# 佳句 來源影片
1 goofy 瞎妹必懂:po 自拍的天人交戰 (Should You Post A Selfie?)
2 When he walks out to the water he goes waist deep 你多渴望成功? (How Bad Do You Want It?)
3 more than being a tragic love story 抄筆記總是手忙腳亂?3 招教你如何做好筆記!How to Take Great Notes
4 because at 【英文會話】上班族推薦!情境教學:會議篇 (How to discuss a topic in a group)
5 hold the floor 【英文會話】上班族推薦!情境教學:會議篇 (How to discuss a topic in a group)
6 the topic we'll use as our sample is this one 【英文會話】上班族推薦!情境教學:會議篇 (How to discuss a topic in a group)
7 Sort of 日常生活會使用到的動詞 (English Vocabulary: Verbs for things you do every day!)
8 After you've eaten, 日常生活會使用到的動詞 (English Vocabulary: Verbs for things you do every day!)
9 at all 日常生活會使用到的動詞 (English Vocabulary: Verbs for things you do every day!)
10 Now, after you've finished eating 日常生活會使用到的動詞 (English Vocabulary: Verbs for things you do every day!)
11 Do the dishes 日常生活會使用到的動詞 (English Vocabulary: Verbs for things you do every day!)
12 What might you compare him with? 明喻與暗喻的差別,用可愛影片告訴你!(Simile vs. Metaphor)
13 because after that, 【英文技巧】英文的誇飾法,讓你說起英文更有力量! Extreme English!
14 for all the right reasons. 經濟表現亮眼 全球發展最快城市在那裡? (What Are The World's Fastest Developing Cities?)
15 a fifth of 經濟表現亮眼 全球發展最快城市在那裡? (What Are The World's Fastest Developing Cities?)
16 as well as 【英文技巧】英文的誇飾法,讓你說起英文更有力量! Extreme English!
17 as far as 【英文技巧】英文的誇飾法,讓你說起英文更有力量! Extreme English!
18 in your view, from your perspective, it's tiny 【英文技巧】英文的誇飾法,讓你說起英文更有力量! Extreme English!
19 when it comes to adjectives 【英文技巧】英文的誇飾法,讓你說起英文更有力量! Extreme English!
20 In ages 【英文技巧】英文的誇飾法,讓你說起英文更有力量! Extreme English!
21 IELTS 【TOEIC】多益考試基本介紹 (Introduction to the TOEIC)
22 lasts for 【TOEIC】多益考試基本介紹 (Introduction to the TOEIC)
23 internet-based exam 【TOEIC】多益考試基本介紹 (Introduction to the TOEIC)
24 paper-and-pencil exam 【TOEIC】多益考試基本介紹 (Introduction to the TOEIC)
25 '70s 【TOEIC】多益考試基本介紹 (Introduction to the TOEIC)
26 a visa 【TOEIC】多益考試基本介紹 (Introduction to the TOEIC)
27 first of all 【TOEIC】多益考試基本介紹 (Introduction to the TOEIC)
28 stands for 【TOEIC】多益考試基本介紹 (Introduction to the TOEIC)
29 I want you to get instant skills 四個讓你英聽更好的方法 (中英文字幕) (4 ways to understand what you hear)
30 not necessarily slang but common English 十個關於"GET"的動詞片語 (10 GET Phrasal Verbs: get down, get off, get through, get up, get away...)
31 The only way to improve is to move. 大公開!學好英文的訣竅 (The Secret 6 Rules to Learn English)
32 And this brings me to 大公開!學好英文的訣竅 (The Secret 6 Rules to Learn English)
33 It's a walk up a staircase. 大公開!學好英文的訣竅 (The Secret 6 Rules to Learn English)
34 Learning a language is not an elevator ride. 大公開!學好英文的訣竅 (The Secret 6 Rules to Learn English)
35 I ever got better at something was by making mistakes. 大公開!學好英文的訣竅 (The Secret 6 Rules to Learn English)
36 There is a quiz there that you can try out. 十個關於"GET"的動詞片語 (10 GET Phrasal Verbs: get down, get off, get through, get up, get away...)
37 This is a bit more of a British meaning 十個關於"GET"的動詞片語 (10 GET Phrasal Verbs: get down, get off, get through, get up, get away...)
38 Okay? So it's a little bit more of a slang. 十個關於"GET"的動詞片語 (10 GET Phrasal Verbs: get down, get off, get through, get up, get away...)
39 we'll leave that actually for now 十個關於"GET"的動詞片語 (10 GET Phrasal Verbs: get down, get off, get through, get up, get away...)
40 one last one 十個關於"GET"的動詞片語 (10 GET Phrasal Verbs: get down, get off, get through, get up, get away...)


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