# 佳句 來源影片
1 kicks ass 【阿滴英文】畢業典禮上五種哭的方式!(All About Graduation)
2 privilege of 【阿滴英文】畢業典禮上五種哭的方式!(All About Graduation)
3 time slot 【阿滴英文】畢業典禮上五種哭的方式!(All About Graduation)
4 I decided to eliminate negative energy from my life. 【TED】Ric Elias:墜機讓我學到的三件事 (3 things I learned while my plane crashed | Ric Elias)
5 brace for impact 【TED】Ric Elias:墜機讓我學到的三件事 (3 things I learned while my plane crashed | Ric Elias)
6 on the flip side 總是睡不飽?到底要睡多久才足夠?(How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?)
7 strike up 旅遊時想結交外國朋友?這篇告訴你技巧! (Travel Tips: How to Talk to Strangers)
8 fallen down a sort of rabbit hole 老闆是在開玩笑嗎? (Is The Boss Joking? // Colleagues)
9 self-conscious 【多元文化】童年零食好滋味,外國人不懂的口味!東西方零食大不同 (Asian Food)
10 in terms of 為何感到悲傷時,有時其實是因為憤怒? (Why We May Be Angry Rather Than Sad)
11 swept away 為何感到悲傷時,有時其實是因為憤怒? (Why We May Be Angry Rather Than Sad)
12 At the dawn of 為什麼早期卡通人物都要戴手套?卡通裡你不知道的事 (Why cartoon characters wear gloves)
13 At the dawn of animation, everything was hand-drawn over 為什麼早期卡通人物都要戴手套?卡通裡你不知道的事 (Why cartoon characters wear gloves)
14 work-intensive 為什麼早期卡通人物都要戴手套?卡通裡你不知道的事 (Why cartoon characters wear gloves)
15 come up a lot 為什麼早期卡通人物都要戴手套?卡通裡你不知道的事 (Why cartoon characters wear gloves)
16 get knocked down 兩分鐘帶你瞭解成功的關鍵:恆毅力 (Grit: The Key to Your Success at FLVS)
17 root of 悲觀主義如何拯救愛情 (How to Save Love with Pessimism)
18 balance each other out 【TED-Ed】用聰明的方法計算大數字 (A clever way to estimate enormous numbers - Michael Mitchell)
19 work with 【TED-Ed】用聰明的方法計算大數字 (A clever way to estimate enormous numbers - Michael Mitchell)
20 hitting rock bottom 【艾倫秀】Note 7 狂爆!艾倫對於三星議題怎麼說? (Samsung's Issues Are Heating Up)
21 supposed to 【艾倫秀】Note 7 狂爆!艾倫對於三星議題怎麼說? (Samsung's Issues Are Heating Up)
22 Booty call 【艾倫秀】Note 7 狂爆!艾倫對於三星議題怎麼說? (Samsung's Issues Are Heating Up)
23 make the cut 【艾倫秀】Note 7 狂爆!艾倫對於三星議題怎麼說? (Samsung's Issues Are Heating Up)
24 make the cut 【艾倫秀】Note 7 狂爆!艾倫對於三星議題怎麼說? (Samsung's Issues Are Heating Up)
25 loyal customer 【艾倫秀】Note 7 狂爆!艾倫對於三星議題怎麼說? (Samsung's Issues Are Heating Up)
26 wise man 一口氣幫你抱怨完:英文真的很有毛病!(English Is Crazy!)
27 wise guy 一口氣幫你抱怨完:英文真的很有毛病!(English Is Crazy!)
28 a range of 逃離北韓之後真的從此一帆風順嗎?帶你來認識脫北者的困境與辛酸!(What Happens To North Korean Defectors?)
29 stable employment 逃離北韓之後真的從此一帆風順嗎?帶你來認識脫北者的困境與辛酸!(What Happens To North Korean Defectors?)
30 high ranking officials 逃離北韓之後真的從此一帆風順嗎?帶你來認識脫北者的困境與辛酸!(What Happens To North Korean Defectors?)
31 refer 網路爆紅:地表最狂的蜜獾!狂到影片旁白失控亂講話 (The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall))
32 peaked in 你傳送出去的那些訊息,到底最後去哪裡了? (Where Do Your Texts Go?)
33 third wheel 【Superwoman】當你的摯友戀愛時,你也會這樣抓狂嗎? (When Your BFF Is In a Relationship (ft. Colleen & Joshua))
34 freak out 【Superwoman】當你的摯友戀愛時,你也會這樣抓狂嗎? (When Your BFF Is In a Relationship (ft. Colleen & Joshua))
35 process involved 【達人教室】台灣人學英文常見的四大問題,你是不是也有呢? (ProTip // 4 Common English Problems Taiwanese Students Have)
36 certain climates 【TED-Ed】為何有那麼多種類的蘋果呢? (Why are there so many types of apples? - Theresa Doud)
37 straight face 【新聞急先鋒】美國不再是全世界最偉大的國家了 (Why America is NOT the greatest country in the world anymore - The Newsroom)


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