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  • My dear friend Josh, you are cordially invited to the after party for Crimson Peak.


  • Since this is an exclusive and intimate affair, we do ask that you don’t bring any other guests.


  • Jessica and I look forward very much to seeing you.


  • And not murdering you in any way at all,


  • Hugs and kisses, T.


  • - Hey guys!

    - 嘿各位!

  • - See? I told you he’d come.

    - 看吧! 我就說他會來的。

  • - Oh goodie, goodie goodie. - Am I early?

    - 好耶!好耶!好耶!- 我提早到了嗎?

  • - Early? Youre right on time my man.

    - 提早? 你來得正是時候。

  • - This party is raging!! It is off the hook!

    - 現在這個派對才正要嗨起來呢!

  • - It wasn't funny. - It wasn't funny.

    - 那不好笑。 - 那不好笑。

  • - Hey Jess, you know, were being so rude… - Yeah

    - 嘿!潔西,我們這樣很不禮貌。- 也對...

  • - Josh, would you like something to eat?

    - 喬許你要吃點什麼嗎?

  • - We're all out of rice cakes.

    - 我們的爆米香吃光了。

  • - So rude. - It’s a work call, I am sorry guys, I didn't...

    - 這樣不行喔!- 是公事電話,各位不好意思,我沒有...

  • - Hand it over Mister Horowitz. This is a party, no work allowed you naughty little sausage.

    - 把它交給我,霍爾威茲先生。現在是派對,不能管工作的事喔,你這個小壞蛋!

  • - What are you

    - 你是在...

  • What the hell was that? That was a new phone!


  • - Josh! That phone had to die so our friendship can live.

    - 喬許!必須先把那隻手機砸了,我們才能好好交朋友啊。

  • - Yeah... okayokayokay

    - 好喔... 好吧... 好吧... 好吧...

  • - Hey! Is it just me or is it, like, it's time to get the party started?

    - 嘿!應該不是只有我覺得派對該開始了吧!

  • - Yes! - You know, let's partyyy!!

    - 對!- 那就開始狂歡吧!

  • Hit it Freddy!


  • - What is happening?

    - 這是哪招?

  • - He’s the hottest DJ in Slovenia!

    - 他是斯洛維尼亞最炙手可熱的 DJ!

  • - Wooo! Feel this beat!

    - 哇嗚,跟著節奏搖擺!

  • - I’m a cowboy! I’m a cowboy!

    - 我是牛仔!我是牛仔!

  • - On a steel horse you ride!

    - 騎木馬的牛仔!

  • - Come on sista!

    - 來吧,姐妹!

  • - That’s not right.

    - 這不對勁。

  • - Josh come here! Your turn!

    - 喬許快過來!換你了!

  • - NO! He doesn’t like it! Freddy go!

    - 不!他不喜歡這樣!你走吧,佛萊迪!

  • - No, no, no! - We don’t need it anymore Freddy, he doesn’t like it! Why doesn’t he like It?

    - 不!不!不!- 沒必要了,佛萊迪!反正他又不喜歡!為什麼他會不喜歡?

  • - It’s not my thing.

    - 就不是我的菜啊。

  • - I just wanted it to be a good party!

    - 我只是想辦一個很酷的派對!

  • - Josh, I think your negative energy is really upsetting Tom.

    - 喬許,我覺得你的負能量讓湯姆很沮喪。

  • He’s gentle. He’s a sensitive soul that guy. Why don’t you throw yourself into this?


  • - Okaylet's play a game. How about a party game?

    - 好吧... 不然我們來玩遊戲吧。玩派對遊戲怎麼樣?

  • - Tom! Party game!


  • - I love party games. Two truths and a lie?

    - 我超愛玩派對遊戲的,玩「謊言猜猜猜」?

  • - YES! OH MY GOD! I love that game. I love it so much! I love it!!

    - 好耶!天啊!我愛死那個遊戲了!那個我超愛的!

  • - Okay, okay, okay, here we go, here we go.

    - 好好好,來囉,要開始囉。

  • So I killed a homeless man, and I like eating kittens for breakfast, and I have green eyes.


  • - Everyone knows you don’t have green eyes.

    - 大家都知道你眼睛不是綠色的好嗎。

  • - Baby blues!

    - 是藍色的唷!

  • - Okay, um, don’t take this the wrong way but, um, I think I’m gonna leave, because you guys have been acting really oddly and I’ve been feeling really uncomfortable, and you guys honestly are super weird.

    - 好喔,呃,希望你們不要往負面想,但我想我必須離開了。因為你們的行為舉止真的很怪,讓我感到很不自在。你們真的是超級大怪咖。

  • Thank you for the invite but I’m gonna, I'm gonna leave.


  • - Look I’m just not good at making friends okay?!

    - 我只是不會交朋友而已!

  • - What did I say about him being sensitive, you heartless bastard?!

    - 我不是才跟你說他很敏感嗎?你這個冷血怪物!

  • - I know I’m weird.

    - 我知道我是個怪人。

  • I just, I’ve never been to a party.

    但我只是... 沒去過派對而已啊。

  • You know I had to throw a party to go to one. How sad is that?


  • At the end of Avengers when everyone was living it up and partying, Mark Ruffalo locked me in a porta-potty.


  • It was really stinky.


  • And I know I seem like a clown but... I’m just, simple old Tommy H.


  • And...I just want to go to a partythat’s all I want.


  • - Tom I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it.

    - 抱歉,湯姆,我不是故意的。

  • I’m awkward, were all...we're all awkward. Let’s just have a good time.


  • - Yeah? Do you really mean that?

    - 真的嗎?你真的這麼覺得嗎?

  • Cause you know, that’s what Hemsworth said before he filled my Loki helmet with Jell-O.


  • - Josh, if you break his heart, I’m going to stick my hand down your throat, and pull your dick off from the inside.

    - 喬許,如果你又害他傷心難過的話,我會把手塞進你嘴巴,然後把你的蛋蛋從內而外挖出來。

  • - Of course I mean it Tom. We can do anything you guys want, let’s have fun!

    - 當然,我是認真的,湯姆。你們怎麼玩我就怎麼玩,來盡興地玩一場吧!

  • - Okay, let’s dance!

    - 好,我們來跳舞吧!

  • - Everybody pair up!

    - 兩兩一對!

  • - Who am I supposed to dance with?

    - 那我要和誰跳?

  • - He’s having a really good time.

    - 他現在真的很開心耶。

  • - He’s having a great time.

    - 他真的有樂在其中。

  • - Were throwing a good party!

    - 我們的派對成功了!

  • - Hey guys thanks for watching this edition of After Hours, remember to subscribe, like and comment below.

    - 感謝各位觀看這集的《下班找樂子》,別忘了訂閱我們的頻道,還有在下面幫我們按讚和留言。

  • - And well see you on the next one.

    - 我們下次再見。

My dear friend Josh, you are cordially invited to the after party for Crimson Peak.


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