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  • I want to talk about the transformed media landscape,

    我想先談論媒體工具轉變的整個架構 I want to talk about the transformed media landscape,

  • and what it means for anybody who has a message they want to get out

    和這對於任何訊息想要散播到世界各地的人來說 and what it means for anybody who has a message they want to get out

  • to anywhere in the world.

    意味著什麼 to anywhere in the world.

  • And I want to illustrate that by telling a couple of stories

    我將以圖表的方式來說幾個 And I want to illustrate that by telling a couple of stories

  • about that transformation.

    關於這樣的轉變的故事 about that transformation.

  • I'll start here. Last November there was a presidential election.

    我先從這邊開始,去年11月有場總統大選 I'll start here. Last November there was a presidential election.

  • You probably read something about it in the papers.

    你們也許曾由報章讀到這些事 You probably read something about it in the papers.

  • And there was some concern that in some parts of the country

    而這當中有人擔心在這國家中有部份地區 And there was some concern that in some parts of the country

  • there might be voter suppression.

    可能有選民抑制 there might be voter suppression.

  • And so a plan came up to video the vote.

    因此一個拍攝投票過程的計畫產生了 And so a plan came up to video the vote.

  • And the idea was that individual citizens

    當時的概念是每位 And the idea was that individual citizens

  • with phones capable of taking photos or making video

    擁有攝影功能手機的公民 with phones capable of taking photos or making video

  • would document their polling places,

    可以記錄他們的投票所 would document their polling places,

  • on the lookout for any kind of voter suppression techniques.

    來尋找任何形式的選民抑制技術 on the lookout for any kind of voter suppression techniques.

  • And would upload this to a central place.

    並將他們的記錄上傳到一個中心 And would upload this to a central place.

  • And that this would operate as a kind of citizen observation.

    這將如公民觀察一般運作 And that this would operate as a kind of citizen observation.

  • That citizens would not be there just to cast individual votes.

    民眾不只是在投票所投票 That citizens would not be there just to cast individual votes.

  • But also to help insure the sanctity of the vote overall.

    也幫助確保整體票選的神聖性 But also to help insure the sanctity of the vote overall.

  • So this is a pattern that assumes we're all in this together.

    這個模式預設集體的參與 So this is a pattern that assumes we're all in this together.

  • What matters here

    重點是 What matters here

  • isn't technical capital.

    這並非技術資本 isn't technical capital.

  • It's social capital.

    這是社會資本 It's social capital.

  • These tools don't get socially interesting

    這些工具必須在技術上不再新奇後 These tools don't get socially interesting

  • until they get technologically boring.

    才會在社會上變得有意思 until they get technologically boring.

  • It isn't when the shiny new tools show up

    這些閃亮的新工具並不是在剛出現的時候 It isn't when the shiny new tools show up

  • that their uses start permeating society.

    就始滲透社會,被大眾利用 that their uses start permeating society.

  • It's when everybody is able to take them for granted.

    而是當他們已經普遍後 It's when everybody is able to take them for granted.

  • Because now that media is increasingly social,

    因為當媒體工具不斷地社交化 Because now that media is increasingly social,

  • innovation can happen anywhere

    創新可以發生在任何地方 innovation can happen anywhere

  • that people can take for granted the idea that we're all in this together.

    人們可以理所當然的認為,大家都有參與的能力 that people can take for granted the idea that we're all in this together.

  • And so we're starting to see a media landscape

    因此,我們正在開始看到一個 And so we're starting to see a media landscape

  • in which innovation is happening everywhere.

    創新無所不在的媒體架構 in which innovation is happening everywhere.

  • And moving from one spot to another.

    從一個點到另一個點 And moving from one spot to another.

  • That is a huge transformation.

    那是個巨大的轉變 That is a huge transformation.

  • Not to put too fine a point on it, the moment we're living through,

    簡單來說,我們目前正在經歷的 Not to put too fine a point on it, the moment we're living through,

  • the moment our historical generation is living through

    我們這歷史性的一代正在經歷的 the moment our historical generation is living through

  • is the largest increase in expressive capability

    是人類史上表達能力 is the largest increase in expressive capability

  • in human history.

    最大的增長 in human history.

  • Now that's a big claim. I'm going to try to back it up.

    這是很大膽的聲稱,我會試著證明它 Now that's a big claim. I'm going to try to back it up.

  • There are only four periods in the last 500 years

    在過去五百年,只有四個時期中的 There are only four periods in the last 500 years

  • where media has changed enough to qualify for the label Revolution.

    媒體轉變足以稱為革命 where media has changed enough to qualify for the label Revolution.

  • The first one is the famous one, the printing press.

    第一個最著名,印刷媒體 The first one is the famous one, the printing press.

  • Movable type, oil-based inks, that whole complex of innovations

    活字印刷、油墨,那一系列的創新 Movable type, oil-based inks, that whole complex of innovations

  • that made printing possible

    實現了印刷術 that made printing possible

  • and turned Europe upside-down, starting in the middle of the 1400s.

    在十五世紀中期,它徹底的顛覆了整個歐洲 and turned Europe upside-down, starting in the middle of the 1400s.

  • Then a couple of hundred years ago

    然後幾百年前 Then a couple of hundred years ago

  • there was innovation in two way communication.

    雙向溝通有了創新 there was innovation in two way communication.

  • Conversational media, first the telegraph, then the telephone.

    交談式的媒體,首先是電報,然後電話 Conversational media, first the telegraph, then the telephone.

  • Slow, text based conversations,

    緩慢的,先是文字式的談話 Slow, text based conversations,

  • then real-time voice based conversations.

    然後才是即時式的的語音交談 then real-time voice based conversations.

  • Then, about 150 years ago,

    然後,大約一百五十年前 Then, about 150 years ago,

  • there was a revolution in recorded media other than print.

    有一個印刷以外的記錄媒體的革命 there was a revolution in recorded media other than print.

  • First photos, then recorded sound,

    首先照片,然後錄音 First photos, then recorded sound,

  • then movies, all encoded onto physical objects.

    再來是影像,一切都被編譯至有形物體中 then movies, all encoded onto physical objects.

  • And finally about 100 years ago, the harnessing of electromagnetic spectrum

    最後大約一百年前,光電技術的使用 And finally about 100 years ago, the harnessing of electromagnetic spectrum

  • to send sound and images through the air, radio and television.

    使得能以空氣、無線電波和電視傳送聲音和圖像 to send sound and images through the air, radio and television.

  • This is the media landscape as we knew it in the 20th century.

    這就是我們熟知的二十世紀的媒體架構 This is the media landscape as we knew it in the 20th century.

  • This is what those of us of a certain age

    這也是伴隨我們成長 This is what those of us of a certain age

  • grew up with, and are used to.

    我們所習慣的媒體 grew up with, and are used to.

  • But there is a curious asymmetry here.

    但這有個奇怪的不對稱 But there is a curious asymmetry here.

  • The media that is good at creating conversations

    善於創造對話的媒體 The media that is good at creating conversations

  • is no good at creating groups.

    不善於創造群組 is no good at creating groups.

  • And that's good at creating groups

    而善於創造群組的媒體 And that's good at creating groups

  • is no good at creating conversations.

    不善於創造對話 is no good at creating conversations.

  • If you want to have a conversation

    在這個世界上,如果你想要有一段對話 If you want to have a conversation

  • in this world, you have it with one other person.

    你必須找另一個人 in this world, you have it with one other person.

  • If you want to address a group, you get the same message

    若要對一組人發表言論,就必須將相同的訊息 If you want to address a group, you get the same message

  • and you give it to everybody in the group.

    傳給組裡每個人 and you give it to everybody in the group.

  • Whether you're doing that with a broadcasting tower or a printing press.

    無論你是用廣播還是印刷 Whether you're doing that with a broadcasting tower or a printing press.

  • That was the media landscape

    這就我們在二十世紀的 That was the media landscape

  • as we had it in the twentieth century.

    媒體架構 as we had it in the twentieth century.

  • And this is what changed.

    這是所發生的改變 And this is what changed.

  • This thing that looks like a peacock hit a windscreen

    這看似孔雀撞上擋風玻璃的圖案 This thing that looks like a peacock hit a windscreen

  • is Bill Cheswick's map of the Internet.

    是Bill Cheswick的網路地圖 is Bill Cheswick's map of the Internet.

  • He traces the edges of the individual networks

    他追蹤個人網絡的界限 He traces the edges of the individual networks

  • and then color codes them.

    然後用顏色標代碼 and then color codes them.

  • The Internet is the first medium in history

    網路是歷史上第一個 The Internet is the first medium in history

  • that has native support for groups

    能同時支持群體 that has native support for groups

  • and conversation at the same time.

    和對話的媒體 and conversation at the same time.

  • Where as the phone gave us the one to one pattern.

    電話提供我們一對一的模式 Where as the phone gave us the one to one pattern.

  • And television, radio, magazines, books,

    而電視、廣播、雜誌、書籍 And television, radio, magazines, books,

  • gave us the one to many pattern.

    為我們提供了一人對多人的模式 gave us the one to many pattern.

  • The Internet gives us the many to many pattern.

    網路則提供了多人對多人的模式 The Internet gives us the many to many pattern.

  • For the first time

    這是媒體本身首次 For the first time

  • media is natively good at supporting these kinds of conversations.

    適用於支持多類型的對話 media is natively good at supporting these kinds of conversations.

  • That's one of the big changes.

    這是大變化之一 That's one of the big changes.

  • The second big change

    第二個大的變化 The second big change

  • is that as all media gets digitized

    是所有媒體的數位化 is that as all media gets digitized

  • the Internet also becomes the mode of carriage

    使得網路成為所有其他媒體 the Internet also becomes the mode of carriage

  • for all other media.

    的載體 for all other media.

  • Meaning that phone calls migrate to the Internet.

    也就是說,電話遷移到網路上 Meaning that phone calls migrate to the Internet.

  • Magazines migrate to the Internet. Movies migrate to the Internet.

    雜誌遷移到網路上。電影遷移到網路上 Magazines migrate to the Internet. Movies migrate to the Internet.

  • And that means that every medium

    這代表著,每個媒體 And that means that every medium

  • is right next door to every other medium.

    都和其它媒體相鄰 is right next door to every other medium.

  • Put another way,

    換句話說 Put another way,

  • media is increasingly less just a source of information.

    媒體不再只是訊息的來源 media is increasingly less just a source of information.

  • And it is increasingly more a site of coordination.

    而且日益成為協調站 And it is increasingly more a site of coordination.

  • Because groups that see or hear or watch or listen to something

    因為看到、聽到、或觀察到東西的族群 Because groups that see or hear or watch or listen to something

  • can now gather around and talk to each other as well.

    現在可以聚在一起互相討論 can now gather around and talk to each other as well.

  • And the third big change

    第三個大的變化 And the third big change

  • is that members of the former audience, as Dan Gilmore calls them,

    是Dan Gilmore所謂的之前的觀眾, is that members of the former audience, as Dan Gilmore calls them,

  • can now also be producers and not consumers.

    現在也可以是製作人,而不只是消費者 can now also be producers and not consumers.

  • Every time a new consumer

    每當一個新的消費者 Every time a new consumer

  • joins this media landscape

    加入這個媒體架構之中 joins this media landscape

  • a new producer joins as well.

    一個新的製作人也可同時加入 a new producer joins as well.

  • Because the same equipment,

    因為同樣的設備 Because the same equipment,

  • phones, computers,

    電話、電腦 phones, computers,

  • let you consume and produce.

    能同時讓你消費和生產 let you consume and produce.

  • It's as if, when you bought a book, they threw in the printing press for free.

    這就好比你買一本書,他們免費送你印刷機 It's as if, when you bought a book, they threw in the printing press for free.

  • It's like you had a phone that could turn into a radio

    好比你的手機,當你按對了鈕 It's like you had a phone that could turn into a radio

  • if you pressed the right buttons.

    會變成電台 if you pressed the right buttons.

  • That is a huge change

    這對我們所習慣的媒體架構來說 That is a huge change

  • in the media landscape we're used to.

    是個巨大的變化 in the media landscape we're used to.

  • And it's not just Internet or no Internet.

    而這不只是有網路或沒網路之分 And it's not just Internet or no Internet.

  • We've had the Internet in its public form

    我們已經擁有公共網路 We've had the Internet in its public form

  • for almost 20 years now.

    將近二十年了 for almost 20 years now.

  • And it's still changing

    而它仍隨著社會化 And it's still changing

  • as the media becomes more social.

    不斷地改變 as the media becomes more social.

  • It's still changing patterns

    即使是對於擅長使用網路的族群來說 It's still changing patterns

  • even among groups who know how to deal with the Internet well.

    它的模式仍不斷的在變化 even among groups who know how to deal with the Internet well.

  • Second story,

    第二個故事 Second story,

  • last May, China in the Sichuan province

    去年五月,中國四川省 last May, China in the Sichuan province

  • had a terrible earthquake, 7.9 magnitude,

    發生了一場可怕的芮式規模七點九級地震 had a terrible earthquake, 7.9 magnitude,

  • massive destruction in a wide area, as the Richter Scale has it.

    是廣泛區域上的大規模摧毀 massive destruction in a wide area, as the Richter Scale has it.

  • And the earthquake was reported as it was happening.

    而地震在發生當時就有報導 And the earthquake was reported as it was happening.

  • People were texting from their phones. They were taking photos of buildings.

    人們從手機發簡訊,用手機拍攝建築 People were texting from their phones. They were taking photos of buildings.

  • They were taking videos of buildings shaking.

    他們拍攝正在搖晃的建築物 They were taking videos of buildings shaking.

  • They were uploading it to QQ, China's largest Internet service.

    他們把這些資訊上傳到QQ,中國最大的網路平台 They were uploading it to QQ, China's largest Internet service.

  • They were Twittering it.

    他們上推特去推 They were Twittering it.

  • And so as the quake was happening

    因此地震發生的當下 And so as the quake was happening

  • the news was reported.

    新聞也跟著在報導 the news was reported.

  • And because of the social connections,

    而且由於社交聯繫 And because of the social connections,

  • Chinese students coming elsewhere, and going to school.

    從異鄉來上學的中國學生 Chinese students coming elsewhere, and going to school.

  • Or businesses in the rest of the world opening offices in China.

    或在中國開分公司的外國企業 Or businesses in the rest of the world opening offices in China.

  • There were people listening all over the world, hearing this news.

    世界各地都有人在傾聽這項新聞 There were people listening all over the world, hearing this news.

  • The BBC got their first wind of the Chinese quake from Twitter.

    BBC從推特第一時間得到中國地震的消息 The BBC got their first wind of the Chinese quake from Twitter.

  • Twitter announced the existence of the quake

    推特在美國地質調查局在網上 Twitter announced the existence of the quake

  • several minutes before the US Geological Survey

    公開提供訊息的前幾分鐘 several minutes before the US Geological Survey

  • had anything up online for anybody to read.

    早已宣佈地震的消息 had anything up online for anybody to read.

  • The last time China had a quake of that magnitude

    上一次中國發生相同級數的地震 The last time China had a quake of that magnitude

  • it took them three months to admit that it had happened.

    政府等了三個月才承認地震確實發生 it took them three months to admit that it had happened.

  • (Laughter)

    (眾笑) (Laughter)

  • Now they might have liked to have done that here,

    他們這次地震可能也想要這麼做 Now they might have liked to have done that here,

  • rather than seeing these pictures go up online.

    而不用理會網路上的照片 rather than seeing these pictures go up online.

  • But they weren't given that choice.

    但他們別無選擇 But they weren't given that choice.

  • Because their own citizens beat them to the punch.

    因為他們的公民比他們快了一步 Because their own citizens beat them to the punch.

  • Even the government learned of the earthquake from their own citizens,

    政府甚至是從自己公民獲悉地震 Even the government learned of the earthquake from their own citizens,

  • rather than from the Xinhua News Agency.

    而不是從新華社(Xinhua News Agency) rather than from the Xinhua News Agency.

  • And this stuff rippled like wildfire.

    訊息如同野火燎原 And this stuff rippled like wildfire.

  • For a while there

    有一段時間 For a while there

  • the top 10 most clicked links on Twitter,

    全球短信服務,推特 the top 10 most clicked links on Twitter,

  • the global short messaging service,

    上到前十名點擊率最高的連結 the global short messaging service,

  • nine of the top 10 links were about the quake.

    前九名連結都和地震的消息有關 nine of the top 10 links were about the quake.

  • People collating information,

    人們整理資料 People collating information,

  • pointing people to news sources,

    指引人們到新聞來源 pointing people to news sources,

  • pointing people to the US geological survey.

    指引人們到美國地質調查局 pointing people to the US geological survey.

  • The 10th one was kittens on a treadmill, but that's the Internet for you.

    第十名的連結是跑步機上的貓,不過這就是網路 The 10th one was kittens on a treadmill, but that's the Internet for you.

  • (Laughter)

    (眾笑) (Laughter)

  • But nine of the 10 in those first hours.

    但第一時間內,前十名有九個跟地震有關 But nine of the 10 in those first hours.

  • And within half a day donation sites were up.

    且半天之內,募款網站已上線 And within half a day donation sites were up.

  • And donations were pouring in from all around the world.

    人們紛紛從世界各地捐錢救災 And donations were pouring in from all around the world.

  • This was an incredible, coordinated global response.

    這協調一致的全球反應令人不可思議 This was an incredible, coordinated global response.

  • And the Chinese then, in one of their periods of media openness

    然後中國,在這媒體開放的時期之一 And the Chinese then, in one of their periods of media openness

  • decided that they were going to let it go.

    決定放鬆控制 decided that they were going to let it go.

  • That they were going to let this citizen reporting fly.

    他們決定將讓公民自由報導 That they were going to let this citizen reporting fly.

  • And then this happened.

    然後發生了一件事 And then this happened.

  • People began to figure out, in the Sichuan Provence,

    人們開始發現,在四川省 People began to figure out, in the Sichuan Provence,

  • that the reason so many school buildings had collapsed,

    之所以有如此多所學校倒塌 that the reason so many school buildings had collapsed,

  • because tragically the earthquake happened during a school day,

    因為地震不幸的發生在上課的日子 because tragically the earthquake happened during a school day,

  • the reason so many school buildings collapsed

    而為何這麼多所學校建築倒塌 the reason so many school buildings collapsed

  • is that corrupt officials had taken bribes

    是因為腐敗的官員受賄 is that corrupt officials had taken bribes

  • to allow those building to be built to less than code.

    讓學校建築不合規定標準 to allow those building to be built to less than code.

  • And so they started, the citizen journalists started

    因此,公民記者也開始報導這類事件 And so they started, the citizen journalists started

  • reporting that as well. And there was an incredible picture.

    有張令人難以置信的照片 reporting that as well. And there was an incredible picture.

  • You may have seen in on the front page of the New York Times.

    您可能在紐約時報頭版看過 You may have seen in on the front page of the New York Times.

  • A local official literally prostrated himself in the street,

    一名當地官員 A local official literally prostrated himself in the street,

  • in front of these protesters.

    為了疏散民眾 in front of these protesters.

  • In order to get them to go away.

    當街向示威民眾下跪 In order to get them to go away.

  • Essentially to say, "We will do anything to placate you.

    大意是說, 「我們將做任何事來安撫你。 Essentially to say, "We will do anything to placate you.

  • just please stop protesting in public."

    但請停止公眾抗議。 」 just please stop protesting in public."

  • But these are people who have been radicalized.

    但這些人已受到刺激 But these are people who have been radicalized.

  • Because thanks to the one child policy

    拜一胎化政策所賜 Because thanks to the one child policy

  • they have lost everyone in their next generation.

    他們失去了所有下一代的人 they have lost everyone in their next generation.

  • Someone who has seen the death of a single child

    經歷唯一的孩子死去的父母 Someone who has seen the death of a single child

  • now has nothing to lose.

    已經沒什麼好失去了 now has nothing to lose.

  • And so the protest kept going.

    因此,抗議持續著 And so the protest kept going.

  • And finally the Chinese cracked down.

    最後,中國政府開始嚴厲打擊抗議活動 And finally the Chinese cracked down.

  • That was enough of citizen media.

    公民媒體超越了極限 That was enough of citizen media.

  • And so they began to arrest the protesters.

    他們開始逮捕示威者 And so they began to arrest the protesters.

  • They began to shut down the media that the protests were happening on.

    官方開始封鎖這些報導抗議事件的媒體 They began to shut down the media that the protests were happening on.

  • China is probably the most successful

    中國也是許是全世界最成功的 China is probably the most successful

  • manager of Internet censorship, in the world,

    管理並監督它們網路系統的政府 manager of Internet censorship, in the world,

  • using something that is widely described as the Great Firewall of China.

    利用廣為人知的工具如中國防火長城(Great Firewall of China) using something that is widely described as the Great Firewall of China.

  • And the Great Firewall of China

    而中國防火長城 And the Great Firewall of China

  • is a set of observation points

    設下許多監測點 is a set of observation points

  • that assume that media is produced by professionals,

    這些監測點假設,媒體訊息是由專業人士製作 that assume that media is produced by professionals,

  • it mostly comes in from the outside world,

    它們主要是來自外面的世界 it mostly comes in from the outside world,

  • it comes in in relatively sparse chunks,

    而且相對分散而大量的來 it comes in in relatively sparse chunks,

  • and it comes in relatively slowly.

    又相對的緩慢 and it comes in relatively slowly.

  • And because of those four characteristics

    因為有這樣的四個特點 And because of those four characteristics

  • they are able to filter it as it comes into the country.

    他們可以過濾進到國家內的資訊 they are able to filter it as it comes into the country.

  • But like the Maginot Line,

    但是就像馬奇諾防線(Maginot Line) But like the Maginot Line,

  • the great firewall of China was facing in the wrong direction

    中國防火長城正在面對它們錯誤判斷 the great firewall of China was facing in the wrong direction

  • for this challenge.

    而造成的挑戰 for this challenge.

  • Because not one of those four things was true in this environment.

    因為環境中四個特點都不成立 Because not one of those four things was true in this environment.

  • The media was produced locally. It was produced by amateurs.

    這些媒體多半製造自本地和業餘人士 The media was produced locally. It was produced by amateurs.

  • It was produced quickly. And it was produced at such an incredible abundance

    它快速製造,而且製造和傳播的量大到難以置信 It was produced quickly. And it was produced at such an incredible abundance

  • that there was no way to filter it as it appeared.

    導致無法去過濾這些快速出現的資料 that there was no way to filter it as it appeared.

  • And so now the Chinese government, who for a dozen years,

    所以現在中國政府在經過數十年的努力下 And so now the Chinese government, who for a dozen years,

  • has quite successfully filtered the web,

    已經發展出可以成功過濾網路資訊的系統 has quite successfully filtered the web,

  • is now in the position of having to decide

    它可以正確且即時的決定 is now in the position of having to decide

  • whether to allow or shut down entire services.

    是否開放或切斷整個網路伺服器 whether to allow or shut down entire services.

  • Because the transformation to amateur media

    因為傳遞資訊者多是業餘的媒體組織 Because the transformation to amateur media

  • is so enormous that they can't deal with it any other way.

    所以他們無法有效面對中國政府的控管 is so enormous that they can't deal with it any other way.

  • And in fact that is happening this week.

    而這樣的事實正發生於過去的幾個星期 And in fact that is happening this week.

  • On the 20th anniversary of Tiananmen

    在天安門事件(Tiananmen)二十周年之際 On the 20th anniversary of Tiananmen

  • they just two days ago announced

    中國政府在兩天前即宣佈 they just two days ago announced

  • that they were simply shutting down access to Twitter.

    他們將完全的切斷進入推特的方式 that they were simply shutting down access to Twitter.

  • Because there was no way to filter it other than that.

    因為他們無法過濾這樣的資訊所以這麼做 Because there was no way to filter it other than that.

  • They had to turn the spigot entirely off.

    他們關閉所有進入推特的網路節點 They had to turn the spigot entirely off.

  • Now these changes don't just affect people who want to censor messages.

    現在這些改變不只影響要監控訊息的人 Now these changes don't just affect people who want to censor messages.

  • They also affect people who want to send messages.

    他們甚至直接影響這些想要傳送訊息的人們 They also affect people who want to send messages.

  • Because this is really a transformation of the ecosystem as a whole.

    因為這些轉變影響的是整個資訊傳播生態 Because this is really a transformation of the ecosystem as a whole.

  • Not just a particular strategy.

    而不只是特定的策略 Not just a particular strategy.

  • The classic media problem, from the twentieth century

    二十世紀的傳統媒體問題 The classic media problem, from the twentieth century

  • is how does an organization have a message

    他們只是一群有訊息的團體 is how does an organization have a message

  • that they want to get out

    他們想走出一條路 that they want to get out

  • to a group of people distributed at the edges of a network.

    將訊息能夠傳送到群體網絡的最外圍 to a group of people distributed at the edges of a network.

  • And here is the twentieth century answer.

    而二十世紀媒體問題的答案 And here is the twentieth century answer.

  • Bundle up the message. Send the same message to everybody.

    就是包裝訊息,並將相同的訊息傳給每個人 Bundle up the message. Send the same message to everybody.

  • National message. Targeted individuals.

    國家的訊息、特定的單位 National message. Targeted individuals.

  • Relatively sparse number of producers.

    相對數量較少的訊息傳播者 Relatively sparse number of producers.

  • Very expensive to do.

    這是花費昂貴的事情 Very expensive to do.

  • So there is not a lot of competition.

    所以它並不會有許多的競爭 So there is not a lot of competition.

  • This is how you reach people.

    這是影響人們的方式 This is how you reach people.

  • All of that is over.

    如今這些都已經過去了 All of that is over.

  • We are increasingly in a landscape where media is global.

    我們正處於從末有過的全球化媒體架構 We are increasingly in a landscape where media is global.

  • social, ubiquitous and cheap.

    社交的,無所不在而便宜的方式 social, ubiquitous and cheap.

  • Now most organizations that are trying to send messages

    現在大部份的組織都試著傳遞訊息到外面的世界 Now most organizations that are trying to send messages

  • to the outside world, to the distributed collection of the audience,

    去收集觀眾的意見 to the outside world, to the distributed collection of the audience,

  • are now used to this change.

    而我們現今也習慣了這樣的變化 are now used to this change.

  • The audience can talk back.

    觀眾可以自由的談論 The audience can talk back.

  • And that's a little freaky. But you can get used to it after a while, as people do.

    是有點怪,但一段時間後就會習慣了 And that's a little freaky. But you can get used to it after a while, as people do.

  • But that's not the really crazy change that we're living in the middle of.

    而我們生活在這當中,這還不算是真正瘋狂的事情 But that's not the really crazy change that we're living in the middle of.

  • The really crazy change is here.

    真正瘋狂的改變在這裡 The really crazy change is here.

  • It's the fact that they are no longer disconnected from each other.

    就是他們再也不能互相脫離的事實 It's the fact that they are no longer disconnected from each other.

  • The fact that former consumers are now producers.

    這事實是過去的消費者現在變成了製造者 The fact that former consumers are now producers.

  • The fact that the audience can talk directly to one another.

    事實是觀眾可以直接的彼此討論 The fact that the audience can talk directly to one another.

  • Because there is a lot more amateurs than professionals.

    正因為比起專家有更多的業餘人士 Because there is a lot more amateurs than professionals.

  • And because the size of the network,

    而又因為網路的規模 And because the size of the network,

  • the complexity of the network is actually the square

    使得網路複雜化的規模是 the complexity of the network is actually the square

  • of the number of participants.

    實際參與人數的平方 of the number of participants.

  • Meaning that the network, when it grows large,

    這意謂著網路,當它變得更大時 Meaning that the network, when it grows large,

  • grows very very large.

    它實際上的規模是超過您所能想像的 grows very very large.

  • As recently at last decade,

    在過去幾十年來 As recently at last decade,

  • Most of the media that was available for public consumption

    大多數的媒體開始公開給公共消費者使用 Most of the media that was available for public consumption

  • was produced by professionals.

    而是有專業性的製造話題 was produced by professionals.

  • Those days are over, never to return.

    這些日子已經過去而且不會再走回頭路了 Those days are over, never to return.

  • It is the green lines now, that are the source of the free content.

    現在界線是開放的,也就是免費內容的來源 It is the green lines now, that are the source of the free content.

  • Which brings me to my last story.

    這帶來我要說的最後一個故事 Which brings me to my last story.

  • We saw some of the most imaginative use

    我們看到了在歐巴馬(Obama)競選期間的 We saw some of the most imaginative use

  • of social media during the Obama campaign.

    一些極富有想像力的社交媒體的運用 of social media during the Obama campaign.

  • And I don't mean most imaginative use in politics.

    我並不是要說最啟發人的事都被用在政治之上 And I don't mean most imaginative use in politics.

  • I mean most imaginative use ever.

    是說這些是有史以來最富想像力的事情 I mean most imaginative use ever.

  • And one of the things Obama did, was they famously,

    而其中一件歐巴馬從事過的,非常著名的事件 And one of the things Obama did, was they famously,

  • the Obama campaign did, was they famously put up

    歐巴馬陣營在競選時使用,他們推出了著名的 the Obama campaign did, was they famously put up

  • My Barak Obama dot com,

    My Barak,myBO.com網站 My Barak Obama dot com,

  • And millions of citizens rushed in to participate,

    數百萬的選民蜂擁的加入其中 And millions of citizens rushed in to participate,

  • and to try and figure out how to help.

    並且試者想出如何協助競選 and to try and figure out how to help.

  • An incredible conversation sprung up there.

    那些不可思議的討論湧進了網站 An incredible conversation sprung up there.

  • And then, this time last year,

    然後,就在去年的這個時候 And then, this time last year,

  • Obama announced that he was going to change his vote on FISA,

    歐巴馬宣佈他要改變對FISA的投票 Obama announced that he was going to change his vote on FISA,

  • The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

    外國情報偵查法(The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

  • He had said, in January, that he would not sign a bill

    在一月他曾說過將不會簽署任一項 He had said, in January, that he would not sign a bill

  • that granted telecom immunity for possibly warrantless spying

    是豁免電信業者可未經授權 that granted telecom immunity for possibly warrantless spying

  • on American persons.

    監聽美國人民的法案 on American persons.

  • By the summer, in the middle of the general campaign,

    在今年暑假,在一般的競選活動之中 By the summer, in the middle of the general campaign,

  • He said, "I've thought about the issue more. I've changed my mind.

    他說道 : 「對這議題考慮更多後,我改變了心意, He said, "I've thought about the issue more. I've changed my mind.

  • I'm going to vote for this bill."

    我將投下同意票。」 I'm going to vote for this bill."

  • And many of his own supporters

    而許多他的支持者 And many of his own supporters

  • on his own site went very publicly berserk.

    在他的網站上公開表達憤怒 on his own site went very publicly berserk.

  • It was Senator Obama when they created it. They changed the name later.

    這是歐巴馬當議員時所創的網站,他們把它更名為 It was Senator Obama when they created it. They changed the name later.

  • Please get FISA right.

    「請讓外國情報偵查法走向正途」 Please get FISA right.

  • Within days of this group being created

    在這個團體建立的幾天之內, Within days of this group being created

  • it was the fastest growing group on

    就變成網站內人數成長最快的群組 it was the fastest growing group on

  • Within weeks of its being created it was the largest group.

    幾個星期內它變成最大的群組 Within weeks of its being created it was the largest group.

  • Obama had to issue a press release.

    使得歐巴馬必須發表聲明 Obama had to issue a press release.

  • He had to issue a reply.

    他必須對這議題加以回應 He had to issue a reply.

  • And he said essentially, "I have considered the issue.

    而他大致是說 : 「我已經深慮過這個議題 And he said essentially, "I have considered the issue.

  • I understand where you are coming from.

    我也知道你們為何而來 I understand where you are coming from.

  • But having considered it all, I'm still going to vote the way I'm going to vote.

    但在全盤考慮下,我仍將會投下我的一票 But having considered it all, I'm still going to vote the way I'm going to vote.

  • But I wanted to reach out to you and say, I understand that you disagree with me,

    不過我想向你們說,我理解您們不同意我 But I wanted to reach out to you and say, I understand that you disagree with me,

  • and I'm going to take my lumps on this one."

    而且我準備好要為此受到責難。」 and I'm going to take my lumps on this one."

  • This didn't please anybody. But then a funny thing happened in the conversation.

    這並沒有取悅任何人,但之後發生了有趣的事 This didn't please anybody. But then a funny thing happened in the conversation.

  • People in that group realized

    這團體內的人們瞭解到 People in that group realized

  • that Obama had never shut them down.

    歐巴馬並不會因為這樣而關掉網站 that Obama had never shut them down.

  • Nobody in the Obama campaign had ever tried to hide the group

    沒有任何一個在歐巴馬陣營內的人 Nobody in the Obama campaign had ever tried to hide the group

  • or make it harder to join,

    試著隱藏這些團體或者阻止人們加入 or make it harder to join,

  • to deny its existence, to delete it,

    去否認這樣的事情發生,去刪除留言 to deny its existence, to delete it,

  • to take to off the site.

    或者讓網站關閉 to take to off the site.

  • They had understood that their role

    他們理解自己的角色 They had understood that their role

  • with was to convene their supporters

    他們用myBo.com是要召集他們的支持者 with was to convene their supporters

  • but not to control their supporters.

    但不是要控制他們支持者 but not to control their supporters.

  • And that is the kind of discipline

    而這樣的紀律 And that is the kind of discipline

  • that it takes to make really mature use

    是需要有真正成熟的 that it takes to make really mature use

  • of this media.

    媒體內涵才能使用的 of this media.

  • Media, the media landscape that we knew,

    媒體,我們所知道的媒體架構 Media, the media landscape that we knew,

  • as familiar as it was, as easy conceptually as it was

    與過去一樣的熟悉,一樣簡單概念化的 as familiar as it was, as easy conceptually as it was

  • to deal with the idea that professionals broadcast

    就是讓訊息透過這些專業媒體 to deal with the idea that professionals broadcast

  • messages to amateurs,

    傳達給業餘者 messages to amateurs,

  • is increasingly slipping away.

    而這觀念正在日益的消失著 is increasingly slipping away.

  • In a world where media is global, social, ubiquitous and cheap,

    現今媒體是全球性的、社交的、無處不在的、低成本的, In a world where media is global, social, ubiquitous and cheap,

  • in a world of media where the former audience

    在媒體的世界裡,現在有越來越多的觀眾 in a world of media where the former audience

  • are now increasingly full participants,

    能充分參與其中 are now increasingly full participants,

  • in that world, media is less and less often

    在這個世界內,媒體越來越少針對於 in that world, media is less and less often

  • about crafting a single message

    一個單獨的訊息 about crafting a single message

  • to be consumed by individuals.

    傳遞給個別的人 to be consumed by individuals.

  • It is more and more often

    越來越多的媒體 It is more and more often

  • a way of creating an environment for convening

    是用來建立一個公開的環境來支持 a way of creating an environment for convening

  • and supporting groups.

    或召集團體 and supporting groups.

  • And the choice we face,

    而我們所面對的選擇是 And the choice we face,

  • I mean anybody who has a message they want to have heard

    任何人都擁有自己的訊息,他們也希望聽到 I mean anybody who has a message they want to have heard

  • anywhere in the world,

    來自世界上的每個聲音 anywhere in the world,

  • isn't whether or not that is the media environment we want to operate in.

    無關乎我們是否想在這樣的媒體環境運作 isn't whether or not that is the media environment we want to operate in.

  • That's the media environment we've got.

    因為這樣的媒體環境已是我們所擁有的 That's the media environment we've got.

  • The question we all face now is,

    我們所面對的問題是 The question we all face now is,

  • "How can we make best use of this media?

    「我們如何能將這樣的媒體運用到最好? "How can we make best use of this media?

  • Even though it means changing the way we've always done it."

    即使要改變我們習以為常的做法。」 Even though it means changing the way we've always done it."

  • Thank you very much.

    謝謝大家 Thank you very much.

  • (Applause)

    (掌聲) (Applause)

I want to talk about the transformed media landscape,

我想先談論媒體工具轉變的整個架構 I want to talk about the transformed media landscape,


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