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  • this is a meal that you have to  have in buenos aires argentina okay  


  • best beef in the world elixirs from the


  • god a little bit of parsley lots of garlic  raw garlic i'm not hearing anything today


  • i'm crazy i ended up ordering  dessert after that big lunch  

    我很瘋狂我最後點了甜點後那 與tusso de leche一起

  • pancake with the tusso de leche it's  like the caramel spread of argentina  

    吃的大午餐 煎餅,就像阿根廷的焦糖醬一樣,

  • well good morning guys it is our final day in  buenos aires argentina before we continue on to  


  • cordoba so we thought we would do a little bit  of sightseeing today we did start the day a bit  

    科爾多瓦,所以我們以為今天我們會做點觀光,所以我們確實開始了一天 后

  • later because we had a big family reunion  everyone was gathered telling stories yeah  

    的一天, 因為我們有一個大家庭團圓,每個人都聚集在一起講故事,是的

  • that was fun my dad's lost his voice from talking  so much seven hours non-stop it was this morning  


  • it was raspy and hard it's getting a little  bit better with some holes those little pills  


  • yeah the day before we were sailing uh the  real plate yeah and it was windy and cold and  


  • i only had a hoodie so he packed for summer  yeah keep in mind that here in buenos aires  


  • it always attacks your uh you know the throat  is the first thing that you're going to feel  


  • if you catch a little bit of a coal for some  reason if it's a humidity i don't know what it is  


  • but it affects you right away yeah we are at the  japanese gardens uh you got free admission to  


  • the garden i got free for being a senior i'm  starting to cash in on the uh retiree uh you  

    花園了,我因為大四而得到了自由,我開始在呃退休人員身上賺錢了。你 知道

  • know thing congratulations they let me get in  for free society society owes you now society  

    嗎, 恭喜,他們讓我自由了社會。社會欠你,現在社會,

  • old me yeah both both end of the americas yeah  argentina and canada i want freebies okay so  


  • yeah hey it looks like i don't know if it's going  to rain or not did you bring the umbrella no no  


  • because it's meant to be sunshine so let's go  enjoy the gardens while we can okay let's do the  

    因為這意味著要曬太陽,所以我們邊走邊欣賞花園好的,讓 我們在阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯

  • japanese gardens here in buenos aires argentina  then we're going to go have lunch around here  

    做個 日本花園吧,然後我們將在這裡去吃午飯,

  • there is a place that supposedly uh they do the  best uh meat sandwiches yeah you can have and  


  • then uh that's gonna be lunch yeah and well in the  meantime we're gonna take the the tour it looks  


  • like the british columbia gardens there oh butcher  gardens and gardens we saw those a few weeks ago  


  • they also had a japanese section right yeah  exactly yeah okay so let's go let's do it okay


  • so


  • oh


  • all right you two how was the visit to the  japanese garden i liked it it's nice it's very  


  • it's very calming over here it's very quiet they  have a very soft music playing and uh you feel  


  • like you really can relax you know yeah it's the  kind of place you could linger like if you brought  


  • a book yeah you can just hang out for the day yeah  and i mean there's there's restaurants there's  


  • a tea house here you can have sushi oh yeah i'd  like to mention that we offered my dad that option  

    有茶館,您可以吃壽司哦,是的,我想提一下,我們為我父親提供了一種選擇 ,您

  • would you like to have japanese food sushi instead  of the steak sandwich we were planning come on  

    想吃 日本料理壽司而不是牛排我們計劃要來的三明治來吧, 您是要從這個傢伙那裡拿一塊牛排三明治嗎,是的,

  • come on are you gonna take a steak sandwich  away from this guy yeah you're going to  

    如果您擁有所有這些parillas, 那麼

  • offer an argentinian born in buenos aires  sushi when you have all these parillas and

    您將 提供一個出生於布宜諾斯艾利斯壽司的阿根廷人,

  • the thing is he's never tried sushi if you if you  were to have sushi today you would lose the street  


  • correct you know what i if i have sushi today  they'll deport me and remove my lose your dni  

    迷路的, 你知道嗎, 如果我今天擁有壽司,他們會驅逐我,刪除我丟失的dni,

  • you know i'm not the sushi type you know so  something i want to point out about this park is  


  • that the last time we came here probably three or  four years ago there's hardly anyone here and it's  


  • it's really become quite a popular attraction  there are a lot of people today yeah i mean  


  • it's nice to see it's it's not overwhelming but  it's definitely busy here there are people really  


  • enjoying this place yeah it's a great location  it's in the kind of palermo area on the outskirts  

    喜歡這個地方,是的,這是一個很棒的位置,就在巴勒莫郊區 的巴勒莫

  • of palermo we're gonna go walk and work up an  appetite so we can go have those meat sandwiches  

    區, 我們要去散步並增強食慾,所以我們可以去吃那些 有名的

  • that are so famous and i'm i'm going with some  wine huh one yeah okay okay now we're talking yeah  

    肉三明治 ,我只不過,有些酒呵呵一個去啊還好還好現在我們談論的是啊

  • twist your baby finger okay don't push me don't  push me you have to force me to have that you know


  • okay


  • so


  • foreign


  • so


  • is

    良好 的餐已經到來,我們已經在它是如何很好哇每天進食了哇,我父親已經在

  • well the meal has arrived we've been tucking  in how is it well wow wow my dad's already been  

    做事了,他浪費了雪,沒有時間youtuber接受培訓,她只是 想 弄清楚

  • tucking in he wastes snow time no time youtuber  in training she just digs right in how's the sushi  


  • they wanted me to go eat sushi when you have  this are you kidding me never in a million years  


  • this is a meal that you have to have in buenos  aires okay best beef in the world with your wife  


  • okay but the steak my steak is the filet mignon  okay the tenderloin and is out of this world out  

    ,他們炸的炸薯條味道很棒 香菜大量大蒜大蒜原料 的一點點

  • of this world the french fries they're fried  in large they taste amazing a little bit of  

    ,如果你聞到這個國家 ,我記得當時我是用味道像香菜這是來自上帝

  • parsley lots of garlic raw garlic which is just  amazing if you smell the parsley in this country  

    驚人呵呵 酏一個小人物香菜 香菜這是很不錯的

  • i remember when i was a little guy parsley used  to taste like parsley this is elixirs from the god


  • amazing huh we should let you know the name of  the restaurant where we're eating this place is  

    叫做los platitos,意思是小菜,但是這裡的部分很大,

  • called los platitos it means the little dishes  but the portions here are massive and they are  


  • best known for their beef sandwiches so we ordered  three different kinds here what do we got my dad's  


  • was beef de lomo which is what do you call this  in english tenderloin so he got a tenderloin beef  

    三明治薩姆 得到了四層蛋,這是 英語裡的什麼,我不知道我們不知道英語是什麼,

  • sandwich sam got quadrille what's that in english  i don't know we don't know what that's in english  


  • and i got the choripan which is the sausage  so we're planning to just cut them down the  


  • middle so we can all share and get a little bit of  water except this guy here he wants his own this  


  • guy here wants his own sam and i will share okay  i'm not hearing anything today today i am mean  


  • and then for the sandwiches we have  chimichurri how can we describe this  


  • everybody everybody knows chimichurri it's  like herbs and spices in oil and vinegar  


  • yeah it has salt and you just put it on  your meat and it transforms it completely  


  • yeah it's a condiment that uh it is made here in  argentina usually it's made in every household  


  • yes the people they make their own and it's a  mixture of herbs and spices and oil and water  


  • i have it right here and uh yeah and it gives the  meat a special flavor oh yeah i'm gonna put lots  


  • on my chorizo people say you shouldn't put  too much because sometimes it can be a bit  


  • spicy but honestly i like flavor so they  try it there you have it to the choripan


  • it's a spot


  • she was pushing for sushi let him know  tell her tell her now who was right one day  

    我父親應該嘗試壽司,是的,不應該在布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)聽

  • my dad should try sushi yes  not in buenos aires listen

    紅血肉吃阿根廷 菜, 如果我餓了,就 必須做很多令人信服的換壽司

  • red blood meat eating argentina you're gonna  have to do a lot of convincing to switch sushi  


  • or something like this okay if i'm hungry enough  and there's nothing around i'll go for it but if  


  • this is around you'll never get me to go forsushi instead of pizza in a million years and  


  • i have nothing against sushi people don't start  screaming against wow you know he's never tried it  


  • also i want to mention the choripan it's something  that you can buy as street food so right now we're  


  • eating on a restaurant that's along the waterfront  and usually along the waterfront you can also find  


  • little food cards where they make this fresh on  the spot they also have the chimichurri the salsa  

    ÿ oda和所有不同的澆頭,所以您可以在餐廳用餐,也可以

  • yoda and all the different toppings so you  can eat it at a restaurant or you can have a  


  • street food either way it's delicious good stuff  huh yeah so we've got sam having the quadrille  

    礦,實際上它是所有食物中最厚的一塊是的,三明治 應該

  • mine is actually the thickest piece of meat out  of all the sandwiches yeah and apparently it's  

    是三明治,顯然 應該是脂肪和美味的,女服務員推薦這是的,所以我很興奮,她說

  • supposed to be fatty and delicious the waitress  recommended this one yes so i'm excited she said  


  • that's her favorite in comparison to the one  my dad had like my dad is very lean and no fat  


  • oh my god a prime cut of steak sandwich a really  good quality of bread this is super juicy i asked  


  • for it to be juicy yeah and then yeah takebite and you barely have to do it it's not so  


  • good melts in your mouth it basically melts in  the mouth yeah wow that's incredible this is our  

    第一次有這種坦率的午餐,是的,我的意思是這是 我們其中一位觀眾

  • first time to have i think this kind of lunch to  be honest so yeah i mean this was a recommendation  

    的推薦 ,他們說您到這個地方來的時候,氛圍非常好,食物

  • from one of our viewers they said you got to come  to this place great atmosphere really good food  


  • excellent sandwiches with the with the steak like  argentine steak and um yeah it's uh it's lived up  

    真是讓人讚不絕口,您好嗎?我瘋了,我在那 頓豐盛的 午餐後最終訂購了甜點,我

  • to the hype awesome how are you doing it i'm crazy  i ended up ordering dessert after that big lunch i  


  • went for the classic the uh the pancake  with the tulsa de leche it's like the uh  

    基本上,阿根廷的焦糖醬是我 在這裡 喜歡的任何甜點中最喜歡的呃成分之一

  • basically the caramel spread of argentina one of  my favorite uh ingredients for any kind of dessert  

    ,它們給了我們一個蓬鬆的薄煎餅,上面還裝著dulce de leche,看著

  • here and they've given us a big fluffy pancake  and it's just loaded with dulce de leche look at  

    它還帶有核桃仁,所以是我的第一口 食 哦,伙計,看看這些

  • that it comes with a walnut as well so that'll be  my first bite right there oh man look at all this


  • wow do not skimp with portions in this restaurant


  • oh my god


  • it's very fluffy oh do you want sugar are you  choking on the wall i'm choking on the dulce de  

    德萊什 cho 住了,天哪它很溫暖,它已經被加熱了,它是如此的甜蜜,很好,但是幾乎被ked

  • leche oh my gosh and it's warm it's been warmed  up it's so sweet so good but almost choked on it

    住了,所以我們回來了,我們回到了公寓,再次回到公寓裡吃飯,你能相信這個 更多的食物真相

  • so we're back we are back at the apartment back  in the apartment eating again can you believe this  

    嗎, 我們都擁有一個很大的

  • more food truth be told we we all had a pretty big  


  • siesta too we all conked out like we got  back here and you slept for like two hours  


  • two hours and a half yeah i was really tired and  with all that uh food we had at lunch yeah we were  


  • really stuffed yeah and we did not even have the  energy to walk we were planning to walk for uh  


  • oh yeah what do you say five kilometers yeah we  wanted to go to the fisherman's wharf like there's  

    沿著河邊整條小路 一樣, 我們做到了200至50米,但是太陽已經

  • a nice path all along the riverfront we made it  what 200 no 50 meters but granted the sun had  

    出來了,而且熱量是不可能的,您知道,我的意思是我們 要走的

  • came out and the heat was just impossible you  know like i mean the the area where we were to  

    地方 真的沒有陰影沒有陰影,所以我們決定乘出租車

  • walk like that it was really really there's no  shade no shade so we decided to take a taxi come  


  • back to the apartment we had a siesta yeah but now  we are eating spanish tortilla this was a surprise  


  • thank you to our host our airbnb host he's from  argentina but he lived in spain for like 16 years  


  • and he offered to make us a spanish tortilla for  last night as a little farewell a goodbye yeah  

    然後檢查一下是否有墨西哥香腸的玉米餅,裡面有辣紅色 他們使用的

  • and check that out check that out tortilla with  chorizo yeah it has the spicy red chorizo red  

    香腸紅色 香腸它也有火腿,是的,他也是,所以是雞蛋土豆火腿香腸,

  • chorizo they use it and it has ham too yeah  and him yeah so eggs potatoes ham chorizo  

    是的,這真的很好,如果我們不吃的話,明天我們 會 在 凌晨

  • yeah and it's it's really good and if we don't eat  it yeah tomorrow we fly out at four o'clock in the  

    四點飛出去, 準備早餐再次,我們不能把它拋在身後,它不伴隨著它,它

  • morning we're gonna have it for breakfast again  we cannot leave it behind no it comes with us it  


  • comes it comes so we are attacking tonight to try  to put a dent into it yeah man there is something  


  • left we'll bring it with us don't worry baby we  will not abandon you okay yeah what a great day  


  • of eating and uh before i forget we'll mention the  price of lunch so it was what 27 us dollars total  


  • i mean two two two two complimentary sides of  bread a sandwich eat potatoes full bottle of  


  • wine and i ordered a dessert you got dessertdon't know how you did it but you've got dessert  


  • yeah so basically that that's it for our time in  buenos aires we will be back again we'll be back  


  • we'll be back as we always are yeah but  um yeah what a what a great five days here  

    我們與家人見面的航行中,我們 經歷 瞭

  • so much variety in terms of what  we did sailing meeting family  

    如此多的變化 在城市的不同地方,一點點地一點點地走,

  • visiting different parts of the city a little  bit of everything a bit of everything and the  

    明天 的 旅程繼續在科爾多瓦,我們在那兒早早飛行,

  • journey continues tomorrow in cordoba  we are flying there bright and early  


  • so we'll see you there we'll see you there let's  go to cordoba let's go record about bye guys  

  • you

this is a meal that you have to  have in buenos aires argentina okay  



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