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  • good morning good morning good morning guys were up bright and early braving

    早上好早上好 大家都很聰明,很早就勇敢了

  • the elements it's very chilly there's a boat like almost a 15 to 20 degree

    元素很冷,有一個 船差不多15至20度

  • temperature difference between mid-afternoon and morning like you have

    之間的溫差 下午中午和早晨像你一樣

  • them bundle up you can see our breath right now yeah you can you can look at

    他們捆綁在一起,你可以看到我們的呼吸 現在是的,你可以看看

  • that maybe no quite it's there it's there but today we are up an early

    那也許不完全是 那裡,但是今天我們早起了

  • because we are joining a tour we're going to be driving the road of the 7

    因為我們正在參加巡迴演出 將會推動7的發展

  • lakes in patagonia yeah and it's between where we're staying right now san martin de los

    是巴塔哥尼亞的湖泊,是在我們之間 馬上入住聖馬丁德洛斯

  • andes and villa la angostura 107 kilometers yes seven lakes seven lakes in argentina we go

    安第斯山脈和安格斯圖拉別墅107公里 是的七個湖在阿根廷的七個湖我們去

  • through National Park yes meant to be one of the most beautiful drives in the

    通過國家公園是的意思是 最漂亮的驅動器之一

  • whole country yeah it's gonna be a full-day excursion exactly and we're

    整個國家,是的 完全是一日遊,我們

  • doing a tour but it's also very popular as a do-it-yourself option as well if

    進行遊覽,但也很受歡迎 作為自己動手的選擇,如果

  • you have your own vehicle like if you've driven here or you rent a car something

    你有自己的車,就像你有 開車到這里或你租車的東西

  • you can do on your own but the easiest thing for us to do is to join a tour and

    您可以自己做,但最簡單 我們要做的就是參加旅行團,

  • I what we're doing so we're waiting for a bus to arrive yeah it is early we

    我正在做什麼,所以我們在等待 一輛公共汽車到達是的,我們還早

  • picked up a few passengers in town and then it was time to hit the road this

    在鎮上接了幾名乘客, 然後是時候上路了

  • famous drive known as the route of the 7 lakes goes through two national parks

    著名的七號公路 湖泊穿過兩個國家公園

  • Lanín and Nahuel Huapi and along the way you get to witness vast forest

    Lanín和Nahuel Huapi以及沿途 你可以看到廣闊的森林

  • snow-capped mountains and of course the seven lakes it's a full-day excursion in

    雪山,當然 七個湖泊,全天遊覽

  • the sight from the lakes we also made stops at scenic lookouts a waterfall and

    我們從湖上看到的景象 停在風景秀麗的望台,瀑布和

  • the town of Villa La Angostura where we had some free time to explore

    拉安格斯托拉別墅鎮 我們有一些空閒時間去探索

  • but more on that later first official stop of the day we are at

    但以後會更多 我們今天的第一個正式停留地

  • Cascada Vuliñanco waterfall oh yeah it's got a means


  • waterfall there you have it you have it and the weather has been fascinating we

    瀑佈在那裡,你擁有它,你擁有它 天氣一直讓我們著迷

  • started off with pure Sun when we left and then we went into thick cloud and

    當我們離​​開時從純太陽開始 然後我們進入濃雲

  • fog oh yeah I know it's lifted again where we are but man see it's still in

    霧哦,是的,我知道它又升起了 我們在哪裡,但男人看到它仍然在

  • the distance yeah from the bow it's just fog later felt like driving through

    距離弓的距離是 霧以後感覺就像開車穿過

  • clouds so there's typically one more stop prior to this but because we

    雲,所以通常還有一個 在此之前停止,但是因為我們

  • couldn't see anything and we're gonna do it on the way back in the afternoon

    什麼都看不到,我們要做 下午回來的路上

  • hopefully the the fog will in the cosmos yeah

    希望霧會在宇宙中 是的

  • so we are now at our second stop that was a very short Drive this one is Lake

    所以我們現在在第二站 開車很短,這是湖

  • Falkner it's very beautiful there's a read along the edge of the lake and

    福克納非常美麗 沿著湖邊看書,

  • there's still clouds hanging low in the horizon it's a very quiet lake as well

    仍然有低雲垂下 地平線也是一個非常安靜的湖

  • great peaceful this is the most tranquil spot we've well they've only had

    太和平了,這是最寧靜的 發現我們很好,他們只有

  • suddenly our second stop but the most tranquil so far I'd say yeah and they

    突然我們第二站,但最 到目前為止我很安靜,他們會

  • said there's no camping here but there's a beautiful beach where you can come and

    說這裡沒有露營,但是有 一個美麗的海灘,在那裡你可以來

  • spend the day you can bring your camper van and whatever so it's very nice also

    度過一天可以帶你的露營者 麵包車等等,這也很好

  • I've been I've been reading the information this one's named this lake

    我一直在讀 信息這個人叫這個湖

  • is named after Thomas Falkner who was a Jesuit missionary and a scientist and an

    以托馬斯·福爾克納(Thomas Falkner)的名字命名, 耶穌會傳教士,科學家和

  • explorer fascinating I've found that its name always a forever what a motor

    探險家著迷,我發現它 永遠永遠叫什麼馬達

  • pumping my shot the fog started to lift about mid morning and we were finally

    抽了我的槍,霧開始散開 大約中午,我們終於

  • able to see the mountain ranges and forests all around us in patagonia as we drove along

    能夠看到山脈和 當我們開車時,我們周圍的森林在巴塔哥尼亞

  • route 40 our guide and shared some fun facts about the places we were visiting

    路線40我們的嚮導,並分享了一些樂趣 關於我們去過的地方的事實

  • and also made sure to teach us about the local flora and fauna they also had

    並且一定要教我們關於 他們也有當地的動植物

  • plenty of time to snap photos at each stop

    每次都有足夠的時間拍攝照片 停

  • we are now visiting lago escondido which means hidden lake it's the smallest lake

    我們現在正在訪問潟湖埃斯孔迪多 意味著隱藏的湖是最小的湖

  • we're going to visit on this tour and it is surrounded by trees I believe these

    我們將在這次旅行中參觀 被樹木包圍,我相信這些

  • are called go away and our tour guide was explaining that the lake looks green

    被稱為走開,我們的導遊 在解釋湖看起來很綠

  • because of the reflection of the trees that surrounded and apparently this

    因為樹木的倒影 包圍,顯然這

  • forest is also home to the putu putu which is the smallest deer in the world

    森林也是普圖普圖的故鄉 這是世界上最小的鹿

  • it lives here


  • our next stop was at a guesthouse in camping spot which is located on the

    我們的下一站是在 露營地位於

  • shores of Lago Correntoso awesome here we encountered a little farm with ducks

    Lago Correntoso海岸很棒,我們在這裡 遇到一個小鴨子的農場

  • geese cats and dogs it was my happy place we have now

    鵝貓和狗 那是我現在擁有的快樂的地方

  • stopped that local and also best stop ever because we've seen ducks

    停止了本地活動,也最好停止 曾經因為我們看過鴨子

  • dogs cats Sam has befriended a fluffy little cat grooming Meow's is having a bath

    狗貓山姆結識了一隻毛茸茸的小貓 修飾喵的洗個澡

  • they also had coffee and salty Donuts for sales so I got a little mid-morning

    他們還喝咖啡和鹹甜甜圈 進行銷售,所以我上午有一點點

  • snack what do you munching on little snack

    小吃 你在小點心上嚼什麼

  • it's called torta frita fried cake it's like a salty doughnut made with grease

    叫做torta frita炸蛋糕 像用油脂製成的鹹甜甜圈

  • and I mostly got it to have something warm to hold in my hands because it is

    我主要是得到一些東西 溫暖握在我手中,因為它

  • ice cold do you remember to get me one no how

    冰冷 你記得讓我一個不怎麼

  • much were they by the way I think 15 I just handed over a bill and got some

    我覺得他們有很多15我 剛交了賬單,拿了一些

  • change okay


  • nextly guys this one is called Lago Espeio which means at Mirror Lake I'd say it

    接下來的傢伙,這個叫Lago Espeio 這意味著在鏡湖我會說

  • lives up to its name wouldn't you sounds glued to the camera Lika speck

    不辜負它的名字不是嗎 聲音粘在相機上Lika斑點

  • Lake Espeio really lives up to its name with its near like waters this was the calmest of

    Espeio湖的名氣實在不負眾望 就像水一樣,這是最平靜的

  • the lakes we visited that day and we could see the clouds trees and mountains

    我們那天去的湖泊,我們 可以看到雲霧樹木和山脈

  • all reflected in the water it was a thing of beauty and here we have Lake

    全部反映在水中,這是一個 美麗的東西,在這裡我們有湖

  • Lago Lake Nahuel huapi this is the last of the seven lakes before reaching the town of

    Lago湖Nahuel花皮這是最後的 到達七個小鎮之前的七個湖泊

  • Villa La Angostura in Argentina I'm starting to get hungry

    我在阿根廷的Villa La Angostura 飢餓

  • so ready for lunch


  • we then drove to the town of Villa La Angostura where we had been a few days

    然後,我們驅車前往Villa La鎮 我們去過幾天的Angostura

  • prior this time making a stop in puerto Mansano

    之前這次在波多黎各停留 滿野野

  • we had some free time to walk around the port and snap some photos this location

    我們有一些空閒時間來逛逛 在此位置移植並拍攝一些照片

  • is slightly outside of the town and not as easy to reach on foot but it has lots

    稍微在城外,而不是 步行即可輕鬆到達,但是有很多東西

  • of hotels cottages and beautiful beaches so I'm glad we got to see it

    酒店別墅和美麗的海灘 所以我很高興我們能看到它

  • well guys we're back in town back in Villa La Angostura and

    好傢伙,我們回到城裡 回到Villa Angostura和

  • they've given us 30 minutes to go and visit the two bays Bahia Brava Bahia Mansa via but we've already been here and there done that it's beautiful beautiful

    他們給了我們30分鐘的路程, 參觀兩個海灣Bahia Brava Bahia Mansa,但我們已經在這裡了 做到那是美麗的美麗

  • but we did it Audrey is more hungry than anything else we still have 30 minutes

    但是我們做到了奧黛麗比飢餓更餓 還有30分鐘

  • before we can go for food so I got an Alfajor oh look at the filling in

    在我們可以去吃飯之前,我得到了 Alfajor哦,看看填充

  • there that's a generous amount that's an insane about did a good way how is it

    那是一個很大的數目 發瘋了,這是個好方法

  • and this pack of three was what 40 40 pesos so basically just slightly over a

    這三包是40 40 比索,所以基本上只是略高於

  • US dollar that's a pretty good deal I can't wait to try mine

    美元,這筆交易相當不錯 等不及要嘗試我的

  • and then it was finally time for lunch we certainly could have tried a new

    然後終於是時候吃午飯了 我們當然可以嘗試一個新的

  • restaurant but if you've been following our videos you know that we became

    餐廳,但如果您一直在關注 我們的視頻,你知道我們成為了

  • slightly obsessed with the food at El Esquiador during our stay in this town I

    在我們住在這個城鎮期間,我對El Esquiador的食物有些著迷

  • think this was our fifth time eating there in the span of a week and the best

    認為這是我們第五次吃飯 在一周的時間裡最好

  • thing about coming back here is I guess it you had our favorite restaurant a bit

    我想回到這裡的事情 你有我們最喜歡的餐廳

  • our bodegon el esquiador and we ordered our favorite dish yes the deer the

    我們的Bodegon El esquiador,我們 點了我們最喜歡的菜,是鹿

  • air we're like reliving our best meal today and I'm so excited for this idea

    空氣,我們就像在享受我們最好的一餐 今天,我為這個想法感到非常興奮

  • we weren't sure if he's gonna be open to Sunday yeah we had our fingers crossed

    我們不確定他是否願意接受 星期天是的,我們的手指交叉了

  • really no lucky open we're so lucky to complementary bread basket you guys yes

    真的沒有運氣很幸運 補充麵包籃你們是的

  • suffice it to say it was delicious but you already knew that

    可以說很好吃 但是你已經知道

  • after lunch we met up with the rest of the group and started the drive back to

    午餐後,我們見了其餘的 小組並開始開車回

  • san martin de los andes you guys know me of course I instantly fell asleep the

    你們知道我的聖馬丁德洛斯安第斯 當然我立刻就睡著了

  • minute I got on the bus so here are some beautiful landscapes that Sam filmed

    分鐘我上車,所以這裡有一些 山姆拍攝的美麗風景

  • along the way by the time I woke up but we were arriving at our seventh lake in patagonia and

    一路上我醒來的時候 我們到達了巴塔哥尼亞的第七湖,

  • final stop of the day and here is our final Lake of the day this was meant to

    一天的最後一站,這是我們的 這一天的最後一個湖是為了

  • be our first Lake Lago Machónico there were low-hanging clouds covering

    成為我們的第一個LagoMachónico湖 低垂的雲層覆蓋

  • our view this morning when we drove past so we stopped just now we're almost back

    我們今天早上開車經過時的看法 所以我們剛停下來就快回來了

  • San Martin De Los Andes on this beautiful all the lakes have been beautiful what can I

    聖馬丁·德·洛斯·安第斯山脈上的所有美麗 湖泊很美我能做什麼

  • say lastly of the day mr. cameraman it's hard to believe been to a lot of all

    最後一天說先生。攝影師 很難相信所有人

  • been impressive like this one yeah there's you've been able to walk right

    像這樣令人印象深刻 你已經能夠正確行走

  • now leak yeah smaller or bigger yes we've had completely different light and

    現在洩漏是較小還是較大是 我們擁有完全不同的光線

  • weather throughout the day so what more could you ask for right mm-hmm

    整天的天氣,還有什麼 你能要求合適的mm-hmm嗎

  • glad you did the trip yeah definitely


  • well well guys Rebecca knows a wonderful tour Oh triangle oh my gosh like the

    好吧,麗貝卡知道一個很棒的人 遊覽三角形哦我的天哪

  • amount of beautiful lakes in this region and it's all just within or roughly 100

    該地區美麗的湖泊數量 都在100左右以內

  • kilometers - yeah that's my shocking I have to see it like when we were first

    公里-是的,這讓我震驚 就像我們剛開始時一樣

  • thinking about like Oh what tours can we do around here and Sam wanted to do the

    想像哦,我們可以進行哪些旅行 在這裡做,山姆想做

  • 7 lakes in Argentina I was against it because we had already traveled by bus yeah

    我反對阿根廷的7個湖泊,因為我們有 已經坐公交了

  • from Villa La Angostura to summer theme that us on dislike the exact same

    從Villa Angostura到夏天 我們完全不喜歡的主題

  • rap it's like we're gonna drive that again there and back why do you what but

    說唱就像我們要開車 再次回到那裡,為什麼你呢,但是

  • yeah it was really cool because this time around we got to stop at the

    是的,這真的很酷,因為這 時間到了,我們必須停在

  • different lookout points yeah and like we got to go down to the lake for a few

    不同的監視點,是的,就像 我們得去湖邊走幾步

  • of the stops and we got to meet some nice cats and dogs and ducks and geese I

    停下來了,我們得見一些 好貓,狗,鴨和鵝我

  • think he's so there's wildlife and then what was it the Sheep that no the Sheep

    認為他是野生動物,然後 什麼是綿羊,沒有綿羊

  • what I don't have the receipt crossing except sheep it was it's been a long day

    我沒有收據口岸的東西 除了羊,這是漫長的一天

  • in the floods are those creatures so yeah what we're all fantastic guys if

    在洪水中是那些生物 是的,如果我們都是很棒的人

  • you're if you're on the fence whether to do it or not absolutely do it again we

    你是否在籬笆上是否 再做一次還是不絕對做一次

  • had a really good guide and Driver enthusiastic people who really enjoyed

    有一個非常好的嚮導和司機 真正喜歡的熱情的人

  • their job joint socializing with people which I've really good luck in Argentina

    他們的工作與人一起社交 我在阿根廷真的很幸運

  • with really good tour leaders they've all been just enthusiastic and great I

    他們有非常優秀的領隊 所有人都熱情而偉大

  • mean the tour was in Spanish so I didn't understand everything

    意思是這次旅行是西班牙語的,所以我沒有 了解一切

  • hey I translated for you of it it'd be important before the fact but um oh we

    嘿,我為你翻譯了 重要的是事實,但嗯,我們

  • should mention them right so let me pulled up out of my purse so I can tell

    應該說對了,所以讓我 從錢包裡拿出來,所以我可以告訴

  • you the truth okay so yeah we're just having up the county here which is a

    你真相好,是的,我們只是 在這裡有一個縣

  • typical plate that we prepare our crackers fruit pears tomatoes

    我們準備我們的典型盤子 餅乾水果梨西紅柿

  • nuts okay so I have the ticket in hand now the price for the tour

    好了,所以我手裡有票 現在的旅遊價格

  • was sixteen hundred pesos per person which is basically $40 yeah there are no

    每人一千六百比索 基本上是40美元,是的,沒有

  • extra costs like no entrance fees anywhere we just have to take care of

    沒有入場費的額外費用 我們只需要照顧的任何地方

  • our own lunch they suggested a restaurant meet but we decided to it's

    我們自己的午餐,他們建議 餐廳見面,但我們決定去

  • our favorite because I already know the food there and when I ask people later

    我們最喜歡的,因為我已經知道 那裡的食物,以後我問人們時

  • like oh how was lunch they said you know so-so in a bit over price so maybe my

    像哦,午餐怎麼樣,他們說你知道 一般般有點過高的價格,所以也許我的

  • only suggestion for the tour would be find your own restaurants you do your

    這次旅行的唯一建議是 找到自己的餐廳,你做你的

  • own yeah and I mean the further you eat away from the center the cheap it will

    是的,我的意思是你吃得越遠 遠離中心便宜

  • mean it's definitely more touristy and in a particular town but um overall just

    意味著它絕對更旅遊, 在一個特定的城鎮,但總體而言,

  • a great tour I do it again tomorrow that's how fun it was I wouldn't take it

    很棒的旅行,明天我再做一次 那就是我不願意接受的樂趣

  • again tomorrow but it's worth doing once anyway that's it that's it for now and

    明天再來一次,但值得一次 無論如何,僅此而已,

  • we'll see you with the next episode and that's all for today thanks for watching

    我們下集會再見 今天就這些了,謝謝收看

  • and if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and hit that

    如果您喜歡這部影片,請不要 忘記訂閱並點擊

  • notification bell see you soon with more videos from Patagonia Argentina

    通知鈴聲,稍後再見 巴塔哥尼亞阿根廷的視頻

  • you

good morning good morning good morning guys were up bright and early braving

早上好早上好 大家都很聰明,很早就勇敢了


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