# 佳句 來源影片
1 Kinda browsing for me. So sizing is a little limited here in the store, I Feel Pretty - Official Trailer -
2 幕錯誤 There are four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Depending on where you live, the seasons happen at different times of the year. That's because the Earth is tilted on its axis. Part of the year, the top half of the Earth is tilted away from the sun, so it gets less sunlight. At the same time, the bottom half is tilted toward the sun, so it's getting lots of sunlight. Later in the year, it's reversed, and now the top half of the Earth is tilted towards the sun, so it's getting a lot more sunlight. At the same time, the bottom half of the Earth is tilted away from the sun, so now it's not getting very much sunlight. I live in the Northern Hemisphere. In this part of the globe, spring comes in March, summer comes in June, fall comes in September, and winter comes in December. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, it's the opposite. September is when spring starts, then summer comes in December, fall begins in March, and winter starts in June. What season is it where you live? Spring is when the Earth starts to warm up after winter. New plant life starts to spring forth from the earth. That's where we get the name. All sorts of flowers bloom, and brand new leaves start to grow. It's often rainy one minute, and sunny the next. Spring weather is kind of unpredictable. So depending on where you live, it might be a good idea to carry an umbrella. I love to see cherry blossoms in the spring. What's your favorite part of spring? Summer is the warmest time of the year. The days are long and the nights are short. Fruit ripens. Where I come from, people love to go swimming, eat ice cream and watermelon, and watch fireworks in the summer. What do you love about summer? Fall is harvest time. Farmers have to work hard to bring in all the crops. The weather gets cooler, and the leaves turn different colors. Aren't they beautiful? And then they fall to the ground. Maybe that's where we get the name "fall." We also call the season "autumn." Where I come from, we celebrate fall by decorating pumpkins, and jumping in piles of leaves. What do you like to do in the fall? Winter is the coldest time of the year, when the days are short and the nights are long. It might even snow where you live. But it doesn't snow everywhere. Some places get so cold in the winter that animals have to hibernate or migrate away during the winter. But don't worry. They'll be back when it warms up again. Where I come from, people love to play in the snow, building snowmen, going ice-skating, catching snowflakes. What's your favorite part of winter? That's the four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. They are all beautiful and special in their own way. There are four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Depending on where you live, the seasons happen at different times of the year. That's because the Earth is tilted on its axis. Part of the year, the top half of the Earth is tilted away from the sun, so it gets less sunlight. At the same time, the bottom half is tilted toward the sun, so it's getting lots of sunlight. Later in the year, it's reversed, and now the top half of the Earth is tilted towards the sun, so it's getting a lot more sunlight. At the same time, the bottom half of the Earth is tilted away from the sun, so now it's not getting very much sunlight. I live in the Northern Hemisphere. In this part of the globe, spring comes in March, summer comes in June, fall comes in September, and winter comes in December. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, it's the opposite. September is when spring starts, then summer comes in December, fall begins in March, and winter starts in June. What season is it where you live? Spring is when the Earth starts to warm up after winter. New plant life starts to spring forth from the earth. That's where we get the name. All sorts of flowers bloom, and brand new leaves start to grow. It's often rainy one minute, and sunny the next. Spring weather is kind of unpredictable. So depending on where you live, it might be a good idea to carry an umbrella. I love to see cherry blossoms in the spring. What's your favorite part of spring? Summer is the warmest time of the year. The days are long and the nights are short. Fruit ripens. Where I come from, people love to go swimming, eat ice cream and watermelon, and watch fireworks in the summer. What do you love about summer? Fall is harvest time. Farmers have to work hard to bring in all the crops. The weather gets cooler, and the leaves turn different colors. Aren't they beautiful? And then they fall to the ground. Maybe that's where we get the name "fall." We also call the season "autumn." Where I come from, we celebrate fall by decorating pumpkins, and jumping in piles of leaves. What do you like to do in the fall? Winter is the coldest time of the year, when the days are short and the nights are long. It might even snow where you live. But it doesn't snow everywhere. Some places get so cold in the winter that animals have to hibernate or migrate away during the winter. But don't worry. They'll be back when it warms up again. Where I come from, people love to play in the snow, building snowmen, going ice-skating, catching snowflakes. What's your favorite part of winter? That's the four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. They are all beautiful and special in their own way. There are four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. 用英文認識春、夏、秋、冬!(Let's Learn About the Four Seasons - Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter)
3 get through 康軒國中英語 B6L6 Reading
4 f you and miss you everyday… Everyday, Marco waited 【經典童話】尋母三千里 (3000 Leagues in Search of Mother - Bedtime Story Animation | Best Children Classics HD)
5 in a lot of 【經典童話】尋母三千里 (3000 Leagues in Search of Mother - Bedtime Story Animation | Best Children Classics HD)
6 20、 Obama $('.icon-remove-sign').click(function(){ $('.left-section > .category_header_mobile').css('margin-top','20px'); $('ul 【經典童話】尋母三千里 (3000 Leagues in Search of Mother - Bedtime Story Animation | Best Children Classics HD)
7 in a lot of 【經典童話】尋母三千里 (3000 Leagues in Search of Mother - Bedtime Story Animation | Best Children Classics HD)
8 I'll see what I can do 【兒童英語】姆指姑娘系列之1 - Thumbelina 1
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