# 佳句 來源影片
1 chronic 好難瘦!全球最帥醫生 Dr. Mike 告訴你間歇性斷食的大小事! (Doctor Mike On Diets: Intermittent Fasting | Diet Review)
2 Not to mention massage chairs, spas, ponds, and atriums 起飛前荷包就已經大失血?!看看機場如何讓你心甘情願掏腰包 (Sneaky Ways Airports Get You To Spend Money)
3 n dynas 【多元文化】中南美洲三大古文明到底有多狂?(History Summarized: The Maya, Aztec, and Inca)
4 live more frugally? 活用「4% 規則」,提前退休不是夢!(Retire Early With the 4% Rule)
5 never want to be in one. 戀人或朋友...你應該永遠處於關係中嗎? (Should You Really Be In a Relationship Forever?)
6 that's gonna be reflected in the cost." 搞不懂!為什麼結婚要花這麼多錢?(Why are weddings so damn expensive?)
7 launch forth 成為一個好的聆聽者的四大要素 (Being A Good Listener)
8 in more grown-up ways around our partner's less mature sides. 為何我們都會選擇難搞的伴侶? (Why We Pick Difficult Partners)
9 a rational adult. 為何我們都會選擇難搞的伴侶? (Why We Pick Difficult Partners)
10 a rational adult 為何我們都會選擇難搞的伴侶? (Why We Pick Difficult Partners)
11 a rational adult 為何我們都會選擇難搞的伴侶? (Why We Pick Difficult Partners)
12 a rational adult 為何我們都會選擇難搞的伴侶? (Why We Pick Difficult Partners)
13 He did it all by thought alone. 簡單解說史蒂芬霍金的偉大想法 | 衛報動畫 (Stephen Hawking's big ideas... made simple | Guardian Animations)
14 And I suppose the incredible thing is that 簡單解說史蒂芬霍金的偉大想法 | 衛報動畫 (Stephen Hawking's big ideas... made simple | Guardian Animations)
15 that's at least as powerful and as effective as violence. The secret to effective nonviolent resistance | Jamila Raqib
16 that's at least as powerful and as effective as violence. The secret to effective nonviolent resistance | Jamila Raqib
17 I've been a little under the weather. 【吉米秀】如果 Siri 是你的醫生? (What if Siri Was Your Doctor?)
18 part of me likes the idea because I like the idea of of tracking my medical history. 【吉米秀】如果 Siri 是你的醫生? (What if Siri Was Your Doctor?)
19 We are just asking your permission to put it on your phone." 【吉米秀】如果 Siri 是你的醫生? (What if Siri Was Your Doctor?)
20 clearly we're gonna do even better in the future. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
21 I'm working on that. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
22 It can also improve your social life, if you choose to talk to them. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
23 They should know that money is not being wasted. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
24 The more people get engaged, the more progress we'll make. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
25 save as many kids as we can. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
26 I'd say that zero is even better, 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
27 I did not know that at all. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
28 that's way too good. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
29 Poverty's half today of what it was in 1990. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
30 One thing that is really stunning 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
31 free samples ruin my diet." 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
32 so quite a good buy. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
33 We want to get the best deal. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
34 we've all got limited money. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
35 closing that gap 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
36 They just don't make Cadillacs like they used to. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
37 we're all epic fails 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
38 This year's focus is on global health, touching on Women's Rights. 【Superwoman ft. 比爾蓋茲】你相信嗎?世界正在變得更好!First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates)
39 Maybe in a couple years? 視障者知道自己長什麼樣子嗎? (Do Blind People Know What They Look Like?)
40 that's about as much as I know 視障者知道自己長什麼樣子嗎? (Do Blind People Know What They Look Like?)
41 let's say for example if I could 視障者知道自己長什麼樣子嗎? (Do Blind People Know What They Look Like?)
42 it's not much of a big deal for me. 視障者知道自己長什麼樣子嗎? (Do Blind People Know What They Look Like?)
43 changing the way we think about these things. 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
44 Now, if you were a philanthropist really interested in breast cancer, what would make more sense: 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
45 Within just five years, we had multiplied that 554 times into 194 million dollars after all expenses 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
46 reputations will be dragged through the mud. 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
47 to serve the needy 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
48 bring in dramatically greater sums of money 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
49 want it go to the needy. 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
50 still ahead of them. 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
51 system of ethics, 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
52 we have a belief system that keeps them tiny. 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
53 are massive in scale, our organizations are tiny up against them, 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
54 Why have our breast cancer charities not come close to finding a cure for breast cancer, 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
55 a generosity of thought 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
56 capitalists, 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
57 these social problems are massive in scale 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
58 it doesn't seem to be working. 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
59 a world that works for everyone, with no one and nothing left out, 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
60 profound yearning to change the world. 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
61 is by far 【TED】Dan Pallotta:我們對慈善的思想是完全錯誤 The way we think about charity is dead wrong
62 My littler brother, a basketball-obsessed kid, 【TED】伊斯蘭恐懼症殺死了我弟弟:請讓我們停止仇恨 (Islamophobia killed my brother. Let's end the hate | Suzanne Barakat)
63 back and forth. 【TED】伊斯蘭恐懼症殺死了我弟弟:請讓我們停止仇恨 (Islamophobia killed my brother. Let's end the hate | Suzanne Barakat)
64 he beelines towards me, 【TED】伊斯蘭恐懼症殺死了我弟弟:請讓我們停止仇恨 (Islamophobia killed my brother. Let's end the hate | Suzanne Barakat)
65 It goes without saying that 【TED】伊斯蘭恐懼症殺死了我弟弟:請讓我們停止仇恨 (Islamophobia killed my brother. Let's end the hate | Suzanne Barakat)
66 It works great. 【吉米秀】Jimmy講述遇害的明星獅子西塞爾(Jimmy Kimmel on the Killing of Cecil the Lion)
67 he killed like half of noah's ark 【吉米秀】Jimmy講述遇害的明星獅子西塞爾(Jimmy Kimmel on the Killing of Cecil the Lion)
68 in 2000 he was convicted of a felony for lying about where he killed the bear in Wisconsin he got a year of probation for that 【吉米秀】Jimmy講述遇害的明星獅子西塞爾(Jimmy Kimmel on the Killing of Cecil the Lion)
69 I mean I am honestly curious to know why a human being would feel compelled to do that 【吉米秀】Jimmy講述遇害的明星獅子西塞爾(Jimmy Kimmel on the Killing of Cecil the Lion)
70 it should be handled in an lawful way and the man who took him by the jeep should be made accountable too 【吉米秀】Jimmy講述遇害的明星獅子西塞爾(Jimmy Kimmel on the Killing of Cecil the Lion)
71 Kofi is the embodiment of possibility. 【TED】Lisa Kristine: 見證現代奴役的照片 Photos that bear witness to modern slavery
72 remember looking into their tired, bloodshot eyes, 【TED】Lisa Kristine: 見證現代奴役的照片 Photos that bear witness to modern slavery
73 For as long as he can recall, he's been forced to work 【TED】Lisa Kristine: 見證現代奴役的照片 Photos that bear witness to modern slavery
74 the list can go on. 【TED】Lisa Kristine: 見證現代奴役的照片 Photos that bear witness to modern slavery
75 They have nothing to compare it to. 【TED】Lisa Kristine: 見證現代奴役的照片 Photos that bear witness to modern slavery
76 because this has been the case all their lives. They have nothing to compare it to. 【TED】Lisa Kristine: 見證現代奴役的照片 Photos that bear witness to modern slavery
77 I could get them in a worse situation than they were already in. 【TED】Lisa Kristine: 見證現代奴役的照片 Photos that bear witness to modern slavery
78 Private businesses often struggle to profitably serve the extreme poor, 【TED】這三個理由就是我們能戰勝貧窮的原因 (3 reasons why we can win the fight against poverty | Andrew Youn)
79 emerging markets. 【TED】這三個理由就是我們能戰勝貧窮的原因 (3 reasons why we can win the fight against poverty | Andrew Youn)
80 dedicate their careers to improving the lives of others. 【TED】這三個理由就是我們能戰勝貧窮的原因 (3 reasons why we can win the fight against poverty | Andrew Youn)
81 She is physically strong, mentally tough, 【TED】這三個理由就是我們能戰勝貧窮的原因 (3 reasons why we can win the fight against poverty | Andrew Youn)
82 Look at the strength and the will radiating from this woman. 【TED】這三個理由就是我們能戰勝貧窮的原因 (3 reasons why we can win the fight against poverty | Andrew Youn)
83 Hunger and extreme poverty curb human potential in every possible way. 【TED】這三個理由就是我們能戰勝貧窮的原因 (3 reasons why we can win the fight against poverty | Andrew Youn)
84 We can see a similar thing happen with food - do you ever wonder why it seems that healthy foods just don’t taste as good ? 終極問題:為什麼長得好看的人常常是個混蛋? (Are Good Looking People Jerks?)
85 If we take this a step further we can assume that 終極問題:為什麼長得好看的人常常是個混蛋? (Are Good Looking People Jerks?)
86 After all, if somebody is nice, you’re less likely to be critical of their appearance, which brings down the average of nice peoples looks. 終極問題:為什麼長得好看的人常常是個混蛋? (Are Good Looking People Jerks?)
87 It was for the worst of the worst. And I was one of those ray 的故事:死刑的錯誤 (Ray's Story: A Death Penalty Mistake)
88 , it was something in the news it didn't touch, affect our lives ray 的故事:死刑的錯誤 (Ray's Story: A Death Penalty Mistake)
89 I was subsequently released. ray 的故事:死刑的錯誤 (Ray's Story: A Death Penalty Mistake)
90 I didn't care about the death penalty, whether they had it or not. It didn't matter to me. ray 的故事:死刑的錯誤 (Ray's Story: A Death Penalty Mistake)
91 if you've ever even heard of it, 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
92 we certainly believe in learning by doing 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
93 and then later, to subsequently go to other -- 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
94 tend to be the most conservative, 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
95 That's a pretty soft landing. 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
96 you really can do it quite well. 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
97 You can serve a couple of thousand kids 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
98 we've been going steadily downhill. 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
99 like a bat out of hell 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
100 get standing ovations, 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
101 than it ever has before. 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
102 less reliably and less pleasantly 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
103 I've been using laptops since their inception. 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
104 unless we do some pretty clever things. 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
105 I'm just going to get that thing built, and it turns out it's not so hard. 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
106 doesn't have to have perfect color uniformity. 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
107 Go to the back of the line 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
108 Screw you 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
109 Kids are engaged 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
110 drop of truancy to almost zero, 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
111 Now at the time, I think it's fair to say that 80 percent of the teachers were -- let me say, apprehensive. 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
112 In parallel with this 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
113 we were struck by lightning 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
114 And one of the things in general that computers have provided to learning 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
115 which I've sort of been doing for a year and a half 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
116 someone else has taken it on -- 【TED】每一個孩子都擁有一台電腦,這樣的願景為何? (Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child)
117 not be racist towards Asians, 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
118 all of us might be part of the problem. 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
119 you might be part of the problem, 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
120 that's precisely the reason why we need to talk about them. 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
121 I get offended too easily, 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
122 it's at the the risk of being told that I am too sensitive, 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
123 we can fit in with the crowd. 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
124 So they group us by the color of our skin. 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
125 and invite your friends and family to sponsor and support you in bringing more clarity and compassion into the world. 跟上世界潮流,一起冥想吧! (Meditation Can Do Wonders)
126 And the money raised during the campaign will help build clean water wells in developing countries. 跟上世界潮流,一起冥想吧! (Meditation Can Do Wonders)
127 There's now hard scientific evidence supporting the fact that 跟上世界潮流,一起冥想吧! (Meditation Can Do Wonders)
128 radical act. 跟上世界潮流,一起冥想吧! (Meditation Can Do Wonders)
129 We get distracted, burned out 跟上世界潮流,一起冥想吧! (Meditation Can Do Wonders)
130 we forget to take a moment to just be in life. 跟上世界潮流,一起冥想吧! (Meditation Can Do Wonders)
131 this was by no means a conscious decision that I had made. 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
132 The more I rejected my Chinese identity, the more popular I became. 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
133 I distanced myself from the Asian stereotype as much as possible, by degrading my own race 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
134 I used to live in Texas." 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
135 "Okay, I'm just going to cut straight to the chase here, I guess what I'm saying is, 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
136 I mean, I lived in South Dakota for a while." 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
137 so this is how the conversation usually goes. 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
138 I usually stick with the truth. 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
139 Because contrary to your unrealistic expectations, I do not know every single one of the 1.35 billion Chinese people 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
140 with great intentions. 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
141 There was no in between. 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
142 I was self-conscious at the first thing people noticed about me 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
143 my so-called 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
144 little racial diversity 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
145 having grown up in North Dakota 【TEDx】Canwen Xu:我不是你刻板印象中的亞洲人 (I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype | Canwen Xu | TEDxBoise)
146 building an informed citizenry. 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
147 The simple proposal is that we should have some international standards, 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
148 Democracies make even more of a mess of these resource booms than autocracies. 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
149 It was that you knew you had to, 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
150 It wasn't just compassion for Europe, though there was that. 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
151 providing hope for the bottom billion? 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
152 That's the alliance that changes the world. 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
153 We need compassion to get ourselves started, and enlightened self-interest to get ourselves serious. 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
154 economies that have been stagnant for 40 years, 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
155 The best growth rates they've had -- ever. And the question is whether the short run will persist. 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
156 without precedent. 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
157 national sovereignty 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
158 total reversal of trade policy. 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
159 enlightened self-interest. 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
160 a combination of the two forces that changed the world for good, 【TED】四個能讓最底層的十億人生活更好的方法 (Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil)
161 understand what peace is all about, 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
162 I think we did achieve something. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
163 But this one, I think they are holding dearly, because it’s a permanent thing. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
164 Others, they are meant just to pass through. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
165 It was indeed a different event, compared to the other ones we did. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
166 it’s a long thing. You can carry it forever. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
167 Not on other people’s feet. Stand on your own feet. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
168 Stand on your own feet. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
169 it’s been a pleasure to come again. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
170 Make your heaven here, now. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
171 Do good deeds, and when you die, you will go to heaven.” 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
172 This is about, not believing 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
173 this has nothing to do with religion. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
174 so forth. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
175 Greetings to everybody. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
176 So, maybe if you honor me and tell me, who is Mr. Prem Rawat? 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
177 we are born with it. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
178 shape my future. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
179 be that person who even accidentally falls, picks something up. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
180 That’s the way to fly. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
181 irrespective of the circumstances, 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
182 that this Peace Education Program has also touched them. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
183 we are in this together. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
184 I was blaming everybody except myself. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
185 Choose clarity over confusion. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
186 Choose peace over chaos. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
187 Choose love over hate. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
188 Happiness has nothing to do with what you have and don’t have. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
189 I’m not here to convert you to something. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
190 Peace Ambassador. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
191 correctional facility. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
192 It’s not an ideal situation. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
193 there are benefits for both themselves as individual and the department. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
194 We definitely all need joy. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
195 It is priceless. It requires not any circumstance to be paid. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
196 if I knew that before, I wouldn’t be here. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
197 They’re more calm. They think through before they react. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
198 So far you are alive, you are on. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
199 The game isn’t over yet. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
200 and every one of them has an excuse 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
201 The most important thing is, I must enjoy my life. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
202 it looks as if my life has been taken away. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
203 It changed my whole outlook. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
204 that made a huge difference in my life. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
205 For the first time in my life 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
206 since I’ve done this wonderful program 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
207 that get you in here. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
208 it is the choices that you make; 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
209 nerve-racking. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
210 incredible fear. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
211 committed a crime 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
212 Just leave them alone! 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
213 there’s usually two reactions. 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
214 mentally and physically, 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
215 Reality is that I was distracted, 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
216 It is known as one of the most progressive prisons 和平-選擇 (Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison)
217 It will take the commitment of all to reduce food loss and waste 午餐又吃不完了?來認識糧食浪費的足跡 (Food Wastage Footprint)
218 Launch awareness-raising campaigns to inspire consumers to take whatever steps they can to stop food wastage. 午餐又吃不完了?來認識糧食浪費的足跡 (Food Wastage Footprint)
219 Revise those sell-by expiration dates so perfectly safe food is not discarded. 午餐又吃不完了?來認識糧食浪費的足跡 (Food Wastage Footprint)
220 Small efforts add up. 午餐又吃不完了?來認識糧食浪費的足跡 (Food Wastage Footprint)
221 as one of the safest, cleanest, and most eco-friendly cities in the world. 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
222 About two thirds of its people live in or around the capital of Reykjavik, 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
223 so what exactly is life like for all Icelanders? 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
224 gender equality issues 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
225 strip clubs 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
226 first democratically elected woman president. 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
227 The number of women in politics has grown immensely in the past few decades. 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
228 work, where women make between 14 and 18 percent less overall. 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
229 Iceland has yet to close the gap on earned income and wages for similar 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
230 protest wage inequality. 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
231 enforcing equal job opportunity for all, regardless of gender. 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
232 educational attainment 在冰島女性生活是什麼樣的? (What Is Life Really Like For Women In Iceland?)
233 are principles to the faith. 什麼是穆斯林?這世界上有17億個答案(What does it mean to be Muslim? There are 1.7 billion answers.)
234 oneness of God. 什麼是穆斯林?這世界上有17億個答案(What does it mean to be Muslim? There are 1.7 billion answers.)
235 I'm not hostage to the sausage 什麼是穆斯林?這世界上有17億個答案(What does it mean to be Muslim? There are 1.7 billion answers.)
236 When I introduced my atheist whitey-white infidel boyfriend to my dad, 什麼是穆斯林?這世界上有17億個答案(What does it mean to be Muslim? There are 1.7 billion answers.)
237 There are some that are very devout in practicing, there are some that are not, just like with every other faith. 什麼是穆斯林?這世界上有17億個答案(What does it mean to be Muslim? There are 1.7 billion answers.)
238 But Muslims come from all different walks of life. 什麼是穆斯林?這世界上有17億個答案(What does it mean to be Muslim? There are 1.7 billion answers.)
239 Compassion, mercy, these were the two concepts. 什麼是穆斯林?這世界上有17億個答案(What does it mean to be Muslim? There are 1.7 billion answers.)
240 So what do you think about the effects of Carbon Dioxide on the brain? 上班上課總是讓你昏昏欲睡嗎?不是你的錯!(How Classrooms Slow Your Brain Down)
241 The results are striking, to say the least 上班上課總是讓你昏昏欲睡嗎?不是你的錯!(How Classrooms Slow Your Brain Down)
242 of course these findings need to be replicated on a larger scale to be authenticated. 上班上課總是讓你昏昏欲睡嗎?不是你的錯!(How Classrooms Slow Your Brain Down)
243 I don't know...Melancholy to the overall look that is off putting... 睡眠如何影響你的面容?(How Does Sleep Affect Your Face?)
244 I think I'm a little convinced. 睡眠如何影響你的面容?(How Does Sleep Affect Your Face?)
245 happy healthy person 睡眠如何影響你的面容?(How Does Sleep Affect Your Face?)
246 This is the first time I've ever seen myself with wrinkles, I don't like it. 睡眠如何影響你的面容?(How Does Sleep Affect Your Face?)
247 My skin both looks and feels tired. 睡眠如何影響你的面容?(How Does Sleep Affect Your Face?)
248 It's sort of baggy and my eyes look a little bloodshot 睡眠如何影響你的面容?(How Does Sleep Affect Your Face?)
249 To me, sleeping is just something that you have to do 睡眠如何影響你的面容?(How Does Sleep Affect Your Face?)
250 summon good fortune. 【台灣二三事】你的內褲有多紅?(滴妹英文配音)(Taiwan Trivia EP2"How red is your underwear")
251 here is a way. 【台灣二三事】你的內褲有多紅?(滴妹英文配音)(Taiwan Trivia EP2"How red is your underwear")
252 So naturally 【台灣二三事】你的內褲有多紅?(滴妹英文配音)(Taiwan Trivia EP2"How red is your underwear")
253 Taiwanese people are not as confident. Apart from self-motivated diligence, they entrust their success to the care of the gods. 【台灣二三事】你的內褲有多紅?(滴妹英文配音)(Taiwan Trivia EP2"How red is your underwear")
254 This belief is different from the mindset of the West: Where there¡¦s a will, there is a way. 【台灣二三事】你的內褲有多紅?(滴妹英文配音)(Taiwan Trivia EP2"How red is your underwear")
255 man proposes, God disposes. 【台灣二三事】你的內褲有多紅?(滴妹英文配音)(Taiwan Trivia EP2"How red is your underwear")
256 The Taiwanese value of life is a combination of religion, customs, Feng-Shui, the five elements, and Chinese astrology. 【台灣二三事】你的內褲有多紅?(滴妹英文配音)(Taiwan Trivia EP2"How red is your underwear")
257 put lucky charms next to the bed for good luck. 【台灣二三事】你的內褲有多紅?(滴妹英文配音)(Taiwan Trivia EP2"How red is your underwear")
258 they would be restless if they didn¡¦t do it! 【台灣二三事】你的內褲有多紅?(滴妹英文配音)(Taiwan Trivia EP2"How red is your underwear")
259 of my life being remembered as shy. 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
260 I realized that that was the legacy I left, I didn't want to go through the rest 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
261 they’re making to philanthropy and to being global citizens. 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
262 a greater reason to take this chance. 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
263 that’s their one ticket out of poverty to a better life. 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
264 Giving them a sponsorship, 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
265 there would be a safety net under me. 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
266 the vision 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
267 believed in 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
268 my notice 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
269 I’m gonna give 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
270 I’m gonna give my notice 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
271 She’s the First full time. 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
272 So I found that middle road before I made the actual leap in going into 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
273 step out for a couple of hours in the afternoon to take a meeting with a potential funder, 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
274 It was early in the mornings or late at night 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
275 There were a couple of factors 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
276 how did you make that leap? 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
277 where the magic happens. 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
278 o be a partner in your idea and you both bring different things to the table, that’s 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
279 personalities, and I think… and expertise as well. So when you magically find that person 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
280 we kept adding on each other’s ideas. As people we also have such different 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
281 and I know that was a trigger point for you for the organization 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
282 them or they wanna take action on 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
283 either irritates 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
284 really fired up 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
285 I read that early on 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
286 lightbulb went off 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
287 and weekends volunteering to help more girls go to school. 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
288 So here I was by day in the office as a prom website editor, by night 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
289 And I got involved in that through being a journalism student. 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
290 had a huge passion for international affairs 讓所有女孩都受教育 改變世界 (Educate a Girl Change the World - Tammy Tibbetts and Marie Forleo)
291 we have to allow ourselves to entertain another option 被喜歡的人喜歡後,我們為何會討厭他們了?(Why We Go Off People Who Like Us)
292 Their affection seems suspicious, incomprehensible, and a touch repulsive, because at some level, this isn't what we're used to 被喜歡的人喜歡後,我們為何會討厭他們了?(Why We Go Off People Who Like Us)
293 tell the difference between 知名大品牌一定比雜牌好嗎?(Brand Name vs. Generic)
294 save those dollar bills and buy something special. 知名大品牌一定比雜牌好嗎?(Brand Name vs. Generic)
295 At the end of the day , generic products, whether food, drugs or otherwise, 知名大品牌一定比雜牌好嗎?(Brand Name vs. Generic)
296 asked to rate it. 知名大品牌一定比雜牌好嗎?(Brand Name vs. Generic)
297 regulations. 最大的貧民窟 (Where Are The Worlds Worst Slums?)
298 are poorly constructed, without any housing authority 最大的貧民窟 (Where Are The Worlds Worst Slums?)
299 are poorly constructed, without any housing authority regulations. 最大的貧民窟 (Where Are The Worlds Worst Slums?)
300 clean water access, appropriate sanitation, and personal safety. 最大的貧民窟 (Where Are The Worlds Worst Slums?)
301 They usually lack permanent housing, sufficient space for inhabitants, 最大的貧民窟 (Where Are The Worlds Worst Slums?)
302 and eventually prosper elsewhere. 最大的貧民窟 (Where Are The Worlds Worst Slums?)
303 residents will be able to overcome their living situations, 最大的貧民窟 (Where Are The Worlds Worst Slums?)
304 residents will be able to overcome their living situations, and eventually prosper elsewhere. 最大的貧民窟 (Where Are The Worlds Worst Slums?)
305 is often not enough to fully extricate them from the cycle of poverty. 最大的貧民窟 (Where Are The Worlds Worst Slums?)
306 If nothing seems to help, there may be an underlying medical condition 總是感覺疲累?科學家解釋原因 (Why Are You Always Tired?)
307 Worrying what people think, always feeling tense about work 總是感覺疲累?科學家解釋原因 (Why Are You Always Tired?)
308 Aside from that though 水會過期嗎? (Does Water Ever Expire?)
309 Our ancestors didn't have the benefit of germ theory or chemical purification, 水會過期嗎? (Does Water Ever Expire?)
310 Speaking of lying, is it ever ok to lie? 為什麼要和會罵髒話的人當朋友? (Why You Should Be Friends With People Who Curse)
311 See how it goes. 為什麼要和會罵髒話的人當朋友? (Why You Should Be Friends With People Who Curse)
312 those who swore more tended to also be those who told the truth. 為什麼要和會罵髒話的人當朋友? (Why You Should Be Friends With People Who Curse)
313 cardiac arrest 這會致命?這些東西都有可能讓你有生命危險 (This Much Will Kill You)
314 heart palpitations 這會致命?這些東西都有可能讓你有生命危險 (This Much Will Kill You)
315 stay away 這會致命?這些東西都有可能讓你有生命危險 (This Much Will Kill You)
316 stay away 這會致命?這些東西都有可能讓你有生命危險 (This Much Will Kill You)
317 and are known to be risk takers. 早起的鳥兒未必有蟲吃!?(Early Birds vs Night Owls)
318 have higher cognitive abilities 早起的鳥兒未必有蟲吃!?(Early Birds vs Night Owls)
319 early birds tend to display more positive social 早起的鳥兒未必有蟲吃!?(Early Birds vs Night Owls)
320 do morning people really have an advantage over night owls? 早起的鳥兒未必有蟲吃!?(Early Birds vs Night Owls)
321 might not score at all. 天啊!世界上的男生比女生多的原因竟然是... (Why Do We Have More Boys Than Girls?)
322 human meddling stacks 天啊!世界上的男生比女生多的原因竟然是... (Why Do We Have More Boys Than Girls?)
323 But nobody's life is as cool as it seems 邊緣人必聽!超爆笑臉書之歌!(Facebook Stalking Your More Successful Friends (Music Video))
324 They all make it look like they're living the dream 邊緣人必聽!超爆笑臉書之歌!(Facebook Stalking Your More Successful Friends (Music Video))
325 You got 99 likes on a pic on Throwback Thursday 邊緣人必聽!超爆笑臉書之歌!(Facebook Stalking Your More Successful Friends (Music Video))
326 new dryers are the environmentally friendly option. 紙巾、烘手機大 PK!哪個比較衛生?(Paper Towel vs Hand Dryers)
327 it shouldn't be a major problem. 紙巾、烘手機大 PK!哪個比較衛生?(Paper Towel vs Hand Dryers)
328 Although labor rights are pretty much non-existent in Taiwan 《台灣二三事》「你的尿有多黃?」(Taiwan Trivia EP1 “How Yellow is Your Urine?”)
329 optimal arrangement 紙巾、烘手機大 PK!哪個比較衛生?(Paper Towel vs Hand Dryers)
330 As for Taiwan? 100% of its workers just grit their teeth and power through every year. 《台灣二三事》「你的尿有多黃?」(Taiwan Trivia EP1 “How Yellow is Your Urine?”)
331 the industrious nature of the Taiwanese people 《台灣二三事》「你的尿有多黃?」(Taiwan Trivia EP1 “How Yellow is Your Urine?”)
332 So, when the time for clocking off comes around 《台灣二三事》「你的尿有多黃?」(Taiwan Trivia EP1 “How Yellow is Your Urine?”)
333 The Taiwanese are truly a “good” bunch of workers, aren’t they? 《台灣二三事》「你的尿有多黃?」(Taiwan Trivia EP1 “How Yellow is Your Urine?”)
334 non-existent 《台灣二三事》「你的尿有多黃?」(Taiwan Trivia EP1 “How Yellow is Your Urine?”)
335 hunched over 《台灣二三事》「你的尿有多黃?」(Taiwan Trivia EP1 “How Yellow is Your Urine?”)
336 but the intensity and duration of the exercise we do are also things we should also be considering. 不愛運動的人有「藉口」了!?小心運動過度的後遺症! (How Exercise Can KILL You!)
337 Not exercising at all, still has the worst possible outcome, 不愛運動的人有「藉口」了!?小心運動過度的後遺症! (How Exercise Can KILL You!)
338 it might seem counterintuitive to think that 不愛運動的人有「藉口」了!?小心運動過度的後遺症! (How Exercise Can KILL You!)
339 the country still has some room to grow in terms of climate and energy use. 哪些國家最環境友善!? (Which Countries Are The Most Eco-Friendly?)
340 carbon footprint. 哪些國家最環境友善!? (Which Countries Are The Most Eco-Friendly?)
341 on a daily basis. 哪些國家最環境友善!? (Which Countries Are The Most Eco-Friendly?)
342 inner destination, 流浪這麼久,這才是旅行的意義 (The Point of Travel)
343 They sometimes have trouble relating to their peers and also feel very out of control when things in their life don't go their way. 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
344 f there is higher expectations placed on you, then you're more likely to work harder, 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
345 Um, I guess I am more creative and definitely more like outgoing than her. 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
346 I've never done that before. I don't want to. 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
347 is often a social butterfly. 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
348 through thick and thin. 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
349 Dirt off my shoulder 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
350 It's not a problem at all. 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
351 self-fulfilling prophecy. 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
352 over many years. 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
353 is a whole other beast. 【生活英文】禁食時,你的身體會發生什麼事? (What Happens To Your Body When You Fast?)
354 Ramadan 【生活英文】禁食時,你的身體會發生什麼事? (What Happens To Your Body When You Fast?)
355 and so on 【生活英文】禁食時,你的身體會發生什麼事? (What Happens To Your Body When You Fast?)
356 extend lifespan 【生活英文】禁食時,你的身體會發生什麼事? (What Happens To Your Body When You Fast?)
357 Non-religious folks 【生活英文】禁食時,你的身體會發生什麼事? (What Happens To Your Body When You Fast?)
358 in which media shows wanted to sensationalize my story. 【TEDx】打破語言的藩籬(中英字幕)(Breaking the language barrier | Tim Doner | TEDxTeen 2014)
359 dramatic life 【經典電影解析】白日夢冒險王─「班史提勒」 (The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (Starring Ben Stiller) Movie Review)
360 oh my god does this have the imagining a more dramatic life than the the the dedicated going on yeah it starts out where he imagines 【經典電影解析】白日夢冒險王─「班史提勒」 (The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (Starring Ben Stiller) Movie Review)
361 So social movements led by religious groups, philanthropies, 【TED-Ed】跑步機的黑暗史 (The treadmill's dark and twisted past - Conor Heffernan)
362 abysmally bad. 【TED-Ed】跑步機的黑暗史 (The treadmill's dark and twisted past - Conor Heffernan)
363 that’s up to you to figure out. 人生感到迷惘?生命的意義到底是什麼呢? (World's Most Asked Questions: What is the Meaning of Life?)
364 Once upon a time 人生感到迷惘?生命的意義到底是什麼呢? (World's Most Asked Questions: What is the Meaning of Life?)
365 character defect 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
366 That was completely unthinkable 50 or even 30 years ago. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
367 just as well as their wives can, 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
368 They take paternity leave when they can. They can walk a baby or soothe a toddler 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
369 that's a risky proposition 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
370 are self-interest and caring for others. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
371 but underneath, they're scratching their heads. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
372 he puts his manhood on the line. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
373 We can decide to be a breadwinner, a caregiver, or any combination of the two. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
374 career ladder 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
375 or who is most committed to her career? 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
376 Think about it: Breadwinning and caregiving are equally necessary for human survival. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
377 is actually a global imperative. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
378 we used to luxuriate in the culture of siesta. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
379 engaged with 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
380 and higher levels of mental health. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
381 they have lower levels of stress 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
382 have a much wider range of experiences and contacts. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
383 results-focused 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
384 that the work will get done, and done better. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
385 borne out 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
386 and my confidence has always been borne out, 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
387 If you work for me, and you have a family issue, I expect you to attend to it, 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
388 I have always acted on the mantra, 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
389 and understanding that the two reinforce each other. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
390 I finally allowed myself to accept what was really most important to me, 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
391 That was a decision based on love and responsibility. 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
392 But deep down, I knew that the right decision was to go home, 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
393 to push myself forward for what are really only a handful of the very top foreign policy jobs, 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
394 This was my moment to lean in, 【TED】顧好家庭是顧好工作的根基嗎?Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
395 matter of changing political and national considerations 【TED-Ed】語言是如何發展的呢? (How languages evolve - Alex Gendler)
396 when inspiration came to him. 【TED-Ed】阿基米德背後的真實故事!The real story behind Archimedes’ Eureka! - Armand D'Angour
397 So he took on the problem: will it sink? 【TED-Ed】阿基米德背後的真實故事!The real story behind Archimedes’ Eureka! - Armand D'Angour
398 The melancholy facts shouldn't make us desperate, rather more forgiving, kinder, and better able to focus on what really matters while there's still time. 人生的意義,擁抱自己的憂傷 (On Feeling Melancholy)
399 To take that fully to heart is to become more compassionate and less vengeful. 人生的意義,擁抱自己的憂傷 (On Feeling Melancholy)
400 You can only avoid regret by switching off your imagination. 人生的意義,擁抱自己的憂傷 (On Feeling Melancholy)
401 You've wasted years, everyone has. 人生的意義,擁抱自己的憂傷 (On Feeling Melancholy)
402 many decent people have a very hard time 人生的意義,擁抱自己的憂傷 (On Feeling Melancholy)
403 that it's very unusual to have a career that's both financially rewarding and morally uplifting; 人生的意義,擁抱自己的憂傷 (On Feeling Melancholy)
404 Modern society tends to emphasize buoyancy and cheerfulness 人生的意義,擁抱自己的憂傷 (On Feeling Melancholy)
405 But we should pay more attention to it, even seek it out from time to time. 人生的意義,擁抱自己的憂傷 (On Feeling Melancholy)
406 Sometimes there's only one solution and that's to take a nap. 如何不靠咖啡因也能打擊疲勞 (How to Stay Awake Without Caffeine)
407 This stuff help us stay awake and alert during the day 如何不靠咖啡因也能打擊疲勞 (How to Stay Awake Without Caffeine)
Tucker Chang


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