# 佳句 來源影片
1 crossed path 全球爆紅新神曲:能讓世界和平的超狂抖肩舞 (Coincidance)
2 wound up 全球爆紅新神曲:能讓世界和平的超狂抖肩舞 (Coincidance)
3 skin-deep 完全胡鬧廣告:貝克漢與柯登聯合鄭重推出內褲品牌 (中英字幕) (David Beckham and James Corden's New Underwear Line)
4 sexually aroused 完全胡鬧廣告:貝克漢與柯登聯合鄭重推出內褲品牌 (中英字幕) (David Beckham and James Corden's New Underwear Line)
5 unlikely event 如果航空公司廣告100%誠實.... (Honest Airline Commercial)
6 buy that 瞎妹必懂:po 自拍的天人交戰 (Should You Post A Selfie?)
7 made it 瞎妹必懂:po 自拍的天人交戰 (Should You Post A Selfie?)
8 made it 瞎妹必懂:po 自拍的天人交戰 (Should You Post A Selfie?)
9 made 瞎妹必懂:po 自拍的天人交戰 (Should You Post A Selfie?)
10 second guess 瞎妹必懂:po 自拍的天人交戰 (Should You Post A Selfie?)
11 come across 瞎妹必懂:po 自拍的天人交戰 (Should You Post A Selfie?)
12 stick out 瞎妹必懂:po 自拍的天人交戰 (Should You Post A Selfie?)
13 pick up 【迪士尼新作】腦筋急轉彎 預告片 (Inside Out Trailer (HD))
14 Hang on 【迪士尼新作】腦筋急轉彎 預告片 (Inside Out Trailer (HD))
15 pick up 【迪士尼新作】腦筋急轉彎 預告片 (Inside Out Trailer (HD))
16 pick 【迪士尼新作】腦筋急轉彎 預告片 (Inside Out Trailer (HD))
17 buy into 【超中肯】亞洲女孩最討厭的 17 件事 (Things Asian Girls Hate)
18 really! Where are you from? 【超中肯】亞洲女孩最討厭的 17 件事 (Things Asian Girls Hate)
19 ! Where are you from? 【超中肯】亞洲女孩最討厭的 17 件事 (Things Asian Girls Hate)
20 really! Where are you from? 【超中肯】亞洲女孩最討厭的 17 件事 (Things Asian Girls Hate)
21 pickup lines 【超中肯】亞洲女孩最討厭的 17 件事 (Things Asian Girls Hate)
22 patriarchal family 【超中肯】亞洲女孩最討厭的 17 件事 (Things Asian Girls Hate)
23 Asian bubble 【超中肯】亞洲女孩最討厭的 17 件事 (Things Asian Girls Hate)
24 hit on 【超中肯】亞洲女孩最討厭的 17 件事 (Things Asian Girls Hate)
25 parallel parking 【超中肯】亞洲女孩最討厭的 17 件事 (Things Asian Girls Hate)
26 the flip side 【超中肯】亞洲女孩最討厭的 17 件事 (Things Asian Girls Hate)
27 pinch a loaf 【廣告裁判精選】大便臭臭?噗噗麗給你無臭保證 (Girls Don't Poop - PooPourri.com)
28 subtle scent 【廣告裁判精選】大便臭臭?噗噗麗給你無臭保證 (Girls Don't Poop - PooPourri.com)
29 skid mark 【廣告裁判精選】大便臭臭?噗噗麗給你無臭保證 (Girls Don't Poop - PooPourri.com)
30 graphic evidence 【廣告裁判精選】大便臭臭?噗噗麗給你無臭保證 (Girls Don't Poop - PooPourri.com)
31 cavernous bowels. 【廣告裁判精選】大便臭臭?噗噗麗給你無臭保證 (Girls Don't Poop - PooPourri.com)
32 the mother load 【廣告裁判精選】大便臭臭?噗噗麗給你無臭保證 (Girls Don't Poop - PooPourri.com)


收藏 時間
0 3563

測驗 排名

測驗總分 看完的影片
1460 22
bronze silver gold
