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  • hey guys we're samuel and audrey and today we're

    大家好 我們是塞繆爾和奧黛麗,今天我們是

  • bringing you to grand manan an idyllic island in new brunswick

    帶你去大馬南 新不倫瑞克省的一個田園詩般的小島

  • canada set in the bay of fundy quite close to the border with maine

    加拿大相當坐落在芬迪灣 靠近緬因州的邊界

  • this was a family road trip we planned with sam's parents george and debbie and

    這是我們計劃的家庭公路旅行 和山姆的父母喬治和黛比

  • some of their best friends joan and gary there are so many things

    他們的一些最好的朋友 瓊和加里有很多東西

  • to do in grand manan new brunswick canada and together we spent four days road tripping across the

    在新不倫瑞克加拿大大馬南市做,我們一起 花了四天的時間穿越

  • island visiting lighthouses feasting on fresh lobster and fish and

    島上參觀燈塔 品嚐新鮮的龍蝦和魚,

  • chips exploring the historic smoke sheds in seal cove

    芯片探索歷史悠久的煙棚 在海豹灣

  • bird watching in castelia marsh taking a side trip to whitehead island and

    觀鳥在卡斯提亞沼澤採取 懷特黑德島和

  • catching some spectacular cliff top sunsets

    捕捉一些壯觀的懸崖頂 落日

  • our trip to grand manan was laid back with lots of time outdoors in nature

    我們的馬南之旅很悠閒 在大自然中有很多時間

  • and now we want to share it with you we think this is a must visit island in

    現在我們想與您分享 認為這是一個必須參觀的島嶼

  • atlanta canada and we'll show you why in this grand manan travel guide

    加拿大亞特蘭大,我們將向您展示為什麼 這位宏偉的Manan旅遊指南

  • all right guys so we are all aboard the ferry ready to go

    好的,所以我們都在 渡輪準備出發

  • ready to go supposed to be about a 90-minute ride yes

    準備去應該是一個 90分鐘的路程是

  • and we have beautiful weather for this so we've come up to the top deck

    為此我們有美好的天氣 所以我們來到了頂層

  • blue skies nice breeze how do we get so lucky seriously i know

    晴空萬里,我們如何得到 真幸運,我知道

  • i mean there's some times where there's even apparently fairy delays or it could

    我的意思是有些時候 甚至顯然是仙女的拖延,否則可能

  • be foggy and so to get a day like this couldn't

    有霧 所以要得到這樣的一天

  • get any better perfect summer day so yeah ready to go

    變得更好 完美的夏日,所以準備去

  • we'll show you the journey


  • if you're planning a trip to grand man and in the summer we'd suggest going on

    如果您打算去看爺爺 在夏天,我們建議繼續

  • the grandman and coastal transport website and booking your ticket for the

    爺爺和沿海運輸 網站並預訂門票

  • crossing ahead of time this is a popular summer destination in

    提前穿越 這是一個受歡迎的夏季目的地

  • new brunswick so the ferry can get very busy

    新不倫瑞克所以輪渡可以很 忙

  • as for costs you have to pay for the vehicle plus each individual passenger

    至於您必須支付的費用 車輛加上每位乘客

  • it was 35.80 for the car and an additional 12 dollars per passenger when

    這輛車是35.80, 額外每位乘客12美元

  • we traveled


  • as you know audrey and i like to eat so it wasn't long before we found ourselves

    如你所知奧黛麗,我喜歡吃飯 不久之後我們發現自己

  • in the cafeteria sampling some of the seafood

    在自助餐廳採樣一些 海鮮

  • we got the fish chowder and an order of fried scallops with french fries

    我們得到了魚雜燴和一份 炸的扇貝配薯條

  • a little taste of what was to come once we reached grand man

    有點曾經的味道 我們到了大男人

  • sam says laughs the beach our very our very first stop in grand

    山姆說笑在沙灘上 我們的第一站

  • man we're here at the beach yeah

    男子 我們在海灘上

  • picture-perfect weather the sun is out it's actually quite a bit warmer than it

    完美的天氣,太陽出來了 實際上比它暖和得多

  • normally is here on the island we were expecting maybe

    通常在島上 期待也許

  • five to ten degrees cooler than fredericton nope it is nice and hot and

    比冷五到十度 fredericton不,它很好又熱又

  • i don't know why you're wearing a sweater

    我不知道你為什麼穿 毛衣

  • because this with a is on i i feel great in my uh and my

    因為這是一個 在我和我身上感覺很棒

  • t-shirt anyway yeah just a beautiful beach within what

    反正T卹 是的,只是一個美麗的海灘

  • two minute walk from where we're staying yeah so we're staying in seal cove and

    從我們住的地方步行兩分鐘 是的,所以我們待在海豹灣

  • our cottage isn't ready yet we've got another

    我們的小屋還沒有準備好 另一個

  • hour before check-in so we just walked over to the beach

    入住前一個小時,所以我們走了 到海灘

  • going to enjoy this lovely day go for a little stroll

    去享受這美好的一天去 小漫步

  • yeah and then we'll take you to our herring

    是的,然後我們帶您去我們的 鯡魚

  • smoke shed converted cottage and i'll show you what that looks like

    煙棚改建的小屋,我會 告訴你看起來像什麼

  • indeed


  • so we got pretty lucky with dinner that evening because shortly after checking

    所以晚餐很幸運 晚上,因為檢查後不久

  • in the owners of the cottage brian and

    在 布萊恩小屋的所有者和

  • brenda asked us if we'd be interested in buying some fresh lobster

    brenda問我們是否會對 買一些新鮮的龍蝦

  • of course we jumped at the opportunity because can you think of a better

    當然,我們抓住了這個機會 因為你能想到一個更好的

  • welcome meal to grand manan new brunswick canada since we didn't really know how to cook

    歡迎到新不倫瑞克省馬納大餐 因為我們真的不知道怎麼做

  • the lobster they offered to prepare it for us and we got

    他們準備的龍蝦 為了我們,我們得到了

  • quite the cooking lesson in the process talk about hospitality

    相當烹飪過程 談論款待

  • just want to make sure that's good it's boiling yeah okay so you got your live

    只是想確保它很好 沸騰,是的,所以你活了

  • lobster in here okay and they'll already put them in

    龍蝦在這裡 好,他們已經把它們放進去了

  • upside down so they're passed out falling asleep more or less

    倒過來,他們昏倒了 或多或少地入睡

  • and here we go they go right in water oh look at that not in the water they're

    我們走了,他們就在水中 哦,看看那不是在水中

  • just above the water and they're gonna get steamed

    就在水面之上 蒸

  • and they're in there it's about 17 minutes yeah between 15 and 17 minutes

    他們在那里大約有17個 是15至17分鐘之間

  • depending on you know the size and how many you're putting in the pot

    取決於您知道大小和方式 很多你放進鍋裡

  • right there you go thank you so we're putting the rest of the lobsters here

    就在那兒,你去謝謝你,所以我們 將其餘的龍蝦放在這裡

  • into the fridge and they'll keep like three four or five days

    放入冰箱,他們會像 三四五天

  • okay as long as you cool them down they got so much moisture inside of

    好,只要你冷卻它們 裡面有很多水分

  • their shell that they can live in their own salt water in there for days

    他們可以住在他們的殼 在那裡放鹽水幾天

  • wow when you want a fresh one you just open the fridge steam up some water and

    哇,當你想要一個新鮮的 打開冰箱,把水倒掉,

  • good to go good to go fresh lobster rolls

    好去好去新鮮龍蝦 勞斯萊斯

  • yeah they've been steaming never touch the water you're gonna get the hundred

    是的,他們一直在冒汗,從未碰過 你會得到一百的水

  • percent the yeah the flavor the real flavor of the

    百分比 是的,真正的味道

  • bay of fundy lobster the best lobster in the world

    芬迪龍蝦灣最好的龍蝦 世界

  • it's like cooking baking a cake it's precise

    就像煮蛋糕一樣 精確

  • for safe you


  • and the moment of truth is coming up all right here we go

    真相的時刻到了 好吧,我們去

  • look at that and that's not water they were sitting in that's water from the

    看著那不是水,他們 坐在那邊的水里

  • ocean that was inside the lobster shell that's what the

    裡面的海洋 龍蝦殼就是

  • lobster lives in it's like they have their own little

    龍蝦生活在 就像他們有自己的小東西

  • cocoon of ocean water in there see the rocks

    那裡的海水繭 岩石

  • yeah rocks okay the the water is below the top of the rock so the lobster never

    是的,岩石還好,水在下面 岩石的頂部,所以龍蝦永遠不會

  • touched the water see so that's that's the exact amount you

    碰到水了 那就是你的確切數量

  • want there's like not even two inches of water in there

    想要甚至不到兩英寸 那裡的水

  • wow there they are there they are oh i think a beauty

    哇,他們在那裡,他們在那裡 哦,我認為是美女

  • look at that you don't get colors like that

    看著你沒有像 那

  • ta-da lo and behold our dinner i seriously don't think we could have

    ta-da lo,看看我們的晚餐 我真的不認為我們可以擁有

  • asked for a better first meal on this


  • island

  • yeah i believe it take two comes home tail comes off

    是的,我相信需要兩個回家 尾巴脫落

  • yeah you don't get that yep


  • nice and juicy and then put your finger in there and slip it out

    好多汁,然後把你的手指 在那裡滑出來

  • slip it out oh i see oh here it comes look at that

    溜出來哦,我明白了哦,它來了 看那個

  • oh wow want to do mine too sam that was very easy that was easy

    哦,我也想做我的山姆 那很容易那很容易

  • no those dangly bits all these dangly bits okay just pull it

    沒有那些晃來晃去的東西 所有這些晃來晃去的東西好嗎

  • back like that yeah because there's a green stuff in there

    像那樣回來,因為有一個 那裡的綠色東西

  • okay fine sam you just bathed yourself and locked

    好吧,山姆,你剛洗完澡 並鎖定

  • lobster juice on my own all over your shirt like it looks like someone puked

    我自己的龍蝦汁 襯衫好像有人戳

  • on you well i got it you got it i got it i

    在你身上 好吧,我明白了,你明白了,我明白了

  • earned it there you go i can't believe how much juice i spilled

    你去那裡賺了 我不敢相信我灑了多少果汁

  • that was legendary you bathed yourself sam

    那是 傳說中你給自己洗澡山姆

  • not graceful but then you take this one off

    不優雅,但是你拿這個 關

  • oh look at that


  • now before we forget let's give you a quick tour of the smokeshed cottages in

    現在,在我們忘記之前,讓我們給您一個 煙熏小屋快速瀏覽

  • sealcove beach which is where we stayed for the

    海豹灣海灘 這是我們住的地方

  • duration of our trip to grandma and the smoke sheds and seal cove were

    我們去奶奶的時間 煙棚和海豹灣

  • designated a national historic site in 1994

    被指定為國家歷史遺址 1994年

  • and they encompassed 54 wooden buildings that were built between 1870

    他們包括54座木製建築 建於1870年

  • and 1930. these structures were part of the leading center of herring production

    和1930年。這些結構是 鯡魚生產的主要中心

  • in canada the smokeshed cottage we stayed in was

    在加拿大 我們住的煙屋是

  • lovingly restored by its owners brian and brenda mclaughlin who now have a few

    由業主精心修復 和布蘭達·麥克勞林(Brenda mclaughlin)現在有一些

  • different places to rent we stayed in their two-bedroom cottage

    不同的地方租 我們住在他們的兩居室小屋裡

  • and it proved to be the perfect base for exploring the island

    它被證明是 探索島嶼

  • plus we love being so close to the beach one bit of advice

    再加上我們喜歡離海灘那麼近 一點建議

  • cottages on this island get booked up months and sometimes a year in advance

    這個島上的小屋被訂滿了 提前幾個月甚至一年

  • so it's good to start planning your trip early

    所以開始計劃您的旅行是一件好事 早

  • on our quest to book a cottage anywhere on the island we also discovered that

    我們尋求在任何地方預訂小屋 在島上,我們還發現

  • hardly anyone uses websites like booking or airbnb

    幾乎沒有人使用預訂之類的網站 或airbnb

  • so we had to do things the old-fashioned way and call in email places to check

    所以我們不得不做一些老式的事情 方式和致電電子郵件位置進行檢查

  • availability just so you know

    可用性 就是這樣,你知道

  • later that evening we drove down to southwest head lighthouse so that we

    那天晚上晚些時候,我們開車去 西南頭燈塔,使我們

  • could catch the sunset this part of the island is known for its

    可以趕上日落 島嶼的這一部分以其

  • cliffs and it felt like a little slice of ireland

    懸崖,感覺就像小片 愛爾蘭

  • we walked along the trail and stopped to enjoy the views while we waited for the

    我們沿著小徑走,停下來 等待我們的同時欣賞美景

  • sun to dip in the horizon


  • oh no those are seals they're two heads


  • the next morning before meeting up with the whole gang sam and i went out to

    第二天早上見面 整個幫派山姆,我出去

  • explore our neighborhood of seal cove


  • all right guys so good morning from seal cove

    好的傢伙,海豹早安 海灣

  • it is day two here on grand banana island

    今天是大香蕉的第二天 島

  • we had a great sleep so peaceful out here

    我們睡得很香,所以安靜 這裡

  • and yeah this morning we're just going for a little walk

    是的,今天早上我們要去 散步

  • to show you around these sheds these were former

    向您展示這些棚屋 以前

  • herring smoke sheds they used to smoke the fish here

    他們以前抽煙的鯡魚煙棚 這裡的魚

  • but nowadays they've kind of been repurposed

    但是如今,他們已經 重新定位

  • so we're seeing in one that's been turned into a cottage some people

    所以我們看到了 有些人變成了小屋

  • actually live in them they've turned them into homes

    實際生活在他們轉身 他們進入家中

  • some of them are storage units for fishermen who have their lobster traps

    其中一些是用於 捕撈龍蝦的漁民

  • and their fishing gear and their boats so it's really cool it's just like a

    他們的漁具和他們的船 所以真的很酷,就像一個

  • small little area so you can walk around explore on foot and yeah just a historic

    小面積,所以你可以走來走去 徒步探索,是的,只是歷史性的

  • part of the island so we're gonna give you

    島嶼的一部分,所以我們要給 您

  • a little tour let's go check it out


  • we were walking around snapping photos of the herring smoke sheds

    我們在四處拍照 鯡魚煙棚

  • buoys and lobster traps when someone invited us to come and see what the

    有人浮標和龍蝦陷阱 邀請我們來看看

  • inside of one of these sheds looks like now let me just say that coming from a

    這些棚屋之一的內部看起來像 現在讓我說,來自

  • big city i normally don't go around following

    大城市 我通常不跟隨

  • strangers into dark sheds but everyone we met on grand manan was

    陌生人走進黑棚 但是我們遇到的每個人都

  • so friendly and so kind that we didn't even hesitate so cool so this was

    如此友好和友善,以至於我們沒有 甚至很猶豫,所以這是

  • at one point in smoke shack yeah and then they they used it

    在煙霧棚屋的某一點是的, 然後他們就用了

  • they would uh we salt bait or whatever so like we'll take a ton of bait of hair

    他們會呃我們給魚餌加鹽 就像我們要大量誘餌一樣

  • and then we'll put salt in with it and it pickles it

    然後我們加入鹽 它醃製它

  • yeah yeah wow so that's what these cups were used for at one point those are the

    是的,哇,這就是這些杯子 被用於某一點是

  • saltine cups those are salting tops here

    撒鹽杯 那些是鹽頂

  • and how far out do you have to go to set the lobster traps

    你要走多遠 龍蝦陷阱

  • at this time of the year uh we got to go quite a ways we have to go almost the

    在每年的這個時候,我們必須去 我們必須走的路差不多

  • whole way be about a three hour steam on the end

    全程 最後大約要花三個小時

  • oh that's quite a waste


  • later that morning we met up with a new friend sharon and we went to check out

    那天早上晚些時候,我們遇到了一個新的 朋友沙龍,我們去看看

  • some of the boats in ingles head two of our favorites were debatable and

    一些船頂上的船 我們最喜歡的兩個值得商and,

  • senile we had some good laughs over that


  • we eventually drove up to castelia marsh which is a prime birding spot on grandma

    我們最終驅車前往卡斯提亞沼澤 這是奶奶的主要觀鳥點

  • and island


  • all right guys so we have now made it to castelia marsh this is our next stop

    好吧,所以我們現在做到了 卡斯特利亞沼澤,這是我們的下一站

  • today but yeah apparently this is a really

    今天 但是,顯然,這確實是

  • good place to come bird watching it's all marshland and you

    來的好地方 觀鳥都是沼澤地,你

  • have little trails some different lookout points

    小徑有些不同 監視點

  • they also have huts where you can kind of like hide and

    他們也有小屋,你可以親切 像皮和

  • bring out your binoculars do a little bit of bird watching there

    帶出你的雙筒望遠鏡做一點 在那兒觀鳥

  • so it's a really cool spot we're down by the water right now

    所以這是一個很酷的地方 現在的水

  • the tide's going out so you can see all the

    潮水正在消退,所以你可以看到所有 的

  • seaweed on the rocks but yeah we're just enjoying

    海藻在岩石上,但是的,我們只是 享受

  • a nice relaxing morning walk over here and then we are going to continue our

    一個輕鬆愉快的早晨,在這裡漫步 然後我們將繼續我們的

  • tour of the island have you seen any birds

    環島遊你有沒有看到 鳥類

  • um just from a distance from a distance yeah you've got the zoom lens

    嗯,距離很遠 是的,你有變焦鏡頭

  • yeah so i've grabbed a few shots like that but um

    是的,所以我抓了一些鏡頭 那但嗯

  • yeah they're kind of on the opposite end of the marsh but yeah we are seeing a

    是的,它們有點相反 沼澤,但是的,我們看到了

  • few out here by the by the beach yeah it's pretty cool

    在海邊的人很少 是的,這很酷

  • then it was time for lunch we went to food for thought in woodward's cove

    那時候我們去吃午飯了 伍德沃德灣深思熟慮的食物

  • where we enjoyed some tasty sandwiches and homemade chocolate chip and

    我們在這裡吃了一些美味的三明治 還有自製巧克力片和

  • gingerbread cookies just a quick bite because we had another

    薑餅 只是一口咬,因為我們有另一個

  • ferry to catch


  • all right we are going on a little trip to another island

    好吧,我們要去旅行 到另一個島

  • our grandma and island adventures continue by going to another island

    我們的奶奶和島嶼冒險 繼續去另一個島嶼

  • whitehead island ferry service yeah we're going to be leaving on this one

    懷特黑德島渡輪服務 我們將要離開這個

  • from grand manan new brunswick and coming back on this one yeah 1 30

    來自大馬南新不倫瑞克 然後回到這一點,是的1 30

  • and 4 30. and if we don't catch that then we we

    和4 30。 如果我們不明白這一點,那麼我們

  • have a seven o'clock stay until seven o'clock

    呆到七點鐘直到七點鐘 時

  • we're just really excited it's a free ferry we should mention we didn't

    我們真的很興奮,它是免費的 輪渡,我們應該提到我們沒有

  • mention that so you think we like free things so we're gonna we're

    提到那個,你想 我們喜歡免費的東西,所以我們要

  • gonna enjoy our time and one last little bit of information guys

    要享受我們的時間和最後一點 一點信息的傢伙

  • is that the ferry crossing is only 28 minutes each way so it's a nice short

    渡輪只有28 每分鐘一分鐘,所以很短

  • ride nice short ride yep

    騎 是不錯的短途騎行

  • well hello hello we made it to whitehead we are yeah

    好,你好,我們到了白石 我們是

  • somewhere on the shores of the island we've been scrambling over rocks yeah

    在島上的某個地方 我們一直在爭奪岩石

  • doing a bit of hiking a bit of an adventurous path to be

    做一點遠足 有點冒險的道路

  • honest yes there's a tiny bit that's kind of marked

    老實說是的,有一點點 有標記的

  • and the rest we've just been kind of climbing over rocks

    其餘的我們只是 爬過岩石

  • and doing it ourselves yeah this is like a really nice place to come enjoy a

    自己做吧,這就像 一個非常好的地方來享受

  • picnic have a nap on the warm rocks there's

    野餐 在溫暖的岩石上小睡片刻

  • seagulls flying around we think we've seen a seal like its

    海鷗飛來飛去 我們認為我們已經看到像它的密封

  • little head pop out of the water and whoop back down yeah we were at a bit of

    小頭從水中彈出, 哎呀,是的,我們有點

  • a further vantage point and now that we're where

    進一步 優勢,現在我們在哪裡

  • we thought the seal was it hasn't reappeared

    我們以為印章還沒有 重新出現

  • yeah we're hoping to see it again yeah it's a little bit windy here so i hope

    是的,我們希望再次看到它 這裡有點風,所以我希望

  • you can hear us okay but it's really nice it's such a relaxed

    你可以聽到我們的聲音,但是 真的很好,這很輕鬆

  • island like it's even smaller than yamana and even less people living here

    像它甚至比 yamana甚至更少的人住在這裡

  • yeah so if gram and in is chillaxing this is super duper chillaxing

    是的,所以如果gram and in chillaxing 這是超級騙子

  • love it out here


  • so


  • we also made it down to the beach on whitehead island we dipped our feet in

    我們還把它帶到了海灘 懷特黑德島,我們浸入了腳

  • the waters and they were so numbingly glacial which explains why no one there

    水,他們是如此麻木 冰河解釋了為什麼沒有人在那裡

  • was swimming


  • later that afternoon back on gram and end we decided to tackle another hike

    那天下午晚些時候回到克 最後,我們決定解決另一次加息

  • our family friends were staying at anchorage provincial park so we walk the

    我們的家人朋友住在 錨地省立公園,所以我們走

  • red point trail which is a coastal trail that starts off

    紅點步道 這是一條沿海小路,始於

  • with a forest boardwalk and then leads down to the beach

    與森林木板路 然後通往海灘

  • that night sam and i went out for dinner at isla cocina

    那天晚上山姆,我出去吃飯了 在科西納島

  • the name translates to island kitchen and it's a food truck serving up mexican

    名稱翻譯為海島廚房 這是一輛為墨西哥人服務的食品卡車

  • food and seal cove we placed our order and then befriended

    食物和海豹灣 我們下訂單然後結識

  • the cute little pup who lives there


  • guys the food is here i am so hungry i've been looking forward to this

    伙計們在這裡我好餓 我一直很期待

  • all day long first up fish tacos they look delicious they come with a little

    他們整天都先吃炸玉米餅 看起來很好吃,他們來了一點

  • bit of fried rice beans then i'm really glad sam decided

    一點炒飯 豆,那麼我真的很高興山姆決定

  • to order a little side dish a little snack coconut shrimp

    點點小菜 零食椰子蝦

  • looks so good and then your quesadilla let's just dig on

    看起來很好,然後你的玉米餅 讓我們繼續

  • in shall we cherry


  • so how is it so good real corn tortillas i'm just so hungry you can feed me

    那麼真正的玉米餅怎麼這麼好 我好餓你可以餵我

  • anything right now look at that

    現在什麼 看那個

  • coconut coconutty as one would hope this was piping hot cause it's fresh out

    正如人們所希望的那樣 這是管道熱,因為它是新鮮的

  • of the fryer but it's got a nice sweetness to it

    炸鍋,但它有一個不錯的 甜蜜的

  • i like it


  • and you may have chosen the best one again i always do

    而您可能選擇了最好的一個 再一次我總是做

  • it always happens sam really knows how to order food

    山姆總是知道 點菜

  • every time he gets stuff his is like amazing

    每當他得到東西時,他就像 驚人

  • well i can't wait to try it we are in need of a little bit of caffeine this

    好吧,我等不及要嘗試它了 需要一點咖啡因

  • morning yeah we found a great place recommended

    早上 是的,我們發現了一個推薦的好地方

  • by our family friends gary and joan yes um which what's the area of this

    由我們的家人加里和瓊 是的,這是什麼領域

  • island i can't forget we just feel like we're just south of woodward's coast yes

    島嶼,我不能忘記我們只是覺得 我們就在伍德沃德的南部

  • exactly exactly and there's a giant coffee sign to lure

    恰好 還有一個誘人的咖啡招牌

  • you into this uh into this place

    你進入這個呃 進入這個地方

  • breakfast in the party mobile breakfast in the party mobile so i've got a peanut

    派對中的早餐移動早餐 在派對手機上,所以我有一個花生

  • butter square that has marshmallows i forget

    牛油 棉花糖我忘記的廣場

  • the name is this a rocky road i think this might be called rocky road i'm not

    我認為這是一條坎road的路 這可能被稱為坎y的路,我不是

  • entirely sure my mom you ordered what i have an

    完全確定 我媽媽,你下令我有一個

  • english muffin english muffin we've got french vanilla coffee yeah we

    英式鬆餅英式鬆餅 我們有法國香草咖啡,是的,

  • all have french vanilla coffee we do and mom's got a giant i'm going to

    都有法國香草咖啡 我們做到了,媽媽有個巨人,我要去

  • show them my mom it's bigger than my bigger than my face

    給他們看我媽媽 比我大,比我大

  • wow look at that so that's what we're having

    哇 看看那就是我們所擁有的

  • in the party van how's the coffee we had a little bit of an upgrade from

    在聚會貨車上,我們喝咖啡如何 從一點點升級

  • the coffee that we had this morning uh dish pan coffee maybe

    我們今天早上喝的咖啡 菜鍋咖啡也許

  • we called it retrograde or retrograde you know yeah retro bait

    我們稱之為逆行或逆行 你知道嗎,復古誘餌

  • retrofit


  • we went we went we went up to french vanilla

    我們去了我們去了法語 香草

  • french vanilla with butter cream with buttered cream yeah

    法國香草黃油奶油 黃油奶油

  • this is this tastes more like coffee believe me

    這嘗起來更像咖啡 相信我

  • it's very very easy


  • how's yours joan well it's chocolate macaroon

    你的瓊怎麼樣了,巧克力 蛋白杏仁餅乾

  • and as you can see i didn't care much about it i didn't like it at all

    如您所見,我不在乎 關於它,我一點都不喜歡

  • barely touched it let's get back to gary


  • after breakfast we drove up to north head to visit swallowtail lighthouse

    早餐後,我們開車往北 前往燕尾燈塔

  • this was the first lighthouse to be built on grand manan in response to a

    這是第一座燈塔 建立在宏偉的Manan上以應對

  • number of shipwrecks including the wreck of the lord

    沉船數 包括主的殘骸

  • ashburton in january 1857 where 21 sailors lost their lives the

    1857年1月,阿什伯頓 21名水手喪生

  • lighthouse was first lit in 1860 and a fog bell was later introduced in 1915

    燈塔於1860年首次點亮, 霧鐘後來於1915年推出

  • all right guys so this morning we are visiting

    好的,所以今天早上我們 來訪

  • the swallowtail lighthouse probably the most iconic lighthouse here in grand

    燕尾燈塔可能 盛大的最具標誌性的燈塔

  • manan it's on a peninsula so we had to cross a

    馬南 在一個半島上,所以我們不得不越過

  • little bridge over the small gorge to get here and it

    小橋 越過小峽谷到達這裡

  • is stunning we've got a bit of a gray overcast day but i feel like that just

    太神奇了,我們有點灰色 陰天,但我只是那樣

  • adds a little bit of moodiness to the place and the shots and

    給它增加了一點情緒 地方和鏡頭和

  • yeah it's just so beautiful you can smell

    是的,它是如此美麗,你可以 聞

  • that fresh sea breeze it's windy it's cool

    清新的海風刮風了 涼

  • there's also a lot of lookout points along the way so we're going to take you

    還有很多監視點 一路走來,我們將帶您

  • to a few and show you the views because it is really spectacular

    並向您展示一些觀點,因為 真的很棒

  • how's it how's it it's great i mean wait until you see this view

    怎麼樣很好我的意思是等一下 直到您看到此視圖

  • it is amazing wow talk about rugged coastline huh i

    太神奇了 哇,我說起崎coastline的海岸線,呵呵

  • know amazing hopefully you can hear what i'm

    知道 令人驚訝的希望你能聽到我的聲音

  • saying it's very windy here so cool

    說這里風很大 非常酷

  • swallowtail lighthouse was one of my favorite places on the island

    燕尾燈塔是我的其中之一 島上最喜歡的地方

  • things started off a little gray and overcast and we were seriously wondering

    事情開始有點灰, 陰,我們很想知道

  • if we were going to get rain but by the time we made it across the

    如果我們要下雨 但是到了那時我們在

  • bridge and over to the lighthouse the clouds had cleared and the sun was out

    跨接燈塔 晴間多雲

  • in full force the landscape was completely transformed

    全力以赴 風景完全改變了

  • in front of us i guess what they say about islands is true

    在我們面前,我猜他們在說什麼 關於島嶼是真的

  • if you don't like the weather just wait five minutes

    如果您不喜歡天氣,請稍候 5分鐘

  • uh

  • we had heard from a few people that swallowtail can be a good place to spot

    我們從一些人那裡聽說 燕尾魚可能是發現的好地方

  • whales we didn't get lucky this time though we

    鯨魚 雖然我們這次沒有幸運

  • did see some seals and the ferry heading back to the mainland

    確實看到了一些海豹和渡輪標題 回到大陸

  • we we just got a great selection of ellie's jellies

    我們只是有很多選擇 艾莉的果凍

  • uh i think we got five or six different flavors

    嗯,我想我們有五六個不同 風味

  • and uh which one are you looking forward to the most oh uh

    嗯,你在期待哪一個 盡最大的努力

  • baked apple jam that's awesome this one's apple jam

    很棒的烤蘋果醬 一個人的蘋果醬

  • one of joan and gary's favorite so the interesting thing is the person who

    瓊和加里的最愛之一,所以 有趣的是那個人

  • makes these is from gram and m but lived in gold

    使這些 來自克和米,但生活在黃金中

  • river where i grew up where we grew up for a while the other

    我長大的河 我們長大了一段時間

  • interesting thing about these here all the berries that are used are picked

    關於這些有趣的事情 採摘所有使用過的漿果

  • on grand manan island yeah there's no there's no imported

    在大馬南島上 是的,沒有,沒有進口

  • berries okay yeah so if you're coming to graham and ant

    漿果好吧,如果你要來 格雷厄姆和螞蟻

  • grab grab some ellie's jello jellies yeah there you go okay

    搶些埃莉的果凍 是的,你還可以

  • lunchtime was fast approaching so then we drove to sunrise foods in woodward's

    午餐時間快到了,所以 我們開車去伍德沃德的日出食品

  • cove if you're looking to try lobster rolls

    海灣 如果您想嘗試龍蝦卷

  • clams scallops or fish and chips this is the place to go i ordered the

    蛤扇貝或炸魚和薯條 這是我去的地方

  • scallops and chips and sam went for the fisherman's platter which came with

    扇貝,薯條和山姆去了 附帶的漁夫拼盤

  • fried clams scallops and fish a nice way to try a little bit of

    炸蛤扇貝和魚 一種嘗試一點點的好方法

  • everything also the portions were huge and we probably could have shared

    一切也很大 我們可能可以分享

  • we'd highly recommend coming to this place for seafood takeout if you're

    我們強烈建議您參加 如果你是海鮮外賣的地方

  • visiting grand manan now moving on to our final morning on

    來訪大馬南 現在進入我們的最後一個早晨

  • the island we couldn't leave graham and then without buying some dalts

    我們不能離開格雷厄姆的島嶼, 然後就不用買棉布了

  • in case you haven't heard of it adults is a type of red seaweed that grows in

    如果你沒有聽說過成年人 是一種生長在其中的紅海藻

  • the cold waters of the northern pacific and atlantic coastlines well it turns

    北太平洋的冷水 大西洋海岸線好轉

  • out that gram and nan exports adults all over the world

    那克和南出口成人 全世界

  • on a good year they can harvest as much as one million

    在豐收的一年裡,他們可以收穫很多 一百萬

  • pounds of wet vault and the very best is from dark arbor

    磅的濕金庫,最好的是 從黑暗的喬木

  • we drove to roland sea vegetables where we bought a one pound bag of dolls

    我們開車去羅蘭海菜 我們買了一袋一磅的洋娃娃

  • we've been using it in our ramen and also eating is a dry snack ever since we

    我們一直在拉麵中使用它 自從我們吃東西以來

  • came back from this trip i have a feeling it's going to last us

    從這次旅行回來 我有一種感覺,它將持續到我們身邊

  • until next year


  • and that was it for our visit to grand manan we had a ferry to catch so we

    就是為了我們的盛大訪問 Manan,我們有渡輪可以接,所以我們

  • drove to north head where we enjoyed a quick bite at the old wellhouse cafe

    開車去北頭,我們享受 在老韋爾豪斯咖啡館快速咬一口

  • before heading back to the mainland well guys that is a wrap for our visit

    回到大陸之前 好傢伙,這是我們參觀的包裹

  • to beautiful grand manan these past four days just

    到美麗 過去四天的盛大Manan

  • flew by i know it went so fast i can see how

    飛過 我知道進展如此之快,我可以看到

  • people come here for a week or even a month

    人們來這裡一周甚至一個 月

  • some people come and spend the whole summer here yeah so we loved it i'm sure

    有些人來花整個時間 夏天在這裡,是的,所以我們很喜歡

  • we're going to be back someday and now we know to stay for a full week

    我們有一天會回來 現在我們知道要待一整週

  • because there really is so so much to do yeah i couldn't imagine coming on just a

    因為確實有很多事情要做 是的,我簡直無法想像

  • day trip we saw a lot of the highlights but there is still

    一日遊,我們看到了很多亮點 但仍然有

  • more left to see yeah exactly if we came back again we'd probably do some sea

    還有更多的東西去看,如果我們來了 再回來我們可能會做些海事

  • kayaking we'd do a whale watching tour we go to a few other parts of the island

    劃皮艇,我們將去賞鯨之旅 我們去了島上的其他地方

  • we didn't get to dark arbor would have done that as well

    我們沒有去黑暗的喬木會 也做到了

  • so i mean it just shows you how much there is to do you should come for

    所以我的意思是它只是告訴你多少 你應該去做

  • definitely a few days and if you can stay longer consider doing that as well

    肯定幾天,如果可以的話 待更長的時間考慮也這樣做

  • so we hope you enjoy this video and we'll see you soon with

    所以我們希望您喜歡這個視頻, 我們會盡快與您見面

  • more adventures from atlantic canada exactly

    來自加拿大的更多冒險 究竟

  • thanks again for watching if you liked the episode don't forget

    再次感謝您觀看是否喜歡 情節別忘了

  • to subscribe and leave us a comment letting us know where else we should

    訂閱並給我們留言 讓我們知道我們還應該在哪裡

  • travel in canada see you next time

    在加拿大旅行 下次見

  • you

hey guys we're samuel and audrey and today we're

大家好 我們是塞繆爾和奧黛麗,今天我們是


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