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  • [Reporter: Christine Birak] Canadians are landing in emergency rooms asking if they have COVID-19.

    [記者:克莉絲汀.比拉克] 加拿大人一窩蜂衝進急診室,詢問他們是否有 COVID-19。

  • The University Health Network showed us what happens next.

    加拿大大學健康網絡醫院 (UHN) 帶我們看接下來會發生什麼事。

  • Minus the wait.


  • Hi, so we have a patient with a positive screening named Christine.


  • [Reporter] The screener share symptoms and travel history with a nurse who prepares to take a look.

    [記者] 進行篩檢的人會和準備檢查的護士分享旅遊史和症狀。

  • Now the person that's being screened is supposed to sit about two meters from other people that are in the waiting room.

    正要進行篩檢的人必須距離候診室內其他人大約 2 公尺。

  • Hi, Christine?


  • Hi.


  • Hi, my name is Cherry.

    嗨,我的名字是 Cherry。

  • I'm one of the nurses here.


  • You can please follow me.


  • [Reporter] More questions followed by a quick exam.

    [記者] 病患會被問一些問題,接著進行快速的檢查。

  • The information then gets passed on to the doctor.


  • [Nurse] Then she or he will decide whether to do a swab or not to test for COVID.

    [護士] 然後,她或他會決定是否進行拭子測試來檢驗 COVID。

  • [Reporter] After a quick check, the ER doctor makes the call.

    [記者] 快速檢查後,急診醫生會做決定。

  • A nasal swab goes down the throat or up through the nose.


  • So, if you can pull down your mask.


  • Okay, I've never had this done before.


  • [Reporter] Yes, it's startling but it's over in a moment.

    [記者] 是的,這個畫面有點驚人,但是一下就結束了。

  • [Nurse] That's it.

    [護士] 就這樣。

  • It's all done.


  • [Reporter] The results take 24 hours but doctors urge people not to just show up in hospital.

    [記者] 檢驗結果需要等 24 小時,但醫生勸民眾不要突然出現在醫院就診。

  • [Dr. Erin O'Connor] We need to be very careful about is not over burdening the department, so that we can still look after the very sick people.

    [醫生 Erin O'Connor] 我們需要非常小心,不要讓各部門負擔太大,我們才能繼續照顧生重病的人。

  • [Reporter] Staff are also preparing for those scenarios.

    [記者] 醫護人員也在為這些情況做準備。

  • [Dr. Erin O'Connor] We also have been really running drills on the worst case scenario, which is that if a patient comes in with COVID-19 and is in a cardiac arrest situation.

    [醫生 Erin O'Connor] 我們確實也以最糟糕的情況進行演習,也就是如果患者已感染 COVID-19 並處於心臟停搏的狀態。

  • [Reporter] It's a mannequin but in case you missed it, it exhaled, spraying workers like a patient.

    [記者] 這是一個人體模型,但如果你剛剛沒注意到的話,它呼氣了,像病人一樣口沫噴灑到醫護人員。

  • Afterwards, UV light reveals how far germs can travel.


  • [ER Doctor] It's stressful, yeah.

    [急診醫生] 對呀,壓力非常大。

  • It's very stressful and anxiety-provoking.


  • [Reporter] Reminding everyone, as this outbreak evolves, proper precautions must be taken by health care workers and patients alike.

    [記者] 提醒大家,隨著疫情惡化,醫護人員和患者都必須採取適當的預防措施。

  • Christine Birak, CBC News, Toronto.

    克莉絲汀.比拉克,CBC 新聞,多倫多。

[Reporter: Christine Birak] Canadians are landing in emergency rooms asking if they have COVID-19.

[記者:克莉絲汀.比拉克] 加拿大人一窩蜂衝進急診室,詢問他們是否有 COVID-19。

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