# 佳句 來源影片
1 burst out 【TEDx】找尋內心的真理 (Diego Hangartner at TEDxTaipei 2013)
2 pump out 「油」到底還能撐多久? (Will We Ever Run out of Oil?)
3 at the end of the day 時代精神2:Zeitgeist Addendum
4 account for 【TED】陳凱斯(Keith Chen):你的語言會影響你的儲蓄能力嗎? Could your language affect your ability to save money?
5 butterflies in your stomach 動不動就緊張?造成緊張的原因 (Why Do We Get Nervous?)
6 keep your feet on the ground 【TED】Gavin Pretor-Pinney:多雲偶爾跟快樂在一起 Cloudy with a chance of joy
7 die from 為什麼你還活著 (Why You Are Still Alive - The Immune System Explained)
8 happen to 【TED】我們從線上教育學到了什麼?Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education
9 prosthetic leg 【TEDx】3D 列印甜點 (3D printing dessert: Liz and Kyle von Hasseln at TEDxManhattanBeach)
10 prosthetic leg 【TEDx】3D 列印甜點 (3D printing dessert: Liz and Kyle von Hasseln at TEDxManhattanBeach)
11 set it apart from 【TED】每天都要好好睡覺的另一個原因 Jeff Iliff: One more reason to get a good night's sleep
12 set it apart from a 【TED】每天都要好好睡覺的另一個原因 Jeff Iliff: One more reason to get a good night's sleep
13 call into question 哲學速成班:知識的意義 (The Meaning of Knowledge: Crash Course Philosophy #7)
14 on earth 【TED】Rory Sutherland: 看法決定一切 (Perspective is everything)
15 on earth 【TED】我的女兒,我的老婆,我們的機器人,對永生的探索 Martine Rothblatt: My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality
16 in one stroke 台球規則解釋! (The Rules of Snooker - EXPLAINED!)
17 if not more 【TED】Steven Johnson: 偉大創新的誕生 (Where good ideas come from?)
18 catch 【TED-Ed】下一個你想要探索的超能力是什麼呢? (If superpowers were real: Super speed - Joy Lin)
19 hear me out 【TED】肥胖隱藏的更大危機(Is the obesity crisis hiding a bigger problem?)
20 carry out 日本忍者文化 (All About Ninja)
21 over time 習慣的力量 (The Power of Habit [Epipheo.TV])
22 behind bars 我在Subway的打工故事 (Work Stories (subway))
23 strip away 比爾蓋茲夫婦的史丹佛大學演講─ 樂觀、創新、同理心,啟發你的畢業後人生! Bill and Melinda Gates' 2014 Stanford Commencement Address
24 In the eyes of 電競人生紀錄片-遊戲大賽真實的一面 (Free to Play: The Movie (US))
25 carry out 為取器官殺人:中國器官移植產業秘辛 Killed for Organs: China's Secret State Transplant Business
26 carry out 為取器官殺人:中國器官移植產業秘辛 Killed for Organs: China's Secret State Transplant Business
27 on the heels of 【新聞時事】為什麼摩洛哥抵制瑞典貨物? (Why Does Morocco Want To Boycott Sweden?)
28 single me out 【TED】John Maeda 談藝術、科技、設計如何幫助創意型領導者 (How art, technology and design inform creative leaders)
29 Stick to 簡單四步驟讓你追愛大成功! (How to Ask Your Crush on a Date?)
30 know the drill 利用醋做清潔工作的十種妙方 (10 Ways to Clean With Vinegar! (Clean My Space))
31 know the drill nigahiga: 神秘特務 (Agents of Secret Stuff)
32 be capable of 【TED-Ed】使機器人更聰明 (Make robots smarter - Ayanna Howard)
33 be capable of 【TED-Ed】使機器人更聰明 (Make robots smarter - Ayanna Howard)
Katharina Yang


收藏 時間
0 1343

測驗 排名

測驗總分 看完的影片
0 158
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