# 佳句 來源影片
1 very specific 究竟太晚吃東西真的不好嗎? (Is Eating Late At Night Really That Bad For You?)
2 very specific 究竟太晚吃東西真的不好嗎? (Is Eating Late At Night Really That Bad For You?)
3 diet fads 究竟太晚吃東西真的不好嗎? (Is Eating Late At Night Really That Bad For You?)
4 late at night 究竟太晚吃東西真的不好嗎? (Is Eating Late At Night Really That Bad For You?)
5 court 以後一卡只能帶一人!美國好市多會員新條款上路! (Costco Is Making A Big Change To Its Membership Policy)
6 across the world 喜歡旅遊錯了嗎?旅遊業的黑暗面 (Too Many People Want to Travel)
7 lodgings 喜歡旅遊錯了嗎?旅遊業的黑暗面 (Too Many People Want to Travel)
8 has come out of 喜歡旅遊錯了嗎?旅遊業的黑暗面 (Too Many People Want to Travel)
9 global middle class 喜歡旅遊錯了嗎?旅遊業的黑暗面 (Too Many People Want to Travel)
10 forced to go to sleep 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
11 Instead of normal question about 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
12 stem from opportunity 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
13 theories 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
14 nutrient-dense 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
15 nutrient 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
16 on the counter 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
17 you tend to grab 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
18 limits the energy required to perform these tasks, 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
19 our bodies are still hard at work when we're sleeping, 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
20 even though 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
21 even though 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
22 even though 不吃晚餐會變胖!?肚子餓著上床睡覺會怎麼樣? (What If You Go To Sleep Hungry? - Dear Blocko #23)
23 utures contract 價格「知道」什麼你所不知道的? (What Do Prices 'Know' That You Don't?)
24 have hit record highs 價格「知道」什麼你所不知道的? (What Do Prices 'Know' That You Don't?)
25 corn crop yields 價格「知道」什麼你所不知道的? (What Do Prices 'Know' That You Don't?)
26 oy paste all 價格「知道」什麼你所不知道的? (What Do Prices 'Know' That You Don't?)
27 soybean curd 價格「知道」什麼你所不知道的? (What Do Prices 'Know' That You Don't?)
28 there's no correlation between being that 安靜的力量:運用你的性格特質,找到正確的生命舞台 (RSA Shorts - The Power of Quiet) (RSA Shorts - The Power of Quiet)
29 and have them talk about something 安靜的力量:運用你的性格特質,找到正確的生命舞台 (RSA Shorts - The Power of Quiet) (RSA Shorts - The Power of Quiet)
30 Not only that, 你常常忍不住和別人比較嗎? (Have You Ever Compared Yourself To Others?)
31 he night before she raced 你常常忍不住和別人比較嗎? (Have You Ever Compared Yourself To Others?)
32 重點是 你常常忍不住和別人比較嗎? (Have You Ever Compared Yourself To Others?)
33 The thing is 你常常忍不住和別人比較嗎? (Have You Ever Compared Yourself To Others?)
34 I mean 你常常忍不住和別人比較嗎? (Have You Ever Compared Yourself To Others?)
35 negatively affects them. 你常常忍不住和別人比較嗎? (Have You Ever Compared Yourself To Others?)
36 You know where you trouble is, 《史努比》冰淇淋人生哲學 (Personal Philosophy | Peanuts)
37 Don't tend to stick 打造好習慣,為了更好的自己! (Mastering Your Habits)
38 to come up with 打造好習慣,為了更好的自己! (Mastering Your Habits)
39 entirely new habit 打造好習慣,為了更好的自己! (Mastering Your Habits)
40 The cue is the part that 打造好習慣,為了更好的自己! (Mastering Your Habits)
41 break old ones 打造好習慣,為了更好的自己! (Mastering Your Habits)
42 我最喜歡的一句引言 打造好習慣,為了更好的自己! (Mastering Your Habits)
43 One of my favorite quotes 打造好習慣,為了更好的自己! (Mastering Your Habits)
44 what's keeping you? 爆走米奇!看看米奇使出渾身解數保護氣泡水 (Bottle Shocked | A Mickey Mouse Cartoon)
45 fun fact 【Rachel and Jun】日本宮城縣貓島 (CAT ISLAND in Japan! Tashirojima)
46 mung bean 實驗室生產的肉就要來到你我的餐桌上了!(Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Your Supermarket. Ranchers Are Fighting Back.)
47 the only patent in the world 實驗室生產的肉就要來到你我的餐桌上了!(Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Your Supermarket. Ranchers Are Fighting Back.)
48 plant-based 實驗室生產的肉就要來到你我的餐桌上了!(Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Your Supermarket. Ranchers Are Fighting Back.)
49 process broken 實驗室生產的肉就要來到你我的餐桌上了!(Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Your Supermarket. Ranchers Are Fighting Back.)
50 coffee run! 今日星巴克買一送一!當你排隊時心裡會有的 OS (Thoughts You Have In Line At Starbucks)
51 On top of that 為什麼嬰兒不能喝水 (Why Babies Can't Drink Water)
52 such a tough time? 為什麼美國演員這麼不會模仿英國腔 (Why American Actors Suck At British Accents)
53 features black 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
54 This is the section that 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
55 check out 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
56 huge hit 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
57 really quite delicate. 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
58 kind of adds another layer of flavor. 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
59 I feel like this is something 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
60 what goes into it 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
61 right there at the bar table. 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
62 But more importantly 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
63 the entire map of the place. 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
64 of your choice. 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
65 nvolves four drinks and one food item of your choice. 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
66 involves four drinks and one food item of your choice. 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
67 involves four drinks and one food item of your choice. 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
68 involves 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
69 I'm really excited 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
70 culture has been growing a lot 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
71 It's actually right there 在全世界最奢華的星巴克喝咖啡! (I Went To The Fanciest Starbucks In The World)
72 A study found that 如何快速學習 (How To Learn Faster)
73 no increase success 如何快速學習 (How To Learn Faster)
74 Say you're perfecting your tennis game, 如何快速學習 (How To Learn Faster)
75 to retain those notes 如何快速學習 (How To Learn Faster)
76 opposed to 如何快速學習 (How To Learn Faster)
77 re-framing the information into your own words 如何快速學習 (How To Learn Faster)
78 re-framing 如何快速學習 (How To Learn Faster)
79 type process the information 如何快速學習 (How To Learn Faster)
80 same risk by 被解雇後,我的人生從此不一樣 (I Got Fired And It Changed My Life - YouTuber Matthew Santoro's Story)
81 noticed throughout my whole life 被解雇後,我的人生從此不一樣 (I Got Fired And It Changed My Life - YouTuber Matthew Santoro's Story)
82 a three-step method 抄筆記總是手忙腳亂?3 招教你如何做好筆記!How to Take Great Notes
83 one out of every ten 抄筆記總是手忙腳亂?3 招教你如何做好筆記!How to Take Great Notes
84 非常沒效率 抄筆記總是手忙腳亂?3 招教你如何做好筆記!How to Take Great Notes
85 incredibly inefficient 抄筆記總是手忙腳亂?3 招教你如何做好筆記!How to Take Great Notes
86 But here's the thing, 抄筆記總是手忙腳亂?3 招教你如何做好筆記!How to Take Great Notes
87 average person 成功人士必備:高度自律人的 6 種好習慣! (How to be Organized for School, College or Life | The 6 Habits of Highly Organized People)
88 pick up your drink 今日星巴克買一送一!當你排隊時心裡會有的 OS (Thoughts You Have In Line At Starbucks)
89 throughout the day. 擴增詞彙的全新方法!開始用外語思考! (How to learn and remember vocabulary)
90 throw up. 實測哪一間珍珠奶茶店最好喝 (What’s The Best Boba Tea Shop?)
91 - It's weighing me down 實測哪一間珍珠奶茶店最好喝 (What’s The Best Boba Tea Shop?)
92 clump of 實測哪一間珍珠奶茶店最好喝 (What’s The Best Boba Tea Shop?)
93 This is all on you 實測哪一間珍珠奶茶店最好喝 (What’s The Best Boba Tea Shop?)
94 Fun side note, 實測哪一間珍珠奶茶店最好喝 (What’s The Best Boba Tea Shop?)
95 seeking 【Ted-Ed】半夜睡不著覺,把心情哼成歌?來看看那些造成你失眠的成因吧! (What causes insomnia? - Dan Kwartler)
96 leading to 【Ted-Ed】半夜睡不著覺,把心情哼成歌?來看看那些造成你失眠的成因吧! (What causes insomnia? - Dan Kwartler)
97 over-the-counter 【Ted-Ed】半夜睡不著覺,把心情哼成歌?來看看那些造成你失眠的成因吧! (What causes insomnia? - Dan Kwartler)
98 rebuild your relationship with 【Ted-Ed】半夜睡不著覺,把心情哼成歌?來看看那些造成你失眠的成因吧! (What causes insomnia? - Dan Kwartler)
99 similar to 【Ted-Ed】半夜睡不著覺,把心情哼成歌?來看看那些造成你失眠的成因吧! (What causes insomnia? - Dan Kwartler)
100 start to carry associations of 【Ted-Ed】半夜睡不著覺,把心情哼成歌?來看看那些造成你失眠的成因吧! (What causes insomnia? - Dan Kwartler)
101 how to reframe your situation 學習語言就是要大膽、有自信!(What SpongeBob taught me about language learning)
102 he came to the realization 學習語言就是要大膽、有自信!(What SpongeBob taught me about language learning)
103 I came across this clip 學習語言就是要大膽、有自信!(What SpongeBob taught me about language learning)
104 do laugh at you 學習語言就是要大膽、有自信!(What SpongeBob taught me about language learning)
105 screwing up 學習語言就是要大膽、有自信!(What SpongeBob taught me about language learning)
106 familiar with the 學習語言就是要大膽、有自信!(What SpongeBob taught me about language learning)
107 comes along with 學習語言就是要大膽、有自信!(What SpongeBob taught me about language learning)
108 all lack of 年輕賈伯斯談他的用人哲學 (Young Steve Jobs on how to hire, manage, and lead people - MUST WATCH)
109 We went out and hired a bunch of 年輕賈伯斯談他的用人哲學 (Young Steve Jobs on how to hire, manage, and lead people - MUST WATCH)
110 pending our time arguing about 年輕賈伯斯談他的用人哲學 (Young Steve Jobs on how to hire, manage, and lead people - MUST WATCH)
111 instead of 年輕賈伯斯談他的用人哲學 (Young Steve Jobs on how to hire, manage, and lead people - MUST WATCH)
112 We all wanted exactly the same thing, 年輕賈伯斯談他的用人哲學 (Young Steve Jobs on how to hire, manage, and lead people - MUST WATCH)
113 filled out 年輕賈伯斯談他的用人哲學 (Young Steve Jobs on how to hire, manage, and lead people - MUST WATCH)
114 core group 年輕賈伯斯談他的用人哲學 (Young Steve Jobs on how to hire, manage, and lead people - MUST WATCH)
115 common vision. 年輕賈伯斯談他的用人哲學 (Young Steve Jobs on how to hire, manage, and lead people - MUST WATCH)
116 One last thing 【浪子兄弟】巴塞隆納可不只有高第:十件在巴塞隆納必做的事! (Top 10 Things to Do in Barcelona | Spain Travel Guide)
117 dive into the world of Gaudi 【浪子兄弟】巴塞隆納可不只有高第:十件在巴塞隆納必做的事! (Top 10 Things to Do in Barcelona | Spain Travel Guide)
118 ead over to 【浪子兄弟】巴塞隆納可不只有高第:十件在巴塞隆納必做的事! (Top 10 Things to Do in Barcelona | Spain Travel Guide)
119 plenty of 【浪子兄弟】巴塞隆納可不只有高第:十件在巴塞隆納必做的事! (Top 10 Things to Do in Barcelona | Spain Travel Guide)
120 self a spot. 【浪子兄弟】巴塞隆納可不只有高第:十件在巴塞隆納必做的事! (Top 10 Things to Do in Barcelona | Spain Travel Guide)
121 Picasso museum, 【浪子兄弟】巴塞隆納可不只有高第:十件在巴塞隆納必做的事! (Top 10 Things to Do in Barcelona | Spain Travel Guide)
122 and it's the perfect place to get lost. 【浪子兄弟】巴塞隆納可不只有高第:十件在巴塞隆納必做的事! (Top 10 Things to Do in Barcelona | Spain Travel Guide)
123 Start off in the heart of 【浪子兄弟】巴塞隆納可不只有高第:十件在巴塞隆納必做的事! (Top 10 Things to Do in Barcelona | Spain Travel Guide)
124 we've got you covered. 我們不會讓你失望 【浪子兄弟】巴塞隆納可不只有高第:十件在巴塞隆納必做的事! (Top 10 Things to Do in Barcelona | Spain Travel Guide)
125 Too often 為什麼服裝很重要?(Why Clothes Matter)
126 picked out 為什麼服裝很重要?(Why Clothes Matter)
127 Many generations ago, 誰在甜甜圈上打了第一個洞?(Who Put the Hole in the Donut?)
128 keep practising 商用英文│模仿課│成語&單字 (Business English | Imitation Lesson | Idioms & Vocabulary)
129 facial expression. 商用英文│模仿課│成語&單字 (Business English | Imitation Lesson | Idioms & Vocabulary)
130 it doesn't matter 【MarieTV】壓力止步:一個有效降低壓力的簡單方法 (Stop Stress: The Crazy Simple Stress-Busting Tool You're Not Using (Yet))
131 highly encourage 【MarieTV】壓力止步:一個有效降低壓力的簡單方法 (Stop Stress: The Crazy Simple Stress-Busting Tool You're Not Using (Yet))
132 excited to 【MarieTV】壓力止步:一個有效降低壓力的簡單方法 (Stop Stress: The Crazy Simple Stress-Busting Tool You're Not Using (Yet))
133 stresses me out I 【MarieTV】壓力止步:一個有效降低壓力的簡單方法 (Stop Stress: The Crazy Simple Stress-Busting Tool You're Not Using (Yet))
134 a sense of 【MarieTV】壓力止步:一個有效降低壓力的簡單方法 (Stop Stress: The Crazy Simple Stress-Busting Tool You're Not Using (Yet))
135 my mind goes to work on 【MarieTV】壓力止步:一個有效降低壓力的簡單方法 (Stop Stress: The Crazy Simple Stress-Busting Tool You're Not Using (Yet))
136 when it comes to stress, 【MarieTV】壓力止步:一個有效降低壓力的簡單方法 (Stop Stress: The Crazy Simple Stress-Busting Tool You're Not Using (Yet))
137 a few bullet points 商務簡報祕技大公開! (How to Prepare Note Cards for a Speech | Public Speaking)
138 end up with? 商務簡報祕技大公開! (How to Prepare Note Cards for a Speech | Public Speaking)
139 comes up. 商務簡報祕技大公開! (How to Prepare Note Cards for a Speech | Public Speaking)
140 underneath each one 商務簡報祕技大公開! (How to Prepare Note Cards for a Speech | Public Speaking)
141 stack up? 測測看!你有多聰明? (How Smart Are You? (TEST))
142 but how is intelligence measured, and how do you stack up? 測測看!你有多聰明? (How Smart Are You? (TEST))
143 but how is intelligence measured, and how do you stack up? 測測看!你有多聰明? (How Smart Are You? (TEST))
144 weren't relevant to my life anymore. 什麼!被刪臉書好友了?(When you're unfriended on Facebook)
145 BUMP into each other in real life 什麼!被刪臉書好友了?(When you're unfriended on Facebook)
146 what does it matter that she unfriended me online, right? 什麼!被刪臉書好友了?(When you're unfriended on Facebook)
147 She will pay for this. 什麼!被刪臉書好友了?(When you're unfriended on Facebook)
148 I don't deserve this! 什麼!被刪臉書好友了?(When you're unfriended on Facebook)
149 I reacted pretty well. 什麼!被刪臉書好友了?(When you're unfriended on Facebook)
150 media has completely changed the way we interact. 什麼!被刪臉書好友了?(When you're unfriended on Facebook)
151 Now, when your alarms start to go off, 如果你不想再賴床,這「防止貪睡」步驟快照著做! (How to Wake Up Early)
152 out of reach, 如果你不想再賴床,這「防止貪睡」步驟快照著做! (How to Wake Up Early)
153 set a bunch of 如果你不想再賴床,這「防止貪睡」步驟快照著做! (How to Wake Up Early)
154 cuddle with 如果你不想再賴床,這「防止貪睡」步驟快照著做! (How to Wake Up Early)
155 I can't reach it. 如果你不想再賴床,這「防止貪睡」步驟快照著做! (How to Wake Up Early)
156 I lay in bed early. 如果你不想再賴床,這「防止貪睡」步驟快照著做! (How to Wake Up Early)
157 sleep in 如果你不想再賴床,這「防止貪睡」步驟快照著做! (How to Wake Up Early)
158 I reverted back to 如果你不想再賴床,這「防止貪睡」步驟快照著做! (How to Wake Up Early)
159 lasted about 如果你不想再賴床,這「防止貪睡」步驟快照著做! (How to Wake Up Early)
160 Even if you start off small. 如何改變生活 (How to change your life // Anna Akana)
161 engaged with 別急著給建議,讓你成為更好的朋友 (One thing that makes you a better friend)
162 engaged with 別急著給建議,讓你成為更好的朋友 (One thing that makes you a better friend)
163 I resisted the temptation to solve all of my friends' problems and instead would try to really explore their feelings 別急著給建議,讓你成為更好的朋友 (One thing that makes you a better friend)
164 I had the same exact problem, 別急著給建議,讓你成為更好的朋友 (One thing that makes you a better friend)
165 in the artistic perspective 你來發問,你來回答 - Khun(2PM) (You Ask You Answer - Khun(2PM))
166 the cake wasn't supposed to look broken 你來發問,你來回答 - Khun(2PM) (You Ask You Answer - Khun(2PM))
167 I just try to not be boastful about it prove it 你來發問,你來回答 - Khun(2PM) (You Ask You Answer - Khun(2PM))
168 yeah, I'll go for Jae 你來發問,你來回答 - Khun(2PM) (You Ask You Answer - Khun(2PM))
169 in easy mode 你來發問,你來回答 - Khun(2PM) (You Ask You Answer - Khun(2PM))
170 it doesn't matter 你來發問,你來回答 - Khun(2PM) (You Ask You Answer - Khun(2PM))
171 cos that's what everyone assumed 你來發問,你來回答 - Khun(2PM) (You Ask You Answer - Khun(2PM))
172 be really straightforward with them 你來發問,你來回答 - Khun(2PM) (You Ask You Answer - Khun(2PM))
173 I don't even remember the question to be honest 你來發問,你來回答 - Khun(2PM) (You Ask You Answer - Khun(2PM))
174 in our line of work 你來發問,你來回答 - Khun(2PM) (You Ask You Answer - Khun(2PM))
175 public school 安海瑟薇和傑森蘇戴西斯回答最常被網友 Google 的問題 (Anne Hathaway & Jason Sudeikis Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED)
176 they feel much more 像電影明星學自信 [走路自信的方法] (How To Be More Confident [How To Walk Confidently])
177 卸妝棉 心好累!讓你恨透化妝的 15 件事 (15 Things Girls HATE About Makeup!)
178 makeup wipes 心好累!讓你恨透化妝的 15 件事 (15 Things Girls HATE About Makeup!)
179 to speak a bit of English 如何用英文介紹台灣特色 (Study in Taiwan --- Learning plus adventure)
180 get you the interview. Your 如何寫一份殺手級的履歷 (How to write a killer resume)


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