# 佳句 來源影片
1 hyperlocal 【TED】Uber CEO 帶你了解 Uber 是如何運作的! (Travis Kalanick - Uber's plan to get more people into fewer cars)
2 bump up against 如何不操控、不強迫也能贏得人心 (How To Win People Over Without Manipulation)
3 Next time you start tossing and turning 常深受失眠所擾嗎?五招讓你一夜好眠! (How to Sleep Better)
4 blocking things up November 17, 2014 - CNN Student News with subtitles
5 turned them over November 17, 2014 - CNN Student News with subtitles
6 No sign of them since November 17, 2014 - CNN Student News with subtitles
7 love her to death 實驗證實:讓人類感到最幸福的事竟然是!? (The Science of Happiness - An Experiment in Gratitude)
8 put them on the spot 實驗證實:讓人類感到最幸福的事竟然是!? (The Science of Happiness - An Experiment in Gratitude)
9 you're at the top of your game 【TED】傑米奧利佛:每個孩子都該好好了解食物 (Jamie Oliver's TED Prize wish: Educate every child about food)
10 bottling it up 【TED】如何讓壓力成為你的朋友(中英字幕)(How to make stress your friend)
11 breaking out into a sweat 【TED】如何讓壓力成為你的朋友(中英字幕)(How to make stress your friend)
12 as you look at what went on 【TED】比爾蓋茲五年前預言:下一波爆發的世界疫情,我們準備好了嗎? (Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready)
13 And just by saying that I’m very very happy to say 謝霆鋒香港科技大學講座(Nicholas Tse gives a talk at HKUST)
14 doesn’t necessarily recognize those centres involved in writing cases or even teaching cases 謝霆鋒香港科技大學講座(Nicholas Tse gives a talk at HKUST)
15 moving along that long 謝霆鋒香港科技大學講座(Nicholas Tse gives a talk at HKUST)
16 So by having said that 謝霆鋒香港科技大學講座(Nicholas Tse gives a talk at HKUST)
17 You figure how on hell that I am still thinking about that. 拒絕老梗 Let it go,父女車上超棒新歌對嘴! - not Frozen "Let It Go" its IGGY Fancy lip dub
18 lip dub 拒絕老梗 Let it go,父女車上超棒新歌對嘴! - not Frozen "Let It Go" its IGGY Fancy lip dub
19 in the first place 【TED】Jenna McCarthy:你所不知道的婚姻 Jenna McCarthy: What you don't know about marriage
20 showering them with towels and toasters 【TED】Jenna McCarthy:你所不知道的婚姻 Jenna McCarthy: What you don't know about marriage
21 will ever put the tiniest damper on their eternal love and devotion. 【TED】Jenna McCarthy:你所不知道的婚姻 Jenna McCarthy: What you don't know about marriage
22 SWITCH THINGS UP 【艾倫秀】超爆笑!艾倫居然會出現在希臘肥皂劇!(中英字幕) (Ellen's in a Greek Soap Opera?)
23 in the hands of 【TEDx】「工作與生活間的平衡」是場不停的戰鬥 (TEDxSydney - Nigel Marsh - Work Life Balance is an Ongoing Battle)
24 All the discussions about flexi-time or dress-down Fridays or paternity leave only serve to mask the core issue 【TEDx】「工作與生活間的平衡」是場不停的戰鬥 (TEDxSydney - Nigel Marsh - Work Life Balance is an Ongoing Battle)
25 defining decade went parading by 【TED】二十歲的人生不能等到三十才開始 Why 30 is not the new 20
26 as it rewires itself for adulthood 【TED】二十歲的人生不能等到三十才開始 Why 30 is not the new 20
27 sounds a little flip 【TED】二十歲的人生不能等到三十才開始 Why 30 is not the new 20
28 old of 【TEDx】計劃好的事總是被耽誤?來談談「自制力」Self Control: Dan Ariely at TEDxDuke
29 a drop in a bucket 【TEDx】計劃好的事總是被耽誤?來談談「自制力」Self Control: Dan Ariely at TEDxDuke
30 VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE 【艾倫秀】超搞笑!艾倫惡搞甜甜圈店員,客人超崩潰!(中英文字幕) (Ellen in Your Ear at Dunkin' Donuts!
31 Butch it up 【享受吧!一個人的旅行】女人獨自旅行的8個安全守則 8 Solo Travel Safety Tips for Women
32 only serve to mask the core issue 【TEDx】「工作與生活間的平衡」是場不停的戰鬥 (TEDxSydney - Nigel Marsh - Work Life Balance is an Ongoing Battle)
33 They go way past the idea of just replacing a limb 【TEDx】3D 列印甜點 (3D printing dessert: Liz and Kyle von Hasseln at TEDxManhattanBeach)
34 I cannot believe a hose like this still exists. 你曾被看不起嗎?你該謝謝那個曾看不起你的人!(Thank you for not believing in me)
35 You've got to remember that nothing has meaning besides the meaning that you give it and it's up to you whether you choose to assign an empowering or disempowering meaning to this experience. 【生命教育】當你感到失落時該怎麼辦? (Feeling Lost)
36 it'll come back and bite you in the ass 【杜蘭大學畢業演講】脫口秀女王 Ellen 要你追隨熱情,忠於自己!(中英字幕)(Ellen DeGeneres at Tulane 2009 Commencement Speech)
37 I did graduate from the school of hard knocks 【杜蘭大學畢業演講】脫口秀女王 Ellen 要你追隨熱情,忠於自己!(中英字幕)(Ellen DeGeneres at Tulane 2009 Commencement Speech)
38 And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." 賈伯斯在史丹佛大學的著名演講 (中英字幕) (Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address)
39 basically get the world out all over 你曾被看不起嗎?你該謝謝那個曾看不起你的人!(Thank you for not believing in me)
40 non-verba 【TED】如何讓壓力成為你的朋友(中英字幕)(How to make stress your friend)
41 kicked the can down the road 【TED】二十歲的你,決定重要的未來人生!Meg Jay:Why 30 is not the new 20
42 in the long run 「錢」真的可買到「幸福」嗎?Can Money Buy Happiness?
43 broke through 【TED】Tan Le:我的移民故事(中英字幕)(My immigration story)
44 see the thing is we have it leftover from a event 【超感人】你收過 $100 美金小費嗎?(Tipping Fast Food Workers $100)
45 All I got here is 100 dollars 【超感人】你收過 $100 美金小費嗎?(Tipping Fast Food Workers $100)
46 went off 兩種學習英文單字的方法 The two way approach to learning English vocabulary
47 urinal buffer 12件做了保證顧人怨的事 (Unwritten Social Rules You Need to Follow)
48 On top of that 歐巴馬接見2013年NBA總冠軍邁阿密熱火隊 President Obama Honors the 2013 NBA Champion Miami Heat
49 take the plunge 簡單四步驟讓你追愛大成功! (How to Ask Your Crush on a Date?)
50 put you through college 《變形金剛4:絕跡重生》最新前導預告 (Transformers:Age of Extinction Teaser Trailer)
51 come through 電影教我的事:堅持夢想.永不放棄 (Dream - Motivational Video)
52 The more you do it the easier it will get! 完全改善英聽能力,請跟著這樣做 ('Improve English listening Skills' WARNING― this might not be the answer you want @doingenglish)
53 He took the harder and the more honorable path 歐巴馬:決定只有一次 One Chance.
54 hang of 每個人都應該要會寫程式!(Everybody should learn how to program a computer)
55 what you become in the process thats more important than the dream! 【勵志】相信自己,勇往直前! BELIEVE by Mateusz M - Motivational Video
56 the harder the battle the sweeter the victory! 【勵志】相信自己,勇往直前! BELIEVE by Mateusz M - Motivational Video
57 This dwarfs some of its previous acquisitions 臉書砸天價190億美金買下WhatsApp (Facebook to buy messaging network WhatsApp for $19 billion)


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