

  • - Yea sure, Melvin.

    - 當然了,Melvin。

  • Suspect will require a pencil sharpening tool to convert the writing stick into a weapon.


  • By inserting the yellow thing into the green thing, the dull thing will turn into a sharp thing.


  • He will then proceed to jump behind his target while she is pre-occupied,


  • and apply a fatal impending weapon into her jugular artery!


  • - There you go.

    - 來,給你。

  • - Give the sharpener back.

    - 把卷筆刀還回來。

  • - What's your problem?

    - 你腦袋有問題啊?

  • - What do you take me for, a fresh--man?

    - 你以為我幼稚到這種地步嗎?

  • Give the sharpener back.


  • - Jose, what are you doing?

    - Jose,你這是要幹嘛?

  • - Fine, Jeez.

    - 還就還唄……

  • - What was that all about Jose?

    - 你怎麽能這樣呢?

  • - Don't worry, I got you. "Hose B".

    - 別擔心,我會看好你的,“Jose-B”。

  • - Alright, class, that's it.

    - 好啦,同學們,下課了。

  • Remember, Chapter 15! Read it... or not, it's your future.


  • Oh by the way, pop quiz next week! You guys know the drill.


  • Oh, Taylor, I'll need to speak with you after class, if you have a moment.


  • Good work today, guys. I was kidding.


  • Remember these days, kids. You will miss them.


  • See you tomorrow!


  • Hey, Taylor, I want to talk to you about the... the homecoming dance.


  • I know it is kinda a thing that you are planning with the student council.


  • But we do have a lot of volunteering that is coming up, you know,


  • make sure you still have time to do that.


  • - No, definitely, it should be fine.

    - 沒問題。

  • We are almost done planning.


  • - Okay alright, I trust you. You're not like the other bastards in this class.

    - 那就好,我相信你。你在班裏是數一數二的,

  • You're the good one.


  • - Thanks, I appreciate it. Is that it?

    - 謝謝誇獎,老師。還有別的東西嗎?

  • - Alright I'll see you later. - Bye.

    - 沒了,咱們明天見吧。 - 再見!

  • - Don't you ever do that again.

    - 以後別再讓我看到你這樣做了。

  • - Excuse me?

    - 什麽?

  • - I said, don't you ever do that again.

    - 我說,以後你別再讓我看到你這樣做了。

  • Keeping Taylor in the room alone is not safe.


  • - Oh yea, I forgot, you are right.

    - 哦!當然,你說的很對。

  • I didn't know what I was thinking otherwise I'll be... Who the hell are you?

    我一時自己都忘了,不然的話…… 你以為你是哪根蔥?!

  • - Well, I am the new kid, remember?

    - 我,我是那個轉校生,記得嗎……

  • You just introduced me.


  • - Get the hell out of my class!

    - 滾出我的教室!

  • - I am glad that we had this talk.

    - 很高興能把話說清楚。

  • - Hey there, son.

    - 嘿,你在這兒呢。

  • I am glad I found you.


  • I hope you enjoyed your first day of school so far.


  • I just wanted to give you your new locker assignment.


  • Actually, you are quite lucky, a new one just opened up the other day.


  • - Oh, hey!

    - 噢,嘿!

  • Wow, your locker is next to mine.


  • I wonder where Billy went.


  • - Yea, strange huh, Ha ha ha ha...

    - 對呀,這可神了,哈哈哈哈……

  • - Well if we gonna see each other this much,

    - 看來我們以後都會天天見面了呢,

  • why don't we just start over?


  • Hi, Jose, I'm Taylor. Nice to meet you.


  • - Nice to meet you too.

    - 我也很高興認識你。

  • - It's called a handshake, Jose.

    - 這叫握手啊,Jose。

  • You're so silly, it's like you've never made a friend before.


  • - "You will follow orders!" - "Ahhh..."

    - “你會聽從命令!” - “啊……”

  • - Hey Taylor!

    - 嘿,Taylor!

  • - Oh hey, what's up, how are you?

    - 噢,是你啊,最近怎樣?

  • - I'm good. Did you finish that paper in English?

    - 還好。你寫好英文的作業了嗎?

  • - No, not yet, it is due soon? In two days...

    - 還沒呢,還有兩天就要交了呢……

  • Suspect from across the hall examines his target, his eyes indicate he is aiming for the most exposed and vital area, her chest.


  • Only 3 steps away from pumping her with barrages of bullet punches straight to her ribcages that will no doubt stop her heart forever for life!


  • - What are you looking at?!

    - 你在看什麽呢?!

  • - Bye Jose!

    - 再見,Jose!

  • - Bye!

    - Bye!

  • - I said, what were you looking at?

    - 我說,你剛才在看什麽呢?

  • - Chill out, Man, I'm just checking out Taylor's rack, she is looking especially hot today.

    - 冷靜一點,我只是在覺得她的胸部今天特別迷人。

  • - Her rack?

    - 她的胸部?

  • - Yea, man, her knockers.

    - 對呀,她的胸部。(此處發音像“打她”)

  • - So you were trying to knock her!

    - 你果然是想要攻擊她!

  • - No, man, I am talking about her boobs!

    - 什麽?不!我在說她的胸部!

  • - You know, these things?

    - 挺拔的胸部!

  • - Oh, okay then, as long as you were not looking at that ribcage.

    - 噢,好吧。你休想打她肋骨的主意。

  • You stay the hell away from that ribcage!


  • - Bryson! New guy!

    - Bryson!那個新來的!

  • - I'm gonna destroy you!

    - 我會把你打得很慘!

  • Your face is gonna be so ugly when I am done with your face, cause... it's kinda handsome right now.


  • Ah.....!


  • - I wasn't ready! I want a rematch!

    - 我剛才沒有準備好!我要再比一次!

  • Target is greatly outnumbered by opposition, each of them possesses some sort of netted-stick weapon.


  • Surrounded and unaware, she is vulnerable to attacks from all directions!


  • - Jose? Where did you come from?

    - Jose?你從哪裏鉆出來的?

  • - You almost took a shuttlecock to the face.

    - 你差點就被羽球打到臉了。

  • - But how did you...?

    - 但是你怎麽……

  • - What are you doing?! Come on! Let me go!

    - 你這是幹嘛,快放開我!

  • How did I even get here?! Let me go! Come on!


  • - How did you do that?

    - 你到底是怎麽做到這一切的?

  • - He's like... incredibly fast and strong.

    - 他似乎有閃電般的速度和無法比擬的力量。

  • - He's like a mystical creature that is fast and strong.

    - 他還有點神秘。

  • - I know, right? He's like a... a unicorn!

    - 我知道了,他就像一個…… 獨角獸!

  • - But a human... a "humacorn".

    - 可是他外表是人…… 啊,“獨角人獸”!

  • - Stop it guys, he's just different.

    - 別瞎掰了,他只是有點不同而已。

  • - He's a freak.

    - 他是個怪胎。

  • - I don't know, I think he is kinda cute the way he takes everything so seriously.

    - 嗯…… 但我覺得他還蠻可愛的,他把所有的事情都看得很認真呢。

  • - It's kinda creepy... don't you think?

    - 這不是很令人毛骨悚然嗎?

  • - He's harmless, he's like a little puppy that just wants all your attention.

    - 我覺得他善意的,他只是想引人註目而已,就跟剛出生的小狗一樣。

  • - A "humacoruppy"!

    - 啊,難道他是一只“獨角人狗獸”?

  • - You girls are ridiculous. Let's go.

    - 你們越說越離譜了。咱們走吧。

  • - I think Taylor has a crush.

    - Taylor一定是看上那男的了。

  • "High school students are the most dangerous and misunderstood citizens that you will ever come across!"


  • - What happened?

    - 發生什麽事了?

  • - Slippery floors...

    - 地板太滑了……

  • - What?

    - 什麽?

  • - Probably didn't see the "Piso Mojado" sign...

    - 肯定是他們都沒能讀懂那個用西班牙語寫的“小心地滑”標誌……

  • - What?

    - 什麽?

  • - Yea, let's just...

    - 好啦,我們趕緊吧……

  • - But what about my...

    - 但是我的同學……

  • - Uhh... yea, so I hope you have a good first day at school.

    - 嗯,希望你今天過得還順心吧。

  • - You're still alive, so it's a great day.

    - 你還活著呢,這真是一個奇跡般的一天!

  • - Okay, I'll see you later.

    - 好吧。那我們再見咯。

  • Oh, are you coming this way too?


  • - Hey, so I was talking to Mr. Anderson about the event coming right after homecoming.

    - 嘿,我今天跟老師談了那個關於畢業舞會前後的活動。

  • I am gonna need a lot of help planing that event. I don't know how...


  • - No...!

    - 別……!

  • - Ah..! Oh my god!

    - 啊……!我的天啊!

  • Get out of my room!


  • - Don't throw things... No!

    - 別丟東西了好不好……

  • - Get away from me! Ah...!

    - 快走開!啊……!

  • - Alright, I am not gonna hurt you.

    - 別鬧了!我不會傷害你的。

  • You just need to... just calm down, Okay?


  • - Okay...

    - 哦……

  • - Are you trying to get yourself killed?

    - 你是不是很想被謀殺?

  • Did you know what you just almost did but didn't do because I didn't let you do what you wanted to do?


  • - Yes?

    - 這不廢話麽?

  • - No! You don't!

    - 不!你很明顯不知道!

  • Do you know what this is?


  • This is Little Miss Double Rainbow Girly Cookies and you almost eat them all the way.


  • You don't even know who has handled this or who could have poisoned this.


  • - What?

    - 什麽?

  • - Look, I've been trying to stay undercover but you are making this too damn difficult.

    - 你看,我本來想盡量保持低調地來保護你,不過你真是讓我覺得太頭疼了。

  • First, first you handed over a pencil sharpener to someone with a pencil.


  • Do you wanna get stab in the neck?


  • And then, you almost took a shuttle cock to your face. Do you know how much that hurts?


  • Have you ever have a shuttle cock to your face before? No, you haven't. It hurts, I know.


  • Now you are eating cookies, you're eating cookies! Do you wanna get poisoned?...And fat?


  • Your carelessness is driving me insane!


  • - I am driving you insane?

    - 我把你氣瘋了?!

  • My friends are right.. you are a freak...


  • I know exactly what you are...


  • - Oh you do, alright then say it, say it out loud.

    - 你知道啊,那說說看啊?

  • - Unicorn...

    - 獨角獸……

  • - What? Unicorns don't even exist, in North America, probably.

    - 哈?獨角獸根本不存在,反正北美洲是沒見到過。

  • - Then who... What are you?

    - 那麽你到底是誰?你到底是什麽?

  • - Alright look, I am gonna be completely honest with you.

    - 好吧,我打算跟你攤開來說了。

  • I'm not really a Mexican. My name is not Jose, it's Aiden.


  • And I'm an A.S.S.

    我是一名A.S.S.特工 (此處可理解為“賤人”或者“屁股”)

  • - Yea, you are.

    - 沒錯,你就是個賤人。

  • - No, you don't understand. Look, I am in the final stages of becoming an Agent of Secret Stuff.

    - 不對,你不明白。我馬上就要成為一名“秘密東西特工”了。

  • And my last mission was to come here and protect you.


  • - Protect me? From who?

    - 保護我?誰要打我的主意?

  • - The S.I.N.S.!

    - 那些S.I.N.S.殺手! (此處可理解為“所造的罪孽”)

  • - Is this all just to get me to go to church?

    - 你不會是來說服我去教堂的吧?

  • - Oh my god... You're stupid.

    - 天啊,你真是沒救了。

  • Alright, okay, here, here is the whole story.


  • Back in WWII, a group of fleeing Nazi special agents formed a society of assassins to secretly revenge the Axis of power. This group is called the Society Involving No-so-good Stuff.


  • One of the assassins only known as X when he could no longer support such a war in the world... fled the S.I.N.S. and started his own group of killers to battle all the S.I.N.S. plans.


  • They were known as the Agent of Secret Stuff. That's me.


  • The battle between A.S.S. and S.I.N.S. still continues today,


  • and you are the S.I.N.S.'s latest target, to which I am assigned to prevent you from being killed.


  • - But why me?

    - 為什麽目標是我?

  • - I have no idea why, but I never question my orders.

    - 不知道,我只是遵從命令而已。我從來都不去質問對我下達的命令的。

  • "But why? I already did all the hard stuff."


  • - Wow...

    - 我靠……

  • You are seriously out of your mind. Can you leave?


  • - But Taylor, you are in danger.

    - 可是Taylor,你需要保護!

  • - Stop! No I am not!

    - 閉嘴!我不需要!

  • I am a normal girl that goes to a normal high school and nothing is going to happen.


  • The more you say that, the more it freaks me out, so please just stay out of my life!


  • - But I am trying to..

    - 可是……

  • - No! just leave! Please just go!

    - 別說了!請你快點走吧!

  • - I'm sorry, I never meant to upset you. I don't know what it is like to be a normal kid.

    - 對不起,我不是存心想跟你作對的。我根本不知道普通學生的生活是怎麽樣的。

  • Ever since I was young, I was taught to never trust people, and to kill them instead.


  • - That's really sad.

    - 這實在是太悲哀了。

  • - I've already failed my mission anyways... So, I'll stay out of your life.

    - 我的任務已經完成了…… 以後我再也不會來打擾你的了。

  • - Wait, Aiden. I am sorry.

    - 等一下,Aden,對不起。

  • I know you meant well, but there is really no reason to be worried for me.


  • Look, I think you are a cool guy and I'd rather just learn to have fun and instead of being scared of secret agents and stuff.


  • Do you trust me?


  • - No, didn't you hear everything I just said?

    - 廢話,當然不行,你把我說過的話都當耳邊風了嗎?

  • - You know what, never mind, just come with me.

    - 哎,怕了你了,跟我來吧。

  • - Did you hear, Scott asked me to the dance?

    - 你聽說了嗎?Scott要邀請我去畢業舞會。

  • - Oh my god! That's so cute!

    - 天啊!你們太般配了!

  • I feel like I've been waiting for this dance forever!


  • - Okay so DJ's set, the photographer's set, good job on the ticket sales, girls, I think we are ready for tonight!

    - DJ,攝影師都有了,門票也賣得差不多了,姐妹們,我想我們都準備好去參加舞會了!

  • - But there is one thing that isn't set.

    - 不對!還有一樣東西沒準備好!

  • - What, what did I miss?!

    - 什麽?我把什麽給漏了?

  • - A date!

    - 你的舞伴!

  • - Guys...

    - 你們……

  • - Maybe Aiden can help you out with that...

    - 我想Aden應該能幫你出點主意。

  • - So... um... that dance sounds pretty interesting.

    - 嗯…… 那個舞會聽起來好像很有趣。

  • - Yea, it's been a lot of work to plan.

    - 是的,我可是花了好多功夫去籌備的。

  • - You don't have anyone to go with?

    - 你還沒有人邀請你做舞伴吧?

  • - No, not yet, I guess I've just been too busy.

    - 還沒呢,肯定是因為我最近太忙了吧。

  • - Right, I see.

    - 當然,當然。

  • Okay... Bye!

    那…… 就這樣啦!

  • - Hi Taylor!

    - 嗨,Taylor!

  • - Oh, Hey Melvin!

    - 噢,嘿,Melvin。

  • - Well, the dance is tonight. God, you know the dance is tonight,

    - 那個,今晚就是舞會了。你知道的,舞會那種東西。

  • You're planning it...


  • Anyways, I just want to ask you, you would go to the dance with me?


  • - Oh that is so sweet! But I don't know if I can because I have to...

    - 噢,你真好。可是我還不知道我能不能,因為……

  • - But you don't even have a date yet!

    - 可是你根本都還沒有舞伴!

  • - Yea, but I am planning it...

    - 對,但我是籌劃人……

  • Stop it... Stop it!

    別打了…… 快住手!

  • What are you doing?


  • - He was gonna attack you! with this!

    - 他想傷害你!用這個!

  • - Are you crazy, this a flower!

    - 你瘋了嗎,這是一朵花!

  • - I swear there was a blade, right here!

    - 我發誓剛才我看到這裏冒出了一柄刀片!

  • - Have you not taught you anything? You still don't trust me!

    - 我教你這麽多都白費了麽,你還是不相信我!

  • You know, I thought you changed.


  • But you are still in your stupid crazy world.


  • Now you are just hurting innocent people.


  • - But I swear...

    - 我明明看見了……

  • - No just stop it... Just stay away... Just leave me alone.

    - 別說了!我看見你就心煩。以後別再來打擾我了。

  • I tried, Aiden. I really did.


  • You know what Melvin, I will go to the dance with you.


  • Great...going Aiden.


  • Maybe Taylor was right, I don't belong here.


  • This whole mission is just stupid.


  • This is what it takes to get my A.S.S.H.O.L.E.? Maybe I don't even want it!


  • Taylor!


  • He is escaping to secret warehouse. Turn left.


  • Melvin getting away, hurry the hell up, dude.


  • - Where are they?

    - 你把它們藏哪兒了?

  • - What?

    - 什麽東西?

  • - Tell me where the training wheels are!

    - 自行車的輔助輪子!藏哪兒了?

  • - What are you talking about, man, I go to high school, I don't use training wheels.

    - 你說什麽呢,我是個高中生,我怎麽會有輔助輪子呢?

  • - Aiden!

    - Aden!

  • - What...

    - 幹嘛……

  • - It's too late Aiden!

    - 你來的太晚了,Aden!

  • - No...!

    - 不要啊……!

  • - No, it's not!

    - 不是的,別聽他的!

  • - Oh, okay.

    - 哦,好吧。

  • - But it's a trap.

    - 不過這一切是一個陷阱!

  • - No...!

    - 不要啊……!

  • - No it's not, don't listen to her.

    - 什麽陷不陷阱的,你別聽她胡說!

  • - Oh, okay.

    - 哦,好吧。

  • - No listen to me, it's a trap. Right there!

    - 聽我說,你腳下就有陷阱!

  • - A trap?

    - 陷阱?

  • - I destroyed your trap, Melvin, it's over!

    - 我已經把你的陷阱拆掉了,Melvin,你已經玩完了!(OVER有“結束”和“在上面”的意思)

  • - Oh is it? I beg to differ. If anything, it's the exact opposite of over...

    - 是嗎?我敢打賭你錯了。和你說的正正相反,

  • It's "under"...


  • Anyway, see we've already won.


  • Now that we have Taylor, we S.I.N.S. have everything to overthrow you,


  • stinky


  • - Wait... Taylor... Wait, what?

    - 什麽?有了Taylor?你說什麽呢?

  • - You don't know about her?

    - 你不知道關於她的事情麽?

  • - Well... I know some things...

    - 我,我當然知道一點點……

  • I know that she can only read from left to right, that she's really good at hitting shuttle cocks with a netted-stick,


  • that she's really smart, funny and cute, that she's my best friend, my only friend.


  • - Aw... Aden...

    - 噢…… Aden……

  • - Aw... Aden... I mean... But I was thinking along the line of... She's the future of all the

    - 噢…… Aden…… 我其實想說的是,她是A.S.S.特工隊的未來!

  • - She is?

    - 她是嗎?

  • - I am?

    - 我是嗎?

  • - Jeez, don't they teach anything over there?

    - 老天啊,那班特工什麽也沒給你說嗎?

  • You are one dumb ass!


  • - Nobody calls me dumb!

    - 從來沒人說過我笨!

  • - Aiden.. No!

    - Aden…… 不要啊!

  • - Mouse trap...

    - 只是被老鼠夾夾住了而已……

  • Good night, Aiden.


  • That's cute, Taylor.


  • Real cute. Now get back in your...


  • Fix your chair, and get back in it!


  • - How could you do this Melvin. We've been friends for years!

    - 你怎麽能如此無情,Melvin。我們都已經認識好幾年了。

  • - Every year I've been trying to kill you.

    - 我可是每年都在想盡辦法來把你幹掉。

  • - Because of people like you that Aiden can't live a normal life.

    - 就是因為你這種人,Aden才過不上正常人的生活!

  • You made me miss my own homecoming dance.


  • - Ha, don't you mean home-no-one's-coming dance?

    - 哈,你是說你那個沒人去的畢業舞會嗎?

  • 1-0 Melvin!


  • Anyways, me and the kids have been talking about how your little dance and how we are not gonna go cause we are pretty sure that it's gonna suck!


  • - What the hell, Taylor.

    - 你有種啊,Taylor。

  • - I thought you wanna dance, Melvin.

    - 我還以為你想我陪你跳支舞呢,Melvin。

  • - Aiden, are you okay?

    - Aden,你還好嗎?

  • - No! It hurts real bad.

    - 不好!全身都痛死了。

  • - Thanks for coming after me.

    - 謝謝你能來救我。

  • - Can I tell you something?

    - 我可以告訴你一些事情嗎?

  • - What?

    - 說吧。

  • - I told you so. - Shut up.

    - 我一直都是對的。- 閉嘴。

  • - Ruining the moment!

    - 電燈泡出現!

  • - Death chop!

    - 休想!

  • - Tracy? What are you doing here?

    - Tracy?你怎麽會在這裏?

  • - I was informed you were in danger.

    - 我得知了你身陷困境的消息。

  • - By who?

    - 誰告訴你的?

  • - By me.

    - 是我。

  • - Who are you?

    - 你是誰?

  • - I am your...

    - 我是你的……

  • - My father?

    - 我爸?

  • - What? No... How is that even possible, I am like the same age as you, that's disgusting.

    - 什麽?這簡直是侮辱,我跟你差不多大而已好不好。

  • I am your step-step-brother-in-law.


  • You know what, don't worry about it. Your dad was really promiscuous, forget it, long story.


  • - He's been watching over you, Aiden. We all have.

    - 他一直都在暗中保護你,Aden。我們都是。

  • - Then you know that I failed. Taylor was in great danger and I couldn't even protect her.

    - 那麽你已經知道我失敗了吧。Taylor剛剛差點受傷了,可我卻完全沒能保護她。

  • - On the contrary, you have succeeded.

    - 正好相反,你出色地完成了任務。

  • Not only have you discovered the S.I.N.S. agent within the high school but you have brought out Taylor's full potential,


  • enriching what she's destined to become.


  • - I did? Okay, cool.

    - 那都是我功勞嗎?太好了。

  • - Me? what does that mean?

    - 我的使命?我有什麽使命呢?

  • - Taylor...

    - Taylor……

  • - Where are all these people coming from?

    - 你們一個兩個都是從哪個角落裏冒出來的?

  • - Have you ever wondered why your parents are black?

    - 你有沒有想過為什麽你的父母都是黑人?

  • - I was adopted...

    - 因為我是被收養的……

  • - And why you speak 10 languages?

    - 那為什麽你會講10種語言?

  • - "Je ne sais pas?"

    - 【法語】我不知道?

  • - Straight A student and very good at first person shooters.

    - 那麽你超高的學習成績和天生的第一人稱射擊遊戲能手?

  • And now you have defeated a S.I.N.S. agent with no training ever!


  • - Because I'm...awesome?

    - 因為我很牛逼?

  • - Well, I could have done that too... If I wanted...

    - 其實,其實我想的話我剛剛也肯定可以擊敗他的……

  • - It is in your blood, Taylor...

    - 這些都是流淌在你血液裏的基因,Taylor……

  • to be an amazing A.S.S.!


  • You are the daughter of Agent X, the founder of all the


  • Taylor, you are my daughter.


  • - But you are so old...

    - 不會吧,你很老了耶……

  • - But your mama was so young...

    - 可你媽媽卻是那樣地年輕!

  • - Aiden, I am...

    - Aden,我……

  • - My father?

    - 是我爸?

  • - No.. no, Aiden, no one here is your freaking father!

    - 我靠,Aden,這裏沒有任何人是你爸!

  • I mean he abandoned you at birth.


  • He is not coming back.


  • - Aiden, I am very proud to present you with the H.O.L.E.

    - Aden,我將授予你你的H.O.L.E.榮譽勛章,

  • You are now an official Agent of Secret Stuff.


  • My A.S.S.H.O.L.E.

    - 我的ASSHOLE……!我的勛章!

  • - Congratulations, kid.

    - 祝賀你,年輕人。

  • - So now what.

    - 那麽,下一步怎麽辦。

  • - And now... you are part of our world.

    - 現在開始,你就是支撐我們世界的頂梁柱了。

  • The S.I.N.S. will be following you and Aiden more intensely than ever before...


  • - The dance is ending right now!

    - 舞會還在進行著!

  • - Oh yea, speaking of the dance, I was wondering if I can

    - 噢,對了,關於那個舞會。我想問你如果我可以……

  • - Aiden you wanna come to the homecoming dance with me?

    - Aden你願意做我的舞伴嗎?

  • - Yea sure, I got nothing better to do...

    - 哦,好吧,反正我也沒別的事情幹……

  • - Let's go.

    - 趕緊出發!

  • No...


  • We're too late... we missed it.

    我們來遲了…… 已經錯過了。

  • - Sorry we missed your dance.

    - 對不起,我們沒能趕上。

  • Being a secret agent is really hard.


  • - It's okay, it's not your fault.

    - 沒關系,這不是你的錯。

  • Will you move to the musical notes with me?


  • - So Aiden, you have all the gagdets.

    - Aden,你現在有了全部的條件。

  • You can fight, you are brave, you are smart, and now you have your H.O.L.E


  • But you know you still have one thing missing if you want to be a secret agent.


  • - Wait, what? That's impossible, what could I be missing?

    - 什麽?這不可能,我還差什麽東西?

  • - Well, everyone knows the real secret agent always gets the girl in the end.

    - 這個…… 人人都知道秘密特工在結局裏總是會有美人相伴。

  • - I've honestly never heard that before. That sounds ridiculous.

    - 我真的連聽都沒聽說過這事。這真是有夠荒唐的。

  • But.. um... Maybe... maybe you can help me with that.

    不過…… 嗯…… 也許你可以幫忙解決這個問題。

  • - Bush!

    - 草叢裏!

  • - Somebody's there.

    - 有人在。

  • - I'll go left. - I'll go right.

    - 我負責左邊。 - 我負責右邊。

  • - Ready? One, two...

    - 準備好了嗎?一,二……

  • - Wait! There's one more thing...

    - 等下,還有一件事……

I know what you're thinking.


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