# 佳句 來源影片
1 Instacart 【CNN10】美國勒令停工、搶購亂象、世界上最小的恐龍 (It's Shutdown City | March 18, 2020)
2 res 【人權教育】政府斷網打壓示威!言論自由遭受威脅!(How Governments Shut Down the Internet | WSJ)
3 Usually when you type in a URL or hit an app icon, the Domain Name System looks up that address and resolves it to a string of pre-assigned numbers. 【人權教育】政府斷網打壓示威!言論自由遭受威脅!(How Governments Shut Down the Internet | WSJ)
4 Advocates for an open Internet say shutdowns can cripple economies and disrupt daily life all while curtailing civil rights, so here's how governments can kick you off the internet 【人權教育】政府斷網打壓示威!言論自由遭受威脅!(How Governments Shut Down the Internet | WSJ)
5 grocery store shelves have been ransacked 【新冠肺炎】居家檢疫好煎熬?來點精神糧食慰藉不能出門的空虛!(Foods You'll Regret Not Having During A Coronavirus Quarantine)
6 ransacked 【新冠肺炎】居家檢疫好煎熬?來點精神糧食慰藉不能出門的空虛!(Foods You'll Regret Not Having During A Coronavirus Quarantine)
7 ransacked 【新冠肺炎】居家檢疫好煎熬?來點精神糧食慰藉不能出門的空虛!(Foods You'll Regret Not Having During A Coronavirus Quarantine)
8 repercussions 養成習慣好難?五招讓你成功培養好習慣! (Five tips to get a new habit to stick | BBC Ideas)
9 gums 養成習慣好難?五招讓你成功培養好習慣! (Five tips to get a new habit to stick | BBC Ideas)
10 exponentially 用一句話描述這些國家! (30 countries described in 1 sentence)
11 grease 用一句話描述這些國家! (30 countries described in 1 sentence)
12 anthem 用一句話描述這些國家! (30 countries described in 1 sentence)
13 disdain 內向者的 12 個優勢 (第 1 部份 - 動畫重製) (12 Strengths of an Introvert (Part 1 - Animation Remake))
14 Humans are hard-wired to feel pain when excluded. 被拒絕了怎麼辦 (Dealing With Rejection)
15 Maybe you can help elaborate on it, 新加坡 星式英語 非英語 (Singlish: The Singaporean English)
16 to start over again with lessons learned. 【TED】成功的關鍵-意志力 (The key to success - Grit - by AngelaDuckworth)
17 Winning the Triple Crown is hard to do, even for an animal born to run. June 5, 2015 - CNN Student News with subtitle


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