# 佳句 來源影片
1 u 【科技】智慧型眼鏡捲土重來?(Amazon-Backed Smart Glasses For $1,000: First Look)
2 Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes 【Boyce Avenue】 怒吼 Roar - Katy Perry (Boyce Avenue feat. Bea Miller
3 floating like a butterfly 【Boyce Avenue】 怒吼 Roar - Katy Perry (Boyce Avenue feat. Bea Miller
4 past the breaking point 【Boyce Avenue】 怒吼 Roar - Katy Perry (Boyce Avenue feat. Bea Miller
5 rock the boat 【Boyce Avenue】 怒吼 Roar - Katy Perry (Boyce Avenue feat. Bea Miller
6 a struggle 漫畫-金正恩人生 (DRAW MY LIFE - Kim Jong-un)
7 u 漫畫-金正恩人生 (DRAW MY LIFE - Kim Jong-un)
8 hot-tempered 【阿滴英文】聊聊讓人爆走的生理期!(It's that time of the month again! Talking about periods)
9 hot-tempered 【阿滴英文】聊聊讓人爆走的生理期!(It's that time of the month again! Talking about periods)
10 STRING THEORY 如果化學、生物學、物理學、數學都開口對彼此嗆聲?(SCIENCE WARS - Acapella Parody)
11 DARK MATTER 如果化學、生物學、物理學、數學都開口對彼此嗆聲?(SCIENCE WARS - Acapella Parody)
12 mass times 如果化學、生物學、物理學、數學都開口對彼此嗆聲?(SCIENCE WARS - Acapella Parody)
13 dig around with 超好奇!為什麼飛機上不能使用手機?(Why Can't You Use Phones on Planes?)
14 Just opens up a whole new can of worms. 超好奇!為什麼飛機上不能使用手機?(Why Can't You Use Phones on Planes?)
15 ballpark figure. 笑慘!8歲女孩打給爆破公司...請他們轟掉學校 (an 8-year-old Ireland girl calling a demolition company...funny!)
16 footage censored 絕對不要挑戰你老爸!來看老爹怎麼以牙還牙 (Exposing My Son)
17 looking down 【米奇卡通】睡覺也能工作的高飛? (Workin' Stiff | A Mickey Mouse Cartoon | Disney Shorts)
18 grams 夏天就是要吃冰!教你在45秒內做出美味草莓冰淇淋! (How to make a 45 Second Ice Cream | Jamie Oliver)
19 That’s not a thing. 13 件顛覆你認知的事實!(13 Things You Think Are True, But Aren't)
20 power cable 這 10 個小東西,你一定不知道他們是幹嘛用的!(10 Things You Did Not Know The Use For.)
21 alpaca socks. 什麼是比特幣? What is Bitcoin?
22 fountain drink station. 【艾倫秀】便利超商賣的荒謬商品 (Ellen Show Memorable Monologue: Cup Sizes)
23 fax machine 【艾倫秀】便利超商賣的荒謬商品 (Ellen Show Memorable Monologue: Cup Sizes)
24 Speaking of 超實用!教你如何把事情做好! (How to Get Things Done!)
25 out of date 可愛療癒歌曲:「愚蠢的死法」我覺得可以!(Dumb Ways to Die (with optional closed captioned lyrics, HD))
26 stick to 為什麼畫答案卡一定要用 HB 鉛筆? Why Do I Have to Use a Number 2 Pencil?
27 social butterfly. 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
28 you get the picture. 每天被時間追著跑嗎?快來看時間管理三大步驟!(How to Manage Your Time Better)
29 Would you listen to yourself? 【沒他活不下去】WiFi 對你有多重要?JULIAN SMITH - WiFi
30 I'm down too! 【沒他活不下去】WiFi 對你有多重要?JULIAN SMITH - WiFi
31 controlled 【聽音樂學英文】迪士尼冰雪奇緣:小孩的最愛!(Let It Go from Disney


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測驗總分 看完的影片
1760 565
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