# 佳句 來源影片
1 We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. 【TEDx】學著問為什麼 (Ask Why | Andrew Higginson | TEDxBrentwoodCollegeSchool)
2 nd if you give both of them cucumber for the task, the two monkeys side by side, they're perfectly willing 【TED】公平的研究:什麼?如果猴子被不平等地對待... Two Monkeys Were Paid Unequally: Excerpt from Frans de Waal's TED Talk
3 when the number of possibilities is so huge, but I push you to consider the option of focusing on just one task, or maybe turning your digital senses totally off 【TED】別一心多用了!專心把一件事做好吧 (Paolo Cardini: Forget multitasking, try monotasking)
4 Payphone may actually even be free calls because, who cares, we don't need those quarters. We're on Wi-Fi right now. 投幣電話該消失嗎?你所不知背後的秘密!(The Pay Phone Repairmen of New York City)
5 rejected 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
6 I loved the job, I really did. But the relationship was over and I didn't know how to end it and then it broke up with me. 【TEDx】停止尋找你的熱情 (Stop searching for your passion | Terri Trespicio | TEDxKC)
7 In fact, don't ever base any of our action or behavior on the assumption that we are on our period. unless you physically see me opening a pad. Don't just assume because I'm angry, I'm on my period. 男女都該知道的-月經真相(Girls on periods)
8 So again, it's poetic, you might call it melodramatic. but this is something you really have to understand the culture to get. 【TEDx】打破語言的藩籬(中英字幕)(Breaking the language barrier | Tim Doner | TEDxTeen 2014)
9 It goes into a million pieces, splashes up all over me. 我衰爆了!都是你的錯! (Brené Brown on Blame)
10 These are people who remain introverts in their thinking process, causing them to be more thoughtful and self-reflective. 10個小地方,看出這個內向的人其實喜歡你 (10 Signs an Introvert Likes You)


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