# 佳句 來源影片
1 GSR 精通英文不是夢!如何有效率地學習多國語言? (How You Can Achieve Fluency Like Polyglots)
2 c 【商用英文】超實用職場英文!拒絕無效溝通!(STOP communicating INEFFECTIVELY)
3 d 【TEDx】The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin | TEDxOcala
4 u 【TEDx】別再自欺欺人了!你其實還沒踏出舒適圈 (TEDxSF - Mel Robbins - F--- YOU - How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over)
5 u 【TED】提姆.哈福特: 煩亂如何激發創意 (How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford)
6 "Your absence has gone through me 【TED】面對死亡,生命的意義為何? (What makes life worth living in the face of death | Lucy Kalanithi)
7 p 【TED】朱利安.崔久: 怎麼說才動聽? (How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure)
8 Even Carl Jung 【TED】Susan Cain:內向者的力量 The power of introverts
9 i 2007年比爾蓋茲哈佛大學演講 (Bill Gates Harvard Commencement Address 2007)
10 m 【TEDx】職場會幫你找到自我嗎?(What if the job market helped you to discover yourself? | Jannike Stöhr | TEDxVienna)
11 t 【TED】提姆.哈福特: 煩亂如何激發創意 (How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford)
12 a 【TED】和我說說書呆子的事 (Melissa Marshall: Talk nerdy to me)
13 c 【TED】和我說說書呆子的事 (Melissa Marshall: Talk nerdy to me)
14 i 【TED】我們可以從恐懼中學到什麼?(Karen Thompson Walker: What fear can teach us)
15 c 【TEDx】學習方式以及自我省思的重要性 (Learning styles & the importance of critical self-reflection | Tesia Marshik | TEDxUWLaCrosse)
16 n 【TEDx】學習方式以及自我省思的重要性 (Learning styles & the importance of critical self-reflection | Tesia Marshik | TEDxUWLaCrosse)
17 o 【TEDx】學習方式以及自我省思的重要性 (Learning styles & the importance of critical self-reflection | Tesia Marshik | TEDxUWLaCrosse)
18 e 【TED】為失敗而慶祝,有這些你意想不到的好處 (The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure | Astro Teller)
19 f 【TEDx】投資自己的教育價值 (Federico Pistono at TEDxTaipei 2013)
20 c 【TEDx】投資自己的教育價值 (Federico Pistono at TEDxTaipei 2013)
21 m 【TEDx】就算你是錯的,為什麼你還是覺得你是對的 (Why "scout mindset" is crucial to good judgment | Julia Galef | TEDxPSU)
22 r 【TEDx】職場會幫你找到自我嗎?(What if the job market helped you to discover yourself? | Jannike Stöhr | TEDxVienna)
23 s 【TED】正向心理學的新時代 (Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology)
24 c 【TEDx】美夢成真的不變法則,做就對了! (Make your dreams a reality | Rasandeep Sagoo | TEDxYouth@Hounslow)
25 o 【TEDx】學習如何將你正在做的事做到好,並成為好的領導者 (Learning to be awesome at anything you do, including being a leader | Tasha Eurich | TEDxMileHigh)
26 a 【TED】你知道笑也會傳染嗎?專家告訴你我們會「笑」的原因 Sophie Scott: Why we laugh


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