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  • Hi everyone, it's Marie Forleo.

    大家好 我是Marie Forleo

  • And you're watching Marie TV for a very special edition.

    歡迎收看Marie TV 這次是特別企劃

  • Because we've decided to do this interview here with my dear friend Chris Guillebeau.

    我們這集要專訪我的好麻吉:Chris Guillebeau

  • And guess what,


  • he got an awesome new book out right now.


  • And it's call the Happiness of Pursuit.

    書名叫the Happiness of Pursuit

  • And I'm so excited…I adore Chris, I adore his work.

    現在我超興奮的 我很欣賞Chris和他的作品

  • Many of you know him already.

    螢幕前的你們 很多人都看過他吧

  • We did an interview for his last bookthe hundred dollars startup.

    他上一本書出版時 也有來上過節目

  • And he's just the one of the sweetest, kindest, smartes,

    人真的非常貼心 和善 聰明

  • most brilliant people


  • And I wanna to have a month off maybe, because I thought these concepts were awesome,

    而且這書中的想法超棒 我看完都想放假一個月去尋夢

  • so ChrisThank you for coming back on Marie TV.

    Chris 謝謝你再次來Marie TV

  • Marie, hello and thank you.

    嗨 Marie 謝謝

  • It's a huge honor. I'm so happy to be back. Thank you!

    我很榮幸能再一次上節目 謝謝妳!

  • Awesome. So tell us about the Happiness of Pursuit

    好 跟我們談談the Happiness of Pursuit這本書吧

  • Finding a quest that will bring perfect to your life

    找個課題 讓自己人生更完美

  • So what inspire you to write this new book?


  • Okay. So since we last talked,


  • I'm in wrapping up some personal project.


  • It's a request to visit every country in the world.

    開始另一個課題: 踏遍世界各國

  • We talked about it a little bit last time.


  • I've been working on it for eight years or so.


  • Then, it's a ten years request in total.


  • I'm just kind of came to the end of it last year.


  • It was something that's… initially, it's just a personal project.

    這是件…一開始 他只是個私人計畫

  • It was something that I believe in for myself.


  • And I love to travel and I love

    我喜歡旅行 也喜歡…

  • valuable inspiration and discovery.


  • Soas I presume this request, I knew I wanted to write something about it.

    因此我開始從事這個課題 想藉此寫些東西

  • But fortunately, I didn't just write a book about myself.

    幸運的是 我的書裡 不只是我自己的故事

  • I didn't just write I travel where because that will be kind of boring,

    書裡只有寫我去了哪裡的話 會有點無聊

  • soall along the way

    旅行時 一路上

  • I was meeting lots of interesting, remarkable people


  • who were all pursuing a quest or some kind of adventure of their own.

    他們都在追尋一種課題 或者說是冒險

  • And, I wanna to know why did they do it.

    我想知道 為什麼他們要這樣做

  • And what's the lesson they learned along the way

    想知道 他們在過程中學到了什麼

  • and how are they changed for the process.


  • What did they sacrifice or give up in order to pursue it

    他們為了這課題 犧牲或放棄了什麼

  • And why about othersyou know what can the rest of us learn about quests.

    還有 其他人…可以從他們的經驗學到什麼

  • And thenlastly, it's not really meant to be a sociological study.

    最後 這並不只是個社會研究

  • It's not just like the collect of likethis person do this, and this person do thisblah blah

    不只是記錄 這人做了什麼 那人又做了什麼 之類的

  • The book actually has a clear message. And the message is that a quest can improve your life.

    這本書有個清楚的訊息就是 課題能使生命更美好

  • A quest can actually bring purposes and meaning to your life.


  • I love it. So let me ask you this

    太棒了 我想問你

  • Were you, as a young person or as a young boy,

    身為一個年輕人 或一個小男孩

  • were you always into an adventure? Did you have quest when you're little?

    你是否一直從事冒險? 小時候你就有自己的課題了嗎?

  • I don't know if I have quest. For say…I was always a list-maker.

    我不知道有沒有 真要說的話 我一直都很愛列清單

  • This is something that I notice. This is actually really common. For all the people I talked to


  • I really like to write things down.


  • I like to write down my tasks, write down my ideas and outline even in rough form.

    寫下我的任務 我的想法 大綱 就算只是草稿

  • I really like to kind ofyou know break things down and just little project sort of thing


  • So I think it wasmaybe


  • a value that I haveand I'm kind of grew into it more

    我的某種價值觀 我讓它變得更…

  • And then I start traveling and it wasn't like…I went to my first country

    之後 我開始旅行 那不像是…去了第一個國家

  • Oh I'm go toyou know, the rest of every single 193 countries in the world

    而像是 還剩下193個國家要去

  • I'm kind of gain confidence as I have some experience.

    我變得更有自信 也得到些經驗

  • That was something else I saw… a lot of different people

    還有 我遇見了…各式各樣的人

  • They started with this small vision and they kind of came to bigger one later one.

    一開始 只是小小的信念 之後 變成規模更大的東西

  • Interesting. So if I heard you right,

    真有趣 所以…不知道我有沒有誤解

  • and please correct me if I'm wrong

    講錯的話 請糾正我

  • When you started to traveling to different countries, it wasn't necessarily like

    你開始到各國旅遊時 那不是非得像是…

  • Wellobviously, because you might have done some travel early on in your life

    嗯 因為你以前應該有去過一些國家

  • But as you got that appetite web for travel,

    但 對旅行充滿興趣後

  • you saw an expanded visionhey

    你擴大了你的目標 像是

  • Why don't I set this adventure goal for myself to see every country in the world

    嘿 我幹嘛不設個目標 去踏遍世界各國

  • So wasn't even like you started off likethis is my quest' something that evolved.

    整件事 不是說 這就是我的課題!

  • Yes. Absolutely, I have no idea.

    沒錯 一開始我也沒想到

  • That this would become something that will conceal my life for more than ten years


  • I just start traveling. I love traveling.

    我只是踏上旅途 我愛旅行

  • I live in west Africa for a while


  • and kind of gain some confidence


  • And just really enjoy the joy of being in different places


  • And I think it was after I've been to like fifty countries or so.

    我想 是在去了50個國家之後

  • I was likeit's not difficult after like being to 50ish.

    我覺得 去50個國家也沒什麼難嘛

  • I have a thought that let me set a personal goal. Coz I always like goals.

    所以就產生了想法 定下個人目標 我喜歡設目標

  • I try to go to a hundred countries, right.


  • So that was the first one.


  • And then I start to getting close to that and I thought um

    接下來 快要到一百個了 我就想說

  • How can I take it up a level because I'm just going to half the countries in the world.

    那我再提升一個層次好了 踏遍世上半數國家

  • It's kind of cheat a little bit.


  • So you know… I could just pick the easy countries. So yea. That was something I were into, totally.

    我選了比較簡單的國家 總之 我全心全意做這件事

  • I reallyfor me, what made the differences was

    我真的…對我來說 不同的是

  • combining travel with goal setting,


  • Combining travel with something specific,

    旅行的同時 也從事特定事物

  • with structure, with a little bit of container to it.


  • And that's just kind of change the whole purpose and focus for me.


  • And you saw that with the people and the book as well that they perhaps started something


  • Their appetite got web. And all of a sudden a new bigger world open up for them

    他們充滿渴望 突然 廣闊的新世界為他們開啟

  • That became this quest, this adventure they want to go on?

    所以這課題是這麼來的? 是個持續下去的冒險?

  • Yes. Very often. And the specificity hunts a lot

    沒錯 而且明確性影響很大

  • There is one storyRobin Devin and Omehan Annarasca

    有個Robin Devin和Omehan Annarasca的故事

  • she's knitter.


  • And she's like super excited about knitting and she's artist, she make stuff and

    她很愛編織 是個藝術家 會做手工

  • She has this project to make hats for people.

    她正在進行一個計畫 為人們做帽子

  • and that's how it was at first. She's like I'm gonna make hats

    一開始是這樣的 她想說 我要來做帽子

  • so she makes hat for a friend or family just like the other knitters do.

    所以她就像其他編織者一樣 為親友做帽子

  • But then, she had the idea of creating some specific structure to it.

    後來 她想說 創造一種固定模式好了

  • And at first she thought…I wanna knit a thousand hats

    剛開始 她計畫做一千頂帽子

  • likewonder what that look like you know So she's starting toward that

    就像是…想看看這樣會怎樣 之類的 總之 她開始了

  • figuring how much time and how much money

    開始計算時間 規劃成本

  • and whether any other cost all that


  • And then, she decided to increase the goal and go to the ten thousands hats

    後來 就決定擴大目標 要做一萬頂帽子

  • So now, it's like her life quest to figure how many years it's gonna take.

    現在 她的人生課題變成 搞懂達成目標要花的年數

  • You could actually go to her website and request a hat

    你可以上她的網站 索取一頂帽子

  • maybe your wedding period


  • But eventually she's going to make ten thousand hats.

    總之 她最後會達成一萬頂帽子

  • So yea, a lot of people, they found their vision expanded

    沒錯 很多人會擴大自己的目標

  • but then also as they work for something. They may get it more specific.

    同樣的 向目標努力的同時 目標也會變得更具體

  • So let's talk about the link between quest or adventure that we can go on, if you want to call it that

    來談談冒險與課題的相關性吧 如果你想這樣說的話

  • And happiness. What did you discover not only for yourself

    還有幸福 你發現了什麼呢? 不只是關於你自己的

  • but what did you discover from the story that everyone you interview in the book.

    還有關於書中你訪問過的那些人 你發現了什麼?

  • So for myself, you knowwhen I start to traveling and pursuing the goal

    關於我自己 事實上 開始旅行與追尋目標後

  • I think it kind of came out of the sense of discontent or dissatisfaction

    我想 似乎覺得不太滿足 不甚滿意

  • which doesn't mean that I was miserable or I was terribly unhappy like I have a good life

    不是說我覺得自己悲慘或不快樂 其實我過得很好

  • You know…I have become an entrepreneur working for myself.

    我自己創業 當自己的老闆

  • But yet, I guess I felt I wanted to challenge myself. I wanted more.

    可是 我猜 我是想要挑戰自我 想要更多

  • And a lot of people that we talked to or in the book,


  • they had the same kind of discontent.

    有很多也像我一樣 有某種不滿足

  • It was yearning for something.


  • It was yearning to connect something broader in their life.


  • They often were happy, they have families,

    他們通常過得很好 家庭和樂

  • they have good jobs or good businesses or something.

    有不錯的工作或事業 等等

  • But yet, you knowthey had this desire to go further.

    但 他們渴望能走得更遠

  • That where I saw really a link between the happiness and the pursuit of the goal.


  • The pursuit of a goalyou knowbigger than ourselves.


  • Something that is really significant. Something that is really challenging.

    有些事物是真的很重要 很有挑戰性

  • Because there's also a link between a request and a challenge I think.

    我想 課題跟挑戰也有關係

  • If your quest is to go down the street and get coffee and come back.

    如果你的課題只是 去街上買杯咖啡回來

  • That's not really a quest, right?

    這不算是種課題 對吧?

  • When you combine it with something challenging


  • maybe hard but also rewarding

    可能會很難 但回報也會更多

  • You knowthat what I think a lot of us can find happiness.

    我想 這樣大多數的人都能找到幸福

  • Have you seen that people are working on multiple quests at once or


  • do most people kind of choose something that feels challenging, needy,

    大多數的人都是選擇有挑戰性 迫切性

  • maybe a little bit scary, totally exciting?

    可能會有點嚇人 但很刺激?

  • Sure. I think there is more than one wayyou knowto do it.

    當然 我想 課題的方法不只有一種

  • and I'm always the kind of person that like to work on a bunch of stuff at once.


  • It's just my personality you know. For better or worse.

    不管這樣是好還壞 我這人就是這樣

  • But I also thinkyou know… a true quest a true adventure

    但我也認為 真正的課題 真正的冒險

  • Does involve some kind of sacrifice.


  • You knowit does involve some kind of trade-off.


  • I mean that sacrifice is too heavy word so let's say trade-offyou know.

    犧牲這個字有點沉重 說取捨比較好

  • To go to every country in the world, it's like

    踏遍世界各國 這是件…

  • it was a pretty big thing. There were a lot of things that I have to say no to in order to say yes to that.

    這是件大事 我得推掉很多事情

  • Like what? Like what


  • like building my careeryou knowlike


  • I was on the road in central Africa and

    比如說 我去了中非

  • central Asia and Bangladesh all these places a hundred days a year often

    還有中亞 孟加拉 一年就耗了一百多天

  • I couldn't really working my business very muchyou knowduring that time


  • But it was okay. I have to say no to lots of opportunitiesyou know that are coming through.

    但沒關係 我得推掉很多機會 這是必須經歷的

  • But I guess I really believe in thisprize.

    我想 我相信一切是值得的

  • I really believe in doing it and everytime I was start to think

    我相信做這件事是對的 每次我開始想說…

  • Oh maybe I…you knowshouldn't get on that plane or go to Chad whatever.

    不該坐上飛機的 不該去中非的查德 之類的

  • No. I have to do it. Because this is the rule of everything.

    但是 不! 我得去! 這是一切事物的原則

  • This is the foundation of everything else.


  • So yes. I think you can do a lot of stuff.

    對 我想 你可以做很多事

  • But I guess it's alsoif you believe in something like


  • it's going to take something from you as well.


  • Yea. I love this discussion because

    沒錯 我喜歡這種對話

  • it's speciallycause I love that you share the self doubt


  • that can creep up I think


  • For anyone who's creative if youyou knowcall it a quest

    對於有創意的人來說 如果你…嗯…稱它為課題

  • or if it's a project you know. To write a book or something to build a business

    或是說計畫 去寫一本書 或是開創事業…

  • To create something that's never been created before


  • And part of that adventure is that you're bringing it to the world.

    冒險的一部份就是 你將它從無化有

  • I think that self doubt is so

    我想 自我懷疑 真的很…

  • it's a topic that many of uslikewe don't like to talk about

    這種話題 大多數人其實 嗯…不太愛去談這個

  • I love hearing that you were likeshould I get on this plane to Chad?

    但我喜歡聽你分享 像是 我該搭上往查德的飛機嗎

  • I have all these different opportunities coming in.


  • I mean…I'm working on another writing project right now. And I feel like

    我是說…我正在準備寫一本書 我覺得

  • doubly the self doubt voices are like

    懷疑 自我懷疑的聲音就好像…

  • God. Does anyone knowing about this? Do they even care?

    天呀 我有懂到能出書嗎? 會有人想看嗎?

  • It's amazing. Did you notice that the other folks that you interview as well

    太神奇了 那些被你訪問的人們

  • had those wrestling with self doubt


  • In pursuit their adventure or quest?


  • Absolutely. Like almost all of them.

    當然 大部分的人都是

  • Almost all of them in different ways. They spoke about it in different ways.

    他們自我懷疑的方式不太一樣 談論的方式也不同

  • People uses different languagebut everyone is experiences that thing.

    用不同的語言述說 但大家都有同樣的經驗

  • I think the bigger the challenge, the more the self-doubt and the more the fear.

    我認為 挑戰越大 自我懷疑與恐懼也就越多

  • But also maybe more the stern that you have to do it.


  • You know. It's this idea. It's not gonna leave you alone.

    就是這樣 它不會讓你獨自奮戰

  • And I think a lot of them are maybe focus on a long-term. They are focus on outcome

    很多人也許都注重於長期 注重結果

  • and they thought about the book they wanna to write or whatever it was. And then,

    他們想要寫書 不管寫哪種書

  • imagine having that out and think about the people who will be helped by it.

    想像結果會如何 想像這能幫助到那些人

  • That's kind ofyou got them throughyou know they focus on the other side.

    你會經歷這些 他們注重的是另一面

  • I mean…I think a lot of them also.

    我想 很多人也是這樣

  • The other interesting thing to say that they had in common

    另外 有趣的是 他們有個共同點

  • was a lot of them had what I call


  • The emotional awareness of mortality.


  • This also sounds kind of heavy,but it doesn't need to

    聽起來有點沉重 但其實不會

  • I love it. We talk about death on marie TV all the time because I think

    我喜歡這話題! marie TV常常在聊死亡 因為我認為

  • I just think it's one of the most sobering and it wakes you up

    死是最哀傷的事之一 可以將人點醒

  • It wakes you up to value every moment so I'm not to interrupt. Let's talk about that.

    死能讓人珍惜每個當下 所以我不會阻止你 請繼續說

  • Let's talk about that reality and mortality.


  • Right. So the emotional awareness of it is suppose to be intellectual awareness.

    沒錯 所以情感上的永生是一種智能知覺

  • I think everyone has intellectual awareness and some mortality which I find in the book

    我想每個人都有智能知覺 我在書中找到的永生概念

  • That just the fact that everybody dies, right? It's a fact.

    就只是人皆有一死的這個事實 對吧? 這是事實

  • But the emotional awareness of mortalitywell I notice that


  • A lot of these people talk about it in the interview.


  • And they brought it uplike I don't even ask… “Hey! What do you think about death?” You know

    他們會主動提起 我甚至不用問 “嘿 你對死亡有什麼想法吧!”

  • It's not really a best interview question.


  • But a lot of them talked about different experiences they had


  • either with like an accident they have

    像是 曾遭遇過的事故

  • Or close folk they had, or someone they love and lost

    或是失去親友 愛人等等

  • Something that just


  • brought them closer to the awareness that


  • not only everyone else in the world is gonna die one day, but I too.

    不只是別人 就連自己 總有一天都會死

  • You knowwe all die.

    你懂的 人皆有一死

  • And just the focus on the fact that life is short we should live with urgency.

    所以得認清人生短暫的事實 把握有限時光

  • You knowthat also kind of helps overcome some of the stuff out. I think


  • Okay, what really matters?

    來想想 重要的是什麼?

  • Yea. I got my own stuff I got my own anxiety

    沒錯 我也有自己的事 自己也會焦慮

  • or whatever that thing is that I'm most struggle with.


  • But I also have this dream and I also want more.

    但同時也有夢想 我想要更多

  • I want to improve my life. You know…I'm taking time to watch Marie TV because

    我想讓自我成長 其實我會抽空收看marie TV

  • Not just I wanna to entertain but I wanna improve my life. I wanna take stepstoward that.

    不只是因為消遣 還因為我想讓自己更好 向前邁進

  • So that's something else that people had in common. And I think it's actually helpful.

    這也是眾人的共同點之一 所以 我覺得這真的很有用

  • Yea. That's one of the values of this. That's one of the values of your book.

    沒錯 這也是價值之一 你書中的價值之一

  • I'm so happy that you wrote it.


  • And that we're sharing it today. So many of us can find ourselves different part of journey.

    這也就是今天要分享的 很多人在旅途中都會發現另一個自己

  • Struggling withyou knowis there more? Is there more meaning?


  • I think one of the touching storis for me was about


  • the young man who lost his wife.


  • Can you tell a little bit about that story?


  • Yes. Ummthis is a beautiful story it's a sad story.

    好的 這故事很美 也很悲傷

  • But it's also a beautiful story.


  • This is the story that a young couple who met in South Korea.

    這故事是關於一對年輕情侶 他們在南韓相遇

  • And he was American, she was Canadian.

    男生是美國人 女生是加拿大人

  • And they were both teaching English there.


  • They met when they're really young say young 20s or so.

    當時兩人都很年輕 大概20幾歲

  • And they fell in love. And they were beginning to plan a life together.

    他們愛上彼此 開始共同規畫人生

  • But unfortunately, she received the diagnoses of the breast cancer.

    不幸的是 女生發現自己得了乳癌

  • So they return to America and she got treatment.

    於是兩人回到美國 讓女生接受治療

  • But unfortunately that it was not successful.

    但是 療程並未見效

  • So she ended up going into the hospice


  • Andbefore she die,


  • she had been writing a blog and she had her own bucket list of all these things she wanna to do in her life

    在部落格上 列出所有想做的事

  • And she began you knowworking toward them.

    然後開始 一件件完成

  • And after she died. Of course this is very sad.

    女孩死後 當然 他很難過

  • Adam, the young man, decided to take on her quest for himself

    那男孩 亞當 決定自己接下她的任務

  • And he decided to take over writing her blog and pursuing all those items

    亞當接手女友的部落格 繼續完成目標

  • You knowon the list, she wanna to learn how to knit


  • and so nowyou knowhe learned how to knit


  • She wanna to run a marathon so he began training for that.

    她想跑馬拉松 亞當就開始鍛鍊身體

  • She wanna to work volunteer in India.


  • So he made a commitment to go and do that.


  • And it is a beautiful story of how


  • he adopted the legacy that she was preparing.


  • So it's sad. But he also talked about how

    但也有些哀傷 男孩當時也提到

  • How he found purposehe found purpose in that


  • And that proves his own grief, but then


  • you know, also through his own foundation for the future


  • And he said that he'll always being inspired by Magen.

    他還說 他一直都受Magen啟發

  • And inspired by this list that she had. So he hope to follow that.

    Magen的清單也一直給他啟發 所以他希望能照著做

  • It was so touching. It brings tears to my eyes right now

    真感人 這故事害我快哭了

  • because life is so short.


  • And it's so fleeting. And it's just incredibleumm

    稍縱即逝 但卻如此不可思議

  • anyway. Really really great great story.

    總之 這故事真的真的很棒

  • So the other thing, I know travel,

    另一方面 我知道 旅行這件事

  • obviously, huge passion of yours.


  • It's a passion of mine. Many many folks and audiences.


  • But if someone for say


  • let's say they don't have the means to travel or

    他沒辦法去旅行 或是

  • perhaps some kinds of huge bigadventure is just not in their cars right now.


  • Let's talk about some of the smaller quest.

    所以 來談些比較小的課題吧

  • A smaller adventure that people took.


  • That were equally as fulfilling and exciting and also very creative.

    小冒險也同樣使人滿足 興奮 也很有創意

  • Absolutely. I don't even necessarily think they're smaller.

    當然! 其實我並不覺得那種冒險比較小

  • Yea. You know in some way. I feel like they are just different.


  • And you should use your own abilities and desire and capacityblah blah

    你應該用你自己的能力 渴望 才能 等等

  • So one of the stories I really really like


  • is from Sasha Martin who's in Oklahoma city.

    是奧克拉荷馬州Sasha Martin小姐的故事

  • And Sasha had grown up overseas,


  • I think her dad were working for some European company or something.


  • So she has this international perspectives


  • but then she met a guy and settle down

    後來 她遇見她老公 安定了下來

  • And she had a daughter and she wasn't able to travel much.

    生了個女兒 變得不太能四處旅行

  • But she also had coordinator art degree.


  • And she want to raise her family in an international perspectives

    想將自己女兒教養得跟自己一樣 有國際視野

  • She thought Oklahoma is toolike I want to have a broader road just that.


  • Sobecause she wasn't able to visit every country in the world.

    所以 雖然她不能去世界各國

  • She decided to make a meal from every country in the world

    但她決定 學習烹調各國料理

  • And this wasn't just like a half kind of things.


  • This is like once a week she would devote lots of time to researching all these recipes.

    是一星期煮一次 花大把時間去研究食譜

  • She would play the music from the country and she wave a flag

    還會播放該國音樂 並插上該國旗幟

  • and turn it into a community thing. People started to visit, right.

    後來還成為社區活動 其他人也會去她家參與

  • And so her daughterlike her daughter's first solid food is Afikan chicken.


  • And her daughter's like three years-old now.


  • And is equally proficient with chopsticks or fingers you knowdepending on the food .

    用筷子或手指吃飯都很熟練 要吃哪國菜都可以

  • And she's talk about how it makes the huge difference in her family.

    Sasha也和我談到 她家庭因此產生巨變

  • And also, connecting it to people all over the world because she has been posted her recipes online.

    因為她會將食譜PO上網 所以也認識了世界各地的人

  • And sharing this whole alternatives with other people.


  • So it's something started also as a personal project just like mine


  • But it becameyou knowmuch more impact all the time.


  • That's one of my other favorite stories from the book.


  • Cause I really saw how fun that can be.


  • And how this idea of having a quest that we can do it right from our own house.

    這個課題 在自己家中就可以進行

  • Just using our imagination, our heart and our desire

    只要運用我們的想像力 用我們的心與渴望

  • to connect with something bigger than ourselves


  • And to stretch ourselves which I think is really umm


  • it's something that I love doing in my own life


  • But I never quite seen it in the framework and the context what you wrote which is again

    但我從來沒在你寫的框架和內容裡看到 所以重申一次

  • Why I so excited to have you on.


  • So let's talk about something else but I thought was really interesting

    來談談另一件事吧 這件事我也覺得很有趣

  • We had a lot of multipassionate entrepreneur and a lot of creative folks in our audience.

    我們的觀眾群中 有很多人是熱血的企業家和創意人士

  • Who again we talked about do a lots of different things


  • And one of the thing that struck me about this idea of a quest, sort of an adventure

    其中有件事很令我震撼 是關於這種課題 或說是冒險

  • And having a set container of beginning meddle and end


  • was the power of finishing something


  • So many of us…I know certainly myself you get this great idea as new kinda like

    很多人 像我自己也是 會想到很棒的點子

  • Okay…I'm gonna do yoga all the time.

    像是 我要每天做瑜珈

  • I'm gonna meditate everyday.


  • I'm gonna completely change my diet.


  • And people take on so much so they start new project, they start a new business

    很多人都會像這樣 開始新的計畫 新的事業

  • They start up a new product or program they wanna put out to the world

    開始發表新產品 新專案 想讓全世界知道

  • And it's kind of half-finished.


  • Howstrong is the connection between having you know… a quest and the power of finishing.


  • What can that teach us?


  • Wellone of the thing that I hadn't decide in the very beginning was What can that teach us?


  • what is a quest, right?

    那就是 課題是什麼 對吧?

  • Because for the previous book, you know…I'm writing about small businesses.


  • You gotta start it without spending a lot of money.

    開始創立時 你不用花大把鈔票

  • That's really straight forwardyou know.


  • And I find a lot of people fit that category.


  • But I thought about quest, I cannot headed back likeokay. That's go way back.

    我想 關於課題 我無法從頭說起 像是 好!來從頭說起

  • Right? like what is a quest? Like in ancient dayyou know

    好 什麼是課題? 在很久以前…

  • That someone whose going out to find the holy grail or defend the village or something

    有人去尋找聖杯 或保衛村莊 之類的

  • Or find this magic ring something


  • And there's also a destination in mind.


  • There's always an goal. It might take a long time.

    目標一直都在 可能要花很多時間去追尋

  • There might be many differentyou knowtrail and sidetracks and things that happen along the way


  • Lots of challenges and transformation etc

    會有很多挑戰 很多改變

  • But there is a goal, right? There is a destination something that you're working toward.

    但目標還是在那 對吧? 你是向著目標前進

  • That's the framework I used in my quest


  • And that's what most of the people I talk to as well.

    我訪問過的人 大都也是如此

  • You knowit is very much about the process in the journey


  • But we're working toward something you know


  • We're hoping to reach that destination at a certain point.


  • And I too, work on different stuff and often get side tracks.

    我常從事不同的事情 常遇到岔路

  • But I think the one reason that the quest will successful and why it kept me focus

    但我想課題會成功 我能專注的一個原因是

  • Is I knew where was going and I had a hundred and 93 countries.

    我知道要往哪去 我有193個國家要去

  • And I can check them off as I went along.

    旅行的同時 能一個個達成

  • I put them in my Evernotes and put a little access to them. Watch it grow and then

    我將它們放到Evernote裡 看著計劃漸漸成長

  • I got tired at different points but I can see the progress I have made

    總會有累的時候 但我能看到自己的進步

  • And it became like a cause and benefit analysis after certain point.

    那變成一種原因 一種特定時間的利益分析

  • Like I've got to a hundred countries already. Am I going to stop?

    “我去過100個國家了 該停了嗎?”

  • You know…I got a hundred and fifty countriesand it's all you wannayou know

    我總共要去150個國家 你想要全部…嗯…

  • Forty more to goor whatever.

    還剩下40個國家 什麼的

  • It helps a lot. Again, in the other example making a meal for every country.

    這很有幫助 像之前做各國料理的那個故事

  • She could have just said. Oh I'm gonna make a bunch foreign food, right?

    她可以只是說: 我要做一大堆異國料理 對吧?

  • But not really that specific.


  • And Robin's quest as well is to make ten thousand hats

    像Robin的課題 是要做一萬頂帽子

  • You know….she's always like knitting and she can just keep doing that. It's fine.

    她很喜歡編織 她可以就維持原樣 那也沒差

  • But she talked about how having the number gave her purpose.

    但她說 有具體數字 讓她更有目標

  • The other thing is I like deadlines.


  • I think deadlines are our friends. you know


  • If somebody ever gives me something without a deadline. I always tell them that it's dangerous.

    如果有人給我任務 但沒設期限 我會跟他們說 這很危險

  • It's just get push probably, right? It's my nature.


  • Yea. It's Parkinson's law too. If I'm accurate on that one,

    沒記錯的話 帕金森定律好像也這樣說

  • I meanwork expands so as to fill the time.' It would just expand forever and ever and ever.

    我是說 工作能填滿時間 但也不是要把工作無限延長

  • Unless we put some kind of container around.


  • Right. So deadlines are great. That's why I like to line an event.

    沒錯 所以 期限很重要 這就是為什麼我喜歡規劃活動

  • Because there's a deadline… I can't even like

    因為有個期限 所以我就不能說…

  • It thousands of people come in town or something. I can't just be like

    到時有好幾千人會來 我可不能說…

  • Oh I need two more knowcome backyou know

    活動再延兩天 到時要來喔~之類的

  • Or the book launch or something.


  • But for me I chose my thirty fifth birthday as the deadlineyou know for the quest.


  • I chose that seven year prior to finishing, right?


  • And so as I got closer and there were different opportunities, and I felt pressure in different ways

    隨著時間逼近 還有各種不同的機會 我感到各種壓力

  • It kind of help me to keep that in mind.


  • No! I know I need to do like at least twenty countries a year.”

    “不行! 一年我至少得去20個國家!”

  • You knowto achieve this goal. And if it gets hard, I'll have to just figure it out, right?

    這都是為了完成目標 如果有困難的話 我得想法子去解決

  • Soso deadlines are our friends. Structure is our friend, right?

    所以我說 期限和規畫都是我們的好朋友

  • Structure, deadline, parametersyou know

    規劃啦 期限啦 預算等等的

  • There's another quote that I like in the book. It's is from the Alise?

    書中還有句引述我很喜歡 好像是Alise說的

  • She talked about how everybody's always saying like

    她說 大家總是說一些

  • Entrepreneur and creative. She gets out of the box, right?

    創業家和創造力之類的話 她想要跳脫傳統框架

  • But for me, I wanna get in the box. I wanna to find my own box.

    但對我而言 我想要進入框架 我想要找到自己的框架

  • I don't like someone to be like here's your box, right?

    我討厭別人跟我說 來 這是你的框架

  • I wanna make my own box. But once I made it, I wanna to actually have clear parameters

    我想要創造自己的框架 一創造完 就可以有清楚的參數

  • And rules and that's the scope of what I operate in.


  • And I'm actually gonna be more productive.


  • Probably gonna help the rule a lot better, if I'm in my box. If I'm not just anywhere.

    如果我在自己的框架裡的話 會讓事情好非常多

  • Everybody! Get in your box.

    各位 進到你的框架裡吧~!

  • You heard it from Chris Guillebeau. And of course my mind is go in to the place you don't wanna go.

    Chris Guillebeau都這樣說了 我是想說進到你不想去的地方吧

  • But just get in your box. People. Cause it's good in there.

    但鄉親們 就進到你的框架裡吧 裏頭可舒適的很

  • Sorry. That was wrong thing.

    抱歉 這樣不太對

  • No! are you kidding me? I like it.

    啥!? 你在說笑嗎? 我喜歡這個!

  • And I can probably see the tweet of all this episode


  • Marie and Christ are telling you to get in your box.

    Marie和Chris跟你說 進去框架裡吧

  • Ummwhich is brilliant. Hashtag #getinyourbox.

    嗯嗯 這太棒了 可能會有#getinyourbox這種標籤

  • Ummso I have to comment on something else though.


  • Because I think you and I are a little similar


  • And probably lots folk that are listening right now.


  • The absolute joy that comes from crossing something off your list. It max.


  • Ummin our team, we have this priority stocks

    我們的團隊 有個工作清單

  • that have a very clear structure and guidelines for the things that we are working on, so we could all see what we're doing.

    對目前的工作有很清楚的架構和指導原則 能知道自己在幹嘛

  • And the team, including myself. We get so freaking excited when we cross things' off

    包含我自己在內 完成一件事後 整個團隊都會很振奮

  • I was thinking about this in the framework of quest. And how much fun that is.

    我想著課題裡頭的架構 想著那會有多好玩

  • When you define that container and you have something that you're excited about and working on.

    你定義了那個容器 說你正在進行的事情令你振奮

  • And just putting those lines through, it's like


  • really acknowledging the journey and the joy.


  • And looking forward to the destination which is great. Really really great.

    朝著目標前進這點也很棒 真的!

  • Let me see here. So that's a lot I wanna talk about with you.


  • I just think that this is such an exciting concept and I'm really really thrilled.

    我想這想法真的很令人興奮 我超期待的

  • If you are interested in the idea of having your own quest, please go out and get Chris's book.

    如果你也有興趣來尋找自己的課題 就去買本Chris的書吧

  • It is fantastic. You'll not only learn about his but you'll learn about so many other people's as well.

    這書真的很棒 不只有作者本人的想法 還有很多其他人的

  • Hopefully it will inspire you to discover your own quest.

    希望這本書也能啟發你 找尋自己的課題

  • So Chris, is there anything else that we haven't talk about?

    Chris 還有甚麼事情我們沒談到嗎?

  • Any main points or things that you find in writing this book


  • you're like I really wish people would either get this or notice. Orconsider this for their own lives.

    是你希望大家知道的? 希望他們在人生中能注意的?

  • You know what I hope that they will consider is

    嗯 我希望大家考慮的是

  • I hope they all think about what value of adventure means to them?


  • I hope that they'll think likeheymaybe I can't go to every country in the world right?

    希望大家能想說…嘿 我可能不能踏遍世界各國 對吧?

  • But you know there's something that I can do and


  • I also feel that steering of wanting something different


  • Maybe I'm discontent in a way which again it's not a terrible word. It doesn't mean that you're terrible.

    也許會不滿足 但這世界沒那麼糟 你自己也一點都不糟

  • It does mean you want for something more. You want to improve your life.

    只是代表你想要更多 想要讓生命更美好

  • And you knowyou do find joy in doing things that are fun and meaningful connects with other people.

    做這些有趣又有意義的事 和他人產生連結 的確令人開心

  • I hope that you'll think about that. I think maybe we have a challenge for that in some fashion.

    希望你能這樣想 我想我們在某些方面都有些挑戰

  • Oh yea. We, Marie TV, we always love to challenge you in the comments below.

    對 Marie TV一直都喜歡挑戰各位觀眾 在下方留言

  • So this is what Chris and I thought it for today.


  • What doesadventure' mean to you?

    對你而言 甚麼是冒險?

  • That word. If it does mean anything like travel,

    冒險這個詞 指的是旅行嗎?

  • if it means like pursuing the spiritual goal


  • Or perhaps it's athletic or perhaps it's artistic

    或是體育方面 藝術方面等等?

  • What does adventure mean to you?


  • And then the second part that we love to hear is


  • How can you create a personal container, a quest something specific

    要怎麼創造一個具體的個人目標 或說是課題

  • that kinds of homes in the beautiful adventure


  • That calling that you feel in your heart


  • And make it something not only is achievable for you,

    讓這課題對你而言 不只是一種目標

  • that has a specific deadline


  • But of course that you could share a connect with other people.

    當然 你可以向其他人共同交流

  • So we love to hear all about it in the comments below

    請在下方留言 我們很樂意知道

  • And make sure that you tell us


  • Chris, Thank you so much for taking the time share with us about your quest


  • And this brilliant new book that you sharing with the world. We absolutely adore you.

    也謝謝你寫了這本好書 向世界分享 我們真的很欣賞你

  • And I just want to thank you for being here tonight.


  • Oh thank you so much. I adore you.

    噢 我也很謝謝妳 我也很欣賞妳

  • I adore Marie TV of yours.

    我欣賞整個Marie TV的團隊

  • I want to say one more thing, if I can jump in. if that's alright.

    我想再多說一件事 不知道可不可以?

  • Last time I had the book, we did the showAnd I went on tour

    上次我出書時 有辦活動 然後我踏上旅程

  • and every stop on the way I think, I heard from Marie TV of yours.

    旅途上的每一站 我接受到Marie TV各位的問候

  • And so this time I'm doing forty cities

    這次 我要去40個國家

  • again, people can sign up for free tickets on website. Or they can just show up. They don't have to sign up

    大家可以上網站申請免費門票 也可以直接來 不用事先申請

  • And I would love to see you.


  • So please come on and say hi, take picture of you.

    來找我 打聲招呼 一起拍張照

  • I'll text it to Marie and she'll probably block me.

    我會傳訊給Marie 她到時可能會封鎖我

  • Noabsolutely not.


  • It was a big joy of me. it make a huge differences. So I wanna thank you publicly.

    我真的很開心 想公開謝謝你們大家

  • And also all your reviewers and great community.


  • Awesome! Thank you Chris.

    太棒了! 謝謝你Chris

  • And by the way, we'll put links of not only Chris' book but we'll put links back to this website

    對了 之後我們會放上Chris的書和網站的連結

  • So that if you want to go see tour and meet this incredible man in person

    如果你們想知道Chris的行程 與他碰面

  • And you'll know exactly where you can do it. Chris is amazing.

    就能知道去哪邊找他 Chris人真的很棒

  • So as always thank you so much for watching Marie TV.

    謝謝大家收看Marie TV

  • Is you like this episode, like it and subscribe and share with all your friends.

    如果你喜歡這集 請按讚 訂閱 分享給好友

  • And if you want even more awesome resources and creative business online you love.


  • Plus some updates from me but I like to talk about it on email.

    還有我的最新訊息 我很樂意分享

  • Come up to the and sign up for email updates.

    請上 訂閱電子報

  • Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams.

    堅持你的夢想 並持續追尋

  • Cause we all need that special gift that only you have

    我們都需要這個 只有你有的天賦

  • Thank you so much for watching and we'll catching next time on Marie TV.

    謝謝你的收看 我們下次見

  • Bye everybody.


Hi everyone, it's Marie Forleo.

大家好 我是Marie Forleo


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