# 佳句 來源影片
1 get ahold of 獨家大解密!Supreme 到底在貴什麼!? (Why Supreme Is So Expensive | So Expensive)
2 fund 如果每個人都像美國人一樣生活? (What If Everyone Lived Like Americans?)
3 They might get angry, but only when it is 受歡迎的小孩有什麼特質 (What Makes Popular Kids Popular?)
4 in practice 【閱讀素養】【TED-Ed】《侍女的故事》:反烏托邦小說代表的未來可能性 (Why should you read "The Handmaid's Tale"? - Naomi R. Mercer)
5 settle for 【TED-Ed】你解得開蛋掉落的謎題嗎? (Can you solve the egg drop riddle? - Yossi Elran)
6 pisses 測試 (Table Flip Trickshots! (Dear Ryan))
7 crack down 街頭實測!你的密碼也是這些嗎?What is Your Password?
8 in general 你知道這些習慣其實外國人不解嗎?外國人無法理解的亞洲人習慣!(Asian Habits Westerners May Not Understand)
9 the buck lies with BBC六分鐘新聞:模特兒是不是都太瘦了?(BBC 6 Minute English - Are models too skinny?)
10 the buck stops with BBC六分鐘新聞:模特兒是不是都太瘦了?(BBC 6 Minute English - Are models too skinny?)
11 cut-off point BBC六分鐘新聞:模特兒是不是都太瘦了?(BBC 6 Minute English - Are models too skinny?)
12 put himself out 攝影師老公為罹癌老婆進行愛的治療:粉紅芭蕾舞裙計畫 (The Tutu Project's Story Told in Germany by Deutsche Telekom (Long Version))
13 get it together 女生掛在嘴邊的口頭禪,你中了幾個?(Shit Girls Say - Episode 1)
14 As a matter of fact 【GaryVee】大學畢業之後該幹嘛?聽完這段你會更有方向! (WHAT TO DO AFTER COLLEGE)
15 rocket science 【TED】如何只花 20 小時學習任何東西? (Josh Kaufman | 20 Hours to Learn Anything (Key Points Talk))
16 measuring up. 最大的孩子最聰明?這邊跟你說為什麼 (The Oldest Child Is Smarter and Here's Why)
17 easy way out 精神病脫得了罪嗎? (Does Pleading Insanity Work?)


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