# 佳句 來源影片
1 hot water Logan Paul 在自殺事件後,決定攜手一同解決這項問題 (Suicide: Be Here Tomorrow.)
2 cut down 讓韓國歐爸親自為你解答大家在谷哥上最常搜尋的問題!(Korean Men Answer Commonly Googled Questions About Themselves)
3 be barred from 梅根嫁給哈利王子後不能做的事? (Things Meghan Markle Can't Do After She Marries Prince Harry)
4 last but not the least 超爆笑!教你 10 件改變你想法的生活小技巧 (10 How To's That Will Blow Your Mind!)
5 Try to see things my way 男孩們總是只看到表面嗎? It's Not About The Nail
6 count on 6 個使感情堅固的技巧 (6 Tips on How to Have a Strong Relationship)
7 Making up 6 個使感情堅固的技巧 (6 Tips on How to Have a Strong Relationship)
8 Putting your guard down 6 個使感情堅固的技巧 (6 Tips on How to Have a Strong Relationship)
9 limits your choices, but not your sense of adventure. 【經濟學人】你的護照究竟有多強大?(How powerful is your passport? | The Economist)
10 cast out into 為什麼我們會覺得自己寂寞又奇怪?(Why We Feel Lonely and Odd)
11 throw up 好友戶整-你曾經看過我的妻子走路像鰻嗎? (Impractical Jokers - Have You Seen My Wife Who Walks Like An Eel? | truTV)
12 low blow 【吉米秀】你對媽媽說過最大的謊言是什麼? (What's the Biggest Lie You Ever Told Your Mom?)
13 get grounded 【BuzzFeed Celeb】最有啟發性的女性們給予下一代的中肯建議是⋯⋯?(Inspiring Women Share Their Advice For The Next Generation)
14 Don't be a woman trying to be a man in a man's world. 【BuzzFeed Celeb】最有啟發性的女性們給予下一代的中肯建議是⋯⋯?(Inspiring Women Share Their Advice For The Next Generation)
15 To not let anyone break your spirit. 【BuzzFeed Celeb】最有啟發性的女性們給予下一代的中肯建議是⋯⋯?(Inspiring Women Share Their Advice For The Next Generation)
16 push forward 【BuzzFeed Celeb】最有啟發性的女性們給予下一代的中肯建議是⋯⋯?(Inspiring Women Share Their Advice For The Next Generation)
17 full-fledged 外國人討論韓國情侶文化 (Couple Culture in Korea)
18 And knowing how impermanent and small I am in comparison to the vastness of the universe 你常思考死亡嗎? (I think about death a lot)
19 doubles over 【TED-Ed】到底什麼是諷刺?與你預期的相反 (Situational irony: The opposite of what you think - Christopher Warner)
20 slap-stick 【TED-Ed】到底什麼是諷刺?與你預期的相反 (Situational irony: The opposite of what you think - Christopher Warner)
21 kick in 【TED-Ed】人類的免疫系統如何運作? (How does your immune system work? - Emma Bryce)
22 threw up 外國小孩吃皮蛋的爆笑反應!(KIDS vs. FOOD #21 - 100 Year old egg (Century Egg))
23 GIVE IN Selena Gomez - Bad Liar
24 an error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. 致未來世代:對不起 (Dear Future Generations: Sorry)
25 made excuses 致未來世代:對不起 (Dear Future Generations: Sorry)
26 impulsive buying 【阿滴英文】關於滴妹的 50 件事 (50 Facts About Crown)
27 Regardless of 【TED-Ed】深受口臭所擾?引發口臭的原因 (What causes bad breath? - Mel Rosenberg)
28 In some cases 【TED-Ed】深受口臭所擾?引發口臭的原因 (What causes bad breath? - Mel Rosenberg)
29 shaved off 為什麼久坐也是種慢性自殺!? (Why Sitting Too Much Can Kill You!)
30 cuddle with 終極戀愛 SOP:遇到對你沒感覺的女生請你這樣做!(How To Get A Girl That Doesn't Like You Back)
31 out of the loop 老人對於格雷的五十道陰影的評價竟然是... (Elders React to Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer)
32 t. 「沒有任何一個工作或職業成就可以定義我們」康納的精彩畢典演講 (Conan O'Brien's Dartmouth Commencement Address Highlights)
33 onging to 人生課題:為什麼有時單身是比較好的選擇? (Reasons to Remain Single)
34 threw me off 超尷尬!來看六年級生小時候的即時通帳號是什麼呢?(People Explain Their Childhood AIM Names)
35 occurred to 超尷尬!來看六年級生小時候的即時通帳號是什麼呢?(People Explain Their Childhood AIM Names)
36 paying it forward 只是好色而已?!為何男人會盯著女生的胸部看?(Tit for Tat - ( Why Men Stare at Breasts ) {The Kloons})
37 bread and butter 跳進去的人都說爽!終極豪華泳池聖地!(The Ultimate Backyard Escape | The Pool Master)


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