字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The first time I saw the campus, it was incredible. 我第一次看到這個園區時簡直不敢相信。 There's volleyball nets and colorful umbrellas, and you see people walking their dogs. 它裡面有排球網、彩色陽傘,你還可以看到有人遛狗。 It feels kind of like a playground, a big playground. 這裡有點像遊樂園,很大的遊樂園。 The atmosphere around Google, it's definitely very eccentric but also very academic. Google 公司裡的氣氛當然非常古怪,但也充滿學術氣息。 At Google, we actually do have the ability to make more of an impact on people and more of a change in one year than many people do in their lifetimes. 在 Google,我們做的事的確可以影響更多人,我們一年內帶來的改變也比許多人一生所做的還要多。 It's an environment in which very few limitations are placed on where your mind can be during the day. 在這個環境,你一整天想做什麼幾乎都不會被受限。 You're all starting your teams this week. 你們的實習工作從這週開始。 And some great advice is to not to be afraid to fail. 一些建議告訴我們不要害怕失敗。 But we want to flip that around a little bit and say don't be afraid to succeed. 但我們要顛覆這個說法:不要害怕成功。 My name's Matt Malone. 我叫 Matt Malone。 I'm a graduate intern here at Google in Consumer Operations this summer. 今年暑假在 Google 的顧客管理部實習。 I have a background as a Infantry officer in the Army. 我之前是一位步兵軍官。 I thought leading people directly on the ground as a combat leader would provide the greatest leadership challenge. 我覺得之前在地面指揮軍隊作戰,是對領導能力最大的挑戰。 And then I switched over to working in Intelligence. 後來我轉換跑道,從事情報工作。 That's where I really started to fall in love with technology. 從那時開始,我就愛上科技。 My name is Paola Correa. 我叫 Paola Correa。 I go to the University of Miami. 在邁阿密大學唸書。 And I study advertising and marketing. 主修廣告行銷。 When I was little, I used to collect ads. 我小的時候,喜歡收集廣告。 I used to get a kick out of going to different places and seeing how the same message would impact differently and would look differently. 我很享受去不同的地方,看看廣告如何將相同的訊息以不同的方式呈現並如何帶來不同的影響。 My name is Kim Day. 我叫 Kim Day。 I'm from Melbourne, Florida. 來自佛羅里達的墨爾本市。 I'm studying physics and computer science at the Florida Institute of Technology. 我在佛羅里達理工學院主修物理和電腦資訊。 I grew up on the space coast of Florida. 我在佛州火箭發射地附近長大。 And I always grew up watching the shuttles take off from the Kennedy Space Center. 在我成長過程中,總是看著火箭從甘迺迪太空中心發射。 And I knew that I really wanted to work with technology and be able to be on the cutting edge. 我一直都知道我想從事科技相關的工作,並走在時代的尖端。 My name is Florian Koenigsberger, and I'm from New York City. 我叫 Florian Koenigsberger,我來自紐約市。 Google as a company was attractive to me because they are a tech company that's been so much more than that. Google 對我來說很有吸引力,因為它是家科技公司,卻又不只是家科技公司。 There isn't a place that Google is not. 沒有什麼事是 Google 做不到的。 I'm Grant Oakley. 我是 Grant Oakley。 I'm from Spokane, Washington. 我來自華盛頓洲的斯波坎。 Just the process of coding is actually surprisingly fun. 寫程式的過程本身就超級有趣。 You kinda get like this epic win at the end of the day, where you throw up the arms in celebration. 像是努力一整天,贏得空前勝利,你會想高舉雙手慶祝一下。 It's exciting to work at Google because unlike a lot of software companies, I use Google products every day. 能在 Google 工作很令人興奮,跟在其他軟體公司工作不同,我每天都會用 Google 的產品。 That's pretty exciting. 十分令人興奮。 So we're headed upstairs. 那我們上樓吧。 I've always thought of work as just... as work. 我通常覺得工作就是...工作。 This is going to be your desk right here. 你的座位在這裡。 At Google, it's completely different. 在 Google,情況完全不一樣。 At Google, I was extremely excited to start at work. 在 Google,我非常想馬上開始工作。 Like I could barely sleep the first night. 我第一晚幾乎睡不著。 Yeah, my inbox has like already been exploding. 我的電子信箱被塞爆了。 How many? 有多少封? Yeah, 45, you know, 45 emails for your first day's pretty good. 45封,上班第一天就收到 45 封信,超棒的。 I'm working in the Online Help Center. 我在線上服務中心工作。 And my project is part of an effort that will completely change the way Google is reaching out to consumers and helping them with Google products. 我負責的專案目標是徹底改變 Google,深入顧客群,幫助顧客解決產品問題。 Our help centers are not just the US. 我們的服務中心不只在美國。 But we have them in 40 plus languages. 還有其他 40 多個國家。 So you have to think about how we're going to manage that complexity. 所以你要想想我們要如何應對這種複雜的情況。 From your first day as a Google intern, you're treated as a regular employee. 你開始在 Google 當實習生的第一天,他們就把你當成一般員工。 Don't presume that just because you're an intern as such that you're not a member of the team. 不要認為你只是實習生,就不是團隊裡的一員。 One usually expects as a new person to be at the bottom of the knowledge totem pole. 人通常都認為新人在知識巨塔的底部。 The fact that I'm not is an illustration of how much responsibility is given to us as interns across the board. 但Google 不這麼看我,顯示出我們被賦予的責任其實超過實習生的程度。 Paola? Paola? How are you? 你好嗎? Doing good. I'm Chris. 很好。我是 Chris。 Nice to meet you. I'm Paola. 很高興認識你。我叫 Paola。 I worked with a couple of interns last year, and every intern that I've seen come on has just exuded Googliness. 我去年跟幾個實習生一起工作,每個我看到的實習生都散發著 Google 人的特質。 I'll get the hang of it eventually. You'll get the hang of it. Ok. 我會抓到訣竅的!你會的。OK。 Don't be afraid to ask... 不要害怕問問題... OK. 好的。 Is their work going to be challenging? 他們的工作會很難嗎? Yeah, because the most important work is challenging. 當然,最重要的工作都很有挑戰性。 This summer, I'm working on an email notification for Google Accounts. 這個暑假,我負責處理 Google 帳戶中電子郵件的通知。 And it's going to be sent out to thousands of users. 上千個使用者會收到電子郵件通知。 And it's going to make their accounts more secure. 這會讓他們的帳號更安全。 My code helps developers test their code very efficiently. 我寫的程式讓開發者們能更有效率地測試他們的程式。 And that way, they can write good stable code for the products. 這樣一來,他們可以幫產品寫出又好又穩定的程式。 You will be working on something that not only your team, but the entire Google will see. 你做的工作,不只團隊裡的人會看到,而是整個 Google 的人都會看到。 Basically, internship is like a good experience towards becoming a full-time hire, right? 基本上,實習生經驗對成為正式員工很有幫助,對吧? The one thing that all the interns definitely have in common is passion and motivation to get these things done. 實習生們都擁有的特質,就是有想把事情做好的熱情及有動力。 Because you don't necessarily have to know everything, but you have to be willing to learn. 你不用什麼都知道,但你要願意去學。 Is this your first time at Google? 這是你們第一次來 Google 嗎? The week has been unstoppable, restless, a bunch of activities. 這個禮拜根本停不下來、沒得休息,有超多活動。 There's always something new. 總是有新鮮事發生。 And the next activity or the next person that we meet is more exciting than the last. 永遠都有更令人興奮的新活動或新成員在等著我們。 They do a really, really good job of making you understand the way this place thinks. 在幫助你了解這裡的企業文化這方面,他們真的做得非常好。 I think, specifically, of an exercise we did that gave a completely new perspective on how to brainstorm. 特別是上次那場活動帶給我們腦力激盪的全新體驗。 What is brainstorming to you? 對你來說,什麼是腦力激盪? Tell me what you guys said. 告訴我你們想到什麼。 It's focused on learning to put aside your judgments right away and avoid criticizing new ideas that may seem strange to you. 重點在於學習如何放下成見,以及避免批評那些你覺得很奇怪的新點子。 "Impossible" is not a word that's thrown around very often. 在這裡,「不可能」是一個很少聽到的字。 I think it helps you imagine. 這幫助你發揮想像力。 I certainly did not associate imagination with productivity before coming here, but I think this place makes that real. 來這之前,我從來沒有把想像力和生產力連結在一起,但 Google 讓這件事成真了。 For the rest of it, I know that there will be a lot of work involved, maybe some work that I don't know how to do. 剩下的時間,我知道我有很多工作要做,我可能會不知道有些該怎麼做。 But a little bit of fear is good. 但有點害怕是好的。 I do feel a lot different after being here for my first week. 我覺得我自己在 Google 待一個禮拜後,變得不太一樣了。 I guess I've always identified myself very much with the military. I was in the military for five years. 我想我一直都把自己定義為軍人。我在軍中待了五年。 But I'm starting to see myself as a Googler. 但我現在把自己當作一個 Google 人。 I see myself as someone who fits in here; I don't feel like an outsider. 我覺得我很適合這裡;我不覺得我像個外人。 I feel Googley. 我覺得我很 Google。 I would say meeting Sergey was definitely one of the highlights of my week, month, maybe year. 見到 Sergey 對我來說,絕對是本週、本月,甚至是今年的大事。 He's fine, just like stopped and shakes my hand. 他人很好,上前來跟我握手。 And then he rode off on his elliptical bike. 然後他騎著他的橢圓滑步單車離開。 It's pretty great. 超酷的。 Maybe it is a little early to say that after I've only been here a week or so, but I just feel like there's always going to be something new you're going to learn every day. 才待一個多禮拜,或許我說這些有點太早,但我總覺得每天都可以接觸到新東西,每天都在學習。 And that's really the best part about being an engineer. 而這真的是當工程師最棒的地方。 If this is what being an intern feels like, I'd love to be an intern for the rest of my life. 如果這就是當實習生的樣子,那我很願意下半輩子都當個實習生。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 Google 實習生 工作 程式 科技 禮拜 現實中的「實習大叔」!Google 實習生的生活 (The real Google interns' first week) 97460 2226 VoiceTube 發佈於 2022 年 04 月 23 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字