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  • On the 18th of September, 1846, French mathematician Urbain Le Verrier sent a letter to the Berlin

    在1846年9月18日, 法國數學家 奧本·勒維耶 (Urbain Le Verrier) 傳送一封信件到

  • Observatory. The letter contained the precise mathematical prediction of a previously undiscovered

    柏林氣象台. 這封信件有著太陽系中第八個行星

  • 8th planet in the solar system. A few days later, withinof its predicted location,

    的精準預測. 幾天後, 在1° 以內的預測位置,

  • Neptune was discovered. Le Verrier was able to predict its location and existence based

    海王星 (Neptune) 被發現了。勒維耶是基於海天星看似不會變動的軌道

  • on the seemingly inconsistent orbit of Uranus. But something still didn't quite add up. Uranus

    才預測到它的位置. 但是當中有些因素還未被考慮,

  • orbit still showed slight deviations from what was to be expected. This lead some to

    海王星軌道跟預測的仍存在微少的偏差. 這樣使有些人

  • speculate that there could be yet another planet beyond the orbit of Neptune. This potential

    預測海天星的軌道以外存在其他行星. 這個

  • 9th planet received the nickname Planet X. And in 1930 it was announced that it had been

    可能的第9行星被人名為 "行星X" (Planet X) 在1930年, 它被發現了.

  • found. But Pluto was not what we expected to find. It was so tiny. Both in terms of

    但冥王星 (Pluto) 與我們當時的預測不同. 它的重量及大小也是很細小.

  • mass and size. So tiny in fact that it could not account for the orbital irregularities


  • of Uranus. It wasn't Planet X. In 1989, the space probe Voyager 2 made a flyby of Neptune.

    這不是 "行星X". 在1989年, 航天探測器 航海家2號 (Voyager 2) 飛過海王星.

  • New calculations based on the information it collected revealed that the orbits of Uranus

    基於新得到的資訊, 新的計算反映出天王星

  • and Neptune were just fine. It turns out that the perceived anomalies in Uranus orbit was

    及海王星的軌道是沒有錯誤. 先前海王星的錯誤軌道

  • the result of not having sufficiently accurate measurements. There was no need for a Planet X

    是因為沒有足夠及精準的數據造成的. 行星X是認為不存在的

  • as everything checked out. In hindsight, the discovery of Pluto was completely accidental.

    因為所有証據都被否定. 事後, 冥王星的發現完全是意外.

  • While a certain fascination for the allusive Planet X continues to persist, most astronomers

    當一些有關 "行星X" 的幻想仍存在, 大多數的天文學家

  • agree that its existence is unlikely. That is until just a few months ago when new evidence

    認同 "行星X" 的存在機會很微. 數月後, 新的證據

  • came to light which yet again opens up the possibility of a 9th planet in the solar system.


  • And this time, the evidence is actually quite compelling. By studying multiple trans-Neptunian

    這一次, 新的證據是十分有說服力. 從研究多個類似海王星的星體,

  • objects, with extreme and atypical orbits, two scientists have found a strange pattern.

    再加上極端及不同尋常的軌道, 兩名科學家找到了一個奇怪的模式.

  • This pattern, or orbital clustering as they call it, has about a 1/15,000 chance of being

    這個模式, 或他們名為軌道運行的一群, 有著 1/15000 的機率是個

  • a coincidence. It's much more likely that a so far undiscovered planet, roughly the

    巧合. 很大機會地這個未被發現, 跟海王星大小差不多的行星

  • size of Neptune, has gravitationally influenced these distant bodies, leaving this orbital

    影響著這些遙遠的星體. 把行星軌道群

  • clustering in its wake. This potential Planet X would have such an extreme orbit that it

    身處在其身後. 這個可能的 "行星X" 可能會有極端的軌道而

  • would take roughly 15,000 years for the planet to orbit the sun only once. To put that into

    它需要大約 15,000 年才能圍著太陽轉一圈.

  • context, 1 year on this planet would see the release of a staggering two fresh installments

    相比起上, 這行星的一個公轉會經歷2個新的

  • in the Half-Life franchise. Researchers estimate that, if they are correct, they could visually

    Half-Life 遊戲 (編按: 作者的諷刺 >_>). 如果研究員是正確的話, 他們預計他們可以

  • confirm its existence within the next half-decade.

    在未年5年內從觀察上確認 "行星X" 的存在

  • You see this tiny red dot. That's a planet. An exoplanet orbiting a star 97 light-years

    看看這細小的紅色一點. 這是一個行星. 一個在太陽系97光年以外的行星

  • away. And this is a star 129 light-years away with an entire family of at least 4 exoplanets.


  • These photos and others just like them are the best images of exoplanets captured to date.


  • The best image of a star, other than the Sun of course, is this photo of the star Altair which

    最佳的恆星照片 (除了太陽以外) 是距離約17光年的

  • is roughly 17 light years away. It rotates at such a high velocity that instead of being

    河鼓二 (又名為牛郎星, Altair) 恆星. 他自轉得十分快使他沒有一個球體型狀,

  • spherical it's gained a flattened oval shape.


  • Before the International Space Station there was another space station between 1973-1979

    在國際太空站建造前, 1973至1979年內太空裡有另一個太空站

  • called Skylab. Unlike the modular construction of the ISS, Skylab was constructed and launched

    名為天空實驗室 (Skylab). 它並沒有國際太空站的模組化設計, 天空實驗室是建造及發射

  • as a single completed unit. Much like the other space stations at the time. The interior

    成一個完整的太空站, 就像當時其他的太空站. 天空實驗室的

  • of Skylab was so enormous that there was actually a viable concern that astronauts could find


  • themselves stuck in the middle of the station with nothing to grab onto. They would simply

    在太空站的中間停滯不前. 他們只

  • have to wait for minor air currents to push them towards a wall or request help from a


  • crew member. However they later found that they could just swim if they had to, pushing air with

    同行太空人的幫助. 但是他們其後發現他們可以自由地 "游泳", 使他們可以推掉

  • their hands to create a very minor amount of thrust which allowed them to slowly move around.


  • Getting stuff into space using rockets is, as you've likely heard many times before,

    就像我們經常聽到的, 利用火箭來遞送物品到太空

  • incredibly inefficient. The amount of fuel and thrust you need depends on the mass of

    是十分沒有效率. 燃料的多少及推力的要求是基於

  • the spacecraft. But the more fuel you take with you the more massive the spacecraft becomes

    太空船的重量. 但是當你攜帶更多的燃料, 太空船便會變得更重

  • and thus you need even more fuel. But then the spacecraft gets heavier so you need more

    及你需要更多的推力, 然而太空船會變得更重因為你需要更多的燃料

  • fuel, thus adding more mass to the spacecraft and thus requiring even more fuel. In other


  • words, there's a limit to what rockets and chemistry can provide. It's pretty insane

    倒過來說, 太空船及燃料的重量是有一個極限. 瘋狂地,

  • when you first realize that when this Space Shuttle reaches a stable orbit, it's lost

    當你第一次發現太空船抵達一個穩定的軌道, 太空船便會消失了

  • more than 85% of it's mass because 85% of it's total mass was fuel. More fuel is needed

    多於85%的重量因為它85%的重量是燃料. 從地面到飛行軌道所需的燃料

  • to get from the surface to orbit then to get from orbit to the surface of the Moon. It's


  • been estimated that if the Earth was 50% larger, we would not be able to venture into space

    從預測中估計如果地球比現在大一半, 我們將不能探索太空.

  • at all. Not using rockets anyway. I mean the reason NASA and the Soviet Union began using

    最少不能用現有的火箭. 我的意思是如果美國太總署及蘇聯

  • rockets was to get to space first. It wasn't about long-term efficiency or sustainability.

    開始利用火箭來先抵達太空. 這跟長期的效率性及永續性是沒有關係的.

  • It was all about winning this global contest of firsts. And rockets where great for that

    這是跟在太空競賽中勝出有關. 然而火箭是十分有效的.

  • purpose. But once we started thinking of going to Mars, establishing colonies on other bodies,

    但當我們開始有去火星, 在其他行星中建立殖民地及

  • building giant space stations and the like, we ran into some problems. The ISS for example,

    建造一個大型的太空站等等的想法時. 我們遇上一些問題, 例如國際太空站

  • is possibly the most expensive single thing ever constructed at an estimated cost of

    大概是目前造費最昂貴的單一建築物. 其造費

  • 150 billion US dollars. Many other methods have been proposed of course. A space elevator,

    大概為 1.5千億美金. 當然, 有很多其他的方法也被提出

  • spaceplane, nuclear pulse propulsion, mass drivers, launch loops, beam-powered technology,

    太空飛機, 核動力太空飛行器推進, 大型推進器, 發射管, 由粒子驅動的太空船

  • skyhooks, a space tower, space gun, balloons, and the list goes on and on. Each and every

    太空掛鉤, 太空塔, 太空槍, 太空氣球等等. 每一個

  • one has it's one unique set of advantages, disadvantages, and problems we may have yet

    都有其好處, 壞處及我們需要解決的問題.

  • to solve. But it's kinda funny when you think about it because we've done some amazing things.


  • We've walked on the Moon. We've visited and landed on multiple planets, moons, and other

    我們在月球上步行. 我們遊覽及登陸過多個行星, 衛星及其他

  • celestial objects. We've build a space station as large as a football field. And we can detect

    外太空的東西. 我們建造了一個跟足球場差不多大的太空站. 及我們發現了

  • other planets, orbiting other stars that have the potential to sustain alien life. Yet this.

    其他有維持生命可能性的行星圍繞其他恆星. 然而

  • This insignificant expanse of about 100 km or so

    這個不重要的 100公里

  • remains as one of the biggest obstacles to space exploration.


  • The Curiosity rover on Mars landed on the red planet on August 5, 2012. One of its many

    在火星流浪的好奇號 (The Curiosity) 是在 2012年8月5日登陸火星. 它其中一個

  • objectives is to dig up and analyze the Martian soil. To do this an on board instrument, abbreviated

    目的就是要挖出及分析火星的泥土. 要做到這個行為, 好奇號上有一個稱為SAM的機器

  • as SAM, will resonate at different frequencies so that the soil can


  • pass through various filters for analyzation. And it sounds like this.

    多個不同的過濾器以作分析. 聽起來是這樣的

  • Now to celebrate the rover's one year anniversary on the planet, scientists at NASA thought it

    現在, 為了慶祝好奇號已登陸火星一年, 在美國太空總署的科學家認為

  • would be fun to use the very same instrument to play the "Happy Birthday" song.

    利用同樣的機器去造出 "生日快樂" 歌會很快樂.

  • Which got to be the saddest and most depressing celebration in history.


  • Given a certain pronunciation of a certain planed named Uranus, Uranus has been the butt

    天王星(Uranus)有著多個英文讀音, 它從命名後

  • of a joke ever since it was first named. Even I can't resist at times.

    一直都是個笑話. 即使我(作者)也不能反坑.

  • Oh, and 63 Earths can fit inside Uranus.

    噢, 還有的是 63個地球可以放在天王星上* (*編按: 因為 Uranus 經常被人讀成 Ur-anus, 也就是英語中 Your anus (你的肛門) 的意思)

  • Both pronunciations are correct by the way butt ass-tronomers and most of the scientific community

    另一方面, 兩個讀音也是正確的, 但是*太空人**及大部份科學界的人 (*/**編按: 作者把 but 讀成 butt (屁股)及把 astronomers 讀成 ass-tronomers (屁股太空人))

  • seems to prefer Uranus over Uranus. My personal preference is Urmom, butt it could've been much worse.

    都喜歡Ura-nus 大於 Ur-anus. 我(作者) 比較喜歡 Ur-mom, 但是*天王星的名字可以是更差 (*編按 butt 又再出現)

  • Consensus on the name for the planet was not reached until almost 70 years after it had


  • been discovered. Because the guy who discovered the planet wanted to name it "Georgium Sidus" which

    因為發現天王星的人想把它名為 "喬治三世" (Georgium Sidus)

  • means "The Star of George" in honor of King George III. In other words Uranus could've been named George.

    也就是 "喬治之星" (The Star of George) 以便記念喬治三世. 也就是天王星可能會被稱為 "喬治" (George)

  • Besides humans many other animals has ventured into space. Many of you have likely heard

    除了人類以外, 很多動物也進入過太空. 很多人都聽過

  • of the dog Laika. She became the first dog to orbit the Earth back in 1957. However the

    一隻狗名為萊卡 (Laika) 在1957年成為第一隻圍繞地球的狗. 但是

  • very first animal in space where fruit flies aboard a rocket launched in 1947. In 1949

    第一個身處太空的動物是一隻在1947年進入火箭的果蠅. 在1949年

  • the first monkey was sent into space and in 1950 the first mouse was sent into space.

    第一隻猴子進入了太空及 在1950年第一隻老鼠進入了太空

  • By the late 1960s many other animals like hamsters, turtles, rabbits, cats, frogs, goldfish,

    在1960年代末, 很多其他的動物 就像倉鼠, 烏龜, 白兔, 貓, 青蛙, 金魚,

  • various insects, etc. had been launched into space as well. The results of these experiments

    不同種類的昆蟲等等也進入太空. 這些實驗的結果

  • has been crucial to our understanding of both the short-term and long-term effects of living


  • in space. Not just for humans but for the animals themselves. For example, in 2008 researchers

    的影響是十分重要. 不只是人類, 也包括動物自身. 例如, 在2008年 研究員

  • found that cockroaches that had been conceived in space became faster and stronger than their


  • Earth-dwelling siblings. Many birds will never be able to survive in low-gravity environments

    更快及更強壯. 很多鳥兒都不能在低重力的環境中生存

  • as they actually need gravity to swallow food. Humans don't, but when the US and the Soviet

    因為牠們需要重力的幫助以吞下食物. 反之我們人類不用, 但是當美國及蘇聯

  • Union first sent people into space, they had no idea if weightlessness could somehow impair


  • our ability to swallow. If that had been the case, the first human in space

    我們吞下食物的能力. 如果這是沒有被預準到, 第一個進入太空的人類

  • could possibly have died from asphyxiation or starvation.


  • "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

    "這是人的一小步,卻是人類的一大步。" (That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.)

  • This quote by Neil Armstrong as he takes his first steps on the surface of the Moon is possibly the most

    這個尼爾·阿姆斯壯的句子是從他踏上月球表面的第一步說的. 然而這個很可能是歷史上最

  • misquoted quote in recent history. According to Armstrong himself he didn't say "one small step for man"

    錯誤引用的句子. 從阿姆斯壯得知他沒有說 "這是人的一小步" (one small step for man)

  • but actually said "one small step for A man". Something the world, newspapers, and

    然而, 他是說 "這是一個人的一小步" (one small step for A man). 整個世界, 報章

  • listeners at home back in 1969 completely missed. And if you think about it, it

    及在1969年的觀眾完全遺留了. 如果你去想一想,

  • doesn't make much sense. He would basically be saying

    這個並不合乎常理. 他基乎可以說

  • "That's one small step for mankind, one giant leap for mankind". But there's no audible "A" in the recording.

    "這是人的一小步,卻是人類的一大步。"(That's one small step for mankind, one giant leap for mankind). 但是錄音中並沒有可以聽得到的 "A" 聲音

  • Then again, there's a lot of noise which makes it difficult to hear exactly what is being said. Maybe he

    然而, 錄音中有很多雜音使我們難以聽到他實際上在說甚麼. 可能他

  • thought he said "for a man" but accidentally fumbled his words or maybe it's simply obscured by the noise.

    認為他說了 "屬於一個人" (for a man) 但意外地漏接他的句子或這句話被燥音遮掩了.

  • Given the fact that all the gas giants in our solar system has rings one would assume

    基於所有在太陽系的氣態巨行星都有光環, 有人假設

  • that planetary rings are quite common in the universe. So far we've found over 2000 exoplanets,

    行星的光環是十分常見. 直到現在, 我們發現了超過 2,000 個太陽系以外的行星

  • but as far as we can tell, none of them have rings. Except one. And it's truly an exceptional exception.

    但是我們得知, 沒有一個是有光環的. 除了一個行星, 而這個也是額外中的額外.

  • It's called J1407b and was discovered in 2012. The rings around this planet have an estimated radius of

    它的名字為 J1407b, 它在2012年被發現的. 它的光環被預測為半徑

  • 90,000,000 km. Saturn's rings are tiny in comparison with a radius of less than 500,000 km. If we replaced

    90,000,000 公里. 相比起上, 土星的光環只有少於 500,000 公里. 如果我們

  • Saturn with J1407b, its rings would be more prominent and brighter than the Moon in the night sky.

    把 J1407b 取代 土星, 在夜空中它光環發出的光會比月球發出的更厲害.

  • It's common knowledge at this point that the main driving force behind early space exploration

    常理地, 舊時探索太空的動力是

  • was the fierce competition between the two Cold War rivals, the Soviet Union and the


  • United States. In the mids of this looming fear of a global nuclear war, and with the


  • world as their audience, these two super powers wanted nothing more than to win. In 1962 US

    在全球各國都成為觀眾時, 這兩個強國只想在太空競賽中勝出. 在1962年,

  • president John F. Kennedy addressed the nation in a now famous speech.

    當時的美國總統約翰·甘迺迪 (John F. Kennedy / JFK) 發表了一個有名的講話

  • The Soviet Union had already beaten the US in many significant milestones. The first satellite in space,

    蘇聯在多個里程碑上擊敗了美國. 第一個在太空的人造衛星,

  • the first photo of the far side of the Moon, the first human in space, and the first flyby

    第一彈月球的背面照片, 第一位在太空的人類 以及 第一個

  • of another planet. Putting a man on the Moon would surely gain the US a clear lead in this

    飛過另一個行星的物品. 運送人類到月球上必定會在這場不斷升級的太空競賽

  • escalating Space Race. And as we all know, in 1969, Kennedy's promise came true.

    給予美國一個明顯領先地位. 以及我們知道, 在1969年, 甘迺迪的承諾實現了.

  • But on September 20, 1963, Kennedy made a very different speech.

    但是在 1963年9月20日, 甘迺迪發表了一個十分不同的演說.

  • He proposes that the US and the Soviet Union should join


  • forces in their efforts to reach the Moon. Initially the Soviet Premiere Nikita S. Khrushchev

    花掉他們的精力於登陸月球. 原本, 蘇聯首領 尼基塔·謝爾蓋耶維奇·赫魯雪夫 (Nikita S. Khrushchev)

  • rejected Kennedy's proposals. After all, this was at the height of the Cold War. Unsurprisingly,

    反對甘迺迪的提議. 畢竟, 當時冷戰仍在發生中. 不意外地,

  • any form of collaboration between these sword enemies would be met with strong opposition.


  • Many decades later it was revealed by Khrushchev's oldest son that his father had had second

    數十年後, 赫魯雪夫最年長的兒子揭露他的父親曾經有另一個

  • thoughts. Khrushchev had supposedly changed his mind and was in early November

    想法. 赫魯雪夫曾經改變他的立場及在

  • of 1963 ready to accept Kennedy's offer to convert the Apollo lunar program into a joint


  • project between the two super powers. He believed, just like Kennedy, that both countries could

    聯合計劃. 他跟甘迺迪都相信, 兩個強國皆可以

  • benefit from a collaboration rather than a competition. The Soviet Union had far better

    從合作中得益, 而非從競賽中得益. 蘇聯有比較好的

  • rocket technology than the US and the US had more advanced computers than the Soviet Union.

    火箭技術, 而美國有更先前的電腦.

  • Not to speak of the economical benefits of a joint mission to the Moon.


  • On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy is assassinated. Because Khrushchev doesn't trust

    在 1963年11月22日, 總統甘迺迪被刺殺了. 因為赫魯雪夫不相信

  • the new president, Lyndon B. Johnson, all plans for a joint mission to the Moon dies along with JFK.

    新任總統林登·詹森 (Lyndon B. Johnson). 所有兩國的聯合登陸月球計劃跟著甘迺迪的死而消失了.

  • The story is fascinating because it had the potential to change history forever. Not just in terms

    這故事是極有趣因為它有可能改變以後的歷史. 不但

  • of space exploration, but it would surely have improved US-Soviet relations. Just imagine how different

    在太空探索上, 還會使美國跟蘇聯的關係變得更良好. 只要幻想一下

  • the world could have been if Astronauts and Cosmonauts had stood on the Moon together.

    世界會很不同如果美國跟蘇聯的太空人一起站在月球上. (翻釋者: LosTnFiND)

On the 18th of September, 1846, French mathematician Urbain Le Verrier sent a letter to the Berlin

在1846年9月18日, 法國數學家 奧本·勒維耶 (Urbain Le Verrier) 傳送一封信件到


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